dshak wrote:
I think it would be a LOT more interesting if perhaps we could equip the deer with rocket propelled grenades, or at the very least teach them to lay claymores.
I'm one of those people who supports hunting only if it is a means of feeding oneself. Killing something, ANYTHING, for sport is just about the worst action another living thing can take in my opinion. I also find the above post to be unbelievable... you just don't know nature until you've shot and killed it. give me a friggin break. please.
I especially liked the part about nature undisturbed... that is except for the guy with the 22 trying to find things to murder.
Now if you will excuse me I'm off to meet with the other hippies...
All too often non-hunters equate hunting with killing. Many believe to be a successful hunter that you must kill. Unfortunately, they do not realize that hunting is not about killing. What confuses the issue is the fact that nearly all successful hunters spend 99% of their time a field admiring wildlife and the outdoors in general.
Just wonderin here, have you ever sat in the wood for 4-5 hours, all the while remaining perfectly still? If not, then you won't understand what i am talking about(then again, if you have done that, you probably wouldn't have misunderstood my post). As i said in my other post, it's not the shooting that makes hunting so addicting, it's the experience. Seeing nature the way it truly is, when man isn't around. Virtually all of the hunters time is spent observing their quarry's habits, movements and learning about the animals environment. In other words a nature walk with a goal. Maybe you should re-read my last post, but this time, with an open mind. You say you don't mind hunting if it's to feed(which i fully agree with), but then you call it murder. When anyother animal kills for food, is that also concidered murder?
And just because you don't always agree with hunting doesn't make you a hippie, it makes you a lover of wildlife. Just like most of us who hunt.
Last edited by -=1stInF.|Slappey (19 years, 1 month ago)