I was at this killer party a couple years back and totally smashed
i was leaning against a tree out front and puking my guts out and telling said tree how much i loved it cuz it stood there like a man while i threw up on it...
anyway, these two chicks come out and start making out right next to me (still blowing chunks here) and i eventually cease hurling and look up at them, smile, wipe my mouth and think
hey, here's my chance to get some!so i pipe up with "hey girls, how bout a snog for me?"
one of them pointed out that "you've just been sick everywhere!"
my reply being "yeah, but i got some chewing gum"
needless to say i didn't get any that night...
AND the next day i went rock climbing with my mate and halfway up one of the walls, i notice a weird smell. Apparantly i hadn't showered very well and i could still smell sick on my arm.
EDIT: here's a pic of the two girls at the party that somone sent me a few days later:
Last edited by ^KoB^Buckles (2006-07-13 07:50:56)