I seem to have developed, in my youth, a strange affinity for petite trailer trash brunettes...quite embarrassing, really...why couldn't I have developed an attraction to women of means and taste?!
I know we technically speak the same language and all.... but I didn't understand half of that.sagexp wrote:
lets see embarassing moment.......oh i got one....being poor and pretty noobie when it comes to drinking me and my mate used to buy shorts for roughly 2euro'ish, we used old money then, and anyway lashing back shorts when ur 18 always leads to a puke-a-thon. Anywhy my mate throws a gusher and gets some on his shirt, me being the top bloke that i am, gives him my extra one a friend in need ehh. So any way after chucking out time im chatting to this bird and i feel a gusher coming, so i make my excuse's and head to the toliet, but the bars closed. Now i dont want her to see im sick so i sneak around the corner into a dark spot and blow the bellows in the refreshing way that only a good spew can give you. Now the embarrasing bit, yes theres more, my buddy wearing my t-shirt passed out in that dark corner that i had decided to mark as my territory, all i heard was "jesus christ whats going on" OMG he was covered, and i didnt know wether to laugh or cry as i had given him my t-shirt. To this day he has not forgotten it and i cant think about it without giggling like a school girl...
p.s.....pulled the girl to...washed the sick down with tinnies and fags..classy bird
what about her? You wanna wrestle with her or something? oooOOOOooooo is she HOT?Tjasso wrote:
Mother in law (not yet )
I'm not actually a boy........
Well i was trying to capture the language of my youth, and set the mood for the wanton acts of stupidity involving alcohol. A more elegant version might be as such...comet241 wrote:
I know we technically speak the same language and all.... but I didn't understand half of that.sagexp wrote:
lets see embarassing moment.......oh i got one....being poor and pretty noobie when it comes to drinking me and my mate used to buy shorts for roughly 2euro'ish, we used old money then, and anyway lashing back shorts when ur 18 always leads to a puke-a-thon. Anywhy my mate throws a gusher and gets some on his shirt, me being the top bloke that i am, gives him my extra one a friend in need ehh. So any way after chucking out time im chatting to this bird and i feel a gusher coming, so i make my excuse's and head to the toliet, but the bars closed. Now i dont want her to see im sick so i sneak around the corner into a dark spot and blow the bellows in the refreshing way that only a good spew can give you. Now the embarrasing bit, yes theres more, my buddy wearing my t-shirt passed out in that dark corner that i had decided to mark as my territory, all i heard was "jesus christ whats going on" OMG he was covered, and i didnt know wether to laugh or cry as i had given him my t-shirt. To this day he has not forgotten it and i cant think about it without giggling like a school girl...
p.s.....pulled the girl to...washed the sick down with tinnies and fags..classy bird
Two friends are in the mood to get drunk but find there fiscal means rather paltry. The cleverer of the two suggests the consumption of shots as they promise a quicker route to inebriation and allow them to saty with in there means.
After a few tipples the less brave of the two accidentally re-examines dinner ruining his party garments and is understandably miffed at the prospect of returning for an early night. Now on hearing of his friends great predicament the hero of our tale volunteers his t-shirt as he had one to spare.
Now here is where the tale takes a darker twist. The hero after consuming heroic portions of whiskey feels in the mood for a bit of rough and tumble with a maiden whom until a few hours ago (about 6 shots) was far from comely and in fact would often be portrayed as the ugly step sister in many a darkened myth.
Now our hero too begins to feel the imminent return of his a fore mentioned dinner, and acting very chivalrous he kindly excuse himself from the recently fair young maiden and proceeds to the lavatory. However the vestibule is closed and with time running out for our tragic hero he makes the quick decision to be foul a darkened corner when to his astonishment and profound embarrassment he hears “ Jesus Christ what the fuck is that” or words to that effect.
Alas to the sorrow and shame of our fallen hero he has not only despoiled his friend but his very own shirt too. And further insult to injury our crestfallen knight rides off to the castle of our less than fair young maiden
well i tried hope its clearer ^^^^
I have Three Nipples No JK
so where in scotland do you stay hmmmmmad scotsman wrote:
im 5 foot high with a 13 inch willy lol
the problem is that he keeps the willy in his nightstand, and it smells funny
I pissed the bed till I was like 13-14
I used to sleepwalk pretty regularly as a child. I seemed to have this problem where I would sleepwalk into my parents room to go pee. Unfortunately, my dad's underwear drawer and his boots were the most common receptacles.
This wasn't embarrsing for me, but my friend that fell victim to us...it was.
Setting: Chesapeake, Va. USMC Close Quarters Battle School.
Time: 2200 Hrs (10:00PM), on a Friday, 2002 A.D.
My Squad had recently been trained at the above mentioned school [Swat/SRT Tactics'n'such].
CQB Squad 2 and myself are hanging out in my room [303A] waiting for "Mac" to finish getting dressed so we can pile into 2 Cabs and head towards Virginia Beach for a night of fun. Mac's roomate Jay is wondering what in the fuck is taking Mac so long to get ready.
Jay, "i'm going go to see what in the fuck is taking so Long"
Nick [me], "okay dude"
Jay returns in a few seconds since his room is nex to mine [304].
Jay, "DUDE!! Mac is whacking off, i can hear the PR0N! playing, and the room is locked, but i still have my key"
Nick, "Squad 2, stack on room 304!"
We stack on the door and get ready to make entry, with camera's in hand.
Nick, "Squad, i have controll, in 3...2..1... GO GO GO!!"
The squad makes entry into said room whilst Mac is sitting there spanking his monkey with Brianna Loves Jenna playing, a towel and some motion lotion. We take the photos and leave the room.
Not even after we shut the door Mac is all over himself like a cheap suit again.. Apperantly this asshat doesn't understand.
We stack on the hatch yet again, and prepare for entry. We caught the bastard doing it again. However Jay had located a bucket of cold water, Cold water was then applied to a Naked Mac. The Squad was chased out of Room 304 by a naked man with a stiffy that was dripping wet. The best part was, a formation of younger Marines for a different school, with a platoon of Navy WOMEN were below our room waiting to be dismissed for the weekend.
Setting: Chesapeake, Va. USMC Close Quarters Battle School.
Time: 2200 Hrs (10:00PM), on a Friday, 2002 A.D.
My Squad had recently been trained at the above mentioned school [Swat/SRT Tactics'n'such].
CQB Squad 2 and myself are hanging out in my room [303A] waiting for "Mac" to finish getting dressed so we can pile into 2 Cabs and head towards Virginia Beach for a night of fun. Mac's roomate Jay is wondering what in the fuck is taking Mac so long to get ready.
Jay, "i'm going go to see what in the fuck is taking so Long"
Nick [me], "okay dude"
Jay returns in a few seconds since his room is nex to mine [304].
Jay, "DUDE!! Mac is whacking off, i can hear the PR0N! playing, and the room is locked, but i still have my key"
Nick, "Squad 2, stack on room 304!"
We stack on the door and get ready to make entry, with camera's in hand.
Nick, "Squad, i have controll, in 3...2..1... GO GO GO!!"
The squad makes entry into said room whilst Mac is sitting there spanking his monkey with Brianna Loves Jenna playing, a towel and some motion lotion. We take the photos and leave the room.
Not even after we shut the door Mac is all over himself like a cheap suit again.. Apperantly this asshat doesn't understand.
We stack on the hatch yet again, and prepare for entry. We caught the bastard doing it again. However Jay had located a bucket of cold water, Cold water was then applied to a Naked Mac. The Squad was chased out of Room 304 by a naked man with a stiffy that was dripping wet. The best part was, a formation of younger Marines for a different school, with a platoon of Navy WOMEN were below our room waiting to be dismissed for the weekend.
Most embarising that happened to me was probably when i was 15, put it like this is was my 15th birthday i was all happy and what-not, i had my girlfriend staying and we decided to have sex on the stairs (long story), anyway my mum and dad had gone out to go and get some shopping at the time and we basicly forgot about the time.
Now as you walk into my parents house you open the door and the stairs are right infront of you, so they came in with all this shopping and what was the first they saw..............
That my friends is my MOST embarresing moment ever.
(she was a great shag though)
Now as you walk into my parents house you open the door and the stairs are right infront of you, so they came in with all this shopping and what was the first they saw..............
That my friends is my MOST embarresing moment ever.
(she was a great shag though)
what about your pony, you did that one toJaM3z wrote:
Most embarising that happened to me was probably when i was 15, put it like this is was my 15th birthday i was all happy and what-not, i had my girlfriend staying and we decided to have sex on the stairs (long story), anyway my mum and dad had gone out to go and get some shopping at the time and we basicly forgot about the time.
Now as you walk into my parents house you open the door and the stairs are right infront of you, so they came in with all this shopping and what was the first they saw..............
That my friends is my MOST embarresing moment ever.
(she was a great shag though)
my baddest moment, was when I was 8, i fell down with my bike, on my knee and it was bleeding like mad
didnt notice it at all so I was screaming to my dad hey man i fell!! im cool!!
then I noticed the blood and started to cry like a little bitch, everybody watching
noez ze embarresment, 3 stitches
I have a sock fetish. But girls in socks. Nothing too fascinating if theyre off their feet. But I cant stand feet either. Just socks, and on some occasions shoes. And no, Im not attracted to male socks. I can tell if its just a picture of their feet, and if I cant tell, then they have really girly feet :\
I'll go around in WalMart/my school and like pretend my camera isnt working and pretend to be trying to press the button and aiming it down at their feet and I'll take the picture and be like "well I just got a great picture of your feet" and if therye hawt I'll say something cheesy like "instead of your great face".
I have a whole folder just full of pictures of socks. Girls will look over at me and be like "are you staring at my ass?" and Im like "no your socks". and they give me the WEIRDEST look ever. Im totally cool about it, its just its not something you see every day.
Whenever my female friends come over to talk and hang out, they know like a basic routine is for them to bring socks. And they'll totally tease me and swing them past my face and watch me try and grab them. But most of the time they dont care and they let me sit at the end of my bed and they put their socks on me and I totally pitch a tent.
I'll go around in WalMart/my school and like pretend my camera isnt working and pretend to be trying to press the button and aiming it down at their feet and I'll take the picture and be like "well I just got a great picture of your feet" and if therye hawt I'll say something cheesy like "instead of your great face".
I have a whole folder just full of pictures of socks. Girls will look over at me and be like "are you staring at my ass?" and Im like "no your socks". and they give me the WEIRDEST look ever. Im totally cool about it, its just its not something you see every day.
Whenever my female friends come over to talk and hang out, they know like a basic routine is for them to bring socks. And they'll totally tease me and swing them past my face and watch me try and grab them. But most of the time they dont care and they let me sit at the end of my bed and they put their socks on me and I totally pitch a tent.
Last edited by Cursed You (2006-07-12 12:59:16)
shopping at menards for snowblower and realizing how sick i am i strut towards the dude room and as soon as i open the door i blow chunks into my hands. sure enough there is an asshole in there washing his hands and staring at me like i'm doing this on purpose. anyway i finish up in the stall and proceed to clean up the trail i had left. after 5 mins of washing the toliet off and cleaning my hands i see a store emplyee come in with a mop bucket and everything. needless to say i walked out like i owned the place. i still ain't been back to menards.
and all this "mangina" talk is giving me ideas!!!!!
and all this "mangina" talk is giving me ideas!!!!!
ok, lolCursed You wrote:
I have a sock fetish. But girls in socks. Nothing too fascinating if theyre off their feet. But I cant stand feet either. Just socks, and on some occasions shoes. And no, Im not attracted to male socks. I can tell if its just a picture of their feet, and if I cant tell, then they have really girly feet :\
I'll go around in WalMart/my school and like pretend my camera isnt working and pretend to be trying to press the button and aiming it down at their feet and I'll take the picture and be like "well I just got a great picture of your feet" and if therye hawt I'll say something cheesy like "instead of your great face".
I have a whole folder just full of pictures of socks. Girls will look over at me and be like "are you staring at my ass?" and Im like "no your socks". and they give me the WEIRDEST look ever. Im totally cool about it, its just its not something you see every day.
Whenever my female friends come over to talk and hang out, they know like a basic routine is for them to bring socks. And they'll totally tease me and swing them past my face and watch me try and grab them. But most of the time they dont care and they let me sit at the end of my bed and they put their socks on me and I totally pitch a tent.
One of my nipples is triangular..... And I don't know why but I'm always been embarrassed the day the doctor came out and said "Your son has A.D.D" to my dad. And everyone in the waiting room stared at me.....
elmo1337 wrote:
ok, lolCursed You wrote:
I have a sock fetish. But girls in socks. Nothing too fascinating if theyre off their feet. But I cant stand feet either. Just socks, and on some occasions shoes. And no, Im not attracted to male socks. I can tell if its just a picture of their feet, and if I cant tell, then they have really girly feet :\
I'll go around in WalMart/my school and like pretend my camera isnt working and pretend to be trying to press the button and aiming it down at their feet and I'll take the picture and be like "well I just got a great picture of your feet" and if therye hawt I'll say something cheesy like "instead of your great face".
I have a whole folder just full of pictures of socks. Girls will look over at me and be like "are you staring at my ass?" and Im like "no your socks". and they give me the WEIRDEST look ever. Im totally cool about it, its just its not something you see every day.
Whenever my female friends come over to talk and hang out, they know like a basic routine is for them to bring socks. And they'll totally tease me and swing them past my face and watch me try and grab them. But most of the time they dont care and they let me sit at the end of my bed and they put their socks on me and I totally pitch a tent.
I have a third nipple and can't whistle, can't think of any times when I was little that I wet/crapped myself in public, but to be fair to the thread when I run in the heat my digestive system is known to fail and not want to work as well as it usually does, I never really get the runs though I don't think, but with all the hair/sweat that situation is always a mess so I might not notice if I ever did.
alright so im in a wheelchair and always have been... everyone knows when your young you have no fear well... my favorite would be to wheel up to stack of stairs do a lil wheelie and ride em down... ppl used to freak out when they seen this and i always got a kick out of it... UNTIL.. im out with some friends at McChucks got my tray of greasy burgers, fries and drank.. headin for the table i see the 3 stairs and think no problem.. front tires up and zip down... not so smooth this time... i flip over backward and knock myself out on the stairs... so i come too on the floor covered in food and drank and with a whole lot of strange faces staring down at me asking if im ok... that was the last time i rode stairs
Today 14:57:08 +1 Tell us something embarassing about yourself that sock thing is weird, you need soemthing, karma is really all I can give
Oh come on now. Everyone is saying the sock fetish is weird but there is a guy rubbing his mangina on his wife and I get the weird stares?!
Oh come on now. Everyone is saying the sock fetish is weird but there is a guy rubbing his mangina on his wife and I get the weird stares?!
hahahaCursed You wrote:
Today 14:57:08 +1 Tell us something embarassing about yourself that sock thing is weird, you need soemthing, karma is really all I can give
Oh come on now. Everyone is saying the sock fetish is weird but there is a guy rubbing his mangina on his wife and I get the weird stares?!
i tried to sell some old socks on eBay before and they got removed due to sexual content i was like ZOMGWTFBBQ, ill find the email they sent me and post it.
I am downloading porn, even as I type this.
isnt this the reason the internet was created?Burning_Monkey wrote:
I am downloading porn, even as I type this.
So saith google video.JaM3z wrote:
isnt this the reason the internet was created?Burning_Monkey wrote:
I am downloading porn, even as I type this.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 1227974645