wow, I have 34,000 with 300 hours dude your doing something wrong.
Cursed You

MoChief wrote:

aqempty wrote:

bf2 is basic spm and kpd
spm is more for teamplay
kpd is for vehicles and infantry and assault and claymorers
ha-ha 215 hours and 40 gold stars, being serious gold stars dont mean anything a gold star in a 16 map isnt the same of a 64 map, and isnt  the same of a 64 city map.
and depends on ur gameplay by example a armor whoring can get a gold easy in karkand.
Good point.  I have 110 golds w/ 689 hours.  But I'm almost always on a full 64 player server so the competition for medals is pretty fierce.  I've seen other's stats with 5 times that many golds for that time but would have to guess they don't have quite as many players in their rounds.  So, on the neg side, I don't have so many medals, but on the positive side, they're great to actually get them (especially when we're changing maps and everyone can see stats of the gold/silver/bronze winners for the round).
These are the only times I get gold stars.


When I have rounds where my most played/only vehicle was ground defense?  When I just flat out destroy the other team with a good squad, a good strategy, and a bunch of bullet catching noobs that try to camp the hotel alley.  Other than that its a silver or two here and a couple of bronze, but those are the golds that are really worth it
+59|6890|The land of Hookers and pod
Lol i have 52 hours and 39 gold medals.

aardfrith wrote:

Downy, do you have a second account, with a sniper?  If not, it seems you have a protege in this guy... http://bf2s.com/player/67217876/
OMG I made a post about that a long tima ago and everyone said I was just being egotysical and that I was teh dumbhead. http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=23206
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Δ > x > ¥
There's also this http://bf2s.com/player/43389274/ guy.  Your k/d ratio is far superior to his and he's only got 1 bronze medal (no silver or gold) in almost 500 hours.

aardfrith wrote:

There's also this http://bf2s.com/player/43389274/ guy.  Your k/d ratio is far superior to his and he's only got 1 bronze medal (no silver or gold) in almost 500 hours.
Oh crap.  If I had 500 hours in and just now got to Gunnery Sgt, I think I'd shoot myself.  Please tell me this person is under 9 years of age, severely mentally handicapped, or both.

Definitely, definitely a good driver.  Time for Wapner.

Kusunagi wrote:

Lol i have 52 hours and 39 gold medals.
Y0ur3 the l33t pwn3r?!?@#5
+138|6659|New Zealand
190 Gold Medals, 88 hours play time.

I only play on 64 player karkland. At the time I used this account ([M.o.D]aLi3nZ) the server had pretty short rounds, now that the server has 300 tickets the rounds are longer. How many gold medals someone has can also depend on this.

Eg, on my new account (9th.aLi3nZ) on the same 64 player karkland server that now has 300 tickets. I have played a total 25 hours, but only have 38 gold medals.

I'm in the top 3 90% of the time btw.
I'll sleep when i'm dead

jord wrote:

Always look on the bright side of life...

You play for fun,and isn't that what truly matters?
HELL YEA BRO, sadly i only get to play when the wife and kids are in bed but when i do play IT'S ALL ABOUT FUN ONLY!

See http://bf2s.com/player/60569885/   this a player who has fun and not a whore about his stats.
bad touch

you can half of mine.

aLi3nZ wrote:

190 Gold Medals, 88 hours play time.

I only play on 64 player karkland. At the time I used this account ([M.o.D]aLi3nZ) the server had pretty short rounds, now that the server has 300 tickets the rounds are longer. How many gold medals someone has can also depend on this.

Eg, on my new account (9th.aLi3nZ) on the same 64 player karkland server that now has 300 tickets. I have played a total 25 hours, but only have 38 gold medals.

I'm in the top 3 90% of the time btw.
You should come play with us tonight on cantstopgaming server.  You've got some wicked spm and kpd ratios for infantry.  I'd like to see that kind of stuff in my squad.  There are some pretty good guys there such as the_needle and genrl_nod.  Although if you're in New Zealand, that might be difficult.
Internet Poon

MoChief wrote:


For what it's worth, DDT Adam is about as bad:

I have to admire his perseverance
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6704|The Land of Claywhore
Check out this dude's gold.

Last edited by BrOk_MoRdU (2006-07-11 15:00:53)

Internet Poon

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

Check out this dude!
Hey, you found my account! [/jk]

but really, my win/loss ratio sucks too man, we all have our flaws o.O
and you probably only have 13 gold medals because commanders have the nasty habit of being better than you, no matter how good you play
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6704|The Land of Claywhore

iPoon.be wrote:

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

Check out this dude!
Hey, you found my account! [/jk]

but really, my win/loss ratio sucks too man, we all have our flaws o.O
and you probably only have 13 gold medals because commanders have the nasty habit of being better than you, no matter how good you play
Those aren't my stats,I just happen to stumble across this person in another post.
Internet Poon

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

iPoon.be wrote:

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:

Check out this dude!
Hey, you found my account! [/jk]

but really, my win/loss ratio sucks too man, we all have our flaws o.O
and you probably only have 13 gold medals because commanders have the nasty habit of being better than you, no matter how good you play
Those aren't my stats,I just happen to stumble across this person in another post.
Im not blaming you, read my post again ^^
+4|6758|Sacramento, California
I don't think how many gold medals you have in relation to your time spent playing shows your true skill. I think the true way to find who is the biggest BF2 looser is to see who has the most purple hearts ( with death streak as a tie breaker ) in relation to time spent playing.
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
I tit about. I have fun. Bollocks to ye for mocking my stats

Im about the same skill as my friends, i just dont care about my stats.

King_County_Downy wrote:

So I'm still waiting for some contenders. Anyone got worse stats after 500 hours?
i got one for you  http://bf2s.com/player/64546493/
Tank commander
+83|6888|DUTCH snap ik!
gratz man! i play 450 hours and got 67 gold

wachtler83 wrote:

King_County_Downy wrote:

So I'm still waiting for some contenders. Anyone got worse stats after 500 hours?
i got one for you  http://bf2s.com/player/64546493/
That's almost an exact replica of teh downy!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Δ > x > ¥

MoChief wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

There's also this http://bf2s.com/player/43389274/ guy.  Your k/d ratio is far superior to his and he's only got 1 bronze medal (no silver or gold) in almost 500 hours.
Oh crap.  If I had 500 hours in and just now got to Gunnery Sgt, I think I'd shoot myself.  Please tell me this person is under 9 years of age, severely mentally handicapped, or both.

Definitely, definitely a good driver.  Time for Wapner.
Oh crap sums it up.  I can't stand looking at his stats anymore as they're giving me the creeps.  I was thinking 88 hours as sniper without getting the veteran sniper badge was bad until I saw his assault kit time.  274 hours as assault and he's just on basic.

But yes, he's a good driver.  Got more driver points than me.
+2|6675|Houston, TX

Cursed You wrote:

docnutz wrote:

lol your almost as bad as my brother -----> http://bf2s.com/player/58526259/

My friend who plays over at my house.  LOL @ his kill streak vs his death streak.  He gets owned so bad.  Sometimes its from my computer freezing for a few seconds but Im like "dude you were throwing nades at an APC".  He shakes like crazy because he gets excited/scared when he gets into a firefight.  He literally jumped in my chair when he got killed by a claymore because it scared him so bad.

Funny as hell.
That is truly awesome...a guy who gets that much from a game is really enjoying it. This game did that for me when i played the demo. That doesn't happen much anymore now...the last time it happened was when I met this cool guy of higher rank who let me gun for him in a chopper. Helped me get my ribbon. 90% of the kills were from me TVing another attack chopper. Had so much fun. He's on my xfire list now.
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6710|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK

jord wrote:

Always look on the bright side of life...

You play for fun,and isn't that what truly matters?
Damn right
medals shmedals

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