+0|7093|Phoenix, AZ
Personally, I never thought of the 40mm's as a noobtube. I think they are are an extremely effective weapon.

What I am seeing now is every punk playing as an AT and getting in your face and unloading. Not to mention getting TK'd because the guy on your team started spraying and praying with that thing and ends up killing the BG he is shooting at, but also you and 3 other guys that were in the same area.

They ought to make this close to real like a real street sweeper and jam every third round.

Personally I would have liked to see something besides a shotgun for that upgrade. The MP5 sucked for longer range and the DAO-12 isn't any better. Probably worse. You have to get real up close and personal. I would have been happy with a plain Jane M16 as an upgrade.

Anyone else notice this or agree?
Nope, the DAO-12 is far from a noob wep.  It's designed to be unmatched in CQC and does that job well, but there are enough downsides to it (no range, long reload) that it takes some skill to use it effectively over the course of a round.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7097|The Hague, Holland
Oh come on, are we bitching about the DAO now aswell?!
Duuude, what is your major malfunction?
The DAO is a fair and good weapon. Please do not bitch about this weapon.
The grenade launcher I can understand, but the DAO?
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA
It does seem that a lot more people use the DAO12 now (me included).  However, its not nearly as powerful as the M203.  For one thing, you can't get a 1-shot kill out of it.  The other is, like you mentioned, its only effective in CQC.  What's so bad about the M203 is that you are dead before you even hear the guy shoot it.  Not to mention that you can fire it at point-blank range with impunity.  That's something that should be more like the real thing. (the real M203 doesn't arm until it has traveled a certain distance)
The DAO12 is devastating in CQC, though. And you are right that some people tend to just blast away with it.  I think this is because of the design of the gun (12 shot mag, you can reload individual shells without losing the remainder of the last clip).
I don't know if this is the best upgrade for the AT...  I REALLY like this gun, but it may have been better to give the AT a better SMG instead.  All of the default SMGs are just pathetic...

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-11-17 11:04:43)

$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Just don't get close to a DAO wielding fiend...

What makes the assault nade launcher a noobtube is that it is 1hit death at close range, medium range, and even  long range with a bit of practice. This makes for unbalanced game play, particularly in the close range battles.

Sure the DAO rapes up close, but it's lack of range and reload time make for well balanced play overall.

GotMex? wrote:

Just don't get close to a DAO wielding fiend...

What makes the assault nade launcher a noobtube is that it is 1hit death at close range, medium range, and even  long range with a bit of practice. This makes for unbalanced game play, particularly in the close range battles.

Sure the DAO rapes up close, but it's lack of range and reload time make for well balanced play overall.
Totaly agree with you.  Gun owns at close range, but the long load times and inefectiveness at long range, make this a balanced weapon.

Last edited by MattCicioni (2005-11-17 11:11:03)

I use the DAO when AT (obviously ) ... but I've never TKd anyone with it. It is purely a CQC gun and not for assault (obviously), it's there for when you've shot your AT and the guy gets out of his tank to seek revenge..... Please please please don't call this weapon the new Noobtube. Although it doesn't take skill to use it, you have to be sure it's going to do its job
+1|7077|The Netherlands
Some people aren't made for this game.

If you whine about every vehicle or weapon that kills you go play tetris.

You don't have tubes there,, only blocks.
Or are you a blockwhore or blockpadder?

Come on people,,,,
Yes this thread is pointless and moronic.
Anyone can bitch and moan about whatever weapon they get killed by. I've used the "noobtube" frequently and it is so annoying hearing someone whine just because they are getting killed over and over again. Quit bitching and keep playing.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7097|The Hague, Holland

WhiteStain wrote:

Anyone can bitch and moan about whatever weapon they get killed by. I've used the "noobtube" frequently and it is so annoying hearing someone whine just because they are getting killed over and over again. Quit bitching and keep playing.
Quit bitching and keep playing, So I can kill you again.

Just had to add that
+0|7093|Phoenix, AZ
You know what I think are the worst people here? People who surf and post in the COMPLAINT section and complain about complaining! That is what this section is for you idiots. If you don't want to read about complaints, why are you here? My god, how stupid ARE you?

I was just trying to start a discussion about the feelings of this weapon, gimme a break. Only really have an issue with it lately as I have been TK'd more with it than I have been killed by an enemy with one.

As I said, personally I like the M16/203. Use it frequently. Nothing better for taking out a group of people at once.

Lawk wrote:

Yes this thread is pointless and moronic.
Yet you took time out of your life to post in it. What does that say about you?

Just wanted to add thanks to Jodah3, atlvolunteer, GotMex?, MattCicioni, thinner44 who can actually have a differing opinion and a mature discussion unlike the standard responses of "Stop playing the game", "Uninstall it", "Quit bitching and start playing". That is what this section is for!

Last edited by unforgiven5150 (2005-11-17 12:44:32)

Ohh EMM Gee, i got killzord by da jackerhamming yestedray an i tink it is waaaaaaaya OVER POWERSD, they sould take it out ofs the gayme and give everone sticks to fight wif.

tee hee
Mass Media Casualty

I was noob tubed the other day! My first time. Some guy, (who got gold on that map,) was ONLY using the GL, but it didn't bum me too much. I just felt superior when I shot him with my pistol, or tricked him into falling into a nice pack of C4.

I've used the DAO-12 by killing guys and picking up their weapon. It's not bad - hardly a n00b weapon. The fact that so many people choose it as their first unlock is irrelevent. People used to always pick the M95, and that is clearly not a n00b weapon.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
If you call the DAO a nube tube you might as well call the sniper rifle a nube tube, because its the polar opposite of the DAO.

The DAO-12 is a CQC weapon period. It is well-balanced for the kit as far as gameplay.

I play as a spec-op and when I see an AT enemy at close range I actually think twice before firing (which will give up my position). I know that with the body armor it's going to take my weak ass G36C, 5 or 6 body shots to take him down. I have to make calculations based on how fast he will come into shotgun range, what kind of cover there is, how many enemies are in the area, etc.., etc... before firing. The DAO makes the game fun.

I soil my pants when I come running down an alley and an AT pops out of nowhere. I might as well have ran into an attack heli. I just unload and hope that he's a real nube, or loading his weapon (forget about running).

Last edited by nating75 (2005-11-17 13:20:11)

+1|7077|The Netherlands
You are complaining that we complain about your complain.
So I would like to complain that you are complaining that we complain about your complain.

Thats 4 in a row (+400 score with tetris you statpadder).

unforgiven5150 wrote:

You know what I think are the worst people here? People who surf and post in the COMPLAINT section and complain about complaining! That is what this section is for you idiots. If you don't want to read about complaints, why are you here? My god, how stupid ARE you?

I was just trying to start a discussion about the feelings of this weapon, gimme a break. Only really have an issue with it lately as I have been TK'd more with it than I have been killed by an enemy with one.

As I said, personally I like the M16/203. Use it frequently. Nothing better for taking out a group of people at once.

Lawk wrote:

Yes this thread is pointless and moronic.
Yet you took time out of your life to post in it. What does that say about you?

Just wanted to add thanks to Jodah3, atlvolunteer, GotMex?, MattCicioni, thinner44 who can actually have a differing opinion and a mature discussion unlike the standard responses of "Stop playing the game", "Uninstall it", "Quit bitching and start playing". That is what this section is for!
You are so wrong. You complain in this forum to gain sympathy, hoping most people feel the same as you. Don't get mad because people don't feel the same way. Just move on... nobody's going to think you're an idiot for long. (a joke, I kid)

Last edited by nating75 (2005-11-17 13:32:46)

Its not called the Dao 12.Its called in real life Striker shotgun and Protecta shotgun

Cougar wrote:

Ohh EMM Gee, i got killzord by da jackerhamming yestedray an i tink it is waaaaaaaya OVER POWERSD, they sould take it out ofs the gayme and give everone sticks to fight wif.

tee hee
Right on!!

Yeah and when everyone can stop bitching about weapons al we have left is paint ball pistols or even worse, water balloons!! There was this game which name I forgot where there was so much bitching about most weapons that there were in the end only two left. Is that what you want? When you get raped by a DAO12 you are just too close!! Shit happens and plz do hope that there is a medic near. If not, then you are a probably lone wolfing.
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA
You know what I hate?  The M16!  Those 3 round bursts get on my nerves!
Seriously, though, this is a complaint forum.  If you don't have a constructive point to make, its just flaming.  Simply saying "quit bitching about the <insert weapon here>" is not a contructive point.

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-11-17 13:39:40)

+0|7093|Phoenix, AZ
Now see, this turned into a mature and useful discussion, and some humorous commments as well.
You can believe what you want, but I wasn't posting here to gain sympathy. I honestly was looking for a good discussion. Silly me for thinking I would get that on an internet bulletin board.

I really don't mind any weapon in the game that much. More of the players using them. And as I said, I would have rather have seen something besides the DAO 12 for the AT, especially when there is an another auto-shotgun in the Jackhammer for the Engineer. To me that is overkill to have 2 almost identical weapons in different positions. Before you flame me on that comment, I feel the same about the G36c for Spec Ops when it is basically the same gun as the M4.

I have also seen the real life Cobray version of the it called a Cobray Street Sweeper.

Metaltop wrote:

You are complaining that we complain about your complain.
So I would like to complain that you are complaining that we complain about your complain.

Thats 4 in a row (+400 score with tetris you statpadder).
That was pretty funny once I read it right, lol.

Its all fun and games guys. As I said, looking for a discussion about it. Not a flame war.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

Please don't complain about the DAO-12. If you are more than 10-20 yards away, it gets hard to take someone out. When you fight a guy with a DAO-12, take him out farther away. Either that or use a pump or a jackhammer to stand a chance.
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA

Metaltop wrote:

You are complaining that we complain about your complain.
So I would like to complain that you are complaining that we complain about your complain.

Thats 4 in a row (+400 score with tetris you statpadder).
LOL that is funny after you read it a couple of times...
Got milk?
Awww if it will go like that I would expect that we will see PKM/RPK/SAW whores or a pistol whores. Stop complaining about the damn weapons. Weapon cant kill by itself.


So lets say that you just had a bad day.

GotMex? wrote:

What makes the assault nade launcher a noobtube is that it is 1hit death at close range, medium range, and even  long range with a bit of practice. This makes for unbalanced game play, particularly in the close range battles.
Why the hell you need assault in this game than. Almost 0 teampoints every round is balanced by getting GL kills. No GL, no Assault kit imho. Assault soldiers are for killing the enemy personnel. So they should be most powerful.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7058|Malaga, EspaƱa
hehehe, i bet the next thing people are going to whine about are those PKM whores , me incl ofcourse i use that awsome weapon , if i,m lying on a good spot and there is a lot of action going around i shoot down 5 till 8 people down before its getting overheated.

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