+11|6837|Trophy Club, Texas
Any time I hear the Eagles, ESPECIALLY Hotel California, I want to put a gun to my head a pull the trigger,

Rock is too played out, rap, blah blah, everything is so played out. Jazz, and Zappa is pretty much all I listen to, classical, if I am learning something.

Listen to Zappa, for he revolutionized music by bringing it all together.
'twice cooked beef!'
yeah real hillbilly music is quite good, AC/DC isn't. bluegrass players are stupidly talented.

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:



Look for the headline, Local Man goes down to Safeway and assaults people with Rusty Spoon..
trying to hijack your own thread? call the TSA!

Last edited by Krappyappy (2006-07-10 09:36:12)

Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

tehmoogles wrote:

Fo' Sizzle ma Nizzle Grizzle y'all!

No. Rap is crap. The only music is in the background.

Weird Al did a good parody on Eminem.
you mean this?? http://www.collegehumor.com/movies/950545/

Damn its good

[1FR]S3v3N wrote:

this is me bored at work.....................

[start rant]

No other song in the world can make me so insane with rage that could force me to stop by a local store and start randomly stabbing innocent people with a rusty spoon than; Black Eyed Peas "My Humps." A close second that forces me to shake uncontrollably with thoughts of rage is well anything played on "MTV"

[end rant]

What songs make you go insane?

and begin..
Damn stright i freakin hate that song its the worst song i have ever heard.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
I can walk to Greg or Duane's (whichever one is dead) grave in about 5-10 minutes, and my friends dad still has pieces of the bike that they dumped, he was the one that Greg or Duane asked to remove the chinstrap of his helmet and fill in the rivet holes, the same day that G or D went out and dumped his bike and died. Some of my friends asked me to room with them, I was chilling withthem on their porch one day when this mini van drove by like 8 times before stopping, then they got out and started taking pics of the house. My friends saw the look on my face and they said "Oh the Allmans used to live here", to which I said "No thanks". They'd have people peeking in their windows all the time.

"Mommy why is that girl biting him there?"

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-10 09:59:44)

'twice cooked beef!'
hot damn, look for the lsd hidden in the floor.

and to stay on topic - i don't care for the white stripes. especially the drummer. god... quarter notes on the bass, who is she trying to impress, a five-year old?
+165|6948|South Jersey
Everyone likes their own type of music, I personally can't stand rap/hip-hop.  I just hate how rap influences people into thinking they are "ghetto."  ffs, they live in a piss head white bread mountain town in an upper-middle class environment and call themselves "gangster" WTF.  This is about the 3rd or 4th time I've said this in a topic relating to what music people like.  So everyone, get off each others case about what music is better, it's not the music, it's the person who listens to it and likes it.

edit: muhahaha no one can give me negative karma for this.

Last edited by -Gunsmoke- (2006-07-10 09:46:46)

need that final string to snap so you can kill people?

listen to anything by Sean Paul.

'twice cooked beef!'

Sean Paul wrote:

i look like a turkish kebab vendor with cornrows
that's what he's saying in all his songs.
I'm just that good
+156|6932|Cork, Ireland
I absolutely HATE anything sung by Paris Hilton. Her songs might actually be OK though if she had any talent at all

Krappyappy wrote:

Sean Paul wrote:

i look like a turkish kebab vendor with cornrows
that's what he's saying in all his songs.
Thats awesome..
This topic seems to have no actual posts

(EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay wrote:

My leg, my back, my mhm just like that, my leg, my back, my mhm just like that. OMFG L33t song.
actually its, "my neck, my back, my pussy, and my crack"
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6852|The Lost Highway

kr@cker wrote:

MTV is to music what Mcdonalds is to steak, anything Idol sux, sure they can sing, but it's flat, emotionless, preformulated crap in a can written by teams of writers and producers to appeal to the lowest common denominator, mainly children with allowances that have not developed any discernable ear for talent or have no life experiences with which to relate to a "real" song like say "ring of fire" by Johnny and June Carter Cash. The documentary Punk: Attitude portrays a rather complete picture of the punk movement from the late 60's to today, with everyone in it from Iggy Pop/the Stooges to Bad Brains to Sonic Youth, though it could have shown it's influence on hip-hop (the good kind of rap) a little better. Fuck all that fake Urban shit, how many songs about someone else's spinners do you really need? Give me Blitzkrieg Bop and London is Calling anyday. Who the hell is going to be sitting down 20 years from now and say, "Damn, those Pussy Cat Dolls were such well rounded artists". BTW, if any londoners see this, is King's Road still a punk hot spot? I'm hoping to go to london soon.
That punk documentary on IFC seemed pretty cliche to me. I watched it a few months ago and kept thinking 'Man, I can't believe they don't mention so and so'.
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u guys should check out some phish, they were around from 83 to 04 and never got gay or sold out. they got some sick ass jams.

Last edited by ig88 (2006-07-10 10:04:53)

'twice cooked beef!'
phish is groovy. and string cheese incident.

but you're supposed to talk about songs that make your testicles retract.

example - don't do me like that by tom petty.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6862|Southeastern USA
phish is the least evil of the jam bands, Widespread blows ass, and now I'm glad I can't get negged, there's only so much squealing aimless disconcordant 20 minute solos I can take, like none, "but dude on this one he takes a vaccuum cleaner and sticks it to his sweaty unshowered hippy fat and does a solo, and on this one at Red Rocks ha makes an instrument and just goes off on it" I don't know the names other than maybe that damne "my name is tree top" crap

goes off like a preschooler with one of those fisher price xylophone things

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-07-10 10:10:19)

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reba, down with disease, and you enjoy myself by phish, check them out
'twice cooked beef!'
another song that grinds my gears:

manfred mann - blinded by the light.

ffs i thought he was singing about a douche for most of my childhood.
blinded by the light.. wrapped up like a douche and got a boner in the night...

blinded by the light, reved up like a DEUCE (its a Car) another Runner in the Night..

I had to look up the lyrics years ago, since my circle of friends and i had that debate.
'twice cooked beef!'
and another example of krappy music [ohoho see what i did there]

work it by missy elliot.

you think you're so smart, don't you, with your "ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnaht ym tup i"

well you're not fooling me!
and you know what beats that?

that fucking milkshake song.. you know "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like its better than yours.." AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i never took the time to find out who "sings" it nor who the idiot was that wrote it...
The rap on MTV is not hip-hop, it's pop.  Those are the "artists" who really have nothing to say, except bullshit about how much they love themselves and their belongings. 

The real hip hop comes from artists like Common, Slug, Talib Kweli, Hilltop Hoods, etc.  The kind of rhymes you could read on paper, with no beat, and still be moved.  The kind of shit you can identify with.  Seriously, how many people really live the thug life, and make millions?
'twice cooked beef!'
i think sometimes people are so caught up in the 'message' of songs that they forget to just sit back [or get up] and enjoy the music. if a rap song has a nice track to it, i could forgive bad lyrics. it's something to dance to, nothing more, nothing less.
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6986|Canada Eh?

Krappyappy wrote:

fuck you, rap is kickass.

get off your high horse and enjoy it for what it is - a beat to dance to, occasionally with some good lyrics thrown in.

oh and for the record, rap/hiphop > punk. punk is antimelodic musical nonsense. take away the 'cooler than you' political undertones, and punk loses all of its appeal. i've yet to hear a punk guitar player who knows how to play more than three chords in a row.

the more you learn, the more you learn to appreciate.
Punk isn't about unbelievable solos or amazing riffs, It's about the attitude, Sure it only has three chords, but listen to the fucking words and the music as a whole. and since when is simplicity so bad? Last I heard a lot of CCR songs had only three chords and some early punk (Ramones,Misfits, those types, not the hardcore punk ala Black Flag & friends) are largely influenced by the three chorded rock n roll of the 50's

spawnofthemist wrote:

if ya know what i mean
Because I'm TNT, I'm dynomite!

I shake uncontrollably when I hear any song by Nickel Back, Black Eyed Peas, Billy Talent, or anything emo.


Whoever likes them should die.

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