EA Really needs to sit down and work on some things in this game as everyone is aware and they are doing this. For my biggest complaint, gripe, bitch whatever is the suicide bombers or terrorist tactics. One that drives up in there vehicles jumps out and kills themselves while killing you or others. I believe that if you kill someone and yourself at the same time, YOU DO NOT GET CREDIT FOR THE KILLS!      Now grant it that the tactic is fine as long as your intentions are not to kill yourself. So don't misunderstand what I am trying to get across here. Nothing wrong with loading up the vehicles with plastic and doing whatever it is that you do, just don't die in the act.

I do not call these ppl C4 whores

I see more and more of this day after day.

I have been in many 1 on 1 fire fights as you have to and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and in some cases you both win and lose at the same time. This is different.


I am sure that would put a stop to the suicide bombers. It would also put an end to ppl using the planes and choppers to crash into the enemy and getting the kill and wasting that million dollar piece of equipment.

What are your thoughts??????????????????????????????
+186|6709|The real world
[GHZ] clan likes us, dont they james
+2,382|6828|The North, beyond the wall.

elmo1337 wrote:

[GHZ] clan likes us, dont they james
Yep they sure do.
What smells like tuna??
+115|6697|inside your nose.
does your clan like ... CHEESE?
+5,233|6679|Global Command

AirForceOne1 wrote:

does your clan like ... CHEESE?
I can't neg you so, here, have some reading material:

Last edited by Alexanderthegrape (2006-07-09 10:33:43)

I disagree with you when you say if a mec drives up in a piece of crap vodnik that they should not get credit for it, i like that they do that cause it is funny...

However, i do agree with you that those million dollar aircraft should not be used on suicide missions thats a bit rediculous.
+5,233|6679|Global Command

coreinflames wrote:

I disagree with you when you say if a mec drives up in a piece of crap vodnik that they should not get credit for it, i like that they do that cause it is funny...

However, i do agree with you that those million dollar aircraft should not be used on suicide missions thats a bit rediculous.
He's just saying that you have to survive the jihad jeep attack to get the points
slow as you go
+124|6710|Canaduhhh.. West Toast
but surviving a suicide jeep attack totally beats the fun of it cause then you dont get called noob and get to have a fun c4 ramming argument ingame
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Whats so hard about killing a defenseless jeep?
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6715|Area 51

CadaverMaker wrote:

EA Really needs to sit down and work on some things in this game as everyone is aware and they are doing this. For my biggest complaint, gripe, bitch whatever is the suicide bombers or terrorist tactics. One that drives up in there vehicles jumps out and kills themselves while killing you or others. I believe that if you kill someone and yourself at the same time, YOU DO NOT GET CREDIT FOR THE KILLS!      Now grant it that the tactic is fine as long as your intentions are not to kill yourself. So don't misunderstand what I am trying to get across here. Nothing wrong with loading up the vehicles with plastic and doing whatever it is that you do, just don't die in the act.

I do not call these ppl C4 whores

I see more and more of this day after day.

I have been in many 1 on 1 fire fights as you have to and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and in some cases you both win and lose at the same time. This is different.


I am sure that would put a stop to the suicide bombers. It would also put an end to ppl using the planes and choppers to crash into the enemy and getting the kill and wasting that million dollar piece of equipment.

What are your thoughts??????????????????????????????
When you blow urselve up u get -2, so interms if you blow one person up you won't get points, but when it is one or more, you do get points, personally I don't care,
I disagree.  The carbombs you make with C4 are your only effective defense against heavy armor.  Especially on maps like Karkand where your MEC team is dumb enough to let the USMC take the factory in the first 2 minutes of the game.  Plus sometimes you need to blow yourself up because the damn tanks have seen you and you have no time to run to a safe range.  Sometimes it's better taking a plunge for the team but at least give me the points so that my penalty for killing myself is neutral.
I new some would not understand. I have not said anything abouts (points).  I also said I don't care what you do with the jeep loaded with C4. If you want to blow up the enemy tank or whatever, that's fine.  I know about taking one for the team.  The real problem isn't with some of you that use it occasionally for defence or offence its getting out of hand and in my opinion promotes terrorist tactics by blowing themselves up along with you.  It has been on my mind and the other night takes the cake. One of the guys on my team loaded his Hummer with C4 and when he ran it into the flag area, started yelling (which was kinda funny to hear) Ahlalalalalalalalalal and then detonates the C4 killing himself and 3 others and then says die fuckers. Excuse my English if it offends you. He did this through out the game. I think his kills were around 21 and not sure what his points were. I then looked up his name and seen that he had over 2000 suicides and have only been playing since May 2nd 2006. No names.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6835|United States of America
I say it promotes awareness of your surroundings. I saw in Karkand yesterday an example. The USMC had taken every point up until the bridge where it was a stalemate. Medding snipers on the railroad cars when I turn and see a Vodnik bearing down on me. I jumped out of the way where he crashed into three of my teammates and detonated. It was a "Whoa" moment for me.
Was ist Loos?
iff u drive a jeep to a tank, blow up, and kill urself also, u get +2 for the kill but!!!! u get a -2 for killing urself. so it is just a tactic for the team, to get rid of the tank.
there is nothing wrong with this tactic, i have used it myself and survived a few time and died a few times. Over the weekend on Wake a tank was just sitting outside our 2nd last base pounding the troops, i snuck around the sides crawled in behind and got my c4 on him but they spotted me and started to pull away so i blow them and myself up, i got 2 kills and removed the threat, thats a chance for the team to move out. But the 2 guys bitched and complained the whole round about it, they were upset a spec ops snuck up on them when they were 2 busy raping a base. I have done the same with vehicles and personally i think its tankers that spwn rape have the biggest gripe with it
+186|6709|The real world

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Whats so hard about killing a defenseless jeep?
some jeeps are evil
+127|6808|WPB, FL. USA
It's part of the game and not everyone plays the same.  It seems that if we change everything that offends the people who get killed in a way they don't like then we would have to change the name of the game to "OMFG, He's a gun toting NRA Liberal 2".  No that wont work because then we would offend some people with the "F" word and now it would have to be changed to "OMG, He's a gun toting NRA Liberal".  No, no, that wont work because then we would offend some people with the "G for God" word and then it would have to be changed to "OM, He's a gun toting NRA Liberal 2".  No, no, no, that wont work because of the gun toting thing, and the NRA thing, and the Liberal thing.   OH!, hell - I guess we should all just quit and stay at home and play with our own lil' private soldiers - damn - and I was really enjoying the game too.

no, no, can't use that word either - <mumbles profanity under his breath as he rips cd out of drive and breaks it in two all because some puke got pissy because he didn't like the way he got killed in a freaking video game>

Last edited by AAFCptKabbom (2006-07-10 08:02:30)

i hate you all
u get 2 minus for suicide don`t you? case closed...
Suicide bombing is nothing new.. its used in real life. i dont agree with it but if people choose this as way to play then so be it.. it be frustrating yes.. i would not do it myself.. and most probley do it for explosives badges.. i got mine useing clays! so im probley being bitched about in another thread.. like the people using nades in another.. or those using the nade launcher.. they are all options in the game.. use em to your advantage if you wish.. if you dont agree then dont take part.. find another server or fight back.. it can be very satisfying taking out a jihad jeep just as he thinks he's got you..
Everyone is still stuck on the +2 -2. Has absolutely nothing to do with team points or points in general. You still get kills. Who cares if your last flag is being taken over by a tank and if you have to take it out by killing yourself for the team then so be it, YOU JUST DON'T GET THE KILL. You will get points for defending the flag or you just did your team a big favor. So if its part of the game or your game, THEN DIE. This also goes for the Kamakazi Pilots that crash into you while driving or into the deck of the carrier to score kills. This whole thing has absolutely nothing to do as a team or individual. If its part of your game plan then again, so be it. For instance your are flying a plane and have never killed anybody with a plane, so you dive down and crash your jet into a tank, Whala you now just got credit for killing 2 ppl in a plane. Yes, you now have neg points but the credit for the kill is still their.  Same with the C4 on the Jeep it counts toward C4 kills (THAT'S FINE). All I am saying is that if you die When executing your plan then it should not count toward any type of kill wether C4 or crashes. I my self have been killed this way several times and I know it goes on and is not the reason that I brought it up.  For all of my deaths, this is probably not equal to 1%. It's just that I see much more and it seems to be getting out of hand. PPL knowing its a cheap and easy way to rack up kills. If its a way to get your explosives ordinance badge, COOL. Just don't die.
Phone Spammer
+207|6741|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
+9|6669|Forest Green Rovers
but if you stay on the veichule when you crash into a tank you both get kill so +2 and a blown up tank is quite a good option
+149|6698|USA bitches!
I only jihad when there's a tank whore about.
Δ > x > ¥

CadaverMaker wrote:

Everyone is still stuck on the +2 -2. Has absolutely nothing to do with team points or points in general. You still get kills. Who cares if your last flag is being taken over by a tank and if you have to take it out by killing yourself for the team then so be it, YOU JUST DON'T GET THE KILL. You will get points for defending the flag or you just did your team a big favor. So if its part of the game or your game, THEN DIE. This also goes for the Kamakazi Pilots that crash into you while driving or into the deck of the carrier to score kills. This whole thing has absolutely nothing to do as a team or individual. If its part of your game plan then again, so be it. For instance your are flying a plane and have never killed anybody with a plane, so you dive down and crash your jet into a tank, Whala you now just got credit for killing 2 ppl in a plane. Yes, you now have neg points but the credit for the kill is still their.  Same with the C4 on the Jeep it counts toward C4 kills (THAT'S FINE). All I am saying is that if you die When executing your plan then it should not count toward any type of kill wether C4 or crashes. I my self have been killed this way several times and I know it goes on and is not the reason that I brought it up.  For all of my deaths, this is probably not equal to 1%. It's just that I see much more and it seems to be getting out of hand. PPL knowing its a cheap and easy way to rack up kills. If its a way to get your explosives ordinance badge, COOL. Just don't die.
But if you don't get the kills for doing jihad-jeep tactics, who does?  If nobody gets the kill, the game would consider everyone who died to have suicided.  Surely you're not advocating that, are you?  If you are, everyone who died - the victims and the killer - would lose 2 points.  With the situation as it is, the victims don't lose points for dying.
Decepticons forever!
i like the jihad tactica. brings some flavor to the game. when im tired of the game i load up a car with c4 and i head for the nearest enemy tank and startin to bump into him. they always try start firing and they always end up dying, me to ofc but i get the kills and the suicide and if the enemy is in a two seater of sorts i get more killzzzz

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