
Are you a Christian?

I would like to be 50% 50% - 157 50% 50% - 157
I don't want anything to do with that! 55% 55% - 174 44% 44% - 140
Total: 314
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6750|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Aparently I'm a christian Atheist. 

this is the official name for my beliefs

Before you all start flaming me or -1 me let me explain.

I do not believe in god and religion etc. but I follow the beliefs of christianity - well no not the beliefs, but I celebrate christmas, I sure as hell have a long easter weekend off work. Because I live in a society ruled by christianity and it's holidays and I join in the celebrations of these national holidays etc I am a
Christian Atheist
Atheist here, and no, I don't want to be a Christian. If I wanted to be a Christian, I would probably be one.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Proud to be a Christian.
Yep Same here:)

Jinto-sk wrote:

Aparently I'm a christian Atheist. 

this is the official name for my beliefs

Before you all start flaming me or -1 me let me explain.

I do not believe in god and religion etc. but I follow the beliefs of christianity - well no not the beliefs, but I celebrate christmas, I sure as hell have a long easter weekend off work. Because I live in a society ruled by christianity and it's holidays and I join in the celebrations of these national holidays etc I am a
Christian Atheist
Christmas and easter were both pagan holidays until Christianity hijacked them. I believe pagans still celebrate solctices and equinoxes, though. Either way, it doesn't make you a Christian, pagan, whatever sort of atheist. Unless you believe there is some special significance to easter and Christmas, you're just taking a vacation and giving/receiving gifts.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6751|Lexington, Kentucky

MOG Disciple wrote:

I strongly recommend a book called "THE UNHAPPY GAYS: What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality" by Tim LaHaye
power of the Holy Spirit!
So, you have been given solid, well researched evidence stating that Homosexuality is not a choice. What do you do? Regurgatate what you read, no matter how shaky the author has been with other books and dealings in the past. Brilliant.

Problem is, LaHaye has been criticized widely among both the laymen and the religious scholars over the content of his most popular series, the Left Behind books. Thelogically inaccurate, misconstruing Biblical verses, and in some cases extrapolating Biblical events to unfounded outcomes.

Lets move on to a few links.

http://www.libertytothecaptives.net/tim … bible.html
http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com/archives … me_a_2.php
http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Boo … s/left.htm
http://rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes … eneral.htm

Now, do you still believe it is wise to follow a man with such a delusional world-view, who follows his own religion, not Christianity?

Edit: Don't even get me started about the Left Behind FPS. LaHaye and his software team want you to convert or be murdered. http://www.talk2action.org/story/2006/5/29/195855/959

Edit #8 Holy crap! I'm getting flooded with good links. Keep up the good work, people, and feel free to PM me with more evidence of this guy being a paranoid whackjob! This is the 8th edit to add more linkage, sorry!

Last edited by Anfidurl (2006-07-08 14:42:00)

No, and i dont want to be. I dont know how to vote. Weird poll!
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6751|Lexington, Kentucky

Speelbal wrote:

No, and i dont want to be. I dont know how to vote. Weird poll!
Yeah, two side by side unlabeled options, one row apparently for yes and one for no. I tried voting no, but oddly enough I had to vote yes too. Perhaps an Admin should reset/reformat the poll?
+6|6661|taiwan and hong kong
i'm new here...but i just wanted to say...becoming a christian is the greatest thing that ever happened to me...
+302|6894|Salt Lake City

cyborg_pirate wrote:

i'm new here...but i just wanted to say...becoming a christian is the greatest thing that ever happened to me...
If that is the highlight of your life, I can only say that I am sorry for how miserable your life must have been before; not that your new Christian life will be much better.

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

cyborg_pirate wrote:

i'm new here...but i just wanted to say...becoming a christian is the greatest thing that ever happened to me...
If that is the highlight of your life, I can only say that I am sorry for how miserable your life must have been before; not that your new Christian life will be much better.
Spoken like a true hater.

Becoming a Christian was/is the highlight of my life. The trouble with people that hate Christians, and other "religion" is that you hate almost everything, and you attack people for having "faith" in anything.

You call people "losers" and "miserable" and attack everything about them. It's funny, because the Bible speaks exactly of people like you.

I'm a Christian, and I have respect for you if you’re a Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or whatever, but you have no respect for anything or anyone. You tear down, you don't build up, cause you don't care about anything.

You don't have to agree with someone, but you should at least have some sort of common respect for other humans. But most of you don’t. It’s pathetic, and shameful.
+7|6814|Brussels, Belgium

Repent wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

cyborg_pirate wrote:

i'm new here...but i just wanted to say...becoming a christian is the greatest thing that ever happened to me...
If that is the highlight of your life, I can only say that I am sorry for how miserable your life must have been before; not that your new Christian life will be much better.
Spoken like a true hater.

Becoming a Christian was/is the highlight of my life. The trouble with people that hate Christians, and other "religion" is that you hate almost everything, and you attack people for having "faith" in anything.

You call people "losers" and "miserable" and attack everything about them. It's funny, because the Bible speaks exactly of people like you.

I'm a Christian, and I have respect for you if you’re a Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or whatever, but you have no respect for anything or anyone. You tear down, you don't build up, cause you don't care about anything.

You don't have to agree with someone, but you should at least have some sort of common respect for other humans. But most of you don’t. It’s pathetic, and shameful.
Where do you see hate ?

He didn't insult her, he just said that it was sad.

And I understand why he said that because you can't understand the "born again" thing if you aren't yourself a "born again".
Jesus said to his disciples "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6)

Christian here boys!
+6|6661|taiwan and hong kong

one_of_ten wrote:

Repent wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

If that is the highlight of your life, I can only say that I am sorry for how miserable your life must have been before; not that your new Christian life will be much better.
Spoken like a true hater.

Becoming a Christian was/is the highlight of my life. The trouble with people that hate Christians, and other "religion" is that you hate almost everything, and you attack people for having "faith" in anything.

You call people "losers" and "miserable" and attack everything about them. It's funny, because the Bible speaks exactly of people like you.

I'm a Christian, and I have respect for you if you’re a Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or whatever, but you have no respect for anything or anyone. You tear down, you don't build up, cause you don't care about anything.

You don't have to agree with someone, but you should at least have some sort of common respect for other humans. But most of you don’t. It’s pathetic, and shameful.
Where do you see hate ?

He didn't insult her, he just said that it was sad.

And I understand why he said that because you can't understand the "born again" thing if you aren't yourself a "born again".
i guess i'm not insulted in anyways...but then if i was a third person looking at this...i would say he did insult me in a way...by saying that my life was miserable since becoming a christan was such a great thing...but i do agree with u on saying that he wuoldn't understand the feeling of being "born again" and it was a feeling that i got when i became a christian...i felt a new strength in me...and i jsut wanted to say...i had an awesome life before i became a christan...but after....it was even better...i had a goal in life..and a purpose...my life became more "valuable" in a way and miracles happen...and i've been a happier person ever since <33
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6833|Canberra, AUS
I think he was trying to say that if becoming a Christian was the greatest thing that's ever happened, then not a lot must've happened to you.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Athiest. Anything based around faith (ie. believing in something despite there being no proof or possibility of proof) seems like an entirely bad idea to me.
+6|6661|taiwan and hong kong

Spark wrote:

I think he was trying to say that if becoming a Christian was the greatest thing that's ever happened, then not a lot must've happened to you.
lol..i figured that out later...but i'm sometimes  a tad bit too lazy to write it.....and i DID want to say that i'm really sorry if i insulted u in anyways..and that i shouldn't have been so straight forward i guess...anyways i get ur point..
yo's <3
MOG Disciple
Well now some Christians join in thank God for all of you.

We need to just keep praying for everyone.  I praise God for all of you for standing for what you believe in.

Being Born Again is the greatest thing that can happen to you.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6852|San Francisco
Sorry, but learning of His ultimate noodly nature and being Touched by His noodly appendages are the greatest things that can ever happen to you.  And let us not forget the True prayer:

Our Pasta, who art in the Great Pasta Bowl, hallowed be HIS name. Thy beer volcano come. Thy will totally be done, on Earth as it is in the Great Pasta Bowl. Give us this day our daily delicious farking noodles. And forgive us our lack of sauce, As we destroy those who took our sauce from us. And lead us not into dry, cracked cassarole, But deliver us to the stripper factory. For HIS might is the kingdom, and the noodly appendage, and the meatballs, for ever and ever. rAmen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster will forgive you for not believing in him before he Touches you.

Marconius wrote:

Sorry, but learning of His ultimate noodly nature and being Touched by His noodly appendages are the greatest things that can ever happen to you.  And let us not forget the True prayer:

Our Pasta, who art in the Great Pasta Bowl, hallowed be HIS name. Thy beer volcano come. Thy will totally be done, on Earth as it is in the Great Pasta Bowl. Give us this day our daily delicious farking noodles. And forgive us our lack of sauce, As we destroy those who took our sauce from us. And lead us not into dry, cracked cassarole, But deliver us to the stripper factory. For HIS might is the kingdom, and the noodly appendage, and the meatballs, for ever and ever. rAmen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster will forgive you for not believing in him before he Touches you.
Why did you bother posting that it just makes you look like an idiot.
MOG Disciple

Shifty wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Sorry, but learning of His ultimate noodly nature and being Touched by His noodly appendages are the greatest things that can ever happen to you.  And let us not forget the True prayer:

Our Pasta, who art in the Great Pasta Bowl, hallowed be HIS name. Thy beer volcano come. Thy will totally be done, on Earth as it is in the Great Pasta Bowl. Give us this day our daily delicious farking noodles. And forgive us our lack of sauce, As we destroy those who took our sauce from us. And lead us not into dry, cracked cassarole, But deliver us to the stripper factory. For HIS might is the kingdom, and the noodly appendage, and the meatballs, for ever and ever. rAmen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster will forgive you for not believing in him before he Touches you.
Why did you bother posting that it just makes you look like an idiot.
I must agree.

Love of pasta would be a different forum post.

Shifty wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Sorry, but learning of His ultimate noodly nature and being Touched by His noodly appendages are the greatest things that can ever happen to you.  And let us not forget the True prayer:

Our Pasta, who art in the Great Pasta Bowl, hallowed be HIS name. Thy beer volcano come. Thy will totally be done, on Earth as it is in the Great Pasta Bowl. Give us this day our daily delicious farking noodles. And forgive us our lack of sauce, As we destroy those who took our sauce from us. And lead us not into dry, cracked cassarole, But deliver us to the stripper factory. For HIS might is the kingdom, and the noodly appendage, and the meatballs, for ever and ever. rAmen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster will forgive you for not believing in him before he Touches you.
Why did you bother posting that it just makes you look like an idiot.
Because there's only 1 thing Marconius hates more than America, and that's Christians.
It's a good day to die
+18|6819|Canada Eh?

MOG Disciple wrote:

Well now some Christians join in thank God for all of you.

We need to just keep praying for everyone.  I praise God for all of you for standing for what you believe in.

Being Born Again is the greatest thing that can happen to you.
Someone put this retard out of his misery.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6852|San Francisco
Obviously many fail to appreciate good satire these days...

Jeez, right over your heads.  The basis of the FSM is one of the reasons why I greatly dislike christianity in America.
I am all that is MOD!

Norseman wrote:

Christmas and easter were both pagan holidays until Christianity hijacked them. I believe pagans still celebrate solctices and equinoxes, though. Either way, it doesn't make you a Christian, pagan, whatever sort of atheist. Unless you believe there is some special significance to easter and Christmas, you're just taking a vacation and giving/receiving gifts.
I celebrate Christmas as the "Winter Festival", celebrating the winter solstice for over 1 week.  I do the same for "Spring Festival", celebrating the spring Equinox for over 1 week.  PAGANS FTW!
Mod Incarnate

MOG Disciple wrote:

Shifty wrote:

Marconius wrote:

Sorry, but learning of His ultimate noodly nature and being Touched by His noodly appendages are the greatest things that can ever happen to you.  And let us not forget the True prayer:

Our Pasta, who art in the Great Pasta Bowl, hallowed be HIS name. Thy beer volcano come. Thy will totally be done, on Earth as it is in the Great Pasta Bowl. Give us this day our daily delicious farking noodles. And forgive us our lack of sauce, As we destroy those who took our sauce from us. And lead us not into dry, cracked cassarole, But deliver us to the stripper factory. For HIS might is the kingdom, and the noodly appendage, and the meatballs, for ever and ever. rAmen.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster will forgive you for not believing in him before he Touches you.
Why did you bother posting that it just makes you look like an idiot.
I must agree.

Love of pasta would be a different forum post.
Apparently you both missed the point. Anyway, Disciple, I see you have completely abandoned your previous anti-homosexual position, though I expected no less given its hopeless nature. I expect it would be too much to hope to get you to admit that you were wrong.

Are any christians in this thread going to support an honest, intelligent discussion? Or just tell us how fantastic being a christian is, because I could just go to church if I wanted that.

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