
137[CSi] wrote:

the ROE was never written by EA. Jesus fucking christ, it is sponsored by EA and Gamespy.
in no post of this thread has anybody said that it was,try actualy reading things before you spit the dummy out of your mouth.
I knife Generals
+278|6850|Search Whore killing fields
Listen, who gives a fuck about roe, If all you do is talk on this forum you need to kill your fucking selfs.
+101|6989|Southern California
Do you think EA/Dice is doing this on purpse to piss us off so we will go buy BF2142???

After the unlocks are gotten I don't care one way or the other about stats they don't make me fight any better but I do care about EA/Dice/GS consistency in supporting their product, our game. If you took away the ROEs Stat driven/related lines it would be 45 lines less and the rest would probably rarely if ever be needed. Who really cares if a game is being modded if it isn't contaminating the ranked community database? See what I mean? The ROE is all about the stats.

Stay with me on this.

If the ROE has content and restrictions in it about stat padding etc., and if the reason stat padding is wrong is becuase it creates an inflated ranking for people who do it, and if doing things like knife/revive cycles are wrong because they get points faster than someone playing legit on the map with the team, and modding hitpoints to inflate scores or change game balance or dynamic, and if the whole reason to have non-statpadding rules is to maintain the integrity of the ranking database then it stands to reason that a ranked IO Mode map/server also can slant or inflate stats beyond the orginal game balance then an Infantry Only Map is contrary to the ROE.

Had all these things been done by an admin and run on his own ranked server he would have lost his ranked status in a minute. Am I wrong? Since it already happened, no.

Certainly EA/Dice can change the ROE to accomodate a percentage of players who prefer the infantry battle.

A better solution is to have a seperate IO Mode stats database or keep it non-ranked. The reason people don't want tanks and jets around is they don't want anything ruining their score per minute status. Take the good with the bad.

BF2 without Armor and Aircraft isn't BF2 its CounterStrike or [insert any old school FPS name here]. 

BF2 is the first shooter I have played that didn't remind me of space invaders c. 1976

EA takes the flagship of genre Strategic Shooter and retro-engineers it into FPS because people are in shock when they get introduced to combined arms teams.

P.S. Is it true the new IO Mode map title is called "Arena Paintball"?
^ Totally agreed. +1
+101|6989|Southern California

INCSOC wrote:

ok so i'm reading the ROE again to refresh my memory and here's what i thought of:

roe wrote:


These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

This would include but not limited to:
§ Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
§ Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
§ Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
§ Impersonating clan members.
§ Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
§ Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
If a server was to make a rule like:
"Snipers may not use rooftops or they will be kicked/banned"
"Armors may not use main roads to travel to locations or they will be kicked/banned"
"Aircraft may not fly above 20ft or they will be kicked/banned"

they would be perfectly legal and do not violate ROE ... weird and funny but true
You must also include ranked server rules too, if you are refering to a ranked server. If so then limiting the use of a weapon violates ROE, and Admins Modding a map/scenario to change play balance or exploit is a nogo. Since the EA ROE in fact Modifies the maps/scenarios original play balance then EA has demonstrated, thru leading by example, that ROE Mods are = to coding Mods and thus may be against EA ROE.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

Schuchi wrote:

its no violation of the BFROE because ... this option is only available for NON-ranked servers and non-ranked servers are not controlled by the ROE
well, if it's only for NON-ranked, then it's fine!
Tanks are one of the best things in the BF series, and having maps without them is a pure waste of time IMHO!
Your Favorite Whiny Liberal
+8|6818|Alabama, United States
I'm sorry, but please use the search function to find one of the other 25 posts on this topic =\
And to be honest, Dice wrote the ROE, so dice can violate them all they want.
It's kinda like saying God can't change the bible...
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
if they CAN violate their own rules, how the hell could we have respect for them? and buy their stuff?
bad touch

ill give you a guess of what the ROE can do.

ill give you a hint, it involves
A.) My testicles
B.)a bucket of ice
C.)stuffed moose head
+101|6989|Southern California

stryyker wrote:

ill give you a guess of what the ROE can do.

ill give you a hint, it involves
A.) My testicles
B.)a bucket of ice
C.)stuffed moose head
D. All of the above

lmao man that sounds like pain

but the ROE can't do anything without us it is a mere wisp of an attempt to patch the game weaknesses without having to code anymore. Almost every part of the ROE could be coded into server settings options and leave much less for human error in admining - and those errors are why the ROE exists.

But the ROE is better than nuthin

Code the ROE

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-07-10 12:39:40)

+163|6960|Odessa, Ukraine
Infantry mod is for pussies who can't deal with enemy's vehicles . Hope it wouldn't be ranked , or all newbs would escape to their sweet infantry mod ...

OpsChief wrote:

the ROE ... is a mere wisp of an attempt to patch the game weaknesses without having to code anymore. Almost every part of the ROE could be coded into server settings options and leave much less for human error in admining - and those errors are why the ROE exists.

But the ROE is better than nuthin

Code the ROE
that, my man, is why you have been quoted in my sig for the last few months. agreed 100%
Ninja's > BF2s

oberst_enzian wrote:

OpsChief wrote:

the ROE ... is a mere wisp of an attempt to patch the game weaknesses without having to code anymore. Almost every part of the ROE could be coded into server settings options and leave much less for human error in admining - and those errors are why the ROE exists.

But the ROE is better than nuthin

Code the ROE
that, my man, is why you have been quoted in my sig for the last few months. agreed 100%
That is pretty damn spot on if you ask me..
Frosties > Cornflakes

Hellfire(Fish) wrote:

I'm sorry, but please use the search function to find one of the other 25 posts on this topic =\
And to be honest, Dice wrote the ROE, so dice can violate them all they want.
It's kinda like saying God can't change the bible...
But god didnt write the bible.......

In any case, i can just invision these infantry only servers as legit k/p tbh, and again i can see many more restrictions being imposed, e.g, I am all but convinced eventually they will take out grenades in those infantry servers, probably claymores to.  I mean really, just imagen karkand, infact if anything I think some servers will discourage players to cap any flag other than the hotel and then it really will be legit k/p.  I can see why there putting it in, I dont play karkand often, to much armour whoring, but really this new mode is in contradiction to the roe, I know they can change it however they please, but all that is going to do, is give ground to more changes, hence legalise stats padding.

Last edited by Bell (2006-07-14 18:13:18)

Former Karkand Addict
+32|6896|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Infantry only option is for major pussies.  Now they are making it ranked, wtf?  I only have around 20% vehicle kills so it is not like I am in a vehicle too often.
-1 this thread...
I have about 30 pistols and knifes only servers in my favorites, that are breaking EA's ROE, but heck they are fun and I like to drop in for an easy 300+ POINTS per rounds

Nikola Bathory wrote:

the "infantry" only option is a direct violation of the ROE!!!
I love tanks! Why introduce such option?? Instead, they could make the new map without any tanks and APCs. Only jeeps, let's say.
Tanks are for hookers who can't use a gun.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6906|Lexington, Kentucky

Drumedor wrote:

I think they will change the ROE after the patch, if you want to whore your tank then don't play on the infantry servers.
That seems to jive with what I read about RoE the other day. So yes, I think they'll change/update it too, as all hints point towards a ranked IO option.

EA wrote:

Rules of Engagement [RoE]
Beyond the server configuration settings there are many in-game policies for ranked servers. We refer to these as the Rules of Engagement, and they are managed by EA and Combat Studios on the BF2 Ranked Servers site. Due to the dynamic nature of BF2 this is a living document and subject to revisions. In the same forum there is a location to debate and discuss the RoE. These are rules driven by the community and thus feedback is imperative to keeping the RoE on track and fair.
http://www.ea.com/official/battlefield/ … erpolicies

stryyker wrote:

ill give you a guess of what the ROE can do.

ill give you a hint, it involves
A.) My testicles
B.)a bucket of ice
C.)stuffed moose head
D.) All of the above
My guess would be the bucket of ice for your testicles after you stuffed the moose head?
a fly
+105|6957|The netherlands

DirtyMexican wrote:

Listen, who gives a fuck about roe, If all you do is talk on this forum you need to kill your fucking selfs.
supports opnion, suplys people that want with ropes, knifes, pistols ect.
Now I just hope the server TELLS if its on, havn't seen a single server saying that you can get killed by AT mines.

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