Chuck Norris' Homeboy
+85|6942|Oxford, MS
We've got some good pilots in my clan.  Robinette3, Marlboroman82, and *2p*TaintedSoul are all really good.  Join us on 24/7 Dalian Plant - @  We play most every night.  Give us a shout on our site at too!
Thats nothing, one round of Sharqi we started out, and I got the heli. After a couple of minutes we got shot down and got back to the heli pad, I had my C4 out dunno why I was just runnin to the heli and some guy shoots me dead.

Im like wtf?? And he says he saw me with my C4 and thought I was gonna blow them up, his rank was something pathetic and im a 2nd Lieutenant. Come on, when was the last time you seen anyone with a half decent rank TK for a heli or blow it up. Its just not worth it.

So then he said it was because he was there first, followed by "turns k?" and I was like, not after that shit.

What did he do then? "Your never gonna get it!", and spent the entire round out near the top of the map with his mate. What was his final score? -25 of course.
Slickfish - If you got in the chopper as a gunner whilst I'm the pilot and did a really bad job of gunning, I'd give you another chance and instructions.  If you like most just ignore my helpful tips and continue to act like a noob and refuse to not get out to let someone in who knows what they're doing then I'm going to send you to the red zone.  If the practice of doing what's best for the team makes me a TW@T in your eyes then so be it, I'd rather have a fun round than an annoying one  - and that single statement probably goes for any player.
+186|6878|The real world

AnOctaveBelow wrote:

Slickfish - If you got in the chopper as a gunner whilst I'm the pilot and did a really bad job of gunning, I'd give you another chance and instructions.  If you like most just ignore my helpful tips and continue to act like a noob and refuse to not get out to let someone in who knows what they're doing then I'm going to send you to the red zone.  If the practice of doing what's best for the team makes me a TW@T in your eyes then so be it, I'd rather have a fun round than an annoying one  - and that single statement probably goes for any player.

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Can't do it like that anymore. Heli will crash if you get out of pilots seat. Sure, you have a quick second to try, but the heli spins too fast (for me) to get any sort of decent shot off. That was one of the reasons they made air vehicles crash when the pilot jumped out or switched seats.
You can still do quick switches to take out choppers. I do it all the time if I don't have a gunner.
+3|7000|Gold Coast, Australia
Personally i can fly well and gun well. atm i prefer flying but that changes a lot so here's the method.

as pilot:

Gunner gets in
Line up gunner for easy TV
if he ignores that, redzone and pick up someone i know can gun. failing that i'll solo and still do really well

as gunner:
pilot gets in
if he doesnt line me up, next time we land, M95 ftw
solo for the round

Of course if you're on a server that doesnt like the M95... THERES PLENTY OF OTHER SERVERS OUT THERE. GO PICK ONE.


-[M7] Zer0verride

If you want to have a friendly chopper duel, xfire me: tempestrix and depending on location and ping, we just might get something going.
+53|6828|Los Angeles, California
God.. I had the same problem earlier. I flew perfectly in the Cobra today.. managed to take down a few things with my rockets.. and I go back to ammo. This guy jumps in, and he's a higher rank than me, so I assumed he could gun well. I lined up all perfect shots for him. Multiple choppers were in plain view, instead he opens up the gun, and I have to fly in just to get the kills because he can't gun for crap either! Nevertheless, I ended the match with 56 points, all chopper. Stupid nubs who say "Let me in the chopper you fucking pussy" and once the get in, waste all the Tv's before I even get to the mainland! (Gulf of Oman) Then he says I can't fly, and proceeds to shoot everything he sees. Those days just give me MAJOR headaches.

If any of you want to hook up for some friendly chopper scrimms, I'm up for it as long as the time is right. Xfire is lonewolf72.

I would TV missle them myself, but I'm not that good at that, and usually when we take off, someone else is already in my chopper.

Last edited by chaosdragon001 (2006-07-06 23:34:02)

The first true Sniper.
+95|6962|Cumberland, MD, USA
Is this bad pilot/gunner day or what? I had the same problem on Sharqi today. I was in the Mi-28 and I had, what I thought, would be a decent gunner. I say, "I'll point my nose at the E. You just left-click." He says, "k," but when we get there he shoots his cannon at the tank.   Jesus man! You have the most powerful weapon in the game at your disposal; use it! Nope.
It's tough. I feel your pain.

The thing is though, sometimes you get an overzealous pilot. I've been put out of bounds for missing a TV shot on a rolling Helo. It was a badly lined up shot at that. The pilot went bonkers over VOIP and put me OB. I bailed and ended up stealing the MEC chopper on Sharqi so it worked out pretty well.

I've had incredible pilots too. The type that know how to circle strafe, and set you up so perfectly for a TV shot you barely need to adjust. It's beautiful when that happens, brings a tear to my eye.
+269|6903|Marlton, New Jersey.
anybody ever need a good pilot? find me on game moniter and if im on and your stuck with noob pilots, copy the ip and join the fun
and also a good gunner but just got a new optical mouse and cant get used to it so my tv missiles suck right now

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-07-06 23:51:49)

i cant see why people cant fly or gun, its really not that hard with a bit of excuses
im always playing  =ESS= 24/7 Dragon valley IP port : 16967
mostly in the chopper hard to find a good gunner or pilot
come and jump in, i believe to be myself a very decent pilot

Last edited by cohen1976 (2006-07-07 00:11:03)

Unintentionally Verbose

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Jello.01 wrote:

I usually try to give my gunners or pilots a chance, if they suck, I would switch, depeneding on whatever they were on last, then if they still suck, red zone for them, then soloing ftw! I'm still trying to master what the guy does on Duck and Cover, where he switches to the gunner seat and uses the gun on infantry while spinning around, that was awesome.
Can't do it like that anymore. Heli will crash if you get out of pilots seat. Sure, you have a quick second to try, but the heli spins too fast (for me) to get any sort of decent shot off. That was one of the reasons they made air vehicles crash when the pilot jumped out or switched seats.
Can still do it quite well. You never had all that long to shoot before you went off target anyway, with all the spinning, just switch back to pilot seat when the engines cut and you'll have plenty of time to get up again.

Choppering without voip or ventrilo or something is a waste of time. If you hop in a chopper with someone, make sure you're in a squad with them. Best bet is to only hop in choppers with clanmates/friends who you're already communicating with anyways, and know you can trust to do the right thing.
+721|6899|the dank(super) side of Oregon
when you entheusiastic but useless gunners learn how to use your weapons, I'll fly for you.  95% of the idiots in the gunner seat have no business being there.  I'm better at doing both positions by myself that with some retard.
+947|6830|Gold Coast
The big problem that i have with piloting and gunner stuff is the lag and my mouse. I only just realised the other day that when using the Tv missile, you can make it turn by clicking at the target. Haha can i get more noobish?

I myself dont fly too much, i may get in a chopper/plane once in the whole day, and all the other time im trying to get my damn knife badge. .  Thats my excuse for being so bad at it, dont know what the other peoples excuses are.
+4|6826|the grim and cold north.

wallzballz wrote:

i cant see why people cant fly or gun, its really not that hard with a bit of excuses
I agree with you on the gunners point, but before I had my joystick I could not fly good.
I tried to fly with keyboard+mouse a few days ago on single play and it was hilarious,
I could hover and make my way across the battlefield etc, but to fly fast over the battlefield at altitudes below 5 meters and zigzag between the trees etc was a no no. Every time I meet a pilot that uses the keyboard and Can fly I get amazed, they are my heroes.

Over to the topic.

I don’t really have a huge problem with bad gunners.
Just make them join your squad and then you can communicate with them in voice, which are much easier then to write or try to mind read.
A bad gunner can be a decent gunner with some small hints. he will still have huge problems with the missile in the beginning and you will probably not take down enemy helos with it, but tanks and other slow moving enemies will be turned to dust.

Some of my usual communication with a newbe gunner.
“Press F9 or the c-key, then you will see much better when you use the cannon”
“Don’t be scared to use the cannon against infantry or cars.”
“You can’t kill armored vehicles with the cannon, use the missile.” (Not really true, but close enough)
“You won’t run out of ammo with the cannon, trust me, but don’t overheat it”
“True, but I dare you, try to run out of ammo with the cannon and you’ll see”
“Don’t go for headshots with the cannon, use the splash damage”
“Feuer frei! Suppress the flag-area with the cannon” (I usually play on German servers)
“You don’t have to see the enemy to kill him, just open fire against the flag from long distance”
“Switch to missile, enemy tank” (or helo, apc, mobil-AA.)
“Ok, just fire a missile and try to guide it, so you know how it works”
“You guide the missile with aiming the crosshair and left-click the mouse again”
“Hit “Yes sir” if you can hear me, it’s the page-up button on the keyboard” (I always laugh when I get a “No-Sir” back, it shows that they have humor )

On the other hand there is no cure for a bad pilot…
Unless it’s just the teamwork between you that sucks, then just talk and get it on.

Cal players > BF2s
+40|6904|Columbus,Ohio-THE Ohio State U

Chillin&killin wrote:

im not much of a pilot but yesterday i was flyin on dragon valley and the gunner used the gun on the linebacker which killed us and the same for the cobras so i gave up. the very few times i pilot i always get crap gunners. stick to familliar servers with the pilots you know are good i suppose
instead of sticking to servers u kno that have good pilots/gunners stick to PPL u kno are good gunners/pilots.  Get on ts and rape away, thats what i do:)

*EDIT* btw toxicboy u stole my name, omgwtfbbq, u noobzor!!!!111

Last edited by ToXiC888 (2006-07-07 01:24:48)

+45|6904|Bristol, UK
If I get a noobstrike gunner who can't hit shit I just say "fuck it" and do some fast rocket runs, take out a few tanks.
+4|6826|the grim and cold north.

ToXiC888 wrote:

*EDIT* btw toxicboy u stole my name, omgwtfbbq, u noobzor!!!!111
LOL, I'm sorry.

My first O is actually a Zero not an O.

The boring part is that I also "stole" it from myself, when I tried to register Toxicboy it was already taken. Because for a few years ago I register it on gamespy as a login account but I can’t remember the password and the mail is to my old old old workmail.
And you can’t create a BF2 account that already exists in Gamespy.. wtf.
Well, I have to stick with being a zero

+65|7012|las vegas
unless your in a clan with good players. usually hard to find.

i come across them quite a bit in pubs. usually high rankers are normally really good pilots...but not always.

but ya its hard...what is even worse is flying with a crappy gunner.
Should fly with me bad ass GUNNER & PILOT !

I suggest you Buddie up. I have a good friend who is a great gunner. We play together so much that if I haven't got him in the gunner seat, I don't fly. When we join servers and the commander listens to our requests to spot all Armour with AA first, we change the course of the game. Most powerful tool in the game, when used right.
No place like
+76|7014|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
J00 5HOULd FLy W1TH M3, im SuCH 4 L3ET PiLOT, iv3 N3v3R D13D 1N b4tTleFIELD 2 b3PHoRe!
+30|6981|The Dark Side Of The Moon
if there are shit gunners around i'd just rather fly & TV myself i've had 42-1 K/D ratio on wake flying solo & TV-ing if i get a clan m8 either gunning or flying just don't even bother getting in armor or the enemy attack chopper cos you'll just shit yourself when you go BOOM!!

Last edited by Orgtheone (2006-07-07 02:25:19)

I can't fly worth a damn but when I ride along with a good pilot I usually do well.

To further enhance the feeling of gunner/pilot against the world I q-key a quick "Thank you" every time he lines me up for a nice TV opportunity.
And when I miss a shot I usually say "Sorry, my bad".

When/if we get shot down and we've had a good run and spawn at the heli pad I usually type out a "Nice flying, you set me up nicely quite a few times!".

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