
The most anoying thing in BF2

Getting Badges/Ribbons3%3% - 13
Accident punishers33%33% - 115
Tk'ers21%21% - 73
Lag/Comp. requierments12%12% - 42
Load times12%12% - 43
Gun inaccuracies15%15% - 53
Total: 339
Good post, RVS-Valve, although I take issue with your comment about capping the last enemy flag.

Alright, I'll concede, a round that ends after 8 minutes isn't all that satisfying, but that usually happens when a) the enemy suffer a catastrophic loss in the first minute (full blackhawk, etc) and by the time they reorganise, they are several key flags down and b) there are a couple of very adept players and they're both on the same squad, capping flags like crazy. So, in those games which end early, usually there are a couple of players with high scores, relatively speaking, and the rest have low scores, which as far as your stats go, sucks.  Sure.

But what's the alternative? Take it easy for the first few minutes? *Let* the enemy cap flags? I think you'd have a hard time persuading your comrades to back off and let the opposition get back on its feet. I suppose the third option is to not let them escape from their last spawn area but also not cap their flag when you can. You might rationalise that as "giving them a chance", but it's nothing more than base r**ing.
When you KNEEL POINT AND CLICK and the defib doesn't work. I just played a few rounds, and I was dead on with the defib. Had to do it twice to save some people.

Getting blasted in the face by a shotgun. Ouch. Not so much annoying as blah.

No blood. I can understand leaving it out to get the T rating and a larger market. Still though, it would've been nice. I wonder what the splatter would look like from a claymore... (Yes, I know there's a mod)

Looking at the clock and realizing that another hour just dissapeared.

People who spend way too much time playing this game.
That's 10 hours a day. I saw in another post the suggestion that this is multiple people. That would make the most sense. 10 hours a day for 146 days is beyond me. Still though, group or guy, it's a lot of hours.

Having the server reset right in the middle of your 100+ point game. That's happened too many times. Maybe I shouldn't play during those hours...

For large maps, I don't see a problem with letting them have 2 flags. for smaller, one is enough. I don't stand right on the edge of their base and rape them, as you put it. I usually sit between their base and the nearest flag. They still have the option of taking the long route and getting a flag. What the rest of my teammates do is their business. If the games close, then I don't mind if we take all the flags. But if we're pwning them, then back off and let them have a flag or two. I'd rather lose a round and get 80 points then win a round with 40.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7114|Orlando, FL - Age 43
RMS_valve.....congratulations on leaving high school. Thanks for the math lesson. I teach math btw .
O.K. it's back to school for you....

Take a look at my total time...

Commander 39:28:37
Squad Leader  132:46:29
Squad Member  95:07:54
Lone Wolf  103:58:06
Total 371:26:13    <----------- this number

....of that, 15% is played as a grunt on the ground with a t00b. 54/371=.145 ---> I rounded it up to 15% LOL

The reason I bring up my stats in comparison to yours is to point out that when you criticize others for not playing a variety of kits when they have more time in just two kits than you have in the entire game. It's the problem with youth.....they think they know far more than they do, and are not afraid to tell you about it as if they have lived forever.

You try chucking "actual" grenades up to the roof of the hotel in Karkand, up to the cranes in both the Dalian Plant or Sharqi....throw them all day.....hehe.

All that being said....I think  it's time to break out the t00b, and hunt me some whiners.

btw you write very well,  .....but you are still missing the point.

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-14 22:49:21)


Darth_Fleder wrote:


Obviously, we all bow to your infinite wisdom, especially in light of the fact that post was NOT directed to you. But, since you felt it necessary to put your two cents in, something I wrote must have touched a nerve. FIrst of all, Speelie, the ONLY reason that you have a positive k/d ratio is that you use weapons other than those in your kit, i.e. helicopter, armor etc.

                          Kills  Deaths
Totals 153:06:08 5,111 6,263    <-------look it up yourself


The above are YOUR kit weapon totals as reported by this site. That Mr. smarty is a .81 k/d ratio. So don't presume to lecture me as to how smart YOU are and how handy you are with your "best friend" gun, when it comes to playing the game.

Neither do I "need" the GL, I just like it best. Nothing in this game is more gratifying then to lay a grenade right at somebody's feet and watch them fly ass over teakettle, five to ten feet in the air, then lay there twitching. I also like spec-ops and engineer as well. I have no problem breaking off an engagement and change kits to go repair commander assets or a friendly vehicle. You also have vet engineer and know how hard it is to get ten repair points in a round.

I am glad that you like to play the medic kit, because we all could use a little revival (you can read more into that if you like), and my thanks when you do. It is the variety of people playing different kits that makes this game fun. I have no problem when the enemy (the key word is enemy)  uses anything at his disposal to accomplish a victory. I ask for no quarter as many of the whiners do when they get pwned by someone skilled with the grenade launcher. Don't give me this friendly fire crap either, I incur far fewer teamkills with the t00b than I get.

In regards to dealing with the claymores that you allude to, if I climb the ladder first with a teammate slightly behind....goodbye sniper. But, obviously, self-sacrifice is not yet in your character, being too worried about your precious k/d ratio. 

How does my using the GL help the team? Well, one example comes to mind which should just tickle you to death. After launching one your teammates a short way to heaven, his trusty medic buddy goes to revive him and *BooM*, two tickets are subracted from then enemy score instead of one. , not to mention that will kill a vodnik/hmmv with two hits, soften up multiple enemies from a distance...etc. But you are smart
guy....figure it out.

Allrighty then Mr. I know best. Lets  begin at the beginning.
I know this post wasn't directly posted at me, but I have the right to discuss things with you.
You just say I only have a positive kill to death ratio because of the vehicles. If you were a wise person, you would see that less-lethal weapons are concluded in that table too, like the defibrillator. (4-360, what do you think, that I kill some bogeys with this baby right here? No.)
But that's not what I'm getting at, because I soon will hit a wall -Almost all of the weapon statistics are negative-. The point is, you have to look at kits. Sometimes, yes I enter a vehicle. This can be a Vodnik, or a tank. I kill some people with it. No problem, it's part of the game to go off and kill your enemy in a vehicle.
The fact still stands that my Kill to death ratio is powered by vehicles.

You also tell us that you like twitching bodies and explosives. In a game. If you use your grenade launcher at a long distance, fine, respect, but if you do it at a close range to kill 1 guy, you have no skill and should be executed immediatly. Why? Because you don't get the point of the grenade launcher. It is made for larger groups of enemy forces, small vehicles and to scare of your enemy. - Yes I seek cover when an explosive occurs a few feet next to me. This could be C4, tank, APC, or a tube.- I cannot say wether you use it for the rightious cause or the small text I just wrote.

Next you mention: "I ask for no quarter as many of the whiners do when they get pwned by someone skilled with the grenade launcher". There are whiners that seek trouble with skilled, I repeat, skilled, users of the grenade launcher. If you are I cannot say. I don't know if you removed the link to your stats but I think I can remember that I looked into it. I have no idea why you would remove it. (The proof I have is the quote above.)

Right..self sacrifice that is necessary, ok. Self sacrifice that is not necessary? No. And that's what you do when your climbing a ladder right into hostile claymore. You can easily take out the sniper with a grenade or shoot at him when he want's to shoot your teammates. I'll give you a little piece of advice. When you have your teammate with you, as in your case too, you can do it without getting killed. Have your teammate, or yourself distract the sniper. Don't worry if he kills you or you teammate, because the non-distracter should be a medic. (Doesnt even mind if the distracter is a medic, just pick up his kit.) When the sniper shoots, both of you shoot back. If you can't kill the sniper that way you better find another game. I think this is a easier way to kill a sniper than just run into his claymore.

At the end of your post, you think helping your team is to kill the medic that is just reviving his teammate. My question: Why the heck do you need the grenade launcher for that. Explain that to me and I'll admit that using it is a good thing and people who whine about it should be shot.

Assignment for today: Explain Speelbal why you must use a grenade launcher to kill both medic and his just revived teammate. Good luck!

Last edited by Speelbal (2005-11-15 03:19:41)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

Speelbal wrote:

Assignment for today: Explain Speelbal why you must use a grenade launcher to kill both medic and his just revived teammate. Good luck!
maybe because you can get both of them with one shot ? This is:

a) very efficient
b) saves ammo
c) improves accuracy

Another very important reason ( most important in my opimion ):

d) It's a game, he can do whatever he wants as long as he is not cheating or intentionally TK'ing.

Sportsmanlike behaviour isn't an option here. If I have a tactical advantage ( better weapon, better position, etc.. ) I'd be stupid not to make use of it. My only responsibility in this game is towards my squad and my team ( in that order ). I have no obligation to allow the enemy to beat me.
Uh uh. It is very efficient, saves ammo and improves your accuracy.

Why isn't just shooting with a gun like the G3 efficient? You maybe need 1 second more time to kill them both? If you want to save ammo just knife them. That's what I always do. (If I think  I can make it on time) It improves your accuracy. Stats related. No problem. But a medic when reviving is a very easy target. If you miss that you can't shoot at all. Thus I understand why you would want to use a GL.

At your last argument: Your right. I can do whatever I want, you too. But I don't see the fun in tank whoring all day, or using the m203 all day. Neither is teamkilling a very nice thing to do, but it isn't cheating. But who likes does guys?

No single sole.

Krappyappy wrote:

people always complain about whatever kills them.

'omgz i can't believe you shot me! guns are so gay lolwtfbbq!!111one'
That's funny.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
Got one I'd like to add, though I guess it might fall into "loading times"

Anyway, my most annoying thing is "Loading complete.  Verifying client data."
+0|7067|Wisconsin - Mooo...

Darth_Fleder wrote:

1. People who Tk for vehicles!
2. Whiners who complain about n00b t00bs, but drive around in tanks (n00bzilla) or fly helo's or jets racking up their 1,000's of kills.
3. Stupid server rules such as no uncappable flag camping, no c4 at flags, n00b t00b= ban.....etc.
4. Idiots who hop in and drive away in my hmmv/vodnik when I am using it to defend a flag.
5. Squads who don't follow orders.
6. Commanders flying jets on 32/64 player servers.
7. Admin abuse.
8. Whiners in general.

Dude, you absolutely nailed - and in order too!
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7149|Cologne, Germany

Speelbal wrote:

Uh uh. It is very efficient, saves ammo and improves your accuracy.

Why isn't just shooting with a gun like the G3 efficient? You maybe need 1 second more time to kill them both? If you want to save ammo just knife them. That's what I always do. (If I think  I can make it on time) It improves your accuracy. Stats related. No problem. But a medic when reviving is a very easy target. If you miss that you can't shoot at all. Thus I understand why you would want to use a GL.

At your last argument: Your right. I can do whatever I want, you too. But I don't see the fun in tank whoring all day, or using the m203 all day. Neither is teamkilling a very nice thing to do, but it isn't cheating. But who likes does guys?

No single sole.
so, do you agree that the m203 could be useful in that situation or don't you ? I wasn't able to tell sarcasm from honesty there, sorry...

no one likes to be killed in a game. it sux. but that's what FPS are about. you kill someone, someone kills you.
thus, being liked by your enemy is not something I strafe for. definitions of fun vary from person to person. Personally, I have long since stopped to judge on other people. it's a matter of personal taste.
I voted for gun inaccuracys for the simple and single reason......STINGERS.

How DICE could get that SOOO wrong and not catch it and fix through Alpha testing, Beta testing and THREE patches is un-fuckin-believeable.  If I had a dollar for everytime a chopper was hovering ten feet away from me and I still couldn't hit the damn thing or when I shoot at a lone enemy jet in the sky and manage to shoot down a chopper full of people on the other side of the map or even better yet......sink one of my own boats coming out of the carrier.

No, I'm serious, I shot at an enemy jet and suck a RIB coming out of the carrier with 4 people in it.
Tell me if this is a new one on this poll ?
two things:
1) people that join your squad but dont spawn together IF possible ont he squad leader?.
2) commander voting spammers? You know the ones, the ones that after 10 minutes in game and you decide since it seemed no one else wanted you do it then all of sudden this person does. Doing a munity vote to get you out.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7114|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Look man, it is really difficult to carry on a a conversation with you as you don't seem to be understanding what I am writing to you and why.

Speelbal wrote:

You just say I only have a positive kill to death ratio because of the vehicles. If you were a wise person, you would see that less-lethal weapons are concluded in that table too, like the defibrillator. (4-360, what do you think, that I kill some bogeys with this baby right here? No.)
But that's not what I'm getting at, because I soon will hit a wall -Almost all of the weapon statistics are negative-. The point is, you have to look at kits.
I mentioned your k/d ratio to because in your second post directed my way you were haranguing me about MY less than perfect kd and basing your following lecture on your positive k/d.

Speelbal wrote:

If you mean me: my stats show that I don't use armor very often.

Speelbal wrote:

You also say that when you started with this game, you were terrible at it and you haven't changed account since. Same here and still I have a positive kill to death ratio. That is because I know how to point out where to spawn, what's best for the team, knowing where tanks are etc. I don't need a m203/gp30 for that job because me and my gun are best friends. I can shoot an enemy for minor distance in a giffy, and I'm reasonable at long distances. ...
Frankly, I don't really give a damn about your k/d ratio, EXCEPT, when you try to use it as a platform to insult or lecture me with.

Secondly, you responded as if I wrote to you personally to the other post, which mystified me.

Speelbal wrote:

I know this post wasn't directly posted at me, but I have the right to discuss things with you.
I didn't even cross my mind that didn't have right to respond to my posts....just that you took personally what was directed at RMS-Valve. (That's another shame, because I heartily concur with most of his annoyances, except where it comes to the t00b. The shame is that when someone tells you that they agree with most of your positions but differs only on one or two points and still go off in full flame mode. Work on your people skills)

Let's get to the root of the topic...the Grenade Launcher. You Speelbal, RMS-Valve, and various others have yet to give me a rational reason why it is not a valid weapon. All I hear is "I hate it" and you have somehow tried all kinds of nonsensical tenets to base your arguments. Speelbal, I have no respect for whining. If you are so 1337 with your gun, then the GL should not bother you or anyone else as much as it does. As for close range use of the weapon and using it to kill one enemy...it's very effective and I see no reason to stop using it for that either, irregardless of whether you respect it or not, especially after a comment like this

SpeelBal wrote:

At your last argument: Your right. I can do whatever I want, you too. But I don't see the fun in tank whoring all day, or using the m203 all day. Neither is teamkilling a very nice thing to do, but it isn't cheating.
First of all, if you are equating using the GL to deliberate tk'ing, you are whacked outta your mind. On what planet is it ok to kill your own teammates on purpose. The GL is a legitimate weapon of war, and this is a WAR-GAME. 

SpeeBal wrote:

But who likes does guys?

No single sole.
btw....a sole is either a fish, or the bottom of your foot.....what are you talking about?

As for not including my stats in the last post....all you had to do is go back a page...my stats are still there...or if that fails....enter my name in "Get Stats" at the top left corner of this page.

Personally I think that your hatred of the M203/GP-30 is driven by fear, why else all the emotionalism towards use. Which is exactly why you inspire me to continue using it.

SpeelBal wrote:

It is made........to scare of your enemy. - Yes I seek cover when an explosive occurs a few feet next to me.
Enough said.

Obadiah.....amen brother!

Prvb 1:7

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:51:48)

Being stuck with a name. They should allow you to migrate your stats to a new account. Nothing like the old system where you could just change your name to whatever you want. Something that actually moves your stats to a new account and clears the old account.

Spawning on the carrier when all the vehicles are in use. Just maybe you'll get lucky when you spawn and grab a chopper or plane. But no. The one time you spawn there, you have to wait forever. Or grab a boat. Weeee[/sarcasm]!

Fleder, you'll notice I picked your total time using small arms, not total time period. I wasn't counting time in vehicles because you are restricted to using whatever the vehicle offers. I was pointing out that out of all the time you chose to be on foot you used the tube 27% of the time. I should have caught what you meant with the 15%. I apologize for the insults. I thought they were rather creative though, heheheh.

The shame is that when someone tells you that they agree with most of your positions but differs only on one or two points and still go off in full flame mode
I may or may not have been flaming and I'm not going to say either way, but at least I stated points (be they nice or not) instead of going off like some people saying, "omgwtf l00ser fuxing haxordie!!1!. t00b is teh l4m3!1!!1" That's another annoying thing about any game in general. 1337 sp34|k. 7@Lk1NG L13K 7hI5 Do3$N'+ M4Ke J00 CO0L. (I used a generator.)

btw you write very well
Thank you. I take pride in my proper English, grammar, and spelling. I can understand a misspell here, a missed period there, but people who write with a complete lack of structure bother me. Punctuation is also amiss. I blame the school system. It's a total joke. But that's another story.

Last edited by RVS-Valve (2005-11-15 20:25:33)

Being on a team that won't cap flags no matter what I say or do as commander.
I hate when you spawn just to die before your feet even touch the floor, fair enough spawn again... and again, in the end i find my only option is to spawn at a point right at the back, and by the time i get to the action,.... i die lol, im not to good at the game though
Load times annoy me, it doesnt take long for optimising the settings... its the verfiying client data that takes yonks. maybe my firewall? most likely... but its bloody annoying.
First: English is not my native language so don't crack me up about that.
Second: You don't understand some of my statements, no harm done. I will explain some of them.
When I say teamkilling is part of a game a refer to the part where someone said: "Because it's not cheating he can do everything he want." True. But people doing evreything they want are not to be liked.
Also I compare stats, but they're not used to lecture of any kind. They deliberatly got in there, we can leave them out right now.
Third: I confess the grenade launcher is a very usefull weapon and I praise people who can use it wisely. Skilled people. People who kill 1 enemy with it from a short range, people who miss with it, reload and bunnyhop, and miss again. Does people I'm talking about. Now understand me correctly: I do NOT know if you belong to those people. If you do, then I recent you. If you don't, I respect you because you are skilled with a more than decent weapon.
If you read this thouroughly, you would know I don't hate the grenade launcher, I am not afraid of it. I am "afraid" of the people who use it on the n00b way. And no single SOUL likes those people.

Please tell me you understand me!!
Verifying time. Pain in the butt. I guess I'll have to break down and buy more RAM...

First: English is not my native language so don't crack me up about that. smile
I wasn't trying to crack you, as you may know. I'm just saying that people whose native tongue is English, who've  grown up in public schools, really have no education. Or maybe it's just because I live in a bass ackwards town. I'm sure the public schools are better elsewhere. All I know is that the schools in my county are full of idiots. English 4 class (for seniors) consists of adverbs, adjectives, and punctuation. Some of the students still don't know what those are. All of that was originally taught in elementary school; 3-5th grade. It just saddens me that they can get passed through the years without a working knowledge of their own language. Schools in other countries make them learn their native tongue and English in elementary school, and they can really understand both by the time they graduate highschool.
I'm going to add a new one.

Map whores

People who have ungodly stats but then at closer review it's do to their proficiency on one map. People who rack up 10's of 1,000's of kills on one stinking map that you happen to know exactly what to do to kill everyone who hasn't played that map for 100+ hours like you have, doesn't make you a killing machine.

This is 1 step away from stat padding. I think if you spend 80% of your time on 1 map you're a map whore.

I'm going to get flamed for this. But I'm interested to see who does the flaming.
+66|7149|Missoula, MT

Helixeagle wrote:

I hate when you spawn just to die before your feet even touch the floor, fair enough spawn again... and again, in the end i find my only option is to spawn at a point right at the back, and by the time i get to the action,.... i die lol, im not to good at the game though
This happens to me as well.  Only, sometimes when spawning at that back base.  I run into the one "lone" enemy who decided to try and take the base.  Die...where do I spawn now?  My SL is dead!! 
+-1|7049|Haverhill, MA USA
SPAWN CAMPERS.......a cheap way to get a kill.....need I say more????

Jeckelcopy wrote:

What is the most annoying thing in BF2?
Add any others if you please...
I don't think all the bandwith in the world can support all the annoying things in BF2.

mjw wrote:

instant cereal, the only reason, you say you hate people who complain about n00b tubers is because you are one of them. Just looked at stats, suprise, suprise (fav map fckin karkand) and over 1000 kills with n00b tube.
just another point whore.

Most annoying thing for me, is that most people play nothing but Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur. Even though i like these maps myself i like to play on all maps as all classes and most importantly play for the team rather than just running around  like an idiot with GL. I only have one thing to say to people who only use n00b tube and only play karkand, what a waste of £35quid.
well said. thank you kindly.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7114|Orlando, FL - Age 43

It didn't even occur to me that English wasn't your native tongue, so you might take my criticism as a compliment. RVS-Valve nails it exactly when he say how poorly native speakers write in this country. They ARE even proud of it at times, which is a mystery to me because it is like being proud of still wearing a diaper. Basic skills, folks.

What I was trying to get across to you, is that you didn't seem to be understanding what is being written at times. It may be because this isn't your native tongue, so I will make more of an effort to be more clear. What I didn't understand is some of your replies in relation to what was written. For example....you write:

SpeelBal wrote:

When I say teamkilling is part of a game a refer to the part where someone said: "Because it's not cheating he can do everything he want."
In response to this.....leaving off the end and qualifying part of the sentence. That's all I was trying point out.

B.Schuss wrote:

Another very important reason ( most important in my opimion ):

d) It's a game, he can do whatever he wants as long as he is not cheating or intentionally TK'ing.
Well said BTW B.Schuss....I would like to add, or doing many of the things on RMS_Valve's lengthy list.

But, enough on this. My compliments to you for being able to communicate as well as you do in English.

I am loath to explain my tactics as that makes them easier to counter and less effective to me, but let let me share my thinking on the close range and single enemy issue. Let me start of by saying that I tend only to use assault when I am on maps that where I expect to be dealing primarily with enemy infantry and relatively few armored vehicles (Karkand, Sharqui, Mashtuur and sometimes Oman). The funny thing is that when I first started playing the game, I preferred non-city maps. However my son, who is attending a university in another city (he and I use this game as a means to share a little quality time (he is a Holy-terror plaing this game (check his knife and pistol kills), you can see his stats here  http://bf2s.com/player/belcorwyn ), and his LAN buddies prefer city maps. Back on topic....when I am expecting infantry I use the the GL as my primary weapon. I know that this is less than popular, but I have my reasons. As a general rule, when turning a corner, I don't always know what I will find there. It may be multiple bogeys or just a single enemy. If is just a single, I stand a slimmer chance in the encounter if I take the time to switch to the rifle giving him the advantage of plugging rounds into me before I can bring my weapon to bear. I just pull the trigger and hopefully move on. Now you may want to counter with, use the rifle primarily and switch if you need to. Well if the case is muliple enemies, it may again take too long to switch weapons resulting in my quick death...or the moment to catch them all with one round may be gone. Better just just run around with it primary mode where I stand the best chance. I am not sure why you find it annoying when a t00ber misses you and bunnyhops all over the place to reload and misses yet again, I find it hilarious, *BOOM*boing*boing*boing*BOOM*boing*boing*boing*BOOM*, it gives you that much more time to kill him. I used to be guilty of doing this...and have to admit with very little success. This is the time to hop once or twice and pull out the rifle or pistol and try to capitalize on any splash damage. I could go on and on, but want to address bunnyhopping with a little clarity and writing takes time. Let me just say this, I use the t00b with the thought of catching multiple enemies and making long range shots or taking out transport vehicles first (popping a full Vodnik is a special treat), but have no compunction whatsoever taking out a single enemy if the chance presents itself to me. If I come across a sniper capping a flag with only a pistol out, hey, there is a good chance that I will take very little damage if I blow him to kingdom-come. Remember, I am on the dark side of the force.

Now as to bunnyhopping, one of my students gave the "Official Guide to BF2", complete with "game-tester's tips. As far as I can tell, it is sanctioned by EA. Now, I know that does not carry a lot of weight with many of you and the guide isn't really worth spending money on as all the useful "tips" can be gleaned out of it by spending five minutes reading it where it is for sale but it does say a little about the jumping ability ( I know RMS, an awfully long sentence). I don't have it front of me now, but I do remember it saying something to the regard that the jumping ability is not dependant upon the sprint meter. No matter how low it goes you can continue to jump. It does not say specifically to bunnyhop, but it is implied. Now, my point is this, When I am confronted with a situation where I am at a disadvantage, i.e. out of ammo, facing multiple enemies, etc., I would begin some serious evasive manuevers. The game itself does not seem to lend itself to ducking, weaving, playing dead or anything that lends itself to escape or surrender (Now that would an interesting feature if you could "capture" enemies in this game). I am more than open to any suggestions or tips on effective escape techniques that do not involve hopping. I have to say that all the bunnyhopping in the world does not stop a skilled player and I have generally limited success when I do try it, far better to kill you with the GL's first shot and not have to worry about it

Anyway, gotta run.

Exodus 23:20-27

Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2005-11-18 06:52:57)

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