Madhadda1 wrote:
HURLEY wrote:
Madhadda1 wrote:
hahaha wtf are you talking, you have a higher score then me, duh your gunna have a better combat score and team score and im not a karkand whore.
LOL! yea but you are a wake island whore and have more points in vehicles than anything. being a vehicle whore isnt much better than a medic whore, actually id say its worse.
and you shouldnt talk about med whoring cause you have less hours than me and about 1000 more revives.
actually no i dont have more points in vehicles than anything else and if i did im sorry for using vehicles i guess they are against the rules.... oh and i have more revives than you because you suck.
dude you crack me up. your the one talking about how med whorings bad. and you say that i suck? im sorry that i dont play just medic, i have 90+ hours as spec ops and if i use the medic kit i actually use the gun.
and for the vehicles being illegal, your just a stupid pussy that only flys jets and if they dont get it they stand infront of it or TK. you have more tk's than me and about 200 hours less. kinda sad.
and yea my stats arent the greatest, i know.... but i play this game for fun not so i can be like 0Mg!!! mUh St4t$ 4re t3h 13373$7@!!#!!!!!!