Hard Case
+11|6996|S.E. United States
good post cougar,and I especially agree with the lanuage rule.Im kicked twice a day because of it,but personally dont give a fuck.and far as the karma deal here,dont give a fuck about that either.karma in life,all for it and believe in it called karma at these forums,pffft,who gives a fuck...
+630|6959|The Netherlands
naah dont care about all the rules, just like the rest of the bf2 players, most of the rules are useless and nobody cares about them...
+186|6874|The real world
We have our own rules, if our team capped all flags > carrier
oh hai :D
+156|6966|The Netherlands
+630|6959|The Netherlands

elmo1337 wrote:

We have our own rules, if our team capped all flags > carrier

ReDmAn_ThE_uNiQuE wrote:

Soup Boy
+32|6921|Stockholm, Sweden

Cougar wrote:

§2.3 You may not deliberately hinder your own team or acting in such as way as to cause team mates unavoidable deaths or team losses.
§ Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding
§ Destruction of friendly vehicles
§ Excessive team killing.

Wow, I break these rules on an almost daily basis.  I don't care either and I will continue to do so. If you don't like it, wipe me.  That is really the only thing you guys need to do before I just throw the damn game in the trash and refuse to buy another EA product.  This shit is seriously not worth the trouble.
If you are one of the motherfuckers TKing for vehicles and shit, then you can might ass well throw away your frikkin' game cause nobody wants you in it anyway. Where has you common sense gone? vacation?

Start playing like a real teamplayer and wait for your turn if somebody takes a vehicle before you.

Snorkelfarsan wrote:

Cougar wrote:

§2.3 You may not deliberately hinder your own team or acting in such as way as to cause team mates unavoidable deaths or team losses.
§ Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding
§ Destruction of friendly vehicles
§ Excessive team killing.

Wow, I break these rules on an almost daily basis.  I don't care either and I will continue to do so. If you don't like it, wipe me.  That is really the only thing you guys need to do before I just throw the damn game in the trash and refuse to buy another EA product.  This shit is seriously not worth the trouble.
If you are one of the motherfuckers TKing for vehicles and shit, then you can might ass well throw away your frikkin' game cause nobody wants you in it anyway. Where has you common sense gone? vacation?

Start playing like a real teamplayer and wait for your turn if somebody takes a vehicle before you.
Do me a favor.  There is a guy at BF2:RS that wipes people.  Go into the forums and go to the reporting section.  In the reporting section, go to the teamkilling section.  In the teamkilling section go to the "people who tk on purpose" section.  Once there ask for a man named IndianScout.  IndianScout will have several tasks for you to do, such as taking screen shots, posting scores or getting video's of these crimes in action.  Once you get these, take them back to him.  IndianScout will then hand you a package.  E-mail the package to yourself and find a computer somewhere, where there is no one around.  Once there open your e-mail.  Once in your e-mail, open IndianScouts package.  Take the shotgun out of the package and blow your fucking brains onto the wall behind you.  I'll send your mother a letter explaining how you were having emotional issues with the way an anonymous person in an online game was playing and how you tried to report him and nothing happened.
TK FTW! sumtimes u just feel really bored... bf2 all over... what do u do? TK a bunch of ppl in blackhawk!

DirtyMexican wrote:

Cougar wrote:

I recently visited the official BF2ROE listing to read the whole thing through, being that I'd never really given a shit before.  I have always heard people talking about it and debating it, some good, some bad, but until tonight and after reading it........I'm just shocked.  Who the fuck do these people think they are?  Do we really need a Gestapo in BF2?  Someone please explain to me how these particular people were "hired on" by EA/DICE.  Frankly, I think it's a load of bullshit, I saw at least 6 rules that I break on a daily basis and didn't even know it.  I want to go over a few things in the ROE that really piss me the fuck off.

§ Infantry only Servers are not allowed.
Why the fuck not?  Please someone explain why 16 or 32 people on a map that are basically on an even playing field is breaking the rules anymore than 1 person out of 32 in a tank and 30 points in the lead.  Kiss my ass.  Even better is the fact that EA is releasing an all infantry map with the next patch.  Ohh I see, it's wrong if we feel like playing infantry only but if EA decides to release an infantry map it's suddenly ok.  Hypocrites.

§ Kicking Players who use vehicles or aircraft
Way to enforce that shit, it's only happened to me about 38598579357395739 times.  But on a different note, if I payed $350 a month for a ranked server, $115 for the game and all the boosters and then had to put up with working with a shitty EA admin console, I believe admins should reserve the right to kick ANYONE whenever they see fit.

§1.7 Server administrators may not use non-standard (custom map packs) maps or modified versions of standard maps.
Did you pricks ever stop and think that if maybe you released more than 2 free maps people wouldn't be looking for custom shit!?  Ohh wait, I'm sorry, you released what, like 12 new maps, to bad they only cost about $65 and most of them sucked ass anyways.  Thanks alot.  What happened to the BF1942 era support where we got a map or two almost every patch and some in between? 

High Points Servers
Gee, I thought the whole point of the stats system was to get points.  Excuse the fuck out of me because I play on 16 man servers running 64 player maps.  There are alot of points there, it's just to bad it takes a 3 hour round to get them.  Also, you asswipes ever stop and think that perhaps people like playing there because there are ACTUALLY enough vehicles for everyone!!  WOW!!  No getting tked for a jet or chopper and no more getting C4'ed in a tank because someone else wanted it, because there are plenty.  FUCK YOU EA.

§1.9 Players may not Impersonate or abuse BF2RS ADMINS.
I'll impersonate anyone I damn well please, thank you very much.  Since when are you people in a position to tell me what my name can and can't be?  Ohh thats right, the stats.  Take them, I don't fucking care.  You showed me just how much they meant when you nerfed all the medals, lowered all the ranks, wiped Firestorm and then gave his shit right back.  Stats are worthless, just like your company.

§1.10 Server administrators will not go to ANY public or clan ranked server and threaten or bully any clan or clan administrator.
Like I said before, I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do.  You can't make me be nice to someone.  What are we in the 5th grade all over again here or something?  No bullying?  Fuck off.

§ Option B: TK punish is to be set to automatic or on, but may not be set to off.
Man, I really hate you people.  Really.

§2.1 You may not use any offensive or sexually explicit language in chat or voice mode.
§2.2 You may not use foul or slanderous language involving race, gender, sexual preference, religion or creed.

PUSSYSHITJEWCOCKASSTITSDONGCHINAMANTRANNY!  .....and yes I will be joining an Official EA server tonight to type that in numerous times.

§2.3 You may not deliberately hinder your own team or acting in such as way as to cause team mates unavoidable deaths or team losses.
§ Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding
§ Destruction of friendly vehicles
§ Excessive team killing.

Wow, I break these rules on an almost daily basis.  I don't care either and I will continue to do so. If you don't like it, wipe me.  That is really the only thing you guys need to do before I just throw the damn game in the trash and refuse to buy another EA product.  This shit is seriously not worth the trouble.

§ Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
§ Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
§ Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
§ Impersonating clan members.
§ Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
§ Clans may change or customize rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
See you on the battlefield.

Yeah, how about not.  These are about the gayest fucking rules I've ever seen.  If you expect me to adhere to this garbage then you can choke on my sack.

§ King Dave [email protected] Director
§ IndianScout [email protected] Director

Two of the biggest dickheads on Earth as far as I'm concerned.

So, after reading the Official BF2ROE I think I am madder than I have ever been with EA/DICE.  To think that they would make a game so great and then literally nerf it to death, patch it so hard that the end product is worse than the beginning product, and enforce such bullshit rules that inhibit what little game play the engine has left that isn't either bugged, glitched or nerfed to the point of being useless.......literally dumbfounds me.  So many things have happened over the past year that, to think back to when I was really focused on stats and awards and then to think about it now, where I realize they mean absolutely nothing and that these stats and awards are actually ruining the gameplay and experience is an epiphany in and of itself. 

The favoritism of EA is an infuriating when you think about it.  Think of Nastie Butler and Vengence.  They got wiped for "blackhawking", something that was perfectly legit at the time, with no ROE's against it.  People whine and cry and they nerf it, then to top it all off, they wipe the "blackhawkers" stats.  They had literally, by definition, done nothing wrong.  But then you have Firestorm, who spends more time as commander, sitting in a tank with a UAV above him doing jack shit for his team.  I can think of at least 3 ROE's he broke just by doing that.  He gets wiped and a few days later HE GETS HIS SHIT BACK!?  What in the bloody fuck.  I suppose it has nothing to do with the fact he was No 1. in the world, or the fact he is an admin at one of the most popular gaming community's in the Battlefield universe.  I doubt very seriously if anyone on these forums can name another person who was wiped and then got their shit back.  This is a game, I intend to play it as a game, not as a world with laws with fines and punishments.  I choose to play free, fun, and to the best of my interest, not in a manner of how others TELL ME I will have fun.  I will have fun doing WHAT I think is fun.  It pisses me off that nobody has the balls to stand up to these cocks and say "HEY!, Just let us play the godamned game!!".


The repercussions of this post are meaningless to me.  Do what you wish you Nazi bastards I don't give a shit anymore.

Coug Out
Jesus has spoken!
LOL, thats allot of words
Soup Boy
+32|6921|Stockholm, Sweden

Cougar wrote:

Snorkelfarsan wrote:

Cougar wrote:

§2.3 You may not deliberately hinder your own team or acting in such as way as to cause team mates unavoidable deaths or team losses.
§ Commander flying or in a vehicle instead of commanding
§ Destruction of friendly vehicles
§ Excessive team killing.

Wow, I break these rules on an almost daily basis.  I don't care either and I will continue to do so. If you don't like it, wipe me.  That is really the only thing you guys need to do before I just throw the damn game in the trash and refuse to buy another EA product.  This shit is seriously not worth the trouble.
If you are one of the motherfuckers TKing for vehicles and shit, then you can might ass well throw away your frikkin' game cause nobody wants you in it anyway. Where has you common sense gone? vacation?

Start playing like a real teamplayer and wait for your turn if somebody takes a vehicle before you.
Do me a favor.  There is a guy at BF2:RS that wipes people.  Go into the forums and go to the reporting section.  In the reporting section, go to the teamkilling section.  In the teamkilling section go to the "people who tk on purpose" section.  Once there ask for a man named IndianScout.  IndianScout will have several tasks for you to do, such as taking screen shots, posting scores or getting video's of these crimes in action.  Once you get these, take them back to him.  IndianScout will then hand you a package.  E-mail the package to yourself and find a computer somewhere, where there is no one around.  Once there open your e-mail.  Once in your e-mail, open IndianScouts package.  Take the shotgun out of the package and blow your fucking brains onto the wall behind you.  I'll send your mother a letter explaining how you were having emotional issues with the way an anonymous person in an online game was playing and how you tried to report him and nothing happened.
I'd love to!

However, i just think it's extremely selfish TKing on purpose for vehicles or for whatever reason. You only end up getting enemies. And you ruin the game for the people trying to play fair and have fun.
I just can't see why you should do that.... is it  because you think your so fucking great and you're a lot better than the rest of us? And you really deserve that vehicle more? Because everyone else are as important as a pile of crap?
If you got that attitude towards gaming and probably life in general, then you should really shape up man. Or sooner or later reality will come crashing down and give you fat slap in the face.

How old are you anyway? 12?
Community Modder
For the people saying that they should play unranked....

Here is my experience.

1. Got in a jet, and immediatly shot out by teammate with an M95.

2. Afterwards, got back in the jet. I'm shot down by friendly AA (pre patch 1.3)

3. Finally, after about repeating 1 and 2 a billion times, finally bomb an enemy. Immediatly banned.

That's why no one plays unranked.

And you gotta love how most of the people saying PLAY ON UNRANKED NOOB are BFROE MP....

Last edited by xstax981 (2006-07-06 06:57:55)


Snorkelfarsan wrote:

If you got that attitude towards gaming and probably life in general, then you should really shape up man. Or sooner or later reality will come crashing down and give you fat slap in the face.

How old are you anyway? 12?
If you got that attitude towards gaming and probably life in general, then you probably wear wool sweaters and drive a mini-van.

I really don't see what is so hard to understand about this shit.  IRL, I'm a normal, harworking, average Joe.  When I come home and sit down at the computer and get on the internet to log onto my game that I payed over $115 for, I should be allowed to whatever I feel like to have fun within reasonable means.  If someone is wrecking my fun, I have no problem putting a bullet in their skull.  I shouldn't have to feel like I'm being monitored like I'm in a fucking prison.

I'm sooooo sorry my online persona, bothers you.  Get a grip.
+41|6828|Infiltrating the Smurf Village
See how easy it is to work them up Cougar?
+1,128|6957|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
i love TOP ^_^

spawnofthemist wrote:

i love TOP ^_^
I love two dollar pints at Hooters all summer long.
If you are one of the motherfuckers TKing for vehicles and shit, then you can might ass well throw away your frikkin' game cause nobody wants you in it anyway. Where has you common sense gone? vacation?

Start playing like a real teamplayer and wait for your turn if somebody takes a vehicle before you.
wait for my turn? dude, it's my turn!!! get out of my fuckin chopper
two dollar pints?! that sounds cheep, although i do not know the equivilant in english sterling. joing the RAF and its 50p a pint (for all the americans thats about the price of a mars bar)
+1,128|6957|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Oberst-Moser wrote:

If you are one of the motherfuckers TKing for vehicles and shit, then you can might ass well throw away your frikkin' game cause nobody wants you in it anyway. Where has you common sense gone? vacation?

Start playing like a real teamplayer and wait for your turn if somebody takes a vehicle before you.
wait for my turn? dude, it's my turn!!! get out of my fuckin chopper
exactly mate +1

pure_beef_69 wrote:

two dollar pints?! that sounds cheep, although i do not know the equivilant in english sterling. joing the RAF and its 50p a pint (for all the americans thats about the price of a mars bar)
It is fairly cheap, especially for a Hooters restaurant.
+1,128|6957|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
damn.. i wish my student union would only charge 50p a pint.. fucks sake i could get blitzed for a tenner!

20 pints for the equivalent of $18

you have to agree thats amazing
The one that really annoys me is the no infantry only servers.  What is that about?  Why do we HAVE to have tanks and vehicles.  Obviously if people are on the server, they don't want vehicles and everyone is happy there- why force it.

[mcp]eltorrente wrote:

The one that really annoys me is the no infantry only servers.  What is that about?  Why do we HAVE to have tanks and vehicles.  Obviously if people are on the server, they don't want vehicles and everyone is happy there- why force it.
Cougar. I love you.

Ben>You wrote:

Cougar. I love you.

Ben>You wrote:

Cougar. I love you.

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