Please help me! I really want to get the Knife and Pistol badge, but with a pistol I always get mowed down, and with a Knife... well isn't it obvious what happens when you run at someone with an assault rifle in thier hands and a sharp piece of metal in yours. Please can someone give a few tips so i can get those badges.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I am so HAPPY because I just got my basic knife badge!!! Finally! The pistol one is easy, but this one was much more difficult!
I got both on Sharqi btw.
Aussie Outlaw
Well, the best way to get both of those badges are to accept an indirect form of combat.

Try and hit people from the rear, hide alot and wait for them to pass - and pop/stab em in the back. Running at them with a knife or a pistol is pretty much guaranteed death... also wasting your team a precious ticket.

The best map would be Sharqi, there's lots of places to hide and ambush. The hills near the MEC spawn and the construction site are great places for knifing. When you go for your knife always keep your main weapon out, as you dont want a death if you ever meet someone head-on.

When using the pistol, aim with your sites and click as fast as you can (aim at their trunk so any recoil deviation hits them in the upper body)

- Hope that helps
+1|7054|Denmark - Sønderylland
Go sniper at shaqi pensuala. < i got basic and vet badge there. Go sniping because spot a enemy with your sniper and then take him out with the pistol
This is my first post, so hopefully it's a helpful one

Everyone says to use the highly populated city maps for the knife badge, but a different strategy worked for me.  I got mine on a 64 player Wake with maybe 35 people in it.  You want the server to populated enough that not everyone is in a vehicle.  The reason I like Wake better than Sharqi or Karkand is that on the city maps everybody and their grandmother has an assault rifle, where as on Wake it is guaranteed that over half of the enemy that isn't in a vehicle is a sniper.

The strategy is simple enough, stick to the beaches and out of sight of the road and try to get behind any of the obvious sniper spots and stay around the contested flags.  It's generally better for the contested spawn point to be your own rather than one your team is taking, as enemy snipers love to camp the spawns.

A couple tips if you want to try this strategy:

1. Be Spec Ops/Medic/Sniper as you get a longer sprint
2. Be patient while your running along the beaches and only sprint when a target is in sight.
3. If you see a target, try to stay out of his LOS and get behind him (easy if it's a sniper looking down his scope).
4. Always keep main wep out while running and only use knife when you're behind somebody who doesn't know you're there.  It's much better to kill an enemy with your main gun and move on than to start over at your nearest spawn and have to run again.
5. A couple of the better spots I have found on the map is the AA/bunker area between the Beach and Airfield if either is under siege.  Also, the hill by the airstrip is popular.

When I joined the game in which I got my badge, there was around 180 tickets left on each side and when I got the badge there was still around 100 on each side.  I'm sure some luck is involved, as well as the stubbornness of snipers to stay snipers, but the rate at which I got the kills was enough that I believe this strat would work for expert as well as basic/vet.

Not to mention it was probably the funnest game I have played yet.  There is something especially satisfying about knifing a guy who finally found that "perfect" spot.

I don't think there's a fail-proof strategy out there, but this worked for me.  Hope it helps.
That's a totally excellent post dude. So much better than when people just post "Yeah I got mine yay I pwn" (REALLLL helpful). I concur that Wake is good in ways you describe - I got my pistol there, by running along the beaches, and just popping up when I was sure someone was around.

Preferrably you want to get behind them, so run along the beach around the back of an enemy flag/spawn - then, while they leave the spawn and start running for the next flag, go prone, aim down the sights and start popping. By the time they stop and turn around to spot you its too late and they go down. Sometimes this gets messed up by people spawning during the above and just get you from behind, but if its the badge you're after, and your k/d ratio isn't THAT important to you, then stick with this method and you'll have it in no time.

That pesky knife badge tho - for me that's another story. EVERY freaking time I spot a victim, aiming down his scope or just running along or whatever, EVERYTIME he turns just at the last second and whacks me. Or I lunge with the knife at point blank range but somehow he's now beside me (obviously, you sidestep when someone's trying to knife you), and then bam, I'm dead. OR even better, what happened the other night: I get into this situation with someone but he decides, let's have a knife fight! So he draws his and we dance around, having a great old time, until SOME N00B MOTHERFUCKER BLOWS US BOTH UP WITH HIS M203. Teamkills me, and the takes the kill for the bad guy. You can imagine the things that ran through my head. I had to quit out of the game...

BTW: the pistol on an open map like Wake is the engineers best friend. You can't hit anything with the DAO if tis not three feet in front of you, but I have had heaps of situations where someone opens up on me with their assault rifle, but I prone, aim and take em out with my pistol while engineer. Must be really frustarting for them!

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2005-11-14 18:30:32)

Got His War On
+37|7061|Golden, CO
I'd say any map with a lot of places to get lost should work.  Wake is good because it's easy to blend into the foliage around the main road.

I still need to get mine though...
use Spec Ops or Sniper classes for the basic pistol because their handguns have silencers. you can pretty much kill someone before they know where the shots are coming from. 

if you go head on for pistol kills, press Ctrl to kneel and go straight for the head

for basic knife play a level that you are very fond of and familiarize yourself with the areas that have the most combat, then get sneaky and hit the enemy from behind.  go for Support or Sniper classes because 75% of the time these people will be prone and not moving to improve their accuracy.

only use the Spec Ops or Medic classes (not Sniper, unless your quite daring) for knifing because they have the highest stamina and can defend themselves with their assault rifles at close range if something goes wrong

if you miss with the knife and the enemy notices you, finish them off with your primary weapon, because most likely they will just hop to avoid your knife and blast you with their rifle

i avoid going after moving Assault class soldiers, because most likely they will notice you and finish you off quite quick with the grenade launcher

i hope some of this helps
no shargi!!! go to karkand!! look at these badges!!! all in karkand
For the knife combat badge, it took me over one month.  Search the old posts and you will find a long thread about this.

Good luck.
Some good tips here...

I got both of my pistol badges on Wake, and got my knife badge on Dragon Valley.  That wood yard is a great place to get loads of knife kills!  I got like 5 in a row there before anyone realized that I was an enemy.    Then I got my last two on a couple of noob snipers that weren't watching their flanks.
+45|7030|Toronto, Canada
Another reason not to be a sniper doing this is if you are spotted by the commander you are given extra attention.  In my case it was a good thing to get that attention as people tried to sneak up on me to knife me only to find out that I wasn't prone and having my knife out to stab it in their face!

I got my basic knife badge but it doesn't seem to have registered.   I do have the initiative and practice to be able to get it again.
All these strategies are fine. But what you need is a little practice with the knife. You say that when you spot an enemy and are 1 second behind him he sees you and shoots you. When you are 1 second behind him and he sees you he should be death. Heck, if he sees you and you have to run 3 more seconds you have to stab him.

Best way to practice is on Karkand. Be USMC and be sure that the game is just beginning. Spawn on the left side and move to their spawnpoint. (DONT SPAWNKILL!) There are always guys that are proning around the corner there to shoot at the main entry for USMC. Stab them in the butt. Move behind enemy lines. Where they dont expect you. If you must spawnkill, spawnkill but they'll soon know here you are and kill you. Move around is the best thing to do. Move from the alleyway on the left to the alleyway nex to the flag. No one there? Go to the blastcontainer on wheels. No one there? Move towards main entry, all from the back facing your own team. They will least expect you in that direction. Do it on a 32/64 map. You will get killed a lot. Don't worry. It's just practice.

Use another account for it. When you think you can knife, you use your main account. Remember, when you spot an enemy, and they see you when you need to run for 3 seconds, you must be able to win that fight with your knife.

Good luck!
With enough practice you can knife people with an assault rifle head on.  You have to sprint slight to the side of them so they have to spin to aim at you...Then when you get close, quickly change direction straight at them, jump and prone into them.  Works well for me, thats how I got my badge.

Also Sharqi is very good for this.

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