but, if we took those away, then 60% of the archives on gibson would disappear, and 75% of the registered users would spontaneously combust!
+13|6708|MN, USA
Any topic that The Soprano starts.
+43|6827|Dortmund, Germany
Most of the things I hate to see here have been said already...

-OMG! Wall-glitching N00bs!
-Look at this guy's stats!
-WTF!? My badge doesn't show up!
-Do the Top10-players have a life!?
-USMC-weapons should be the best ingame
-Make the M-95 instant kill, I mean it's a fockin' .50!
-The patch sucks/Let's ALL boycott the game because I crash so often
-OMG! I found Statpadders/Your Statpadder-stories
-Post YOUR BF2-wishlist, I'll send it to EA knowing that they won't give a sh!t
-<insert weapon here> killed me, they should nerf it
-Look here! EA announces new weapon/badge/map/toilet seat (first post: Just kidding)
-Look at my video! It's l33t!

//Typo edit

Last edited by MDW (2006-07-03 00:12:56)

how about not to make a topic stating topics you dont want on here!!! pointless aint it dont you think just  dont post on them my opinion.

DaReJa wrote:

Cougar wrote:

srog72 wrote:

#1 Meaningless post like this.  If you dont like it why respond?
The hypocrisy in that sentence is mind numbing.
Cougar, I told you someone would say that. And yes, Its Funny and Ironic, Lmfao.
What the fuck...LOL. Dareja, dude, how the hell could you miss the first reply in this thread? THE FIRST REPLY NULLIFIED YOUR PROPHECY BECAUSE IT ALREADY OCCURRED!!! >_<'
Corrosion Inhibitor
Hmm lets see.
Karma Topics
I hate ____ (type) of person
Boohoo stats padders(get a pic and report it, Like I care about stat padders?)
The ever so popular, "Why did I not get this award/rank/whatever?"
and topics that start with the line "don't tell me to search"

Edit: Oh ya. I cant stand ppl who go into the "The " Request a unique forum title " thread." and request a new title every week. Some ppls titles I just refuse to change. If someone else want to do then let them, I ain't changing your title every 3 or 4 days.
Mass Media Casualty

Any thread title mentioning Polarbearz must be shot.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Homeschtar wrote:

The worst, in my opinion:

omg I caught a stat padder!!1!1
omg karkland/kirkland/kirkand wall glitch!!1!1
omg i hate teh patch!!1!1
omg i took some screenshots of TOP, they shood be reseted!!1!1
Its reset not reseted omg use the spell check .

Think iam turning to dark side
bad touch

Do you like ___ ?
omg easter eggs!
Jets need to be nerfed
night maps suck
look at my new rank!!!11

omg i took some screenshots of TOP, they shood be reseted!!1!1


Last edited by stryyker (2006-07-03 15:52:39)

Tony Cipriani
+32|6664|Woodbridge, Ontario

LividCow wrote:

Any topic that The Soprano starts.
bad touch

TheSoprano wrote:

LividCow wrote:

Any topic that The Soprano starts.
you pretty much post pure shit anyways

stryyker wrote:

TheSoprano wrote:

LividCow wrote:

Any topic that The Soprano starts.
you pretty much post pure shit anyways
I second that viewpoint.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6741|Your attic

Cougar wrote:

stryyker wrote:

TheSoprano wrote:

you pretty much post pure shit anyways
I second that viewpoint.
I'll third it, although its his sig that annoys me more

Towelly wrote:

Cougar wrote:

stryyker wrote:

you pretty much post pure shit anyways
I second that viewpoint.
I'll third it, although its his sig that annoys me more
School is definitly out for the summer and the fourth grade class has discovered BF2S. 
bullseye (+)
more weapons omg i hate those threads.
new loading music
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6741|Your attic

Cougar wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Cougar wrote:

I second that viewpoint.
I'll third it, although its his sig that annoys me more
School is definitly out for the summer and the fourth grade class has discovered BF2S. 
I'll have you know I'm in the 5th grade.....
Edit: and also I have no clue what grade I am actually in as we brits do things differently

Last edited by Towelly (2006-07-03 16:54:40)

+183|6823|A sunburnt country
^ me too Towelly.  It's been the best 4 years of my life ;-)
Wtf Padders!! Padders!!!
+18|6771|Boston, Massachusetts

Towelly wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Towelly wrote:

I'll third it, although its his sig that annoys me more
School is definitly out for the summer and the fourth grade class has discovered BF2S. 
I'll have you know I'm in the 5th grade.....
Edit: and also I have no clue what grade I am actually in as we brits do things differently

Towelly wrote:

Cougar wrote:

Towelly wrote:

I'll third it, although its his sig that annoys me more
School is definitly out for the summer and the fourth grade class has discovered BF2S. 
I'll have you know I'm in the 5th grade.....
Edit: and also I have no clue what grade I am actually in as we brits do things differently
What?  How old are you?
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6741|Your attic
15, I think I'd be a freshman at highschool or something (just guessing from watching too many american movies)

Hmm...in the US you would be a 9th grader I think. Maybe 10th.
'How do you get it to say stuff in orange and "[+2]" etc.'

Towelly wrote:

15, I think I'd be a freshman at highschool or something (just guessing from watching too many american movies)
15 isn't that bad, especially if you are a mature 15 year old, which you seem to be.  Also, the education system in GB must be way different than the American system.  If you are in the 5th grade here you would be 10 years old.  If you were 15 and in 5th grade you would probably be legally retarded.
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6699|Southeastern USA
hmmm.....apparently "How Hot is Your Mom".........it seems there are too many people with ugly mom's out there, and they'd rather whine til it's closed as opposed to posting pics of her funkitude.

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