Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna

Todd_Angelo wrote:

[...] yooz medics might be just a leeetle overconfident some of you... on any map with good visibility this won't be a cakewalk for the medics; even if you had just average players on both sides [...]
you forgot one important thing:

I'm on the medic side. I'm surely not a great medic, but I think I'm a pretty good counter-sniper. I've seen more shit than most (not all) of the sniper can imagine. I know very well how to counter most of the tactics used by the best snipers in your team. so you are surely not going to win this comp with standard tactics and your faith into the sky of wake.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7157|Cheshire, UK

okashii wrote:

First of all IMO it's not gonna be a fair match:  <I really don't doubt anyone's skills here>
It's a challenge that has been accepted, I've done what I can to paint a neutral background and then the 2 kits can see who prevails in that setting. Fair or no.

okashii wrote:

Team of 6 medics reviving their asses non stop, re-healing, and removing claymores with team-mates is no skill at all !
This will need more than a revive train to win.

okashii wrote:


1. NO COMMANDERS ! <NO ARTILLERY, NO UAV, NO SCAN>  <it gives the medic team unfair advantage>
- It eliminates the element of surprise <especially on the sniper team>
- Killing a sniper with a Artillery strike is no proof of skill in a Snipers vs Medics match
But a commander is more than his toys, all players will be in TS (please guys) and the commander will be their chief spotter (both sides). While snipers lose on some stealth they gain more clays.

okashii wrote:

2. NO Vehicles <Infantry only>
The plan is transport only (no vehicle weapons).

okashii wrote:

3. THE MATCH WILL NOT PROVE THAT ONE KIT IS BETTER THAN OTHER <it all depends on the situation and skill>
You're probably right, but I think it will be a fun match with lots of surprises for all.

okashii wrote:

<it's just a struggle started by 908741059871059781 who havent experienced how much a difference a skilled, active sniper can make>

quote <908741059871059781> : They only use they have is the occasional headshot or claymore flag defend. I truly feel that they offer little to no contribution to winning a game (even the best ones.)
We're all indebted to him for starting this off and I would like to thank the guy for his efforts and support with organising the event. True of both team leaders.

okashii wrote:

I hope that the match will be recorded and available for download
Sure will.

james@alienware wrote:

Who chose who is selected for the sniper team?
Entertainer ir the sniper leader and as such has the unenviable task of team selection. He's basing it on much more than stats.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Seems the snipers might be just a tad more realistic about this than some people give us credit for and yooz medics might be just a leeetle overconfident some of you...
I'm loving this reversal, the relative number of sign-ups is not what I expected either.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

By the way if I end up fighting and not commanding
Have you put your name up for commanding on the sniper community site?
Hi guys,

Not taking part though I wish i was, my graphics card has gone to pixel heaven for the time being. So im hoping some one will record the battle !!! it could be a classic video

mavrick 3399
+102|6859|Doncaster UK
i have signed up to be a sniper quite excited about it if anything it should be a good game.

really hope i get picked, gonna have to drag the tower in to my room set up the HDTV sweet!!!!!!

Last edited by mavrick 3399 (2006-07-03 04:37:01)

Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6864|Doncaster, UK
Get back to work, minion!
mavrick 3399
+102|6859|Doncaster UK

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

Get back to work, minion!
no work smells and is boring i find your comment shallow and pedantic
Hi guys
I'm new here but i would love to play for the medics!!
would it be possible to join your team or are there too many ??
and when would you practice and where do i check in ??
thx for help

ps:: wont be online for the next 5d cause of holidays

Last edited by =WU={101}AirBorn;Lord (2006-07-03 04:47:53)


Sign up there and choose your side.
Chikyuu, I'm well aware of how good you are after seeing you play (as a medic I think) on Sharqi one time after logging in to snipe with/against you. At one point in the early part of the game you were like 15 and 1 or 15 and 0 and I saw you fighting right in the thick of things... couldn't understand how you weren't dieing all the time

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

I'm on the medic side. I'm surely not a great medic, but I think I'm a pretty good counter-sniper.
Fair enough but counter-sniping generally requires another sniper rifle. Good as many of the medic weapons are (the L85A1 is going to be the one to fear the most I think) they just don't have the same range or power as the bolt-actions. Let me put it this way: nobody is going to out-snipe a sniper at the limit of visibility on the sniper scopes, no matter how good they think they are with any of the medic weapons.

Also, you're only one guy. My comment was based on the number of votes at that time by the medics' side who were confident of a walkover - easy win for the medics? puh-lease - which is a mistake unless the bulk of your team is at or near your level

Sharqi is going to be one of the maps most likely, say as USMC we get pushed back to the TV station... that is going to be one tough assault by any team on foot, no matter how good all of them are. With, let's say, five good snipers on the roof I would imagine you'll have an attrition rate of about 4 in 5 on the southern approach. That leaves another 27 snipers to deal with doing something else... without mines, AT, armour, grenade launghers, support weapons, helos, transport-vehicle weapons and artie to deal with there are going to be some very interesting dynamics, especially now with 1.3.

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote: you are surely not going to win this comp with standard tactics and your faith into the sky of wake.
Who's planning on using standard tactics?

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

...and your faith into the sky of wake.
Since we're not going to be on Wake (unfortunately) this is no longer an issue. Wake would have been a likely win for the snipers IMO; and I'd guess I'm not the only one who thinks so, hence the late push toward another map
Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna
I didn't mean to fight the snipers on my own, not even sure I can play on that day. but I will speak a word when we make the tactic for the medics.

and if nothing works then I'll pick up a sniper kit
+11|6839|4856 Karkand,Hellstreet 4
Hi folks,

give me a G36E and I show the damn Snipers who´s accurate

btw... what requirements?

Last edited by Schlusi=[GER] (2006-07-03 07:52:30)

+42|6957|Montreal, Canada
I want in, I certainly have the sniper stats for it compared to the raster. I hope I can make it, I don't know yet if we are going camping that week-end.

Last edited by mporlier (2006-07-03 10:31:52)


Schlusi=[GER] wrote:

Hi folks,

give me a G36E and I show the damn Snipers who´s accurate

btw... what requirements?
Sign up , practice and attend the battle.

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

I didn't mean to fight the snipers on my own
Didn't imply that you did; lemme just add if you were multiplied by 32 we should be afraid, very afraid.

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

and if nothing works then I'll pick up a sniper kit
Not allowed of course... but tempting.

Schlusi=[GER] wrote:

give me a G36E and I show the damn Snipers who´s accurate ?
16.79% is accurate?

Todd pwnt u
Got Whiskey?
+63|7104|Meiriceá - frm 'Real Capital'

EntertaineR_06 wrote:

You signed up sinny?? I can't see ya there Books PM'd me so I've kept a spot open for u.
done officially:)
I'm curious, in your call to battle you say, lets show em what a real team kit can do.  Or something like that.  I take it you don't feel snipers are team players.  I'm not a great sniper however, I go to great lengths to spot enemies, armor, choppers etc.  Although there are no assists or points, I want the team to win.  So why isn't the sniper kit a team kit?
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7157|Cheshire, UK

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Sharqi is going to be one of the maps most likely
Who told you that?

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

and if nothing works then I'll pick up a sniper kit
Not allowed of course... but tempting.
Who told you that?

Maps to be announced tonight
Read the rules, 'enemy' kits can be picked up, but not spawned with.

GATOR591957 wrote:

I'm curious, in your call to battle you say, lets show em what a real team kit can do.  Or something like that.  I take it you don't feel snipers are team players.  I'm not a great sniper however, I go to great lengths to spot enemies, armor, choppers etc.  Although there are no assists or points, I want the team to win.  So why isn't the sniper kit a team kit?
Take that elsewhere, this thread is about the upcoming fun brought on from this dicussion, not about re-hashing it all over again.

duffry wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Sharqi is going to be one of the maps most likely
Who told you that?
Thought it was based on the voting. My bad if it's not.

duffry wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Chikyuu Shoujo Arujuna wrote:

and if nothing works then I'll pick up a sniper kit
Not allowed of course... but tempting.
Who told you that?
Natural assumption: this being a medic kit v. sniper kit match. If not, as I've just posted on the other site, I'm out as of right now...

I'm sure some of the medics might feel the same way when I point out that they might be rushing in a group of three to take a flag only to face AK-101 fire.

The point of this is pretty silly and not going to prove one thing to either camp one way or another but it's supposed to be about one kit v. another. If the medics can, for the same of argument, choose to assume a sniper's kit, snipe someone from a crane 130m away, lay two clays to defend a flag and then switch back it's not about the kits at all, it's about individual team members' combat effectiveness, squad playing and chance and I want no part of it.
I "fix" things
+107|6987|The Netherlands

Todd_Angelo wrote:

duffry wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Not allowed of course... but tempting.
Who told you that?
Natural assumption: this being a medic kit v. sniper kit match. If not, as I've just posted on the other site, I'm out as of right now...

I'm sure some of the medics might feel the same way when I point out that they might be rushing in a group of three to take a flag only to face AK-101 fire.

The point of this is pretty silly and not going to prove one thing to either camp one way or another but it's supposed to be about one kit v. another. If the medics can, for the same of argument, choose to assume a sniper's kit, snipe someone from a crane 130m away, lay two clays to defend a flag and then switch back it's not about the kits at all, it's about individual team members' combat effectiveness, squad playing and chance and I want no part of it. wrote:

Players may pick up kits of fallen enemy and use them
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7127|Marathon, Florida Keys
how about stock only weapons
Moderator Emeritus
+148|7157|Cheshire, UK

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Thought it was based on the voting. My bad if it's not.

Event rules wrote:

For fairness it will be left up to the leaders of each side to chose the maps, but they will base this decision partly on the votes given here.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Natural assumption: this being a medic kit v. sniper kit match. If not, as I've just posted on the other site, I'm out as of right now...

I'm sure some of the medics might feel the same way when I point out that they might be rushing in a group of three to take a flag only to face AK-101 fire.

The point of this is pretty silly and not going to prove one thing to either camp one way or another but it's supposed to be about one kit v. another. If the medics can, for the same of argument, choose to assume a sniper's kit, snipe someone from a crane 130m away, lay two clays to defend a flag and then switch back it's not about the kits at all, it's about individual team members' combat effectiveness, squad playing and chance and I want no part of it.

Event rules wrote:

# Players from each team must spawn with their teams designated kit only

    * Players may pick up kits of fallen enemy and use them
    * Players spawning with the 'wrong' kit will get a 'yellow card'
I will also add that we (the admin team) will be looking out for excessive use of the 'enemy' kits. What determines 'excessive' will depend on how things play out but I will be looking for people to enter into the spirit of the event.
However, two things led me to this ruling:
1, it is quite likely that medics will be revived with the wrong kit bag at some point; having a total ban would mean I would be looking out for any 'wrong' kits and kicking players for it (yellow card). Not good.
2, There are times when almost any player, no matter what their kit preference, will pick up another to deal with what is at hand. Lots of people pick up medic and support kits to chuck a couple of bags down, or en engineers kit to fix their armour, or a sniper kit to lay a couple of clays (I know I have). This strikes me as normal use of a kit, kinda like looting a body, you need to swap out the whole kit to do it but same thing.

I've carefully considered each rule trying to weigh it up so as to be of no advantage to either team but also not stifle game-play. Too much legislation will stifle the game play as well as making the job of administering the event much harder. Yes, a sniper defending a flag may pick up the rifle of the guy that just got clayed and defend himself against the next bloke, but he should be out-classed as he's 'out of his speciality', he may also rev his buddy or heal himself if he has opportunity. I do not expect him to then run on to the next flag with that kit, supporting his men with revs and meds, this would be abuse in my eyes and no longer in the spirit. I will expect the admin team to report this and I will judge whether to issue a yellow card.
Same story for medics, find (or make) a sniper corpse and feel free to lay clays or snipe back at the guy pinning you down, but don't start playing sniper for your team.

If the rules are not to every ones taste I am not surprised but I have tried to make them as bland as possible, you guys then provide the flavour.

well explained duffry, thanks for clearing that one up
+165|6952|South Jersey
Good explanation, and I change my mind about who will win.  This event, in my opinion, will be close because 2 snipers working together can be very deadly against a medic trying to revive a fallen team8.
Why medics are better than snipers

1. We have automatic weapons, one with a scope. Both good at medium/long range and short range shooting
Snipers however have only long range effective weapons, most are bolt action.

2. We can revive when we like and heal when we like. SNipers can lay TWO claymores...

3. Everybody on the team likes a good medic, as we save people and heal the team.
Snipers on the other hand are solitary, the ones that do play for the team are annoying and bunny hop, dolphin dive everywhere (apart from The ss bros as far as i know) Thus making snipers the most annoying assholes alive.

4. I am a medic

5. Ever soldier can call for a medic because they want to be one "i need a medic here"
do they ever say " i need a sniper " the answer is no because they are hardly ever needed

6. Medics dont usually fly around we are ground pounders. Snipers are always tking for jets with there M95

7. Medics FTW snipers In the bin

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