Raiders of the Lost Bear


Because he's gay
+30|6710|Holland Hardcore
superpollum cauz he's a tankwhore
Banned - Noken Impersonator
+1,128|6796|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

im the most annyoing user
i happen to love you patton

will you marry me?
Banned - Noken Impersonator

spawnofthemist wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

im the most annyoing user
i happen to love you patton

will you marry me?
+1,128|6796|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
*is utterly taken aback by Noken's proposal and impales himself on a mouldy carrot*

spawnofthemist wrote:

*is utterly taken aback by Noken's proposal and impales himself on a mouldy carrot*
i think he meant patton
+1,128|6796|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

explosivo wrote:

spawnofthemist wrote:

*is utterly taken aback by Noken's proposal and impales himself on a mouldy carrot*
i think he meant patton
thats what i meant..

i never expected him to.. to.. STEAL MY PATTON *cries for hours*
Any MEDIC who insists on using his PADDLES as a main weapon and not his gun to take out the guy 3 feet next to him who is about to kill us both.KILL first....paddle second.WOW...what a simple concept!!!!

I appreciate the gesture but come on MEDS.........FIGHT!!!!!!!

Also.....pickle_power because he never thinks of helping his team......he just sits in his APC and shoots away at the entrance to KARKAND....many times as a commander...dropping supplies for himself....ignoring requests for others.....would NEVER EVER think of moving in to at least try and take out other armor the next street over.....he;s just a total punk and a bad player.Oh yea.....and he NEVER plays MEC.He will sit in a game and wait to get team switched if he begins in MEC.

NOt the kind of player you want on your team at all.

Last edited by Snakeyezzz (2006-07-03 06:16:51)

+515|6809|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
volx, no question.
+127|6812|WPB, FL. USA

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

By far over the past year I have never ever ran across anyone as bad as FYMYoHighness.
I watched him kick several people on his clan server because he got killed by them.  I seen him in three other servers as well and in every case he flames people and uses profanity as the only means to express himself.

On at least five occasions he accused someone of calling him a "N i _ _ e r" , no one ever used the word.
He would accuse people of using the word as a reason to kick them or ask for people to be kicked because he said they used it against him.  The guy is a racist wannabe internet thug.

It looks like Yohighness wins the prize for this thread!  He sent me a message with the title "Ni_ _ er" and the attached message {copied and pasted below}.
"hahahaha   pussy nigger.  dont hate cuz i pwned your whole clan.  and dont lie by saying i would kick people for killing me you fucking punk ass loser bitch".

To be able to tell more about the character of this racist he includes a comment about owning my clan. 
Fact is there were only two of us and when my clan mate killed YoHighness he kicked him.  I also still have the piece of paper I wrote his comments on.  I asked why he kicked my clan mate and he typed "I've already kicked/banned your gay ass lover asshole- homo".  I typed back that I didn't appreciate his comments and the previous use of the word Ni _ _ ger and that I would be glad to make EA aware. 
He typed back - "like I haven't heard that before, EA aint going to do DICK".  The next message I got was
" I'm kicking you homo - Reason - I hate you"

Oh, by the way "FYM" clan stands for "F_ _k Yall Motherf_ _kers".

Maybe it's time for [FYM]YoHighness to be asked to leave BF2S - IMHO.


YoHighness   770/59     in 1,100 hours of play
Mine             189/6      in 1,800 hours of play

Last edited by AAFCptKabbom (2006-07-03 22:51:50)


Doctuh wrote:

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

By far over the past year I have never ever ran across anyone as bad as FYMYoHighness.
I watched him kick several people on his clan server because he got killed by them.  I seen him in three other servers as well and in every case he flames people and uses profanity as the only means to express himself.

On at least five occasions he accused someone of calling him a "N i _ _ e r" , no one ever used the word.
He would accuse people of using the word as a reason to kick them or ask for people to be kicked because he said they used it against him.  The guy is a racist wannabe internet thug.

Seconded, he and all FYM are banned across all servers I admin. Absolute flith, the lot of 'em.
On forums too....

He did remind me that I did not add him to the PB Global blacklist. Thanks!

Anyone looking for his hash just PM me, or get on the global list, he is banned on all of those streaming servers now.


Last edited by Doctuh (2006-07-05 19:38:08)


He thinks that being team killed by artillery is very offensive, and is intentional. He will also do anything to chase you around the map just to kill you in return, rather funny actually, especially when you get a hummer and let him run behind you, it goes on for hours.
cereal killer
+233|6905|the middle of nowhere
Raiders of the Lost Bear

|CCCCCDark_Helmet wrote:

|CCCCCDark_Helmet's illegitimate great-grandson.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

Maybe it's time for [FYM]YoHighness to be asked to leave BF2S - IMHO.
Looks like he was reset. I don't know who you are, but I'll be staying on your good side!
+151|6689|Forest Lake, Australia

MikeBlades wrote:

in high school i pissed a few people off. and since thne i have pissed off a few more, just like most people have....

but dhoar4 has people hate his ass from counties he doesnt even know exist.

dam thats funny.
What's funny is me punching you in the face faggot.  The most annoying person EVER is [d3m0]Fr33zE or Count.Venom.

I also know how to spell...Fuckhead

Last edited by dhoar4 (2006-07-06 04:06:55)

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6984|Denver colorado

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