Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6808|Farmland, England
Its kinda like nyte tho he acts like a big enough douchebag for people to dislike him.. he doesnt do anything to deserve attention but as long as him and |top| act like cunts ppl will.
I don't mind nyte, he seems harmless enough. But a group of people i.e. TOP, then you have a problem.
is drunk and crazy
TOP don't care about you, so stop the whining/complaining/crying etc.

I've played with them a number of times, sure i've been TK'd and flown out of bounds, it pissed me off and I did complain about them on this site.

Then I realised, -4 points is easly made up from the kill/driver kill assists if youre playing with a good pilot/gunner ina  chopper. Same with a jet.

I'd rather take -4 and then have a good round of fun (by killing a lot of people) than have no points sitting on the carrier doing bugger all for the round.

TOP say they have more fun than you, well they're probably right because most of you are too busy writing posts on here about glitchers, hackers or team killers.

It maybe selfish, but who cares? I don't care if you're having fun or not.
No place like
+76|6842|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia

E7IX3R wrote:

TOP don't care about you, so stop the whining/complaining/crying etc.

I've played with them a number of times, sure i've been TK'd and flown out of bounds, it pissed me off and I did complain about them on this site.

Then I realised, -4 points is easly made up from the kill/driver kill assists if youre playing with a good pilot/gunner ina  chopper. Same with a jet.

I'd rather take -4 and then have a good round of fun (by killing a lot of people) than have no points sitting on the carrier doing bugger all for the round.

TOP say they have more fun than you, well they're probably right because most of you are too busy writing posts on here about glitchers, hackers or team killers.

It maybe selfish, but who cares? I don't care if you're having fun or not.
awwww, that touched me, hold on im going to go get a tissue
+41|6719|London, UK

E7IX3R wrote:

TOP don't care about you, so stop the whining/complaining/crying etc.

I've played with them a number of times, sure i've been TK'd and flown out of bounds, it pissed me off and I did complain about them on this site.

Then I realised, -4 points is easly made up from the kill/driver kill assists if youre playing with a good pilot/gunner ina  chopper. Same with a jet.

I'd rather take -4 and then have a good round of fun (by killing a lot of people) than have no points sitting on the carrier doing bugger all for the round.

TOP say they have more fun than you, well they're probably right because most of you are too busy writing posts on here about glitchers, hackers or team killers.

It maybe selfish, but who cares? I don't care if you're having fun or not.
You can tell society is going to the dipshits when ppl with teh 1337 names are defending the exact fools everyone else hates.

Ok elixer, the majority of people hate |TOP| but because you don't, we'll stop. Are you happy? The fact is that they are hated for obvious reasons. The majority of people that are aware of them hate them for a reason. They will now go onto their forum, link to this thread and masterbate at teh 1337 h@x attention they're getting. Bunch of acne-ridden losers I say. Losers.
theres no question throw aside their immature douchebaggery ..based on time invested alone they are a group of wasted life scumbags

throw in their superdork "smurf" bullshit and you got some folks who insist on using everyone elses oxygen
Phone Spammer
+207|6737|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

usmarine2005 wrote:

I never understood why people need a tag in front of their names.  I think it is pretty lame actually. All I see is problems with clan members, clan servers, etc.  Which leads me to believe they are not that good for this game.  I have no problem with a lot of clan members, but the only time I do have a prob with somebody, it is usually a person with a tag.

BabySpinach13 wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I never understood why people need a tag in front of their names.  I think it is pretty lame actually. All I see is problems with clan members, clan servers, etc.  Which leads me to believe they are not that good for this game.  I have no problem with a lot of clan members, but the only time I do have a prob with somebody, it is usually a person with a tag.
you might as well have a tag as much as you follow bushviper around =p
+41|6659|Infiltrating the Smurf Village
TOP has a bad "reputation" because we will enter a server an own those around us to the point of utter frustration.  This forum is a way for them to lash out.   The other portion of nubs who hate us are those who hear about us in the forums and just take on that opinion.

Those that dont understand will continue to hate us and those that see that stats and reputation mean nothing in the gaming world and having fun with your friends and working as a team is paramount will join us. 

Just ask some of the best players/smartest posters on this forum who have recently seen the light and are now part of the brotherhood.


For those who have expressed doubts yet are curious pm me and I will bring you in the TS for a game or two...I think you will be surprised and impressed by what you see.


Just ask some of the best players/smartest posters on this forum who have recently seen the light and are now part of the brotherhood.
You really need to get a grip on reality .

And for the guys that joined your "brotherhood" *cough*, if they read this and don't see how completely ignorant you sound, I feel sorry for them.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-07-02 14:58:55)

You make |TOP| sound like the Freemasons ,come join the brotherhood 2day and rule the world lol .I know i have had many rows with you lot its because you show a total lack of respect from Joe public players.I do how-ever agree with your views about E.A. and D.I.C.E .But please stop going round calling normal players nubs and other stuff ,YOUR beef is with E.A./D.I.C.E NOT US  we just want to play the game and have fun and fook the stats .
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6898|Toronto, ON
I don't get it, why do people hate TOP?  I played with alot of their members and they kick ass.
Alpha as fuck.
Mr piss EVERYONE off
3 pages in nastie butler..the |top| lads will b laughin their heads off.....have the |top| haters even been to their website, some of those pics will give u a real reason to dislike them lol
Recovering Karkand Addict
+8|6799|Bottom of the bowl
Everyone wants to be famous. 
Consider the group of people who post on these particular forums...fans of stats.  Its easy to hide behind your principled, 'holier than thou' moral set when talking about game play, but let's get real here.  If stats don't matter, then why are we all interested in what's happening with some guy's account which he sold?  He's famous, that's why. 

Ever think listing his account on ebay was a joke made at your expense?  HAHAHA look at all these lil buggers flaming and discussing me for no reason other than I have more points than them. I'm famous!  HAHAHAHAHAHA
How the actual auction went down is no matter, whether a stunt or not.  The simple fact people are talking about it is the point.

.ACB|_Cutthroat1 wrote:

ima have to say that easy-skanking just owned you guys...
Um, I have to say |TOP| just owned you.

I think the whole thing is rather hilarious.

TurD out.
Tony Cipriani
+32|6660|Woodbridge, Ontario
i love nasty butler
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

rude biological noises

s()mtingWong wrote:

OOOh! it would suck if EA was waiting till the guy wins the bid then ban's/whiped the account. Just imagine $300 dollars down the drain, lol i guess thats what you get when you wanna join the dark side .

Last edited by s()mtingWong (2006-06-23 00:38:41)
Haha i fortells the future!1!1!


Last edited by s()mtingWong (2006-07-02 16:32:16)

bad touch

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

rude biological noises


TOP has a bad "reputation" because we will enter a server an own those around us to the point of utter frustration.
Really leme see what servers have you "owned" in TWL ? CPL ? oh thats right youre in clanbase ...lamers

Fact is you douches are simply facinated by one thing. That is you raid a pub server with 5-6 guys stack teams and the spawn rape. No big deal really but you guys think its special that you can join a server and grief some folks to the point they talk shit to you. ANYONE and EVRYONE can do that.. it only takes 3-4 people to stack a team then spawn rape in a pub.

Ive played with you fruits a dozen times and ive NEVER seen you guys play against each other. Thats what good clans do they look for competition in order to get better. You guys have no interest in competition you just want to grief pubbers cuz you faggots cant hang in real competition.
They also like to make a big deal out of it in internet forums

usmarine2005 wrote:

I never understood why people need a tag in front of their names.  I think it is pretty lame actually. All I see is problems with clan members, clan servers, etc.  Which leads me to believe they are not that good for this game.  I have no problem with a lot of clan members, but the only time I do have a prob with somebody, it is usually a person with a tag.
Clans bring a whole new aspect to the game. Being a solo-player will get boring. However, when you're in a clan, it's always exiciting. Especially if you have a good, competing clan that does matches on a regular basis. If you've never been in a clan, then you won't understand.
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6792|Cardiff - Wales - UK
I've just done quick servey of 100 people, asking the question, "Are TOP any good and what do you think of Nasty Butlers stats being sold on e-bay then wiped?"

Here are the results:

11 People said "is this work related?"
12 people said "haven't you got a report to write"
12 People said "go away i'm busy"
09 people turned out to be potted plants with no opinion
13 people said "who the F%*K are TOP and Nasty Butler"
43 people said "who cares"

Thank you for your time.

Last edited by Stomper_40k (2006-07-03 04:15:05)


CrazeD wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

I never understood why people need a tag in front of their names.  I think it is pretty lame actually. All I see is problems with clan members, clan servers, etc.  Which leads me to believe they are not that good for this game.  I have no problem with a lot of clan members, but the only time I do have a prob with somebody, it is usually a person with a tag.
Clans bring a whole new aspect to the game. Being a solo-player will get boring. However, when you're in a clan, it's always exiciting. Especially if you have a good, competing clan that does matches on a regular basis. If you've never been in a clan, then you won't understand.
Being a solo player is far from boring.  Playing with different people in different squads from many different places in the world.  In a clan, it is always the same people......that is boring.  As for clan matches, I am glad you guys enjoy them, but I do not see the reason for them.  I did not buy this game so I could have an e-penis measuring contest.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6692|Doncaster, UK

Stomper_40k wrote:

I've just done quick servey of 100 people, asking the question, "Are TOP any good and what do you think of Nasty Butlers stats being sold on e-bay then wiped?"

Here are the results:

11 People said "is this work related?"
12 people said "haven't you got a report to write"
12 People said "go away i'm busy"
09 people turned out to be potted plants with no opinion
13 people said "who the F%*K are TOP and Nasty Butler"
43 people said "who cares"

Thank you for your time.
LMFAO, thanks for that.

I'd do something similar here, but 90% of the employees have the IQ of a potted plant and never have an opinion... the plastic goes in the bag... the plastic goes in the bag... the plastic goes in the bag...

And clan tags in front of your name do have a psychological affect on the game. Since me and a couple of work mates have been using the =GEEK= tag people seem to join your squad more, almost as if you actually know what you're doing. Poor poor fools

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-07-03 04:24:43)

Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6792|Cardiff - Wales - UK

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

Stomper_40k wrote:

I've just done quick servey of 100 people, asking the question, "Are TOP any good and what do you think of Nasty Butlers stats being sold on e-bay then wiped?"

Here are the results:

11 People said "is this work related?"
12 people said "haven't you got a report to write"
12 People said "go away i'm busy"
09 people turned out to be potted plants with no opinion
13 people said "who the F%*K are TOP and Nasty Butler"
43 people said "who cares"

Thank you for your time.
LMFAO, thanks for that.

I'd do something similar here, but 90% of the employees have the IQ of a potted plant and never have an opinion... the plastic goes in the bag... the plastic goes in the bag... the plastic goes in the bag...

And clan tags in front of your name do have a psychological affect on the game. Since me and a couple of work mates have been using the =GEEK= tag people seem to join your squad more, almost as if you actually know what you're doing. Poor poor fools
Thought that'd cheer someone up.

Someone obviously didn't like it though as I got -1 karma for it

Gotta go water the plants now

Last edited by Stomper_40k (2006-07-03 04:30:54)


easy-skanking wrote:


TOP has a bad "reputation" because we will enter a server an own those around us to the point of utter frustration.
Really leme see what servers have you "owned" in TWL ? CPL ? oh thats right youre in clanbase ...lamers

Fact is you douches are simply facinated by one thing. That is you raid a pub server with 5-6 guys stack teams and the spawn rape. No big deal really but you guys think its special that you can join a server and grief some folks to the point they talk shit to you. ANYONE and EVRYONE can do that.. it only takes 3-4 people to stack a team then spawn rape in a pub.

Ive played with you fruits a dozen times and ive NEVER seen you guys play against each other. Thats what good clans do they look for competition in order to get better. You guys have no interest in competition you just want to grief pubbers cuz you faggots cant hang in real competition.
^^Story whit no sense ^^^^


Look our position in the competition!!!!!!!!

Greetz Ferdy

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