Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Karkand sucks... play 24/7 Warlord speedygameservers. Alot better
Roger that!! I see you on there alot Sgt.Gene! good job!
thats why i play SF
i hate spawn killers at the hotel....f**king cowards!
I hate the grenade spam.
+152|6570|London (At Heart)

137twozerosniper wrote:

thats why i play SF
Now I have SF, I have realised its 90x better, Ghost town is one hell of a city map, and noone throws nades and the like... sure there is some attack choppers, but it's only killed me once or twice... ever.

+89|6757|Sheffield, England
bacause all everyone ever does is dolphin dive and bunny hop, spawn rapers and a bunch of low skilled players, and i see peoples stats and its 500 hours on karkand, and 1 hour each on the rest....why....just why its so borin on 1 map!
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6583|The Lost Highway

Sambuccashake wrote:

Hotel nade festival aside, I think the thing that bugs me the most is that whenever I play as USMC on this map, I'm the only one who goes for suburb and gatehouse (32 player map).

So after suffering a close loss, the server switch sides and the opposing USMC load up in armor and goes straight to suburb and wipe me away (only defender) and after capping, proceeds to gatehouse.
A few minuters later it's over for the mecs...

There was one time *dreamily ponders* that I joined a squad and we actually took suburb and gatehouse and had a lovely time assaulting the mec forces from the rear.
*Wipes tear*
Good times, good times...

Oh how I would love to play this map with a Team Work-oriented squad...
Does such a thing exist?
Actual teamwork is rare in this game. But when it happens, it's awesome.
I hate that there are all those buildings and you can hardly get in any of them.
I've just played it too much, I think.

Yes, the spawn-rape and 'nade-fest sucks, but the fact is that it's a map that comes up on every rotation, you can't avoid the thing.

It's gotten to the point where I'm actively avoiding the map, and it's still top of my played list...
I'm still new enough to the game that I still like it. I have about 152 hours and about 105 of them are on Karkand. I have SF but have hardly played it...the way I see it, when I finally burn out on Karkand like alot of you I'll still have plenty of maps to look forward to!

I've been doing some flying offline so when I decide to become a pilot I'll definately have to move along.

But to answer the question I hate the spawn camping the most.

Last edited by Sgt.Zubie (2006-06-30 05:31:02)

A Wolf Among Lambs

trueyarddog wrote:

i hate spawn killers at the hotel....f**king cowards!
The hotel is a death magnet anyway. Y spawn there in the 1st place?
I hate that the map runs at almost every server constantly, wtf is up with that. Or if you join a server where it isn't running you can be sure of that after a couple of round the kackland is loaded.

According to my stats it's my favourite map, but it isn't irl. It's just because of all the servers running it constantly :-/
Read the sig.

imdead wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Karkand sucks... play 24/7 Warlord speedygameservers. Alot better
Roger that!! I see you on there alot Sgt.Gene! good job!
I'm sure I see you on there to. I just dont know your nick.

And by the way who the fuck -1 me saying: you negged me a couple of months ago and now revenge is sweet.  Be a man next time and leave your name who ever you are.

Last edited by Sgt.Gene (2006-06-30 05:42:12)


Sgt.Gene wrote:

Karkand sucks... play 24/7 Warlord speedygameservers. Alot better
Warlord is just like Karkand, it's the SF version of Karkand. And 30% of the SF servers are infact boring 24/7 Warlord

I haven't yet understood the 24/7 servers at all, it's booooooooooooring to play the same map over and over...
Nade Spammers Must Die
I love karkand I play it all the time becaus its the only map where you don't have to go looking for enemies
what about arty happy commanders, actually that goes for any and all maps...

MrBrain wrote:

Sgt.Gene wrote:

Karkand sucks... play 24/7 Warlord speedygameservers. Alot better
Warlord is just like Karkand, it's the SF version of Karkand. And 30% of the SF servers are infact boring 24/7 Warlord

I haven't yet understood the 24/7 servers at all, it's booooooooooooring to play the same map over and over...
You have to know how to play Warlord. I dont play lonewolf. My clan and I go in. 1 squad. 1 plan. We just dont go crazy running all over the place. We stick together and use teamwork to try to help our team win. Its not just like Karkand. Not once on the speedygameserver have I been intentionally teamkilled. I have not once been teamkilled for a tank/apc. How can you hate it with all the grappling hooks, zip lines, and Teargas?
The Forum Alien
+89|6849|The planet Tophet
ok one thing i have to say is i hardly ever get claymored on that map only time is when im clibing that latter to that really tall building then i do sometimes but i hardly ever do on the streets
The way the whole map plays out like a film every time I play it....

1, Someone grabs the tank from the US base and heads up the lefthand road.
2, Someone graps the APC and either stars spawn raping from the right hand road or heads for the factory.
3, The US snipers take their places on the hills around the entrance.
4, A group grabs a Hummer and heads for the suburb through the houses.
5, MEC claymors get laid along the alleys.
6, etc, etc, etc

And the thing I really hate; its my most played map!

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Why didn't I join squads? Simple reason: MY FUCKING VOIP HAS NEVER WORKED! Thanks Dice. I bought an x-fucking-fi card, did numerous reinstalls(including windows reinstalls), and still got nothing.
Have you tried plugging the mic jack into the rear of the card instead of the front box?  I have an X-Fi Fatality and the mic don't work in the front box, only the rear.
+65|6610|Where I don't know where I am.
I hate the fact is doesn't feature customisable socks.
the spawn raping is not that can be stopped by mines on the back road and AT troops....the one thing i hate about karkand is the fucking grenade spamming
+252|6747|Sextupling in Empire

lead_head wrote:

Have you tried plugging the mic jack into the rear of the card instead of the front box?  I have an X-Fi Fatality and the mic don't work in the front box, only the rear.
Trust me when I say that I have tried EVERYTHING. If after 700 hrs. that  was the solution, I would deserve to have an ICBM dropped directly onto my house.

EDIT: I have the xtrememusic one that only has a rear port.

Last edited by Volatile_Squirrel (2006-06-30 07:32:17)

Mouse315 Junkie

Widjerd wrote:

i hate the APCs, i think 2 armours per team or even 1 per team would make it a little better and no APCs
APCs are awesome when used properly (as sqaud transport instead of spawn camping).  Teamwork ftw!

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