How to Typing??
∮C0 = Change word Color
Oh, is that how it's done now?
huh? is this in bf2? if so, how would I make my name blue?
I share your feelings.TriggerHappy998 wrote:
I´ve seen the admins on the servers have this ∮ letter in their prefix so their names are orange. Easy way to tell who is admin btw.
Isn't it §?
How can i keep my stats and make my name blue or yellow
PrefixStokoE wrote:
How can i keep my stats and make my name blue or yellow
how do you get that letter(?) anyway i dont see it on my keyboard
Please tell us how you do that
Interesting.....Tigg@lot wrote:
PrefixStokoE wrote:
How can i keep my stats and make my name blue or yellow
Alt 7 8 9
i used |c1234 before the 1.03 and now i am stuck with it. Did you see them orange after 1.03? my name now looks horrible. I dont know why they took the glitch out. It just changed the color of the text. Cry, Cry, Cry.
What?TriggerHappy998 wrote:
Alt 7 8 9
Are we all on at the same time?
I think you put this code in your prefix and you have a different color. change what is after the equal sign and you change the color. I am not sure it works after 1.03, because for me |c1234 made my name orange. now it justs makes my name look UGLY. I also have a normall SnobbyBoss but it only has 1000 points and a crappy L8(used before 1.03 and before i figured out the code). CRY, CRY, Cry.N.Y.P.D.John.McClane wrote:
∮C0 = Change word Color
Yellow tastes like burning
Are you licking you screen?TriggerHappy998 wrote:
Yellow tastes like burning
can't get § in my prefix ? is there a way around that
It's like the gay primary colors in this thread.
Test it out.
Can someone tell me why the § sign won't show up in the prefix?
im confused...