
Should Tanks/Apc's be taken out of Strike at Karkand?

Yes, they ruin the fun for every152%52% - 37
No, as a matter of fact, i am on of those pussies47%47% - 34
Total: 71

Ok, like really, what was EA thinking when they put armor in Strike at Karkand?  Armor (tanks/apc) just makes the whole 'infantry' feel of the map suck.  Like, if you havn't noticed, Karkand is probably the most popular map out there, and the best one for good ol' infantry firefights, but you're running around minding your own bussiness and then BOOM! some tank takes you out.  Here are the problems with tanks in Karkand:

1.  Karkand is an INFANTRY MAP! You wonder why there are so many "24/7 Karkand INFANTRY ONLY" servers out there (and their always full btw).

2.  People 'whore' the tanks and apc's.  Man, people just spawn at the back point and wait there for several minutes for a tank to spawn, they they drive off (usually spawning as an engineer) and get a kill-death ratio of like 25-0.  Most people ONLY use tanks the whole game and end up with 3 deaths and like 50 kills.  Real fair in my opinion....

3.  ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL THE THINGS! Like, unless ur spec ops and u can get a good angle on the tank and c4 it (cuz most of the people that use tanks are stupid anyway), theres no way to take it out.  Heck, to take it out with a SRAW/Eryx, u looking at getting at least 3-4 good shots on it anyway, un likely cuz you'll get a 20mm shell in the butt on the second shot. MAKE THE SRAWS and Eryx's MORE POWERFUL!! IN REAL LIFE, IT TAKES ONE.  ONE, PERIOD.

4.  "Stop whining and just go to an infantry only server" you might say?  Well, genius, it has become aware to me that even in infantry only servers, ppl use tanks, and apc and artillery and jeeps!  The BF2 servers are sooooo poorly admind, and the 3 problems above apply to infantry only servers too!

So yea, i guesss u can see where i am comming from.  I don't know wtf EA was thinking sticking tanks and apcs in Karkand.  Where do they want an infantry guy like me to go to play without getting spawn camped 10 times in a row my come moron in a tank?BF2 has no infantry only maps.  period.  i think strike at karkand should be that 1 infantry only map, like Berlin was in bf1942DC.  Take those things out of the map and make the armor pussies fight against other armor pussies!
+24|6841|Computer Chair
Yes, but you need a lot of players to keep it fun. Otherwise the MEC will just be all snipers and the UMC doenst stand a chance.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
There's one tank and one APC on a 32 player map, is it really that hard to take out two pieces of armour? Just mine the crap out of the entrances and the armour can't get in.

Or, as everybody is want to say on these forums when someone is having a whine, play another map!

People breake the rules on Infantry Only Servers because up to date, they are breaking the rules themselves. You can't be on an illegal server and complain that people are cheating.

Last edited by DoctorFruitloop (2006-06-27 06:53:33)

If you don't want vehicles play CS or wait til EA comes up with an infantry-only option for all the whining pussies.
Geez,I don't get it,Battefield has always been about all aspects of warfare yet everybody bitches about that jet or this tank,bla,bla,bla...and the worst are the people who play infantry only on 16 player maps,that's not Battlefield,that's bastardized Counterstrike.

BF2 is only living up to its name if you are on a 64player server where there are tanks,jets,choppers,AA,just everything modern warfare has to offer and where general chaos rules.

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-06-27 07:03:24)

Ak-101 Addict
Completely agree.  There should be an "armor limit" or something.  You have ______ minutes to be in an armor vehicle, then after those minutes are up, you cannot enter armor (don't know exactly how you could do that, maybe by disabling the "enter" key once the time limit is up?). 

I'm a ground pounder myself (have 1,800 armor kills I think) and there is nothing more frustrating to people like myself than that d*mn APC.  It moves quickly and is very powerful.  The tanks move more slowly but have equal or more power.  Armor should fight armor.  Infantry should fight infantry.

I have also noticed that the SAME PEOPLE are in the armor throughout the entire round.  And once you've killed one, more pop up!

armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
talentedsoldier [Eryx] armornoob1   <------ Phew, he's dead.  Now I can spawn!


armornoob2 [M1A2] unluckyme

Last edited by Battlefield2Player (2006-06-27 07:04:43)

Your poll is a little biased... you're not going to get accurate results.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands
You can take out the tank with 2 shots from a SRAW.
And if thereĀ“s 2 anti/tank running around shooting together, the tank will lose (mostly)
easiest solutions for armors in Karkand:

go play [put name of 1billion infantry only fps's here]
organize AT squad with your buddys, 4*AT+support+medic can deal with almost any kind of armored threat, just try to stay out of infantry fight.
Your the pussy to be honest.
There is plenty of kits to choose from to take apcs and Tanks out, you just have the brains to use them.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
Try playing AF on Operation Harvest map and try to take Hilltop when there is a decent team playing. Just when you think you're getting somewhere near in your M1A2, 4 or 5 Eryx's come flying out of the trees and BAM, you're history. It's a funny little thing called teamwork.

As Mj.Blindfisch said, armour is a part of BF2, if you're not used to it by now, stop playing.


prince of insufficient light
Karkand is not an infantry map, EA never said so, that's just what people think. As other people have said, this is BF2, the whole point is that it is the  whole battlefield experience, including vehicles, and if you don't like that stop complaining and go play CS or something.
I'm guessing the originator of this thread is a real WATERHEAD.  If your TEAM can get the USMC ACP and TANK out of the Hotel area and cap a couple of flags (maybe even on the ISLAND).  You wouldn't suck so much.

  Draw the MEC tanks away from the Hotel area, that's where the major spawn killing happens.  Team up dude.. and STOP TRYING TO KILL TANKS WITH YOUR PISTOLA!!!!!!
there are 3 classes that can destroy a tank/apc without the MANY  tow missiles in the map if you can't use the alleys to sneak up on a tank don't bitch.
My own poll....  LOL

Is MAXWELBR a Jackass for posting a crappy poll?   IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII       100% - 1
Ak-101 Addict


My own poll....  LOL

Is MAXWELBR a Jackass for posting a crappy poll?   IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII       100% - 1

Yes - 50% (1)
No  - 50% (1)

Last edited by Battlefield2Player (2006-06-27 07:45:57)


Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Karkand is not an infantry map, EA never said so, that's just what people think. As other people have said, this is BF2, the whole point is that it is the  whole battlefield experience, including vehicles, and if you don't like that stop complaining and go play CS or something.

wtf? Karkand IS an infantry map u senile prick.  cs sucks balls, all i am saying is that on a 16-32 player server, tanks and apcs ruin the fun of a good infantry battle.  they come rolling round the corner and can take out a whole squad with ONE SHELL!!! and it takes more that 2 SRAWS to get a tank killed.  maybe 2 on an apc, but a tank takes more.  and if ur looking for the "whole battlefeidl experience" with amor here, and infantry there, and planes over there, then go play gulf of oman.  tanks are for pussies in karkand that have no skillz and need a 20mm cannon and a coaxial machinegun covered in 3' thick armor to kill some1 wearing a vest and carrying and F**king rifle. WOW! I CAN SIT IN ONE PLACE AND GET 30-1!! I AM SOO 1337! lol OMG, I JUST TOOK OUT TAT SNIPER WITH MY CANNON, LOL, WUT A NEWB LOL.  I SPAWN CAMP A LOT JUST TO GET KILLS, EVEN THOUGH I AM A PUSSY AND I USE A TANK ALL THE TIMES LOLOL! OMFG, THERE IS A SQUAD, WOW, THAT SRAW DID VERY LITTLE DAMAGE.  ROFL PWNT, I JUST KILLED THAT WHOLE SQUAD! 


Battlefield2Player wrote:

Completely agree.  There should be an "armor limit" or something.  You have ______ minutes to be in an armor vehicle, then after those minutes are up, you cannot enter armor (don't know exactly how you could do that, maybe by disabling the "enter" key once the time limit is up?). 

I'm a ground pounder myself (have 1,800 armor kills I think) and there is nothing more frustrating to people like myself than that d*mn APC.  It moves quickly and is very powerful.  The tanks move more slowly but have equal or more power.  Armor should fight armor.  Infantry should fight infantry.

I have also noticed that the SAME PEOPLE are in the armor throughout the entire round.  And once you've killed one, more pop up!

armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
armornoob1 [APC] unluckyme
talentedsoldier [Eryx] armornoob1   <------ Phew, he's dead.  Now I can spawn!


armornoob2 [M1A2] unluckyme
YES!! nuff said from that guy, thats how it goes all the time.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
BTW, welcome to the forums. Nice to see you are getting off to a good start

Wanna post your BF2 nickname so that we can have a look at your past performance and maybe give you some pointers?


DoctorFruitloop wrote:

BTW, welcome to the forums. Nice to see you are getting off to a good start

Wanna post your BF2 nickname so that we can have a look at your past performance and maybe give you some pointers?

no i don't....

i have a kdr of 1.5 or sumthin like that...it would be like 9.87 without the tanks in karkand, but this isn't the thread toi be talking about tanks in karkand.....o wait, yea it is.

so about the tanks in karkand, WTF LOL n00bS!!11 tank pussies need to grow some nuts!
You *can* take out a tank with two SRAW/Eryx shots, it's just difficult, and you need to be very accurate.  Three should be enough.

I'm going to back up the points made by Blindfisch and Dr. Fruitloop:  Firstly, this is Battlefield.  The whole point of this game is that it's NOT just infantry, like all the other FPS's out there.  Taking out the tanks would defeat the purpose somewhat.  Secondly, if you're having problems with armour, set up a squad of anti-tankers.  Three guys with Eryx's hitting a tank at once from three different angles will put a very quick end to his fun.  And, assuming Karkand, the DAO-12 isn't a bad choice of weapon for close-range infantry combat at all.  Some might say it's a very good choice of weapon.

Teamwork FTW.

Edit:  As an aside, I voted "No", but I don't whore armour when I 'm on Karkand, I prefer fighting on foot for that map.

Last edited by MrE`158 (2006-06-27 08:03:03)


LockerFish wrote:

Your poll is a little biased... you're not going to get accurate results.
results look accurate to me jackass
Although I like the infantry aspect of Strike at Karkand, I don't think armor whores are pussies.

MrE`158 wrote:

You *can* take out a tank with two SRAW/Eryx shots, it's just difficult, and you need to be very accurate.  Three should be enough.

I'm going to back up the points made by Blindfisch and Dr. Fruitloop:  Firstly, this is Battlefield.  The whole point of this game is that it's NOT just infantry, like all the other FPS's out there.  Taking out the tanks would defeat the purpose somewhat.  Secondly, if you're having problems with armour, set up a squad of anti-tankers.  Three guys with Eryx's hitting a tank at once from three different angles will put a very quick end to his fun.  And, assuming Karkand, the DAO-12 isn't a bad choice of weapon for close-range infantry combat at all.  Some might say it's a very good choice of weapon.

Teamwork FTW.
hmmm, yess....yes.,....i see now...it all SEEMS REALLY FAMILIAR TO ME!!! o wait, i have heard this load of bull crap when i was attempting to give a dam just a few mins ago.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6699|Doncaster, UK
Anybody tried typing his name into the "Get Stats" bit at the top of the page?

I don't know if this is this guy, but it comes back and says that he's got less than 100 points.


Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

If you don't want vehicles play CS or wait til EA comes up with an infantry-only option for all the whining pussies.
Geez,I don't get it,Battefield has always been about all aspects of warfare yet everybody bitches about that jet or this tank,bla,bla,bla...and the worst are the people who play infantry only on 16 player maps,that's not Battlefield,that's bastardized Counterstrike.

BF2 is only living up to its name if you are on a 64player server where there are tanks,jets,choppers,AA,just everything modern warfare has to offer and where general chaos rules.
Amen Brother, well said

DoctorFruitloop wrote:

Anybody tried typing his name into the "Get Stats" bit at the top of the page?

I don't know if this is this guy, but it comes back and says that he's got less than 100 points.

wtf??? um, u dads cock in ur skull again or u just not thinking right on your own????? i don't have a profile named Maxwelbr

nice 1

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