Boldly going nowhere...
+196|7032|Las Vegas

Wasder wrote:

This whole ROE thing is like if Valve would "restrict" using AWP in CS, threatening a Steam ID ban, cause so many n00bs don't like to be 1 shot killed. Or "restrict" using your friend to lift you up to get to some good camping spots.
If you got a CS server, you may do whatever you want on it. You may set any custom maps, run mods, like zombie escape or deathmatch, and of course restrict the use of certain weapons, if you feel like it. But there is NO stupid global rules you must follow. The only rule is not to cheat, and that's about it.
The interesting thing to note here (if I'm not mistaken) is that valve is not forcing "ranked" servers upon their customers whereas the EA model is virtually forced upon us (yes I know that we have a choice to play unranked but then we loose unlocks which is their way of ensuring that the business model they have developed will be mostly utilized by the masses).  As far as I know, Valve does not loose money by allowing any type of gameplay or mods it customers want, whereas, EA/Dice stands to lose revenue if the larger base of gamers shifts away from it's ranked server base since they are gaining revenue from all of the ranked servers. 

The revenue they stand to gain from us is the very reason that they are trying so hard to limit our options.

Please correct me if I am wrong but this is the way it seems to me....

Last edited by ShotYourSix (2006-06-27 04:41:35)


I am sending this message through Hammer as I have been a very bad boy.

Wow man.  You have seen what is really happening.  I couldn't think of a better word than "ephiphany".

I know that you have made some negative posts about me in the past but I hope you can put them aside for just a moment and take a chance to speak with me.

I can show you a side to this game and gaming that you have never seen before.  You will have more fun with this game and be better off I guarentee.

I honestly hope you will accept.....hey, if you give me a chance you made a friend.....if you hate me no matter what, you get to take a piece of me.  Either way you win!

I promise you will not be abused or restricted to say what you want and finish what you say.

Write Hammer back and he will send you the TS if you are interested. 


H4mm3r wrote:


I am sending this message through Hammer as I have been a very bad boy.

Wow man.  You have seen what is really happening.  I couldn't think of a better word than "ephiphany".

I know that you have made some negative posts about me in the past but I hope you can put them aside for just a moment and take a chance to speak with me.

I can show you a side to this game and gaming that you have never seen before.  You will have more fun with this game and be better off I guarentee.

I honestly hope you will accept.....hey, if you give me a chance you made a friend.....if you hate me no matter what, you get to take a piece of me.  Either way you win!

I promise you will not be abused or restricted to say what you want and finish what you say.

Write Hammer back and he will send you the TS if you are interested. 

As long as you refrain from calling yourself THE BUTLER or speaking in the third person, I'm in,  I used to think you were a prick, but now, after tonight and talking with a BF2RS admin for about an hour, I see differently.  You TOP guys were absoultly right, and I do apologize for any ignorance to the facts I may have displayed in the past.  I am a forgiving man and it appears you are as well.

Hammer, give Nasty my xfire if you would please sir, or just PM the TS IP.  I'm ready to own the smurfs like 1.03 intended me too.
ok about arty:

ROE says no Arty on main base right? where is enemy arty? main base 90% of the maps
+86|7087|New Zealand
welcome to the dark side Cougar. And yet our community is still growing
bad touch

MB.nZ wrote:

welcome to the dark side Cougar. And yet our community is still growing
where ever there is oppression there is a resistance
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

ok about arty:

ROE says no Arty on main base right? where is enemy arty? main base 90% of the maps
there is no rule saying you can not arty enemy base. READ THE FUCKING THING AGAIN!

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NEED AN ROE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!? If something shouldn't be done, then code it out.
Because you can't code out K/P or infantry only servers, Most of the rules are things that cant be coded out, AND MOST OF THE FUCKING RULES YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT AGAIN ARE NOT AGAINST THE FUCKING ROE!!! everyone in this fucking thread is dim witted ignorant fool who reads what cougar said and takes it as being fucking Gospel. Firstly there are 3 sections to the ROE, the first are rules for ALL FUCKING SERVER, mostly to do with server settings and stat padding. The second is to do with EA official servers ONLY, and the third is allowed rules that servers can use, But don't have to. WHYS EVERYONE COMPLAIN ABOUT THE THIRD SECTION.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I mean fuck everymove everythrow every little fucking shot, jump or ballscratch had to be coded in at somepoint so if you didnt want people EXPLORING ADAPTING AND OVERCOMING then dont allow them too. Guess what would happen little petty EA, YOU would have a dickless game on your hands. No one aside from the 7-9 age group would pick it up.
cause making an infantry only server is overcoming.. STFU if your an ignorant sheep.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I dunno when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair, jihad, chopper whore, spawn camp fuckin rights!!! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions make me smile. There is a HUGE difference between stat-padding and camping or blackhawk whoring and i really dont think these people making up the ROE understand this.
READ THE FUCKING ROE AGAIN, everything you mentioned is allowed, unless a specific server says its not.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

Personally i work hard all fucking day, come home put the kids to bed, try to put the wife to bed and i log on and i wanna fuck shit rules, no bitching, no holdsbarred.
Your bloody dumb and immature and will believe anything anyone puts in front of you for some one who has a wife and kids, maybe go and finish high school??

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-06-27 05:51:52)


Cougar wrote:

H4mm3r wrote:


I am sending this message through Hammer as I have been a very bad boy.

Wow man.  You have seen what is really happening.  I couldn't think of a better word than "ephiphany".

I know that you have made some negative posts about me in the past but I hope you can put them aside for just a moment and take a chance to speak with me.

I can show you a side to this game and gaming that you have never seen before.  You will have more fun with this game and be better off I guarentee.

I honestly hope you will accept.....hey, if you give me a chance you made a friend.....if you hate me no matter what, you get to take a piece of me.  Either way you win!

I promise you will not be abused or restricted to say what you want and finish what you say.

Write Hammer back and he will send you the TS if you are interested. 

As long as you refrain from calling yourself THE BUTLER or speaking in the third person, I'm in,  I used to think you were a prick, but now, after tonight and talking with a BF2RS admin for about an hour, I see differently.  You TOP guys were absoultly right, and I do apologize for any ignorance to the facts I may have displayed in the past.  I am a forgiving man and it appears you are as well.

Hammer, give Nasty my xfire if you would please sir, or just PM the TS IP.  I'm ready to own the smurfs like 1.03 intended me too.

Greetz Ferdy
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

DrunkFace, you are fighting a lost battle. People are going to believe what they want anyway.

Discussing the RoE here won't change anything. If you really want to give serious input, go to the bf2rs forums and voice your opinion there. As far as I know, the guys at bf2rs encourage such debate.

rants don't help

B.Schuss wrote:

DrunkFace, you are fighting a lost battle. People are going to believe what they want anyway.

Discussing the RoE here won't change anything. If you really want to give serious input, go to the bf2rs forums and voice your opinion there. As far as I know, the guys at bf2rs encourage such debate.

rants don't help
I did.  The post got edited and ridiculed within 4 minutes.

Right on track with what I expected.
Well I just read the entire rules of engagement and couldn't see any problems. Most of the rules people are complaining about are optional clan run server rules which you don't have to play on if you don't like their rules.

There's nothing I can see that in any way bothered me.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

Cougar wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

DrunkFace, you are fighting a lost battle. People are going to believe what they want anyway.

Discussing the RoE here won't change anything. If you really want to give serious input, go to the bf2rs forums and voice your opinion there. As far as I know, the guys at bf2rs encourage such debate.

rants don't help
I did.  The post got edited and ridiculed within 4 minutes.

Right on track with what I expected.
well, as far as I can see, the mod only edited your post in such a way that it would comply with forum rules. You seem to use swearwords a lot in your posts...

As far as I am concerned, they took your post here as what it was, a rant. Consequently, some forum members chose to voice their opinion in an "uneducated" manner, much like you.
What did you expect ?
I am sure they would have responded in a more decent way if you had chosen to present your "arguments" accordingly.
§ Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).

Can I just say that I think it is fucking comedy that in EA's "official" Rules of Engagement document they use the word 'whoring'. I am contemplating to which person or group of people in some kind of journalistic role it would be worth telling about this. Obviously we all understand what they mean by this and it slips under the radar because it's used in the community so much, but someone outside of the community with the frame of mind to cause damage to EA could use this simple word in the media to really give Ea a hard time.

On another positive note this may mean the ROE would be taken down for some time too

corce hatches his evil plot...

Last edited by c0rce (2006-06-27 07:54:34)


B.Schuss wrote:

well, as far as I can see, the mod only edited your post in such a way that it would comply with forum rules. You seem to use swearwords a lot in your posts...

As far as I am concerned, they took your post here as what it was, a rant. Consequently, some forum members chose to voice their opinion in an "uneducated" manner, much like you.
What did you expect ?
I am sure they would have responded in a more decent way if you had chosen to present your "arguments" accordingly.
As one of the very very few people on BF2s who's opinion and words I respect, I applaud your sincerity. 

But you did forget one thing, I am Cougar.  I tend to be very straight forward and frank when I am saying something, very "no holds barred" if you will.  I wrote that rant and view those opinions in a way that would sway myself if someone else was dictating to me.  It's just my style.

To some it's a flaw, to me it's a common characteristic and asset. 
I would like to just point out that some of the "rules" you posted were not apart of the globally enforced "rules of engagement," I am by no means endorsing these rules... they are retarded for the most part and the people that enforce them are power starved whores as well. But as for some of the rules: knife/pistol servers, and admins not allowed to kick for commander/vehicles make sense to me. They don't enforce those 2 rules though now do they?

Keyword: Private, as in entirely optional

These are rules that are not enforced upon in EA’s public ranked servers but may be modified in privately rented ranked servers. These rules are decided by clan administrators for those servers and as long as they do not contradict any global rules enforced by EA are considered valid for those servers.

This would include but not limited to:

    * § Artillery fire or bombing runs on main (uncapturable) bases may be prohibited.
    * § Prolonged or sustained attacks on main (uncapturable) bases (i.e. spawncamping).
    * § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Blackhawk whoring or flag hopping).
    * § Impersonating clan members.
    * § Using C4 on jeeps, or other fast moving vehicles to take out other vehicles.
    * § Clans may change or customise rules, provided they don’t violate the above ROE rules.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

Wasder wrote:

This whole ROE thing is like if Valve would "restrict" using AWP in CS, threatening a Steam ID ban, cause so many n00bs don't like to be 1 shot killed. Or "restrict" using your friend to lift you up to get to some good camping spots.
If you got a CS server, you may do whatever you want on it. You may set any custom maps, run mods, like zombie escape or deathmatch, and of course restrict the use of certain weapons, if you feel like it. But there is NO stupid global rules you must follow. The only rule is not to cheat, and that's about it.
Yea, and every steam update doesnt totally change weapon accuracy, weapon power, weapon sounds, or bring 200 other glitches into the game. CSS is near perfect except the centering of the hitbox with the player model, but cl_interpolate 0 solves that.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

DrunkFace wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

ok about arty:

ROE says no Arty on main base right? where is enemy arty? main base 90% of the maps
there is no rule saying you can not arty enemy base. READ THE FUCKING THING AGAIN!

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NEED AN ROE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!? If something shouldn't be done, then code it out.
Because you can't code out K/P or infantry only servers, Most of the rules are things that cant be coded out, AND MOST OF THE FUCKING RULES YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT AGAIN ARE NOT AGAINST THE FUCKING ROE!!! everyone in this fucking thread is dim witted ignorant fool who reads what cougar said and takes it as being fucking Gospel. Firstly there are 3 sections to the ROE, the first are rules for ALL FUCKING SERVER, mostly to do with server settings and stat padding. The second is to do with EA official servers ONLY, and the third is allowed rules that servers can use, But don't have to. WHYS EVERYONE COMPLAIN ABOUT THE THIRD SECTION.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I mean fuck everymove everythrow every little fucking shot, jump or ballscratch had to be coded in at somepoint so if you didnt want people EXPLORING ADAPTING AND OVERCOMING then dont allow them too. Guess what would happen little petty EA, YOU would have a dickless game on your hands. No one aside from the 7-9 age group would pick it up.
cause making an infantry only server is overcoming.. STFU if your an ignorant sheep.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

I dunno when i bought this game i had ZERO intentions on playing fair, jihad, chopper whore, spawn camp fuckin rights!!! Watching people get cut down from "tactically" smart decisions make me smile. There is a HUGE difference between stat-padding and camping or blackhawk whoring and i really dont think these people making up the ROE understand this.
READ THE FUCKING ROE AGAIN, everything you mentioned is allowed, unless a specific server says its not.

xWSxCriminalx wrote:

Personally i work hard all fucking day, come home put the kids to bed, try to put the wife to bed and i log on and i wanna fuck shit rules, no bitching, no holdsbarred.
Your bloody dumb and immature and will believe anything anyone puts in front of you for some one who has a wife and kids, maybe go and finish high school??
Seriously...i would love to know how much EA/Dice are paying you to be their tool?!?!...To be in love with the ROE it must be in the 4-5 digit....
Headshot Specialist
+104|7150|Woodland Hills, Ca
the bf2 roe is something that is sponsored by EA/Dice/Gamespy as a set of rules to go by... as far as how they're enfored I mean blatant cheaters are dealt with.

But I do agree that some of it is just fucking retarded period, Indian Scout tried to post on bf2player with all of that bullshit until he was exposed by Greg that he isnt even a part of their committee because for one I still dont even think he's over 18 years old yet. Still growing his big boy hairs!

Number two that list of rules was not compiled by EA so I dont understand how it was even approved much less enforced.
I knife Generals
+278|6850|Search Whore killing fields
Can i ask what the fuck IndianScout deos?
+304|6909|New York City baby.

DirtyMexican wrote:

Can i ask what the fuck IndianScout deos?
I don't know but looks like 90% of these forums don't like him
Pony Slaystation
+343|7022|Charlie One Alpha
Let's nuke the ROE
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

DirtyMexican wrote:

Can i ask what the fuck IndianScout deos?
3-shot SVD specialist
+29|6839|Bellingham, WA
+1 to Cougar for one helluva venting session.
+98|7051|netherlands, sweet lake city
i'm going to report myself and almost every bf2 player to BF roe .... whaaaa scared ... scared .. ?   guess your not ...
sad fuckers at the BF2ROE what ever its called. I dont care to be honest about the rules, its a game ffs do what you want

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