That's a common bug, happens to me all the time. And yeah, normally your stats should still get recorded.
I've experienced two different kinds of instances of this bug though.
1.) You show up as private. You can't use unlocks, and the server will re-award you the easy badges and stuff, because it thinks you have 0 points. Your stats get recorded.
2.) Same as above, however you can use your unlocks and you wont be awarded badges.
My theory is, these bugs are the same, it's just, certain parts of your overall account simply didn't 'load through' to the server correctly.
Like on #2, it might load your awards, points and so forth, but not your rank or whatever.. I don't know really, but its something like that.
But dont worry your stats, again, should still be recorded regardless. They'll simply be added on as usual.
Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2005-11-13 03:30:12)