The Microwave Man
This brings me back to the days of the Tribes . They made a sequal and it's sucked . They nerffed everything cool and made everything suck . Tribes2 took out Rocket jumping !!!! I wrote a nasty E-mail about how fucking stupid they were for taking out rocket jumping before the game was released . 6 months after the game released Dynamix was out of buisness .
EA and DICE , what ever , who ever have done the smae thing . They took something I totaly got into and turned into a POS . I wish , I really wish they just spit out the game and said " That's all folks " and had nothing but punkbuster updates to squash the hacks or at least keep them on thier feet . All in all the engine of this game is fucking awsome and we all love it as well as the origional gameplay . But the design and play focus is all fucked up . Who the fuck gives a rats ass about "stats" ? It's all about kill the guy on the hill , nothing else matters . By design you created stats padding . By design you rendered stats absolete !!!! Stupid . The whole game is stupid . The engine is the shit though .
Shallow and Pedantic
+2|6985|Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alright Cougar I'll try and clarify for you. The first section, titled, "GLOBALLY ENFORCED RANKED SERVER RULES" talks about rules that are to be enforced on ALL ranked servers, regardless if they are owned by EA or not. The second section, titled, "EA OFFICIAL PUBLIC SERVER RULES" talks about rules that are enforced on Ranked servers hosted by EA. For example servers with the name EA US Official Server 13, EA UK Official Server 10. The third section, titled, "LOCAL (PRIVATELY RENTED) RANKED SERVER RULES MODIFICATIONS" talks about rules that may be enforced by servers not owned by EA. For example servers like Eastcoast Bloodshed BF2, RubberDucky, PTX Karkand 24/7.
Damn Command and Conquer Generals...
+62|7043|Rochester, NY
The ROE sucks, just sucks... Sucks so bad... I just want to barf...
+165|6948|South Jersey
A-fucking-greed.  If I wanna run people over in this goddamn game, then I will!  Seeing people fly 20 feet when you hit them with a car is more exciting than getting an award.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
OMFG stop whining. Follow the rules or play on unranked FFS, You bought the game and have the right to play it however the fuck you like, But you didn't buy the servers or stats server and have no right complain or break the rules set in place by those that did. I'm not happy with EA, i dislike most of the 'nerfs' and addition on patch's but i also respect the rules as they are there to make your stats comparable to others.

As for § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Black hawk whoring or flag hopping).
this is an outdated rule where back in the first patch (not sure exactly when they changed it). You did not have to get out of the chopper to cap flags, so a full black hawk would cap a flag in 10 secs then move on then the other teams chopper would come do the same thing. Giving everyone artificially inflated scores and flag captures. (if any enforces it today then there stupid).

For all the other rules i agree with and if you don't like them get the fuck off the servers and play another game. I could go through every rule you mentioned and argue why its there and why your wrong to break it but i don't have time and i cant be fucked you seem like the think a headed person who doesn't accept explanations as to why your wrong but will just argue "ohhh but i paid for it I'll do what i like". BUT YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THE STATS YOU ONLY PAID FOR THE GAME. and the only advantage to ranked is the stats, so if you don't care about them don't play on them.

Today 14:52:22      -1      BF2ROE: The End Of Fun      "Stats comparable?" Should I compare myself to a stat padder that has the same amount of points in a couple rounds?

stats padding is against the ROE, so no you shouldn't have to compare with them, they should be reset. Do you people just not see it, breaking the ROE (well most of the rules) is just another form of stats padding. Thats the entire point of them to make your stats compareable to other because everyone played the game under the same conditions. To blatently stat pad is increasing your score, but also to play infantry only, means you dont have to deal with tanks, choppers etc making the rounds easyier for infantry and eliminatling the need for AT and increasing your infantry stats. Its just one step above K/P servers.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-06-26 22:30:22)


DrunkFace wrote:

OMFG stop whining. Follow the rules or play on unranked FFS, You bought the game and have the right to play it however the fuck you like, But you didn't buy the servers or stats server and have no right complain or break the rules set in place by those that did. I'm not happy with EA, i dislike most of the 'nerfs' and addition on patch's but i also respect the rules as they are there to make your stats comparable to others.

As for § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Black hawk whoring or flag hopping).
this is an outdated rule where back in the first patch (not sure exactly when they changed it). You did not have to get out of the chopper to cap flags, so a full black hawk would cap a flag in 10 secs then move on then the other teams chopper would come do the same thing. Giving everyone artificially inflated scores and flag captures. (if any enforces it today then there stupid).

For all the other rules i agree with and if you don't like them get the fuck off the servers and play another game. I could go through every rule you mentioned and argue why its there and why your wrong to break it but i don't have time and i cant be fucked you seem like the think a headed person who doesn't accept explanations as to why your wrong but will just argue "ohhh but i paid for it I'll do what i like". BUT YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THE STATS YOU ONLY PAID FOR THE GAME. and the only advantage to ranked is the stats, so if you don't care about them don't play on them.
YOu make some fine points but as long as you don't set a server up as ranked......then by all that  ive read you can do whatever the fuck you want's just not to me...your whole diatribe is meaningless......sounds like a big baby cry fest.
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

Cougar wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

OMFG stop whining. Follow the rules or play on unranked FFS, You bought the game and have the right to play it however the fuck you like, But you didn't buy the servers or stats server and have no right complain or break the rules set in place by those that did. I'm not happy with EA, i dislike most of the 'nerfs' and addition on patch's but i also respect the rules as they are there to make your stats comparable to others.

As for § Using the Transport Helicopters to take flags (Black hawk whoring or flag hopping).
this is an outdated rule where back in the first patch (not sure exactly when they changed it). You did not have to get out of the chopper to cap flags, so a full black hawk would cap a flag in 10 secs then move on then the other teams chopper would come do the same thing. Giving everyone artificially inflated scores and flag captures. (if any enforces it today then there stupid).

For all the other rules i agree with and if you don't like them get the fuck off the servers and play another game. I could go through every rule you mentioned and argue why its there and why your wrong to break it but i don't have time and i cant be fucked you seem like the think a headed person who doesn't accept explanations as to why your wrong but will just argue "ohhh but i paid for it I'll do what i like". BUT YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THE STATS YOU ONLY PAID FOR THE GAME. and the only advantage to ranked is the stats, so if you don't care about them don't play on them.
As of this post.. the Cougar appreciation society has officially been founded due (but not solely limited) to:

his wit, anger, and blatant hatred of noobs and their noobish ways.

and @ DrunkFace:

you payed for the game. I payed for the game. Cougar payed for the game. (Nearly) everyone on this forum payed for the game. To pay however much we did, then to have our stats, which maybe we didnt pay for but certainly spent a LOT of hours of our life achieving.. (hours we can not get back), wiped because of some backwards hick rule on a document that A) not everyone knows about and B) no one (except noobs who hate getting beaten by the skilled players) cares about.

In my opinion.. most of it is a load of bollocks..

and being perfectly honest.. if my stats got wiped and i'd spent upwards of 700 hours playing this game..

i'd be pretty damn fucked off with it too
Thread Ender
+58|7036|New Hampshire
Zanzura - just so you know it's sometimes difficult to tell the servers apart.  There are a lot of clan owned servers that come up with the name "EA US Official". 

The ROE is ROE, just that.  I've been into this game for maybe a year or so now, and everything I love has become so much easier because of the children who cry and whine for it to be nerfed.  I honestly believe that anyone 18+ would not have cried for changes.  I'm not saying everyone under 18 wanted the nerfs that have been repeated subjugated upon us for the past patches, I'm just saying I'm willing to bet the only people who wanted it were the youngin's.

§1.7 Server administrators may not use non-standard (custom map packs) maps or modified versions of standard maps.
Did you pricks ever stop and think that if maybe you released more than 2 free maps people wouldn't be looking for custom shit!?  Ohh wait, I'm sorry, you released what, like 12 new maps, to bad they only cost about $65 and most of them sucked ass anyways.  Thanks alot.  What happened to the BF1942 era support where we got a map or two almost every patch and some in between?

This is what bothers me of all the ROE, I think.  I don't play modded maps, but EA once released a wonderful game called Battlefield 1942.  It has a mod for it called Desert Combat, which, in my opinion, was increasingly better than BF2.  The artillery actually took 2 people and skill to use, there was no ranking system and this medal/ribbon bullshit (which continually gets made easier - all i have to do is stick around for another 3 patches and Ill have expert everything - even if i dont play anymore), and on most maps with jets/planes there were at least 5 per side. 

Come to think of it...Battlefield 1942's mod Desert Combat completely owns BF2.

If y'all wanna join me, I think I might head over and play that a little more often...this nerfing stuff is raging me.
bad touch

what about those who dont know about the ROE? even the Terms of Service dont say this shit ffs.
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

stryyker wrote:

what about those who dont know about the ROE? even the Terms of Service dont say this shit ffs.
i picked up on that in my post..  but yeah.. its teh gayz0rz..

just like leetspeak.. grr..
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

spawnofthemist wrote:

you payed for the game. I payed for the game. Cougar payed for the game. (Nearly) everyone on this forum payed for the game. To pay however much we did, then to have our stats, which maybe we didnt pay for but certainly spent a LOT of hours of our life achieving.. (hours we can not get back), wiped because of some backwards hick rule on a document that A) not everyone knows about and B) no one (except noobs who hate getting beaten by the skilled players) cares about.

In my opinion.. most of it is a load of bollocks..

and being perfectly honest.. if my stats got wiped and i'd spent upwards of 700 hours playing this game..

i'd be pretty damn fucked off with it too
BE pissed, its very simple follow the rules set in place to make the game fair or dont play on ranked servers, of the 600 or so hours ive played iv had no pproblem with the ROE. Its only those people trying to cheat the system to get extra points that have a problem with them. If you play the game as how the game was made the ROE dont even come up its only when you try to change how a maps played and do things differently that there is a breach of the rules.

There is an exception to "private server rules" But they paid for the server and can put in place some extra rules if they like, tho breaking these rules can only get you a ban not get your stats reset.
+31|7001|Phoenix, AZ
i agree.

they think because this game is "RANKED", it is somehow "OFFICIAL"



the only rules should be:

1. no addon cheats of any kind.
2. no intentional team killing.
OMG haha so funny. I agree  totally with you cougar, great post +1.  Please post it at EA or in EA forums.

Last edited by SargeJp (2006-06-26 21:21:26)

bad touch

premission to post on TBF2 and ROE websites SIR!
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

DrunkFace wrote:

BE pissed, its very simple follow the rules set in place to make the game fair or dont play on ranked servers, of the 600 or so hours ive played iv had no pproblem with the ROE. Its only those people trying to cheat the system to get extra points that have a problem with them. If you play the game as how the game was made the ROE dont even come up its only when you try to change how a maps played and do things differently that there is a breach of the rules.

There is an exception to "private server rules" But they paid for the server and can put in place some extra rules if they like, tho breaking these rules can only get you a ban not get your stats reset.
i've had no trouble with the BF2 God Squad either. but if i ever do.. and its because of some stupid rule that should have been removed a few patches ago (e.g. the blackhawk one) that Private CockSucker read about when he got owned so bad.. then i'd be pissed off..

admit it.. you'd be fucked off if your stats got reset.. and dont say you wouldnt.. otherwise you wouldn't have played for so long on ranked servers
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

stryyker wrote:

premission to post on TBF2 and ROE websites SIR!
Get Link Details To These Co-ordinates

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-06-26 21:28:56)


Greetz ferdy
+224|6998|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
A men Brother I say we all get drunk!!! i got the sky vodka!!! all we need is some koolaid thats how ghetto i am!
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
koolaid ftl

you americans need to get Irn Bru over there..

PROPER Irn Bru..

better than any koolaid shite
bad touch

i drink milk... kthx

stryyker wrote:

premission to post on TBF2 and ROE websites SIR!
Permission granted.
+1,128|6955|Burmecia, Land of the Rain

stryyker wrote:

i drink milk... kthx
better no let ceiling cat see that milk..

wait.. stryyker.. what are yo..

oh dear god..

thats not milk.. >.<
bad touch

Cougar wrote:

stryyker wrote:

premission to post on TBF2 and ROE websites SIR!
Permission granted.
someone else has to do them both, for i am not allowed on them for abusive language towards admins/communities.

+1,153|6943|Washington, DC

Fuck EA, fuck BF2RS, fuck BFROE, fuck BFMP, fuck the RoE, fuck these nazis. I aree with you entirely Cougar.

The majority fo BF2 players don't know about the RoE. The Terms of Service and EULA don't mention them. LOL GOOD JOB EA.

I love how Insane, Mele4nyc, and some other guy got reset for no apparent reason. According to them they didn't use hacks or stats pad, and as always EA has failed to procure any evidence. I think some EA admin was on the receiving end of Mele's Havoc gun and got mad so he reset him.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-06-26 21:57:36)

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