Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ
I've posted a description of this a few other places, but they're all buried in other threads that may not ever be found by a majority of people looking for this issue. Other than my own posts, I've not seen anyone explain this feature on these forums, I apologize in advance if it's been covered, but searching brought about no helpful information.

I doubt this is "Common knowledge" based on the number of pilots I see that never use their own missiles to finish off a tank his gunner may have missed, help take down the enemy chopper, or even fire them within a football field's length of their target.

This is the standard cockpit view. Note the horizon line extending from the target reticle.

This shot shows how the horizon line tilts when you tilt your chopper.

Most people leave it at that. The horizon line bar is there to do nothing more than to show you which way you're tilted, so that you can regain balance and hover when necessary. This isn't the case.

As you can see in this shot, when I'm pointing my nose down to close in on the jets, that horizon line leaves the midpoint of my target reticle and moves up. This is because the horizon line also acts as your missile placement on the Y axis.

The trick to firing these missiles is to use the target reticle to judge where on the X axis (Horizontally) your missiles will go, then using that horizon line to determine where they'll actually land in regard to distance.

Here's a colored pic to describe it visually. Picture this in your mind. Your crosshair isn't your center target reticle, your crosshair is dynamic in regard to your horizon line position, and your center reticle. The purple dot is about where you should hit.

A couple things to keep in mind:

1. Turning the chopper left or right throws everything off. The key is coming in straight, don't bother firing while turning unless you've got a LOT of practice doing it. That's not to say you shouldn't practice it though. As some other posters in this thread have mentioned, you become even more deadly when you master this, but be patient and practice with it before you get frustrated.

2. Everyone's video settings are different. There's no way to determine 100% where you need to aim based on someone else's screenshots. It's the same with the TV missile. Find your own sweet spot.

3. This guide is NOT an exact science. There's no substitute for practice, this was simply written to give people an edge, and a new tool to work with. There are some other factors that are being brought up that, once I'm able to test them for myself, will also be included in this guide.

Last edited by Not (2006-07-08 09:53:32)

Phorum Phantom
nice. +1

Good guide, I didn't know about the horizontal line, I just figured it was somewhere other than on the crosshairs lol.
=NwW= SgtD
+16|6730|England basingstoke
sweet thx man will use that guide
Say wat!?
Yeah this is exactly how i use my missles, the trick with turning and firing is firing ahead of your target. Then the missles should hit, i terms of chopper chasing if im about 50 metres from the chopper and we are both circling i fire about 1 inch on my screen ahead of the chopper and boom i normally get 5-6 hits on the chopper and it explodes.
Great I've always shooted randomly above the center target reticle and didn't know (notice) it hits where the horizontal line is
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
Wow this is going to help me so much, I'd always just try and take my best guess at where they hit.  +1
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ
Glad to help.
Jackass of all Trades
+62|6835|Dayton, Ohio
Is it true for the reverse? If you are firing up in the air while drifting backwards, say in a dog fight?
+16|6800|Alberta, Canada
Good to see someone else giving tips, i been flying for long time now and 90% of the time i fly alone just for the fact i like to do the fighting, and enjoy taking helis out without tv or a gunner...note to all you self gunners out there, u better hope u dont miss me the first shot

And to Not....look me up sometime man, its always good to play someone with actual skill
Great tip! I've been playing since the game was released and never noticed that. Good job!
Definately deserves a karma point!
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ

KnowMeByTrailOfDead wrote:

Is it true for the reverse? If you are firing up in the air while drifting backwards, say in a dog fight?
Yes, the line will move below your target reticle rather than above it, and you treat it the same way.
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ

ReGmAn78 wrote:

And to Not....look me up sometime man, its always good to play someone with actual skill
Will do, is your game name the same as the one you use on the forums?
prince of insufficient light
Nice guide, now I can point people here instead of explaining it myself.

Though to anyone practicing with this, it is harder to hit things with missles while turning but very much worth the effort, especially useful in taking out targets that are a threat such as mobile AA, tanks, and AT guys, since it's really hard for them to hit you while you're circling around them.
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Nice guide, now I can point people here instead of explaining it myself.

Though to anyone practicing with this, it is harder to hit things with missles while turning but very much worth the effort, especially useful in taking out targets that are a threat such as mobile AA, tanks, and AT guys, since it's really hard for them to hit you while you're circling around them.
Absolutely, +1
+16|6800|Alberta, Canada

Not wrote:

ReGmAn78 wrote:

And to Not....look me up sometime man, its always good to play someone with actual skill
Will do, is your game name the same as the one you use on the forums?

nice +1 I always do it on the feeling, never thought about this before, going to check it out soon!
Not really a Brit
I wish I'd read this before I spent many hours trying to work it out. I found it out for myself eventually, but this would have saved some time to practise other things.
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ

rh27 wrote:

I wish I'd read this before I spent many hours trying to work it out. I found it out for myself eventually, but this would have saved some time to practise other things.
I found it out on a freak chance. See, my computer has...issues right now...long story short I randomly power down and reset. (Likely the CPU temp). So I just go into empty servers, fly the choppers I love so much, and wait for my system meltdown. After about an hour of doing this and shooting a lot of missiles, I just sort of noticed a pattern of movement, noticed the horizon line's motion and put two and two together. Sometimes not being preoccupied with killing things can lead to some pretty nice discoveries.
I'm a worthless pilot but I just wanted to say that this was a really helpful thread and if I ever take the time to practice my flying I'll keep this in mind. 

+1 for you
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ
My thanks to you
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6829|Moscow, Russia
Nice guide, looking forward to try that out.
good guide, i need as much help as i can get with firing these bloody things
gone, tired of kiddietrashtalk
good job dude, will try it soon
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6886|Germany, near Koblenz
Thanks mate! +1

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