Pope of BF2s
+355|6671|Sea to globally-cooled sea
I shot a vodnik with AT and the guy drove the flaming vehicle past a friendly armor and exploded, so I got credit for both the armor kill and the vodnik kill.  That was seriously cool.

Also, once on Wake, I saw the enemy attack chopper flaming so I emptied a clip of my MP-7 at it, and shot it down.  2 kills!  woot

I also love sniping on Great Wall, across from the crumble.  I was laughing just this morning because they came like lemmings...I must have picked off 4 guys in a row.  That was fun

Once I picked the pilot out of an attack chopper while he was hovering/capping a flag.  the chopper just landed and I took off in it.  that was beautiful
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6625|Melbourne, Australia.
Taking down a blackhawk with 6 people in it with a jet always makes me smile
Uses the TV missle too much
i used to do this all the time in demo and still some on retail - fly a jet really really low over carrier on oman and get roadkills with the plane. i did this about 5 times till people stated catching on. so they started C4 jumping their way over my plane. the funniest ones are when they C4, then STILL hit the plane on the way down. MiG roadkills on carrier...gotta love it.
Well today i was playing...umm...i think its Sharqi(the one that u have a heli respawn at the top of a very high building(american side). And I was commander..well i stayed hidden in the building , thinkig that i would be in safety until the end of map.
     Well i noticed that 4 guys in a vodnik (enemies) were coming to my spot, but i noticed that quite lately(or soon enough!!), just as i show myself at door, there they are coming up the stairs..i dont even think twice..they were point blank, i blast full auto with no unlock antitank gun, just at head level...kill 4 guys lol... and just prone down beside their bodies.  It happens to be that a fifth guy was coming up the stairs..just as i proned in the middle of the dead bodies...he didnt see me.
    I decided then to knife him in the back.Took off my knife and ran after him..but he had the good reflex of looking behind him, he blasted full auto on me( i think he was an assault), but did not kill me.That the exact time i needed to take outmy pistol and just empty my clip on him..lol killed him.

    But didnt have time to keep an SS, guys were requiring supplies  like hell...but that will stay forever in my mind...^^
+19|6600|newcastle australia
first time i played the new patch the first thing isaw was three enemies crushed by an air droped vodnik.
Also shooting down a harrier (thought he would be a smart arse and hover over me to bomb me) with a tank
+27|6588|Atlanta, Georgia
The funniest kill I have ever done which made me smile was I was on Strike at Karkand and running down the steps to revive a teammate.  So I get down there and crouch ready to revive him, as soon as I click an enemy runs across my screen and gets paddled by me.  Instantly the round ends.

I wish I had a video of it, but you don't record videos of what looks like a regular revive.  It was hilarious though.
+-3|6768|Sunderland, UK
This made me laugh my head off, but theres always on rambo who i hapen to tk, its not fair.

Well I've got kinda many kills that are kinda fun:

* Shot a heli down with my pistol
* Shot a Black Hawk down with a tank... Just fired a shot with my tank, and BOOM! 6 kills!
* Drove a jeep full with C¤ on the big bridge to the US camp on Kubra. Someone blew the bridge up and I drove down through the hole and down on a APC... 6 kills
* Climbed on to the roof at Square (Karkand). Found a whole squad of Snipers + a Commander. Knifed em' good!  7 kills and a Badge!
* Was hunted by a A.Heli and threw a Flashie. The heli spinns around and crashes! No kills
* Threw a grenade hard on someones face.. 1 kill
* Flew low over the US Carrier with a J10 = some heads was rolling around...
* Jumped with a jeep (at Square at Karkand) and mushed someone...
i had one where we were MEC on oman and the USMC pushed us all the way back to the uncap then kept attacking us with a tank on the runway and bombing the hell out of us. i think there were a few APC's around to. everytime i spawned i died a few seconds later. next time i saw one of the jets on the runway behind the tank, sumhow i managed to run past it without being spotted and jumped in the copilot bit and fired the tv missle at him. took off got my first plane kill ever (air to air) and then jumped out and capped a flag. we still lost but it was pretty good effort.
i like really quick kills that u get right after u spawn.
u just spwn as a sniper
lay down
cap sum1 in the face
walk away
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh  luv 'em
+0|6573|Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
I was playing commander in a large map with only a few guys. i was heading to cap a flag and had no transport, so i aimed at the ground and ordered myself a vehicle drop.

just then a guy appears in front of me and starts shooting at me with an MP5, so i shoot bak as im walking backwards away from him; anyway he ends up where i had aimed for the drop and it came down just in time onto his head!!! i didnt have fraps running at the time unfortunately... 

he posted a msg on-screen: "wtf??????????????????????????????????" or something to that effect...
WE were in Gulf of Omen and my friend and I were in a double jet and he jumped out deployed his parachute then I jumped out no parachute wanted the thrill and he was like there is a guy shooting at me and I dropped on the guy and killed him it was so funnny and it broke my fall so I lived wonder what type of kill that was under my stats.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6707|Groningen, The Netherlands
I was flying a attack chopper and a plane came straight at me 0.o 
I fired all my rockets and killed the plane

I just joind a kubra dam server from the BAD clan and i went and sat in an apc.
Then i was taking hits from a machine gun, I turned my turret and saw a plane heading directly for me, "bam"I schot it down with the apc-rocket

Making a loop in a attack chopper I fired all my rockets (cos i had 6 left and wanted it to reload).
And somehowe I killed someone with those rockets, I still dont know where he was
Playing Mastuur- I have a "secret" hiding spot (I won't tell, find it yourself) that gives me a great view of the US Blackhawk pilot seat without me being exposed... I can usually kill 5+ pilots without it taking off (Usually leaves when I reload). Also playing Mastuur. Chopper was smoking and I fired a random M95 into it and got 5 kills on the spot!

Last edited by spartakis (2006-06-13 22:22:20)

+0|6573|Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Just after the game came out in June last year i was playing Shonghua Stalemate as PLA and was driving a tank. I was on a ridge and heard a BH nearby so i turn the turret to my right and there was one to my right in line with me. The gunner starts unloading his minigun into me so I randomly shot a shell at it; hit it just behind the pilot seat and took it down: 2 kills! My first WTF moment of BF2...

Another time i was on Wake as PLA and was in a jeep near the base directly north of the airfield, u know the one... I fired a few shots at a BH with the .50cal on the jeep as it went behind some trees. I got out of the jeep as the BH had done damage to it and it was about to blow. The BH came bak a few secs later, so i shot my silenced pistol at it 3 times and took it out: 5 kills! A friend who was standing next to me and knew i used my pistol said to me over Teamspeak that he worships me...

Agemman wrote:

4. Shot a tank shell into the air and hit a full BH
5. All times I've out-sniped snipers with my trusty pistol...
6. When I got a whole squad with knives after me on Karkand. ran around a corner and dropped a Claymore.
9. When a BH landed on my AT-mines
Yeah, i done all those, they're damn funny when u pull them off urself

nelson496 wrote:

sniping the same person 4 times in a row with a headshot
On Gulf of Oman once i was sniper on the building just north of the River Fort base and the MEC had the Olive Fort next to it; one dude kept running from his base to the River Fort and i just kept sniping him in the head over and over (while he was running) with the M24 (damn good rifle).

Last edited by Cilvaa (2006-06-16 07:55:17)

taking delibrate shots with a L96A1 to scare a guy into hiding behind a gas tank, then putting two shots into the tank and watching his corpse fly 30 feet into the air.

On Karkand high on one of the bnuildings over the river, watching one guy spawn, and lie down and start shooting. No, I can't I say to myself (hate the twats that camp respawn spots) I cant shoot him at the respawn. Another guy spawns next to the first, sees whats going on and goes prone and starts shooting, STILL I contain myself, knowing it plain WRONG. Then two others spawn right there next to the first two, at this point my trigger finger just plain went into spasm, I couldn't help it. Eryx away, 4 kills. This annoyed them a littleand lo and behold two of em spawn again at the same point, and they know where I am. So I give em 10 secs and peer over the edge and dammit they are still there looking up at the wrong end of the building. Click boom, what ya gonna do? A third guy I spotted heading for the tank, so being a sporting sort I let him get in (as I had already put a round into it when it spawned) Boom!

But the best of all, THE most satifying are the TV missile kills, fired off from a distance at the source of some tracer (ya cant see what it is though) and as you get the missile on target, the victim is looking straight at the missile, and you KNOW it was the last thing they saw, these kills plain make me feel smug.
Real Хорошо
+826|6564|Adelaide, South Australia

i was playing on Mashtuur once, going for my Basic Knife. there was 3 guys in the Backyard spawnpoint, (UAV was on em) so i tossed a nade into em. at this point i pulled my knife out. the nade killed 2 then the other guys comes out with a freakin' DAO-12. i was about 10 metres away, too. i managed to dodge half his shots and did a jumping stab him ti his head. couldnt help but gloat cause he had been pwning me all night with the freaking thing (i was a sniper BTW)!

another Mashtuur, i was behind the big shed in the Backyard spawnpoint just as the enemy captured it. all i had left was 3 bullets in my G36-E. no reloads, either. i dashed along the back of the shed just as a dude with a G3 spawned behind me (Nuther UAV help) i jumped, lay down in midair, spun round and killed him before i even hit the ground. 3 bullets. 20 metre shot. in midair. while moving. by the end of the round i had 147 points and the closest guy behind mr was on 80-sumthing. god bless those Matrix-shots.

once, i attacked the Hotel spawn (Sharqi) just as it was capped, (SpecOps kit) killed 2 with the G36-C (no reload), 2 with the Beretta (still no reload), and 2 with my knife. won the bronze fot that too. (Map finished 30 secs after that stunt).

almost forgot. once on the Kubra Dam map,  i was a sniper trying to go cap the lower dam flag, but there were 3 annoying guys with MG's on a higher ledge. (i'm in between some concrete building) i managed to snipe one but he spotted me. one of the other guys tries nades but misses with them all (whew) and then tries to jump down and shoot me. but the concrete parts on the building are too close together for a chute to open, so he falls to his death ( i watched it happen) i was about to turn away just as his buddy does EXACTLY THE SAME THING! i actually fell off my chair laughing at that one. (if i ever have time to screenie the spot im talking about, ill edit this post again)

yet another one for you lucky people: i was lying in the back of a HumVee just as i capped the Lower dam flag in Kubra, (i was MEC) when two USMC dudes jump in it ( i was lying in the back, not actually IN the thing) i opened up with my PKM, got 2 kills, and 2 defends. one of mt friends was over and couldnt stop laughing.

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2006-06-22 08:11:50)

//RS Blondie
Well considering I constantly get yelled at at home for laughing too loud, I would say I have alot of funny moments. However the one that pops into my mind all the time is this:

Wake island, north base. Coming from the north villiage in a DPV. Knowing full well that if I come around and stop in the front I will probably a) get shot by a tank b) get sniped / picked off infantry... I sped around to park behind. Unbeknownst to me a full squad of 6 is congregating behind the flag house. Speeding behind the house trying not to drive off the cliff I roadkilled the entire squad within a fraction of a second... lol 6 consecutive roadkills. I was laughing so hard but I still managed to gun down the 3 guys that spawned to hold the flag and capped it all by myself... lawl
Knifing the stupid son of a bitch who claymore whored the entire place and fuckin spawn camping the fucking shit of the mutherfucker.
took a heli down with a jet ski the other day.. it was hoverin, i crashed into it and it went in the water  blew me up but it made me smile 
Pope of BF2s
+355|6671|Sea to globally-cooled sea
once at gatehouse I was in the armor defending the flag, and there was a guy hiding in the building.  I simply could not get the splash damage to hit him and it was getting frustrating.  Having been in his shoes in the past, I knew that he had his eye on the map waiting for the gray tank to appear.  I jumped out of the tank and laid a mine underneath it and then ran and ducked behind the boxes by the flag.  I saw him come tearing out of the building like a bat out of hell and he hopped right into my tank and promptly blew himself to pieces.  oh man that shit was GREAT!  I bet he felt so stupid...
+34|6579|I am located at my location
I was playing Kubra Dam, some weird guy and I were on the very top of the dam. I was sniping out the enemy while he was just standing there jumping around and giving away my position. When he got the the very tip of the the dam's side, I had enough of the guy and rammed right into him. That knocked him off the dam and he fell a massive amount of floors. Fortunately for me, he was too stupid to open his parachute (maybe he didn't know how) so the guy died but I wasn't credited for a teamkill!
The first true Sniper.
+95|6688|Cumberland, MD, USA
My most recent kill that made me smile:

AH-1Z thought he had the upper hand on the Z-10 because he was higher. Guess not!

Edit: But others include on Warlord tossing nades down to the Plaza from the parachute SAS spawn and killing 4 Insurgents. And, when an AT guy get's your APC on fire, you bail and give him a piece of your mind as seen here:


And yet others include ramming a taking off J-10 with a DPV and getting 1 roadkill, 2 explosion kills, and 1 pilot death from it.

Last edited by InviSniper (2006-07-04 08:24:33)

+7|6554|The Netherlands
1. Oilfield map, was driving a buggy when I used the ramp to jump, landed on 2 hostiles, both dead
2. knifing the enemy sniper like 5 times be for he realized it was me...
3. Strike at Arkland, c4-ing a van and blowing up 6 men...
Cursed You
Kills that are like my sig.

When I kill them, and they get the warning.... well... it just... brings a tear to my eye.

I have two so far, goin for more!

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