+21|6817|Sheerness, UK

I was on one of the new armored fury maps but this goes for all the maps that have these in, our team manage to take all the capable flags so we decided to attack the hq of the map which was an uncapable base and was told by admin to leave base or get kicked. surely this is unfair?. I personally feel there shouldn't be any uncapable bases on any battlefield 2,euro,armored fury maps.
+305|6752|Cheshire. UK
The reason most servers impose the uncappable base rule is basically to counter spawn camping....which it basically boils down too!!...I find some of my best games have been on servers that have a no capturing the last flag rule..

Gives the other side a chance to break out and keeps the game going..
Simple fact is, some servers have a rule against attacking uncappable bases.

If, on one of those servers, you attack the uncap, the admins are going to get bitchy with you, as is their right.  If its a rule, don't do it!
+164|6919|Normal, IL
i never touch the uncaps even if its allowed, i feel dirty afterwards. And i usually stay away from servers that allow it too. however, servers can make rules against it, and as it has been already said, it gives the other side a chance and makes for a more interesting game. however, if you feel otherwise, i suggest you play on servers that do allow it, lest be kicked
+18|6936|Your six is my twelve
I played on the [HE] server, and the rules basically were this

1) The U.S. can base rape the MEC and PLA to their hearts content, even if it's the main.
2) The MEC and PLA can NOT rape the USMC, as they have an uncappable.

Anyway, the U.S. just started raping our airfield from the start of the game, and didn't get the flag on a couple of the rounds, just sat back and raped.  Jet's raped airfield, choppers raped everywhere. Tanks raped everywhere, wasn't pretty.  As soon as a J-10 so much as flew over the carrier.. BANNED.
One of the lamest servers out there.  I'm sure that it could only be worse on karkand.
I don't have a problem with this rule as long as it's qualified:
  No attacking a UC unless all other flags are taken
I am one of the ones who have no problems attacking an uncap. This is a game of simulated war, meaning that it's tactically unsound to allow your enemy to have a safe zone to regroup and resupply. If you are being attacked at your uncapped, then spawn somewhere else; if that is your only spawn point, then you deserve the raping. That is just in my opinion, though. Some would say that while you are baseraping an uncap, you're not helping your team on the mainland; I think this is untrue: keeping the enemy's armor and air support from launching is a great benefit for the rest of your team.
+153|6902|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
Base rape.... love it!

viserov wrote:

I am one of the ones who have no problems attacking an uncap. This is a game of simulated war, meaning that it's tactically unsound to allow your enemy to have a safe zone to regroup and resupply. If you are being attacked at your uncapped, then spawn somewhere else; if that is your only spawn point, then you deserve the raping. That is just in my opinion, though. Some would say that while you are baseraping an uncap, you're not helping your team on the mainland; I think this is untrue: keeping the enemy's armor and air support from launching is a great benefit for the rest of your team.
This is true but if you have a very good team the rounds end way to quick, makes it more fun if you let them out and draw the round out longer.I find people who do this very annoying myself and i personally think its counts as a sort of stat-padding rapeing the fook out of uncaps .
Well, if they are smart, then they'd spawn elsewhere, though sometimes that might be expecting too much from some people.
+163|6801|Odessa, Ukraine

{USI}_Zombie wrote:

I don't have a problem with this rule as long as it's qualified:
  No attacking a UC unless all other flags are taken

viserov wrote:

Well, if they are smart, then they'd spawn elsewhere, though sometimes that might be expecting too much from some people.
Yes but if its the last spawn how can they ??
Sheep of War

viserov wrote:

Well, if they are smart, then they'd spawn elsewhere, though sometimes that might be expecting too much from some people.
Um I think you are missing the point...he said when all of the other flags are captured. It definatly shouldn't be allowed unless all of the flags are capped, but some servers allow it. To me, its all good.

Anyways, if a server allows it, so be it. Definitaly its not unfair for a server to kick for it; if it is against the rules.

I'm kind of split on it. I mean I've done my share of raping, and I've had my share of rapes.  Some maps are cheaper than others (wake.) For this reason, though, I find myself raping the carrier on Dragon Valley with the AA. And guess who gets all bitchy and cries about it, though?...the jet/chopper whores! Thats right the good old teamkilling, crybaby, aircraft whores!

Kind of OT, but I think it shows alot about a persons character (as in which vehicles they whore.) The crybabys that can't stand being killed and want to feel good about themselves are the ones teamkilling, and/or standing in front of aircraft. They just can't live without their free kills and if they don't get to fly, the team is going to pay.  Tank whores (like me,) and even chopper whores now with the updated AA take their licks. They don't always get their vehicles, but I can't remember the last time sombody stood infront of a tank or tried to take it out because they didn't get there first.

Of course there is plenty of exceptions, but I promise you won't see the exceptions doing anything stupid for the aircraft.
+630|6798|The Netherlands
i love baseraping, but only at the beginning of the map, or when they have no base left except UC.

I admit that I have bombed the carrier too a few times (on a server that allowed it). But now I don't do that anymore, even when it's allowed. It sucks when you are on the carrier yourself and you get bombs and arti every second. So I now circle around waiting for them to be across the arti island (wake) for example. Yeah I don't have the highest score, but at least I gave the others a chance to have a fun game instead of collecting purple hearts. (if they can get 5 kills anyway)

I hate spawnrapers, you spawn and get killed 5 times in a row because the stupid system only spawns at the same spot where the tank is aiming. A lot of you who claim to love baseraping probably leave the server, switch sides or insult and shout like hell when it happens to you (not all but I guess a lot). If you only care about your stats, I'm sure you are missing the fun part. I rather have a good time and know that others have it too than caring about my KDR or SPM and spawnrape like hell.

You will rarely see me in an uncap killing people, except if I'm going to blow up the commander assets.
I'd just like to point out that there is a difference between base raping and spawn raping, somthing which most people seem to think refer to the same thing.

I am totally for attacking Uncappable bases, 100%. I agree that there should not be any 'safe zones' on this game. What i do disagree with is spawn raping which is both unfair to the player being killed and also a form of stats padding seeing as it takes no skill whatsoever.

Attacking an uncappable b ase means you WILL DIE! If someones in an uncap then whoever they kill will ALWAYS be able to spawn right back with a kit to combat you, as many times as it takes. I've known people to bring in AA vehicles to Uncap Airfields and they've blown me away maybe three or four times, but eventually they get taken down and they'll have to spawn elsewhere.

As a side note, how many people have actually been SPAWN raped in an uncap? Obviously I may be living a charmed life but I've only ever been spawn raped on Karkand @ Hotel and occaisionally at contested flags where a squad have covered the spawns. By spawn raped i mean killed within the first 3 seconds of spawning.

Well thats my two pence, if you disagree feel free to tell me why. Maybe you'll change my mind
Anybody know of any servers where anything goes ?
TBH i don't care if i get baseraped, basically because my team allowed it to happen.
i never really had this problem....when i was in karkand we spawn camped then if we had spec ops we'd ruin their artillery...then we'd only go to gas station if we wanted to kill a lone commander or take their tanks
Sheep of War

Sea_JayUK wrote:

I'd just like to point out that there is a difference between base raping and spawn raping, somthing which most people seem to think refer to the same thing.

I am totally for attacking Uncappable bases, 100%. I agree that there should not be any 'safe zones' on this game. What i do disagree with is spawn raping which is both unfair to the player being killed and also a form of stats padding seeing as it takes no skill whatsoever.

Attacking an uncappable b ase means you WILL DIE! If someones in an uncap then whoever they kill will ALWAYS be able to spawn right back with a kit to combat you, as many times as it takes. I've known people to bring in AA vehicles to Uncap Airfields and they've blown me away maybe three or four times, but eventually they get taken down and they'll have to spawn elsewhere.

As a side note, how many people have actually been SPAWN raped in an uncap? Obviously I may be living a charmed life but I've only ever been spawn raped on Karkand @ Hotel and occaisionally at contested flags where a squad have covered the spawns. By spawn raped i mean killed within the first 3 seconds of spawning.

Well thats my two pence, if you disagree feel free to tell me why. Maybe you'll change my mind
This is a very good point, however spawnraping is such a grey area somtimes its difficult to explain. (BTW I believe the topic is Baseraping Uncaps.)

Let me give an example. Say a team is down to 1 flag (for example sake, nobody is raping the uncap.) Okay you have 32 people trying to fight their way out and you have 32 people trying to take the last remaining flag. A situation like this can be very difficult to define. Ok, its blatent spawn raping when everyone is blocking off all exits just waiting for sombody to appear and kill then. Another thing though (and this happens alot) its that ; the flag doesn't get taken easily. So you go on fighting, and to 3/4 of the team thats left with one flag is technically getting raped, but for some reason or another a straggler doesn't get killed and throws grenades into the flag area.

Situations such as this happen all the time and I've seen alot of unrightful kicks and alot of people crying to the admin over it. Its somthing that you are going to have to deal with once in a while in a game like this.

What it boils down to is that everyones definition of "fun gaming" differs. There are servers out there that will uuse all different rules and combinations of them. If you don't like not being able to rape the uncaps, find a server that allows you to. Then add it to your favorites.

P.S. Don't be suprised if the admin is on the other team and starts booting people on your team anyways. I've noticed that the people that love to spawnrape and baserape the most are the ones that hate getting killed the most. I've been booted from "NO RULES" servers for suicide bombing the admin in his precious tank, effectivly nuetralizing it.

Last edited by 908741059871059781 (2006-06-25 06:41:33)


908741059871059781 wrote:

viserov wrote:

Well, if they are smart, then they'd spawn elsewhere, though sometimes that might be expecting too much from some people.
Um I think you are missing the point...he said when all of the other flags are captured. It definatly shouldn't be allowed unless all of the flags are capped, but some servers allow it. To me, its all good.
No, I believe I stated my reasoning already. If a server allows attacking of uncaps, regardless of who holds what flags, then sometimes I'll just attack their main, preventing them from using their armor or air support. If, as I said, the other team has other spawn points and they are getting owned at their uncap, then maybe they should grow a brain and spawn elsewhere. If my team has all the spawn points and their uncap is their only spawn point, then they deserve the baseraping. If present, I respect server rules in which attacking uncaps is not allowed, but I still think it's cheap to have a safezone.

Has anyone else been in the following situation? Too many times I've been in a chopper battle (or, replace chopper with jet) against a server admin, the admin's chopper takes a beating, so he makes a run for his home base to repair and expects you not to finish him off. How cheap is that? I was on the LMS server last night in a chopper battle against an LMS admin; we were battling over the refinery, his chopper starts smoking, so he makes a run for his home; I put a TV guide in him just as he enters his main, and I get warned. Then, that same server, we battled again in a chopper, except this time he was firing missiles and backing up to his main. Once he got to his main, he continued firing and gunning, but told us to break off our attack.

Anyway, my point is, for the servers that allow it, attacking uncaps (whether it be chopper whoring, bombing with a jet, sniping, or just plain infantry raping) is a huge benefit for your team.
Sheep of War
I get your point bro, it was a refrence to the origional post and how the reply of spawning somewhere else isn't aplicabale in this particular situation, being that it was stated by the topic starter that it should be fair when all of the flags are capped.  Its all just a misunderstanding lol.

Anyways, I agree with you if the server allows it.  If I'm on a team that loses all of the flags, I admit, I will be the first one to leave.
Today 05:32:30      -1      Attacking uncapable Bases      Because your point is mute!

lol, If someone is going to give me -1, which I couldn't care less about, at least don't look like an idiot and spell moot incorrectly.

908741059871059781 wrote:

I get your point bro, it was a refrence to the origional post and how the reply of spawning somewhere else isn't aplicabale in this particular situation, being that it was stated by the topic starter that it should be fair when all of the flags are capped.  Its all just a misunderstanding lol.

Anyways, I agree with you if the server allows it.  If I'm on a team that loses all of the flags, I admit, I will be the first one to leave.
Naw, I wasn't trying to be defensive. If a team's only spawn point is their uncap, it usually means they failed to work well together and it's doubtful they can successfully win the game anyway (even if we let them out of the uncap peacefully), so the best thing one can do for them is to end the round quickly... though it does piss a lot of people off. Live and learn: don't make the same mistakes next time... or just switch over to the dominating team.
btw. what's about the arty, radar and uav trailer...if they are in an uncap base, how do we get rid of them if we are not allowed to attack the base...or do they mean us to sneak into it without engaging any enemy?!?!

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