
Time to hang up the key board? When should gaming stop?

At 16?0%0% - 1
At 18?0%0% - 2
At 20?2%2% - 6
At 25?2%2% - 5
At 30?0%0% - 2
When you have kids?3%3% - 8
When you get married?2%2% - 5
When you still work at taco bell after 40yrs old?12%12% - 29
When ever you feel like it?24%24% - 56
Never, gaming has no age!49%49% - 112
Total: 226
+186|6605|The real world

LitterBox wrote:

Heh!  I'm 30 and don't see an end in sight!  I just got BF2 for my dad for Fathers Day and he's almost 62.  We play co-op together against the bots since he's too scared to go online!
hah that really owns,

im 16, im gonna stop gaming at my 18'th I think, and go develop websites for companys
ATG's First Disciple
+263|6670|Birmingham, UK
I'm 14 and I know people about 30 who still play...
It has to be when you feel like you shouldn't be gaming any more.
+13|6687|Victoria, Australia
When you pry the keyboard out of my cold, dead hands.
Failure By Design
+39|6592|Cardiff, Wales, Uk.
only when you feel like it... life is way to short and shit to not be doing what you want, who gives a shit what other people think, if they are judging you for being a gamer at a certain age they probally have a shit life to be judging people like that anyway. Live it, love it, enjoy it, just do what you feel like doing in your life, you live once...
The Cereal Killer
+201|6704| United States of America
i dont think that you should stop playing when you get married or have kids just dont play as much
The first true Sniper.
+95|6690|Cumberland, MD, USA
Gaming has no age limit. I will quit when my fingers curl up and my hands turn cold.
Results May Vary
I am 33, I dont see the end in sight anytime soon.  I play at night when the kids go to bed (which is REAL soon so I can get my saturday night game on).
Gaming has no age.
im 29 i dont think i will stop for awhile there will always be some new game to check out.

Jakethe8lf wrote:

When you pry the keyboard out of my cold, dead hands.
Man, you took my line.  +1
+13|6604|MN, USA
On topic:  Everybody should be able to decide how much and when they can play online games.  Much like everyone is allowed to have children when they want.  Most people will know if they should or shouldn't play/repopulate.  But some that shouldn't still will.

Off topic:  Ok.  Thanks for the Neg whoever.  I like it very much.  This is my Karma, this is my life.  There are many like it but this oneKarma is mine.  My Kama is my best friend.  It is my life.  I must master my Karma as I master my life.   Limp bizkit (Old stuff) Still Rocks.
+9|6564|in your pants :)
when your 25 because you should become mature...i mean...is it really that fun completly kicking the shit out of a little 10 year old on battle field 2 when your 25?
+11|6570|Trophy Club, Texas
Im 19, about to go to boot camp, and I think gaming is about to reach its apex for me. I am going to go to quakecon this year, but I dont think im gonna drop 2.5 g's to build a balls to the wall rig. Mine plays bf2 and thats okay with me, I would have the money to build some insane shit with my bonus from the Army, but I think that money would be better for saving, I mean for 2.5 g's I could get a motorcycle or something way more badass.  I love video games, and I always will, but I think im gonna stick to consoles for a while.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6724|Middle of nowhere
"When is it time to hang up the keyboard and mouse??"

-when you get a joystick... it's way better to pilot planes with

Lt.Oreo wrote:

i mean...is it really that fun completly kicking the shit out of a little 10 year old on battle field 2 when your 25?
i would imagine so

Last edited by genius_man16 (2006-06-24 21:13:19)

I'll stop gaming when I learn how to re spawn in life....
Gaming is 24/7 for me, any chance I get at it I do. Even in my old age I'll be trying to keep up with them whipper snappers! When I die, I'll be found infront of my computer..cause of death: brain failure due to too many overdoses of giving out ownage, sad..yet true
Aeon Supreme commander
I wanna go out either having sex, or playing an online game where teamwork is really necessary, and I kill over on the keyboard, alert the enemy to our position, and then all our characters die. Poetic.
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6765|Las Vegas

Lt.Oreo wrote:

when your 25 because you should become mature...i mean...is it really that fun completly kicking the shit out of a little 10 year old on battle field 2 when your 25?
It's fun to kick the shit out of ANYONE when you are 25.  And it's STILL Fun to kick the shit out of them when you are 65. 

Shit man, when I was 25 it was 1990. 

The internet was still under development and mostly used to connect universities. Personal use was just becoming a possibility.  Windows had just released Windows 3.0.  PC gaming was extremely limited with very limited graphics. Consoles ruled the roost as far as gaming.  AMD was building x86 processors like the AMD 386DX which ran at 40MHz.  Memory of less than 1Mb was standard. 

Commodore Business Machines unveils the Amiga 3000UX, with a Motorola MC68030 25 MHz processor, 68882 math coprocessor, UNIX System V Release 4, Open Look, and Ethernet support. Cost is US$5000, without a monitor.

All I can say is that I'm damn glad I didnt give up on gaming at 25.  Hell, I was just warming up!  Gaming is a very enjoyable part of my life which I will never leave behind.  I may have taken on other hobbies (such as skydiving) and devoted more time to them but never to the exclusion of gaming.  Gaming allows us to interactively feel and experience situations that are not possible IRL such as running in a NASCAR race, piloting a spaceship, doing battle with modern day weapons, recreating WWII battles, the imagination is the only limit here.  Shit man, that's pretty fucking good if you ask me!  Why would you ever leave that behind?  Wait till you get there and you'll see that it's not likely to happen.

As I said before, I'll be done gaming when I'm dead.

Last edited by ShotYourSix (2006-06-24 21:32:47)

34 married with a baby on the way. My generation grew up with the first video games, hell I remember playing Pong for the first time! I still have my Intellivision in my garage, haven't decided if I want to sell it on Ebay or hook it up to my garage TV...

I'll stop gaming when they pry my mouse from my cold, dead fingers!

+127|6704|WPB, FL. USA

dhoar4 wrote:

For the faggot that gave me -1 for saying I don't have a girlfriend (probably SPAM clan again)...Here she is:

Does she rent by the night or the hour - probably a little more for pictures huh 

Just kidding - sweeeeet,
+5,233|6575|Global Command
37 and two kids.
I game after they go to bed and maybe my sex life has suffered somewhat. Fuck it. My wife crashes a 9.
For awhile I was spending more time here than on the game, but I'm over it. There are too many assholes who jump on you with the hate and karma bullshit for expressing opinions.
     Stupid ass America hating wankers have taken the fun, and the serious debate out of these forums.
Heres what I mean from this morning
Today 09:21:04      -1      Iraqi Troops Killed 2 U.S. Soldiers      your posting shouldn't be tolerated either. Love, Ikarti
Today 02:26:02     -1     Iraqi Troops Killed 2 U.S. Soldiers     american troops have killed more americans then that :\ retard
Today 02:18:35     -1     Iraqi Troops Killed 2 U.S. Soldiers     your face offends me, be quiet fool! and also, did you ever think that you wouldnt be in that situation if you hadnt waltzed into iraq like its your background sandpit eh? bloody americans!
Today 01:52:06     -1     Iraqi Troops Killed 2 U.S. Soldiers     fuk america - Spark

To hell with this I need some intelligent interaction and I've come to the wrong place.
Thread Ender
+58|6770|New Hampshire
Man if you think BF2 is bad, check out MMO's.  I know guys in their 30's that spend like...10 hours a day playing them.  It's...scary? to say the least.

As for BF2...I believe I'll be hanging up my spurs when I get married.  If my girlfriend knew how much I played know she'd laugh her tits off at me (she's the classy kind of girl who wears lingerie and thinks games are for kids) *sigh*.  I'll take my woman in frilly panties over knifing one of you guys - sorry.
+5,233|6575|Global Command
Change your ways when you get married huh.,..now thats funny!
Thread Ender
+58|6770|New Hampshire

Alexanderthegrape wrote:

Change your ways when you get married huh.,..now thats funny!
Not necessarily "change"...just, make myself more vagina friendly?
a fly
+105|6690|The netherlands

VaNiSh wrote:

Well here it is I am getting up there in years at the age of 23 and I am married with out kids. I dont feel like its time for me to hang it up because I enjoy it more than ever and I am getting better at building my own machines. I have been in clans where there are people over 40yrs old which is fine but at what age is it time to move on? I also have a lot of friends who play that piece of shit world of warcraft and are wasting thier lives sitting at a computer screen. I honestly feel that there is no age limit and that it depends on the person but like anything else its important to manage your life accordingly. Tell me your age and where your at in life. Also add if you feel like gaming has held you back or helped you out in some way.
stopped reading after this one.

i was once in a clan with a person of over 80...... i bet he wont stop gaming till he died

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