
Is Bushviper The Greatest Player!

Yes37%37% - 101
No62%62% - 167
Total: 268
LoL yet again your a fuckin hilarious joke. I bet everyone here can kick your sad fat ass with even a pistol. Stop whining and crying about hackers and exploiters because you suck donkey dick. "i call people tank whore cause they are 2 tank metasl thats 10,000 kills thats tank whorage"
No thats what I call skill. Hes a fucking 4 star general what do you expect? 10 kills in a tank?

Last edited by N)!(NDarkDragon (2006-06-22 18:00:45)

i would die quickly i never glitch and a never hack i looked up your stats you are talking trash that is funny let me take a couple minutes to laugh
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

panzer830x wrote:

wow retard search panzer830x.....anyway the only reason you would own me is cause you pussie hackers who cant play and need to use aim-bot and key binds and hack so you could be inside a building and use your pkm so dont give me that...you would die quickly
Finally I get called a hacker!

Oh and not everyone's forum name is the same as their in-game name... such as me for instance.

EDIT: If you want a tank whore look at ECR.RC.

Last edited by ExecutionerStyle (2006-06-22 18:03:08)

yeah i have a differnt bf2 name

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

If you want a tank whore look at ECR.RC.
So true. ECR.RC is the biggest tankwhore in the game literally. 11 armor medals, 84% of kills in armor thats      104,427 out of a total 124,119 kills. MAJOR commander whore. CRAP infantry stats and he apparently idled in jets and helis to get the hours.
bad touch

i am just going to touch on this, you should care about your stats alone, no one elses
executionerstyle what is your bf2 name
whatever im not even going to argue so go telling yourself that your the greatest while you talk to your nerd freinds in-between your porn sites at your momm's house...so whatever look around some of the pistol knive servers ill be happy to kill yuor ass
ok iam going to laugh when your stats wiped by the way pistol/knife servers are against the bf2 roe stat padder
LOL you even ADMIT that you play on K&P servers. You are a sad sad little fucker. You suck ass so you hide your padded stats from everyone then talk like your the best player in the game and call all the people better than you nerds. You have made a bad immpression on alot of us here bud so go away before your e-self esteem is crushed and before you get your e-feelings hurt.
who cares...how could they get wiped?.....your just mad cause i could own you
im dont think im better...im a noob.....but im just speaking my opinion when i was attacked by you guys so bring it.....just whine i could beat in whatever stop trying to hide your stat padding crap
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ima still laughing hold on ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i cant stop laughing whata lamo
Ok first you say you can own me and then you say you cant. Make up your mind. You stated an opinion that was utter BS and that common sense would tell you it would turn half the people here against you. Our statpadding crap? The only statpadder posting here is your hypocritical self and you even admitted it. Grow up moron.

Last edited by N)!(NDarkDragon (2006-06-22 18:15:58)

i admit im a stat padder not that i camp...just cry with your 35-40 kill and death streak while i get 110-25 whatever lets just drop it ......okay you could kick my ass but i could shure put up a hell of a fight......do you guys got any tips for doing better in the game...how do you do the role you know the james bond pole that ppl do to get a edge(please give tips without sarcasim or insulting comments)
Ok then.
Tip #1
Stop playing on K&P servers
Tip #2
Just practice and get better, make a new account and start fresh and dont play on K&P servers or just keep your current one and dont pad anymore
Tip #3
Watch the higher ranked players, see what they do and always try to help your team when your medic or support and support them when your any of the other classes

Just keep practicing and youll get better.

Today 18:22:58      -1      Bushviper      because i wanted to enlarge my e-penis
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that was so funny I didnt care that you negged me and didnt leave your name like a pussy.

Last edited by N)!(NDarkDragon (2006-06-22 18:25:59)

wait you guys dont have the concept of k/p i just get more points and easy hours there is nothing wrong with k/p....dont think cause i said that because i suck normally...its not a noob server ive seen generals play it...but anyway got any more?
Knife and pistol players are only fooling themselves. You get more points and kills there but outside you will suck . Its just a cheap way to pad points to raise your score which is pointless to me. Sooner or later someone will report you and youd get reset by EA. While I dont give a shit if you play K&P or not I dont reccomend it at all.
thanks well i gotta go
panzer i could kill your ass any day any time with no guns name a server and i will meet you there
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6776|Camp XRay

Has anyone ever played against/with Nastie Butler. IMO I think he is one of the better players out there. Some might not agree because of the past, but he knows his shit and plays smart. He also works well in a squad. I think he is probably the best all around bf2 player. Like I said you guys can flame all you want. Just one mans opinion.
BushViper is VERY good by looking at his stats, but I voted no because in truth how can we know who is the best?

I know it's not me for sure!

I got totally owend today by a guy named [TBK] KillerStorm or a name something close to that. Guy/Girl toatlly kicked my butt about 5 times in a row. So there are a lot of really good players that own us new guys.
Cursed You
Voted yes...

Mostly because he's pretty much taken a lot of measures to be good at all the maps, get a positive KDR with EVERYTHING (wtf even defibs?!), and he's worked hard to get his awards, even pre-1.3.

I think he's a god (sorry Nyte :p).

Sure any clan on TWL/CAL would beat him, but thats a fuckin clan, this is just one guy.  Clans work together and own everyone.  Bush has got a 4.6 KDR that he's worked hard to get.  Sure he vehicle whores, how the hell else is he gonna get the medals he wants?

You hypocrits are really lame.  When he's trying to get expert armor and you yell at him for vehicle whoring.  You know if he went afk in the tank instead of whoring, you'd call him a time padder.  How the hell else is he gonna get his badge?  Use a hummer?!

*karma goes down now*

N)!(NDarkDragon wrote:

No because hes an armor whore and 64% of his kills are in vehicles which isnt that bad but Ive NEVER seen him on foot only in armor.
are you kidding, 600+ hours as inf, stfu noob

Kusunagi wrote:

I think this player is better: http://bf2s.com/player/58338627/
ZOMG, some ppl are so simple.  Anyone can get stats like that playing 1 map

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