
ownership10 wrote:

they used to have a rule about no command whoring, as soon as firestorm lost #1 the rule was gone and he was commader for a good 30 or so rounds in a row to try and make up points....i have never had any problems there, but 1.   wtf is with rules on servers, the only rule i would ever back up is no tk, and 2.  u can always break the rules there if u r on the admin's side
So you're saying, the only thing we can expect to see on a server you admin is letting your team-mates TK?  heheh
The Photographer.
+81|6854|Central Valley,California
LOL! I got - karma from some moongamer fag. Haha!

ownership10 wrote:

they used to have a rule about no command whoring, as soon as firestorm lost #1 the rule was gone and he was commader for a good 30 or so rounds in a row to try and make up points....i have never had any problems there, but 1.   wtf is with rules on servers, the only rule i would ever back up is no tk, and 2.  u can always break the rules there if u r on the admin's side
There is no such rule as of April 8th, 2006
Yet another whine/flame at moongamers why do any of you cunts bother playing there ??

If people didnt go there and get lamed at by the admins they would shut the server down which would hurt them more then Joe public because they get off on being childish shitnub admins who think they are GODS .But are just a bunch of fucking pricks who havent got a ounce of brains between them .

Fuck em dont play there .
3-shot SVD specialist
+29|6675|Bellingham, WA
gee, knight -- tell us how you really feel, no need to sugar-coat it.  (LOL)
Sorry m8 just haveing a bad day but i do really hate pricks like these who abuse there admin rights .
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

Oh I love the MG Karkand server, don't get me wrong... nothing like mowing down people with a SAW or RPK. Its just when I see an admin standing right there next to the BTR raping the USMC base, i get annoyed because hes not doing anything about it.
I notice that you all mention only Karkand mainly in your posts. You do realize that Moongamers has 4 servers for BF2? The Mostly Oman, the Karkand, the Special Forces, and the "Bootcamp" Unranked for practice.

Also you mention that all of the admins are "abusive" in their rights. Let me tell you some things about this. First off, admins are selected as the highest of the high usually at Moongamers. It is not easy to become an admin. Remember that anybody with a "JAdmin" or "JrAdmn" tag on the name is a "Junior" admin, who is only a possible admin for the future. They have less rights than a normal admin. Which brings us to Point 2, that admins do not have full power over the server at all. They can do the normal warn/kick/ban type thing.

Which is point 3, that Moongamers follows a strict W/K/B poicly, meaning that a person is always warned before kicked, and always kicked before banned. This is followed 95% of the time, unless a person does something such as get a -100 score for TKing, or drops racial slurs. Those are about the only thing that warrent a ban right off the bat. The baseraping/camping rules are usually a LARGE global warning at the beginning of the round, and if anybody breaks them and an admin sees it they will get kicked.

Heck, the spawncamping rule in Karkand, even I do not understand the finer points with it. At first I heard that if you are in motion passing Hotel, you were free to shoot anybody there, as long as you continue on. Can you continually circle the area? I do not know, and I never worry about it. I am not a user of equipment at all, with only 6.5 hours in Transport, and very little in Tank/APC at all. Same goes for Planes/Choppers. I never encounter the finer points of these rules. I am not calling anybody a "tank whore" or anything.

The "raping of the USMC base" that you speak of, I believe only pertains to the "gas station" itself. The 2 forward-flagless-spawns I believe you are able to shoot at, as people can easily pick a different place to spawn at.

Usually I never even encounter campers when I play, so I don't know what times you all are exactly playing at, but I rarely see anybody camp or get kicked for camping.

Disclaimer: I am not an admin for Moongamers, only a long-time player.

Last edited by RyanVeltidi (2006-06-22 10:41:49)

+101|6825|Southern California
If the rule cannot be uniformly enforced don't have it. That will make things easier for admins....


bud MG Karkand does not enforce the w/k/b equally. It has happened to me and the worst profanity I have ever used was "WTF", never racial slurred. I dont know why people waste battle time to type that crap anyway. If MGK did 95% they would a) be kicking admins once in a while for TKs, b) not kick people without warning when the TKd person was an admin, c) there are so many posts about admin snap judgements in this forum alone that some of them must have merit.

I guess I'm kind of American in a way because I don't respect people who place themselves above the law (meaning special rule treatment here), because they say they "are the law". lol That's tyrany and it is a brokedick way to be.

Are we admins first or players? When on admin duty I am admin first and missing play time isn't a consideration. I admit it may be easier for me because I couldn't give a rats fuzzy little ass about stats anyway. I cannot imagine giving people who TK me special extra punishment because I am an admin. Unless they say "I hate admins and I am going to shoot you" then shoot me.... I won't do something other than punish them on the first offense.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-06-22 11:31:54)


OpsChief wrote:


bud MG Karkand does not enforce the w/k/b equally. It has happened to me and the worst profanity I have ever used was "WTF", never racial slurred. I dont know why people waste battle time to type that crap anyway. If MGK did 95% they would a) be kicking admins once in a while for TKs, b) not kick people without warning when the TKd person was an admin, c) there are so many posts about admin snap judgements in this forum alone that some of them must have merit.

I guess I'm kind of American in a way because I don't respect people who place themselves above the law (meaning special rule treatment here), because they say they "are the law". lol That's tyrany and it is a brokedick way to be.

Are we admins first or players? When on admin duty I am admin first and missing play time isn't a consideration. I admit it may be easier for me because I couldn't give a rats fuzzy little ass about stats anyway. I cannot imagine giving people who TK me special extra punishment because I am an admin. Unless they say "I hate admins and I am going to shoot you" then shoot me.... I won't do something other than punish them on the first offense.
I understand your w/k/b reasoning, if an admin is intentionally TK'ed when they are heading out of the spawn, obviously they are going to kick, as they know what happened when they were TK'ed. Can they tell if somebody on the other side of the map just TK'ed for a plane? No. But if somebody tK's them for a plane, they know what happened, and can w/k based on how regular the player is, meaning they should know the rules if they are a regular player. Intentional TKing is always an automatic kick, but the admin can not tell that is what happened unless it happened to them. See what I am saying? If the admin is on the carrier in Oman, and sees somebody Tk somebody else for a plane, the admin would still kick. It's all about seeing the action.

I agree that admins should have to follow the rules to the smallest degree too, they are not above the players, and should be one of the players. Over on our BF1942 servers, the admins are fun people and everybody has a great time with them. They are regular players and an intricate part of the community. BF2 is not like that, the players of BF2 are just not the same for some reason. It would be like comparing it to the Counter Strike players, there are some mature adults, but there are tons of kids.

Admins should be willing to suicide at any time to check out rule breakers. Do they do this in BF2? Not all of them. In BF1942 admins would suicide and immedietly cross the map in free camera to check it out. In BF2 the same thing is possible, and they should do that. Score should not matter for the admin. If they care that much about their score, that they are not willing to suicide to check something out, they shouldn't be an admin in my opinion. Plane, tank, helo, whatever. It shouldn't matter.

Disclaimer: I am not an admin for Moongamers, only a long-time community member and player.

Last edited by RyanVeltidi (2006-06-22 11:41:16)

+101|6825|Southern California

RyanVeltidi wrote:

OpsChief wrote:


bud MG Karkand does not enforce the w/k/b equally. It has happened to me and the worst profanity I have ever used was "WTF", never racial slurred. I dont know why people waste battle time to type that crap anyway. If MGK did 95% they would a) be kicking admins once in a while for TKs, b) not kick people without warning when the TKd person was an admin, c) there are so many posts about admin snap judgements in this forum alone that some of them must have merit.

I guess I'm kind of American in a way because I don't respect people who place themselves above the law (meaning special rule treatment here), because they say they "are the law". lol That's tyrany and it is a brokedick way to be.

Are we admins first or players? When on admin duty I am admin first and missing play time isn't a consideration. I admit it may be easier for me because I couldn't give a rats fuzzy little ass about stats anyway. I cannot imagine giving people who TK me special extra punishment because I am an admin. Unless they say "I hate admins and I am going to shoot you" then shoot me.... I won't do something other than punish them on the first offense.
I understand your w/k/b reasoning, if an admin is intentionally TK'ed when they are heading out of the spawn, obviously they are going to kick, as they know what happened when they were TK'ed. Can they tell if somebody on the other side of the map just TK'ed for a plane? No. But if somebody tK's them for a plane, they know what happened, and can w/k based on how regular the player is, meaning they should know the rules if they are a regular player. Intentional TKing is always an automatic kick, but the admin can not tell that is what happened unless it happened to them. See what I am saying? If the admin is on the carrier in Oman, and sees somebody Tk somebody else for a plane, the admin would still kick. It's all about seeing the action.

I agree that admins should have to follow the rules to the smallest degree too, they are not above the players, and should be one of the players. Over on our BF1942 servers, the admins are fun people and everybody has a great time with them. They are regular players and an intricate part of the community. BF2 is not like that, the players of BF2 are just not the same for some reason. It would be like comparing it to the Counter Strike players, there are some mature adults, but there are tons of kids.

Admins should be willing to suicide at any time to check out rule breakers. Do they do this in BF2? Not all of them. In BF1942 admins would suicide and immedietly cross the map in free camera to check it out. In BF2 the same thing is possible, and they should do that. Score should not matter for the admin. If they care that much about their score, that they are not willing to suicide to check something out, they shouldn't be an admin in my opinion. Plane, tank, helo, whatever. It shouldn't matter.

Disclaimer: I am not an admin for Moongamers, only a long-time community member and player.
What you say is on target, m8. ITK deserves swift action, but not unusual action. If you know the guy and have seen him ITKing in that or previous games an immediate kick is warranted, I agree. Otherwise a w/k/b process should be followed. When I see a Colonel TK someone in the first 2 minutes, get punished and next moment he is a pilot racking up the score he gets Warned and goes on my watch list, even if I am only using the console. If the same thing happens again a pattern begins to emerge then it is close to Kick time.

I am amazed at how the admin WARNING: [player] for Team Killing!!!! message gets people's attention and curbs ill or sloppy behavior. An Admin just typing in "People calm down there is too much TKing" can even make a difference. It reminds people someone is watching. Only the most asshatted players ignore it and they will give plenty of opportunity to kick soon enough. lol

I think alot of the complaints and subsequent admin actions are from the game rules. If BF2 had checkblock  place for rules to be Accepted before someone joins a game things would calm down a little. Then if various ROEs could be coded/selected into game play even more admin headaches would go away. A system to block TKers from entering a vehicle for 20 seconds after the TK would stop ITKs for that. Getting the damn redtag bug fixed would be genius.

Zilla wrote:

WOW, now I have chickenshits -1 w/no explanation. must be PSPrpg's ass pounding friends, what too busy sucking each other off to even leave a reason? typical queer behavior. imaginary neg karma points, I'm askirred
...Why havn't you gotten bored yet? Jesus you need to grow up.
Was ist Loos?
+1 man for mentioning the Strafe right servers. i usually only play those.

Okay I may get flamed for this but I come from MoonGamers, and I was there for about a year and a half, the head admin (Lin) is a nice person, And most of the other admins, I don't really know the BF2 admins but the ones I knew when I was there, were good people. Don't knock moongamers, until you've gotten into their forums and TeamSpeak. Sometimes they do kick for 'interesting reasons' but they've had their share of smackies, and hackers, but I'm not gonna get into that . Ennywhooo, MoonGamers is a great multi gaming community when you're in TS and the forums...Don't knock it 'till you try it.

-Psp, previously Nismo.

Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-06-22 13:13:42)

yeah moongamers is gay i like straferight better
all the admins there try their best. they don't have enough admins to monitor everything that goes on.  Moongamers has 4 BF2 servers like ryan said.. but they also have some CS:S, COD2 and BF1942 servers. MOST the admins they have, admin more then the BF2 servers. They give up their time to to run these servers to give people a place to play.. they do not kick because they get killed over and over. IF an admin did do that, they would lose the admin powers. They all have reasons. If you break a rule they will kick you.. plain and simple.. Not all. are bad.. Join teamspeak and forums, get to know them before you judge them
+632|6765|do not disturb

Just don't play Karkand, then you won't have that problem. Moongamers is a hell of a lot more civilized than other servers I've played on. It's not clan shit either where they stack or kick you for owning them. If you get to know the folks, you will really like them, except a few. You get your occasional assholes and you just deal with them.

You can redeem yourself fairly well at Moongamers, but someone will always remember
Get your body beat.

stryyker wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

stryyker wrote:

Im going to kill you someday
as much as I hate both of you ;p i'd back Styyker just b/c ronin hates snipers and cries about it
and he happens to be my clan leader, so hes easy to find
bad touch


id be happy to squeeze a loaf off on various moongamer admins' chest, and thats a good deal because that usually costs like $40..
+632|6765|do not disturb

stryyker wrote:


id be happy to squeeze a loaf off on various moongamer admins' chest, and thats a good deal because that usually costs like $40..
Lawl, nice one.

JimmyBotswana wrote:

I agree with the author. I have been kicked from there before for taking the tank at the beginning of the match and driving to the east side of the alleys where people spawn at hotel and killing like 2 or 3 people and moving on. They call that spawncamping. I would never camp there it's retarded if you sit there and shoot everyone who walks by you are going to get blown up very quickly even if only 1 person on the whole team knows what to do. You shoot who you see and keep moving if you are any good at armor. Unless you have UAV, then you are golden to sit and shoot whoever you see. But it is not spawncamping at the beginning of the match. Your team is trying to cap the flag and those spots are where loads of enemies are. Even if you haven't spawned there you are likely to be in the action around there. So what you can kill them but not the ones who just spawned? You have to let them get away so they have a chance to kill you? That's a tank's job, it wasn't invented to shoot pretty flowers at everyone who walks by. It was invented to tear you to shreds. And when it does its job, people scream spawncamping. No it's called Flag Pounding, it's what armor is supposed to do, so our team can advance and capture a position.
Wow, your amazing grasp of yhe situation and then completely ignoring it in your answer, is something to see...

Last edited by Klaarg (2006-06-23 15:30:56)


-=FS=-andrew wrote:

all the admins there try their best. they don't have enough admins to monitor everything that goes on.  Moongamers has 4 BF2 servers like ryan said.. but they also have some CS:S, COD2 and BF1942 servers. MOST the admins they have, admin more then the BF2 servers. They give up their time to to run these servers to give people a place to play.. they do not kick because they get killed over and over. IF an admin did do that, they would lose the admin powers. They all have reasons. If you break a rule they will kick you.. plain and simple.. Not all. are bad.. Join teamspeak and forums, get to know them before you judge them
Why get to know them when it's easier to come here to cry, piss and moan about getting caught breaking their rules.  I mean, it doesn't make sense to follow rules and play a game in a manner that tries to make it fun for everyone, instead of a select few, does it???

OpsChief wrote:

RyanVeltidi wrote:

OpsChief wrote:


bud MG Karkand does not enforce the w/k/b equally. It has happened to me and the worst profanity I have ever used was "WTF", never racial slurred. I dont know why people waste battle time to type that crap anyway. If MGK did 95% they would a) be kicking admins once in a while for TKs, b) not kick people without warning when the TKd person was an admin, c) there are so many posts about admin snap judgements in this forum alone that some of them must have merit.

I guess I'm kind of American in a way because I don't respect people who place themselves above the law (meaning special rule treatment here), because they say they "are the law". lol That's tyrany and it is a brokedick way to be.

Are we admins first or players? When on admin duty I am admin first and missing play time isn't a consideration. I admit it may be easier for me because I couldn't give a rats fuzzy little ass about stats anyway. I cannot imagine giving people who TK me special extra punishment because I am an admin. Unless they say "I hate admins and I am going to shoot you" then shoot me.... I won't do something other than punish them on the first offense.
I understand your w/k/b reasoning, if an admin is intentionally TK'ed when they are heading out of the spawn, obviously they are going to kick, as they know what happened when they were TK'ed. Can they tell if somebody on the other side of the map just TK'ed for a plane? No. But if somebody tK's them for a plane, they know what happened, and can w/k based on how regular the player is, meaning they should know the rules if they are a regular player. Intentional TKing is always an automatic kick, but the admin can not tell that is what happened unless it happened to them. See what I am saying? If the admin is on the carrier in Oman, and sees somebody Tk somebody else for a plane, the admin would still kick. It's all about seeing the action.

I agree that admins should have to follow the rules to the smallest degree too, they are not above the players, and should be one of the players. Over on our BF1942 servers, the admins are fun people and everybody has a great time with them. They are regular players and an intricate part of the community. BF2 is not like that, the players of BF2 are just not the same for some reason. It would be like comparing it to the Counter Strike players, there are some mature adults, but there are tons of kids.

Admins should be willing to suicide at any time to check out rule breakers. Do they do this in BF2? Not all of them. In BF1942 admins would suicide and immedietly cross the map in free camera to check it out. In BF2 the same thing is possible, and they should do that. Score should not matter for the admin. If they care that much about their score, that they are not willing to suicide to check something out, they shouldn't be an admin in my opinion. Plane, tank, helo, whatever. It shouldn't matter.

Disclaimer: I am not an admin for Moongamers, only a long-time community member and player.
What you say is on target, m8. ITK deserves swift action, but not unusual action. If you know the guy and have seen him ITKing in that or previous games an immediate kick is warranted, I agree. Otherwise a w/k/b process should be followed. When I see a Colonel TK someone in the first 2 minutes, get punished and next moment he is a pilot racking up the score he gets Warned and goes on my watch list, even if I am only using the console. If the same thing happens again a pattern begins to emerge then it is close to Kick time.

I am amazed at how the admin WARNING: [player] for Team Killing!!!! message gets people's attention and curbs ill or sloppy behavior. An Admin just typing in "People calm down there is too much TKing" can even make a difference. It reminds people someone is watching. Only the most asshatted players ignore it and they will give plenty of opportunity to kick soon enough. lol

I think alot of the complaints and subsequent admin actions are from the game rules. If BF2 had checkblock  place for rules to be Accepted before someone joins a game things would calm down a little. Then if various ROEs could be coded/selected into game play even more admin headaches would go away. A system to block TKers from entering a vehicle for 20 seconds after the TK would stop ITKs for that. Getting the damn redtag bug fixed would be genius.
When I am adminning, a lot comes into consideration for a kick to happen.  If a team mate intentionally TKs, whether it is knife, gun, C4 or rocket, they need kicked.  Intentionally TKing breaks many rules as it also is disrupting gameplay or screwing around.  Like it or not, Admins are often the target of intentional TKs and as a result, players do get kicked.  If they are dumb enough to TK an Admin, then they obviously are gonna TK anyone else with no regard as well.  This is obvious TKs that can't be accidental.  Getting warned doesn't mean each player gets a personal warning for their infractions.  If you kick a guy for bombing the uncapable bases and a few minutes later another player does the same, that second player doesn't get a special warning, he gets a kick.  We routinely spam the uncap rules in green text so nobody can claim they didn't get warned.  Occasionally a player may join and miss a warning, but if they just joined, they aren't likely to have gotten a plane that quickly.  We make mistakes and I don't know an Admin that won't take responsibility for their mistake.  I also know very few players that will admit they did, what the Admin kicked them for.   In most cases, they come back in, demand explanations, curse or insult, resulting in more kicks and probably a trip here to whine about it.  A good player who screws up will just come back and play, which keeps them off the radar in most cases.  We do discuss problem players and keep lists for future reference.  This makes them more likely to be weeded out quickly and more likely to be relegated to servers with smacktards and no rules or Admins.
As for playing favorites, just today a player who was in Team Speak shot me a few times, just screwing around.  I know this player and he is well liked among Admins.  I told him I'd kick him if he did it again.  It's disruptive and his being a known player and a friend to Admins makes him MORE susceptable to being kicked in my book.  I am harder on regular players, because I know that they know the rules.  So they get less leeway than someone who's name I don't recognize.  I don't forgive my friends or fellow Admin for disruptive behavior or rule breaking.  It's that simple...
+18|6796|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I got kicked from their Oman server because I flew the F35 over the MEC airfield....

that was total BS, I was in a dogfight X(
+101|6825|Southern California
Klaarq, m8 this is what we were talking about before, somewhere lol- there are too many admins who don't have your patience and don't think this through, they just kick.  Your comments:

"Like it or not, Admins are often the target of intentional TKs and as a result, players do get kicked[1].  If they are dumb enough to TK an Admin, then they obviously are gonna TK anyone else with no regard as well.  This is obvious TKs that can't be accidental[2]."

[1] this should be true for everyone ITKing and I am sure it is when you are on duty.
[2] I think I know what you're gettin at here but as written your comment is not obvious nor logical. Being "dumb" enough to TK an admin!!!  Why should that make a difference? Too many assumptions. Too many reasons for an accidental TK to assume a lack of regard for Admins equals a lack of regard for all players. Lag, glitch, damn redtag bug, chaos, man it all adds up to forgive is better than to kick without warning.  The problem is the kick tool, it's too easy to use in-game in the heat of frustration.

I think the most ethical thing we admins can do is never consider ourselves different in anyway when playing in a game. View ourselves as from a third person perspective. We are just one of the players on the field. Unless as you say they come gunning for us intentionally, lol, then owning them is more fun than kicking....if you have time.

Am I different than most? after my first 3 months of play I only TK about 1 time in 5 games. In a year of playing I have ITKd only about 5 times for people ITKing my team mates to grab a helo and jet out of turn and one case of self defense. Everything else, all 440 TKs (-221 for the first 3 months) are unintentional and for one or more of the reasons I suggested above. So 1% of the time a TK is intentional, but I have been kicked 10% of the time.

Sure we pay money out of pocket to run the server but that means some higher restraint I believe not less than the general public. An admin should set the example of rule following and game play more on his own server than anywhere else. Maybe that's just me   lol

cya on the Battlefield

Best Regards m8

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