Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
I like butter

Unfortunately you don't know what the hell Im talking about. As I probably don't with your analogy. Anyway I described a Community. We have "people who Pay for the servers" that have power because they "help the community". YOU on the other hand probably don't have servers, otherwise you would know where Im coming from, instead you go to other servers to wreak havoc. Trust me on this, you don't want everyone to have the same power as the next shmoe, if you do then you'll have god-like admins running your servers.  So you are more like a GANG by going to OTHER servers. If we didnt have servers we would be more of a GANG, and not caring about anything but ourselves and wreaking havoc..

A TYPICAL clan consists of people getting together and working together, on scheduled days. Having an e-peen of who is better in clanwars and bragging about their W/L record. A typical clan has more responsibilites on setup, TWL's, CAL's, scrims and other matches.

We are not a typical clan mind you. We don't hold " I have the higher power because..." . We have a community that is greatly like you explained except we have people of higher authority to regulate asshats like you. You need that trust me. Take this forum for example, you would have asshats running around rampid if we didn't have "leaders". Especially if you run your own servers, go anywhere and they will tell you that.

You have to show regulation, most of your gang holds the same brainwashed ideas so I see how your gang gets along with each other. So your gang will strive if you keep doing what you are doing, but if you get servers its a whole new ballgame, because "SOMEONE" has to be the main man...

Otherwise you'll have retards roaming about and thinking they are better than everyone else.

EDIT: Mispelled Y-O-U. haha..

Last edited by imdead (2006-06-22 05:07:00)

+0|6593|Newark, England
We have a heirarchial organisation but not power crazy.
BF2 players can either sign up for clanbase matches or just play on our ranked server for fun. No pressure to perform as long as your on for some fun.

Admins/senior memebers lead the clan as roles are assigned to certain members (imdead mentioned this is his post). If you have everyone as an equal then something will be abused either in the forums/website or online as an admin.

A good clan is a bunch of people with similar interests etc that get on with each other through forum posts/teamapeak etc but you defeinately need some sort of organisation else it will all go to pot!

UK1 also play a few others games as a clan, COD2, WOW & EVE mainly.
Check us out if anyones interested.

We have a new multiplay server (64 map) which we're trying to populate but this 1.3 patch is f..king everything up!!!!!!

Last edited by Silas[UK1] (2006-06-22 05:18:24)

+11|6564|4856 Karkand,Hellstreet 4

imdead wrote:

I like butter

Unfortunately you don't know what the hell Im talking about. As I probably don't with your analogy. Anyway I described a Community. We have "people who Pay for the servers" that have power because they "help the community". YOU on the other hand probably don't have servers, otherwise you would know where Im coming from, instead you go to other servers to wreak havoc.
I´m not in a clan, that´s right... but I pay for a Server, too (that means I´m going to pay in the next months)!
Teamwork is not only a clan thing. If "fun-clans" are no regular clans for u (?)

connect  "Brennstoffzelle" BF2 city-maps IP:
rotation: Karkand 32, Sharqi 64, Masthur 64, Karkand 64, Sharqi 64...

My old clan (called TeamEurope) is growing so fast because our "Holy-clan-leaders" made a multigaming-community of it (I think u know Pinky and the Brain *LoL*). They want to have about 100 member till 2007  It´s to big! Nothing for me...

Last edited by Schlusi=[GER] (2006-06-22 07:37:46)

+55|6793|3 Miles west of smurf village

imdead wrote:

I like butter

Unfortunately you don't know what the hell Im talking about. As I probably don't with your analogy. Anyway I described a Community. We have "people who Pay for the servers" that have power because they "help the community". YOU on the other hand probably don't have servers, otherwise you would know where Im coming from, instead you go to other servers to wreak havoc. Trust me on this, you don't want everyone to have the same power as the next shmoe, if you do then you'll have god-like admins running your servers.  So you are more like a GANG by going to OTHER servers. If we didnt have servers we would be more of a GANG, and not caring about anything but ourselves and wreaking havoc..

A TYPICAL clan consists of people getting together and working together, on scheduled days. Having an e-peen of who is better in clanwars and bragging about their W/L record. A typical clan has more responsibilites on setup, TWL's, CAL's, scrims and other matches.

We are not a typical clan mind you. We don't hold " I have the higher power because..." . We have a community that is greatly like you explained except we have people of higher authority to regulate asshats like you. You need that trust me. Take this forum for example, you would have asshats running around rampid if we didn't have "leaders". Especially if you run your own servers, go anywhere and they will tell you that.

You have to show regulation, most of your gang holds the same brainwashed ideas so I see how your gang gets along with each other. So your gang will strive if you keep doing what you are doing, but if you get servers its a whole new ballgame, because "SOMEONE" has to be the main man...

Otherwise you'll have retards roaming about and thinking they are better than everyone else.

EDIT: Mispelled Y-O-U. haha.. run your group as a typical clan.  And we have run things the opposite way for the better part of a year and things have been "better-than-good".

We have a 64 player ranked server, unranked server, and admin two others.  Some of our members admin other servers independently due to personal relationships as well.

Voluntary monthly donations have kept it running.


PS my personal opinion is that clans using servers get complacent and end up never leaving the server, never challenging themselves, never meeting other people and possibly starting new rivalries which makes having a gang fun.  If I had my choice we wouldn't have our server and therefore be forced to go out there....
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6582|The Lost Highway
To the "so are you guy" from this thread, you're too intelligent to debate. That must be why you didn't leave your name when you gave me negative karma. Thus sparing me from being intellectually pumbled.

I don't give a shit about karma, it doesn't give me a hard on. But if you're going to make a lame attempt to insult me, leave your name, you fuckin' douche eater.
Its the guy that was selling his account on ebay
+55|6793|3 Miles west of smurf village

bennisboy wrote:

Its the guy that was selling his account on ebay
I dont know who that is?   Maybe you can find out genius.
Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield


imdead wrote:

I like butter

.. run your group as a typical clan.  And we have run things the opposite way for the better part of a year and things have been "better-than-good".

We have a 64 player ranked server, unranked server, and admin two others.  Some of our members admin other servers independently due to personal relationships as well.

Voluntary monthly donations have kept it running.


PS my personal opinion is that clans using servers get complacent and end up never leaving the server, never challenging themselves, never meeting other people and possibly starting new rivalries which makes having a gang fun.  If I had my choice we wouldn't have our server and therefore be forced to go out there....
Seriously dude..grow up! You are obviously an idiot and you dont know what the hell Im talking about do you, seriously. Come on you cant be that stupid. You just stated in your Second and Third paragraph what I just said two posts ago. You run your shit NO DIFFERENT than our COMMUNITY. R-E-A-fucking D. I also have another server that is not community related that I admin...and? We aren't staying at one server, and we just dont play on ours -- you even know how a community is ran?? Im not sure you do. Basically its just a bunch of regulars that want to have fun on a paid server that they dont have to worry anything, they come and go as they please, they dont have to wear tags or any of the non-sense.

So take your young ass "pwnd." somewhere else, because for 3 posts now you still dont understand, I am done with you, besides that saying alone makes you a retard, even if you are 50yrs old it makes you sound 12... Just take your young punk ass to a server and cause stupid bullshit crap like you usually do.

You have servers cool, but I bet there is a main person paying for them that everyone gives money to right?? Jeez, Im done talking to a wall of stupidity.
i think imdead's e-penis is much larger then nastie's......imdead can spell the word "read" in a really awesome way.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Nastie I lost the teamspeak info. Ambv got reset as well.
+55|6793|3 Miles west of smurf village

Oberst-Moser wrote:

i think imdead's e-penis is much larger then nastie's......imdead can spell the word "read" in a really awesome way.
Yeah, I noticed a lot of interesting spelling coming from that guy.

I also heard he is having trouble collecting cash for his server.....and they can't figure out who is actually in their clan or who can recruit and how.....we dont have those problems.

Systray......I noticed they finally nailed that lil hacker...I heard he turned himself in.  Fancy that.

Last edited by NASTIE_BUTLER (2006-06-22 17:43:21)

Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
Me niether, before your Lemmings start spreading false information get it from the person who knows whats going on. Trouble getting $$??, we decided that 5 donations out of 50 players something had to be done, so what did we do? We rent servers also to help, we advertise, just like 90% of these other Communities also do, I dont have a problem with anything, basically we have a dedicated server, if we really wanted to I can afford one rented server on my own, I do this for the people in the community. Clanwise, we just started; Community wise we've been going strong for a year. So where do you get your unwanted information? From the website? Or from ex-members that I bugged to help out. As far as recruiting, if you own a server you would realise its easy as pie to recruit...what are you talking about?? And I can't figure out whos in the clan? Wha??  We havent even got to that part yet! Right now its a COMMUNITY, dont you understand that?!!

Seriously are you "impaired"? Because you seem to be running in a retard race backwards.
bad touch

imdead wrote:

Me niether, before your Lemmings start spreading false information get it from the person who knows whats going on. Trouble getting $$??, we decided that 5 donations out of 50 players something had to be done, so what did we do? We rent servers also to help, we advertise, just like 90% of these other Communities also do, I dont have a problem with anything, basically we have a dedicated server, if we really wanted to I can afford one rented server on my own, I do this for the people in the community. Clanwise, we just started; Community wise we've been going strong for a year. So where do you get your unwanted information? From the website? Or from ex-members that I bugged to help out. As far as recruiting, if you own a server you would realise its easy as pie to recruit...what are you talking about?? And I can't figure out whos in the clan? Wha??  We havent even got to that part yet! Right now its a COMMUNITY, dont you understand that?!!

Seriously are you "impaired"? Because you seem to be running in a retard race backwards.
wow, um... lose
Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
I think Dwayne Wade deserved the MVP. Shaq Daddy didn't show up.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6852|Marathon, Florida Keys

imdead wrote:

Seriously dude..grow up! You are obviously an idiot..
Ive spent the last 2 weeks on teamspeak with nastie, he is far from a idiot.
+60|6763|Sacto, CA


-All members have full admin rights to TS and a game server.
-All new members, as soon as they are accepted, gain those rights.
-No seniority exists.
-If a fight occurs the two parties are encrouraged to work it out amongst themselves like adults and if one or both can't deal they just leave on their own.
-New recruits are decided on a majority vote accessible to all members.
-If any member wants to start a league, server, or any other project they can do it and it's success or failure depends entirely on their own effort and leadership ability.
Almost exactly how my clans run except that we have a leader...but the only thing that he does is decide the roster for our matches.
Too X-Core
+100|6603|laguna beach, ca
i only have a few things to say on this matter.

1.  base your clan on trust.  we found out the hard way.
2.  get yourself in TWL or CAL or whatever to build teamwork and experience the "full clan exp"
3.  don't give new members admin/moderator powers.  much of the time, your team will find out how much of a dick your new recruit is the hard way by getting annoyed in ways such as stupid kicks, getting your admin granted/revoked/granted/revoked etc.

imdead wrote:

I think Dwayne Wade deserved the MVP. Shaq Daddy didn't show up.
I second this.
+3|6560|An flat in Smurf Village

imdead wrote:

Me niether, before your Lemmings start spreading false information get it from the person who knows whats going on. So where do you get your unwanted information? From the website? Or from ex-members that I bugged to help out. As far as recruiting, if you own a server you would realise its easy as pie to recruit...what are you talking about?? And I can't figure out whos in the clan? Wha??  We havent even got to that part yet! Right now its a COMMUNITY, dont you understand that?!!

Seriously are you "impaired"? Because you seem to be running in a retard race backwards.
Wow....look who is all flustered.  Nice run of sentances there imdead.  They make a lot of sense.

You want me to quote sources? Sure:

The effect of only having a handfull of admins  (those who donate upfront only)

Confusion that occurs when you try to run a clan AND a community. The lack of interest and support by members.  Resentment to those demoted to "community" when others elevate to "clan" especially when the two commune in the same medium.

The effect of revolving a clan/community around a game server and not a game server around a community.

The effect of "selling" admin rights and differentiating amongst members based entirely on financial support.  Resulting in another uncessary layer of management, creating conflicts where none exist, diminished loyalty, Ineffective way to raise funds.

Another problem created ....people won't donate if they believe their admin will be revoked immediately.  You didn't turn it into a priveledge by doing turned it into a product.  THEN you undermined the value of your product by threatening the buyers before the purchase. 
Having trouble getting $?  I wonder why.

The problem with assigning roles and jobs....and not just letting those interested in them volunteer.....ok you've got people to help you run the ship....did they want to?   Who's gonna make sure they do the job?  Looks like you have another big helping on your plate.

Wow.  Most of the posts in your site are complaints and revisions of rules.  When does the fun part start?

Our GANG started out as a group of guys on TS.  Someone wanted to start a server, paid for it, gave anyone who wanted it admin, people over time felt obliged and welcome, dontations pour in every month.  Someone wanted to start a website...created we have forums....he runs them because it interests him....didn't need them but they're nice to have.  Someone wanted to start a league....he gathered up those we have a leading team in Clanbase.  No rules. No heirarchy.  Yet, no anarchy.

There is not one complaint from our members.  No confusion on where they stand.  Once you have been accepted you are an integral part of the community and are on equal standing with everyone else from day one.  Now who wouldn't want to feel THAT welcome when they first join a social group?

I started a conversation about clans and you started insulting me as you had this coming.

I think you and your e-daycare center have been PWNED LOLOMGWTF LOLLERS!


Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield

Its a game we play... Even I have to pay to the higher god for the servers as do you, its not 20 people's responsibility, its whomever signed that monthly cost. Selling admin rights, maybe, but it does the trick, we don't have rich people running around, and it is doing rather well. Like I said and you ignored...again...we can RENT an undedicated server with just the 2 of us, if you want to talk business sense with me, I'll bite, wel are selling a product (servers) to members, not just clanwise/community, but to everyone, they are not free, we have alternatives as you should know by now, if we sold to the users then so be it, they got a good product in return, if they don't pay they lose the product, those people are depending on us to put out something that sells and for people to have is the bottom line whether you post more gibbersh stuff from the site or not, but go ahead, this is interesting, Ill explain every post to you since you seem to want it that way. Gotta get $$ from somewhere, either ads, "selling admins" other sites, whatever the case to make the BF2 community happy, and by god it's working rather well...But you don't see the books now, yeah, we've made changes, change is good, I agree we had trouble at first, we put a point out and sold it , if you will. Whatever the case, its working -- will we continue? No. We wont, thats what change is all about. My e-daycare facility is getting much better I agree, they are great kids, they need to go somewhere also, I would rather play with them with Easy Bake Ovens than some of these people around. I only have a couple now I have a problem with and its being addressed. But thanks for pointing that old news out. And thanks for coming to our site. Please come back, this is fun. Ummm.. Im a little more mature and older so explain what the pwned,lollipop, lollers is to me. Because that just states how immature you are..once again. BTW, wanna join the clan? You'll fit right in.

Love you back!

EDIT: Like my run-in sentences.. I did it just for you, You obviously don't know me.. actually this is getting stupid.. Ima be the better person and let you have the last post, laugh, giggle, pewend or whatever..

Have a good day Butler..Keep on fraggin'

Last edited by imdead (2006-06-24 22:52:26)

Thread Ender
+58|6766|New Hampshire
Clan is run on how you want to run it.  Different clans are run different ways and if they appeal to someone they go for it.  That's why there are so many
+3|6560|An flat in Smurf Village
Last post....imdead is the man.

Now lets talk about night maps.
I saw this a year or so ago on the MC Gamers site:

~60% of all clans DIE in less then 3 months.
~90% of all clans DIE in less then 6 months.
~Less then 5% of all clans live longer then a (1) year.

A clan that runs for 5 months,
dies and stays dead for 3 months,
then is restarted and goes another 4 months,
has -NOT- been alive for a year.

Here are the most common reasons "WHY" Clans FAIL:
(MOST clans FAIL, these are the MAIN reasons.)

I. The LEADER is a power hungry ego maniac:

-If- you are starting clan to "simply to be IN-charge" of it, I would suggest not bothering starting a clan at all. Because, that is the #1 reason so many clans DIE, it's their leader started the clan, simply to be "IN CHARGE" of 'a clan' and to boss people. The best clans are ran by people that actually enjoy helping other people. Immature ego maniacs usually have no idea how much work is involved with running a "SUCCESSFUL" clan, that LAST any amount of time. If you have a "BAD", UNFAIR", "LAZY", or "power hungry" leader, a CLAN WILL DIE.

To avoid this:
I. A clan should be ran by several people that SHARE the Work -AND- the SHARE the Authority AND ENJOY helping other people.

II. Too many of your MEMBERS are whinny lazy brats:

If you have a lot of immature and lazy members that demand everything from you, but NEVER help back (or help back very little), eventually YOU will get tired of doing ALL (or almost all) of the work, THEN THE CLAN WILL DIE.

To avoid this:
Make sure EVERYone understands that they absolutely must help their clan weekly by giving 10% of their online gaming time BACK to thier clan (they can help with: recruitment, writing web pages, run server searches, run practices and events, help other members, help members on their message board, organize nightly games, particapate, etc). Make sure that they all understand that a clan is "not a magical refrigerator" on the internet. The people that help MORE, should get MORE authority (or "say") in the clan. Please be fair and give the "workers" their "EARNED AUTHORITY". Make sure EVERYone knows "what is expected OUT of them" and "what to expect FROM the clan", -BEFORE- they join your clan. Basicly, each member should have a "clan job".

III. You let a troublemaker into the clan:

NEVER let a person into your clan JUST because he is a "very good player" or has a server. EVERY person has to be "friendly person" or you do NOT want them. You DO -NOT- WANT JERKS in your clan. Sometimes, some of the best players and server owners (not all), are the most arrogant self-centered "#$%^s" on the planet, and all they ever do, is think about their OWN scores, and not about the clan. A troublemaker will go on to KILL a clan, because of their rude UN-compromising behavior, "lack of team work", and nasty attitude. Fun and FRIENDS, are ALWAYS more important then winning. It's better to play by yourself, then be in a clan that is a huge collection of troublemaking morons.

To avoid this:
Simply talk to the people before you let them in your clan. Invite them on to a Roger Wilco channel for an 'interview' to see what they want out of a clan. You can tell them "what will be expected out of them" and "what to expect from your clan". Its always a lot easier to NOT let a troublemaker in, then it is to kick him/her out. You should give TRY OUTS to new guys, and screen the jerks. Note, not all great players or server operators are bad people, some are actually some of the nicest people in the World.

IV. A FIGHT starts, that grows bigger and BIGGER:

NO ONE IS PERFECT, therefore EVERYone must COMPROMISE from time to time. If any group of people are to get a long, people have to compromise once and a while. Any time you get a bunch of humans together, there is going to be "DISAGREEMENTS". If even loving "FAMLIES" have fights, you can guarantee that a clan, if it lives long enough and grows, will have a fight.

To avoid this:
Do NOT let a fight grow or "EXPLODE" and kill your clan. If a fight starts between 2 people, suggest that THOSE 2 people (and a moderator) get on a RW channel and discuss it face to face, do not start a flame war on the message board. If the fight is getting REALLY BAD, suggest to EVERYONE fighting, to """just take a break"" and ""cool off"" for a couple of hours, a couple of days, of if needed 3 weeks. Sometimes simply saying "LETs just all get in a game and play" will stop the fighting and SAVE your clan, remember that. By having monthly clan meetings, missunderstandings can usually be avoided. Communication between the Leaders, and between the members and Leaders is very important. I would recommend having scheduled monthly clan meetings for the clan. It helps prevent missunderstandings, and is also a good time to discuss issues and for Members to offer new ideas too. Also don't forget to reward the clan's hardworkers and keep them happy and give them "earned authority". It is EVERY MEMBERS' clan, btw, not just the Leaders' clan. Everyone should work a little, the ones that work the most, should have the most authority or "say", but it is ALL the members' clan and everyone should recognize that.

V. You FAILED to recruit any new members:

""A clan is like a sack of sand with a hole in at the bottom that is slowly losing it's contents.""

People have and will ALWAYs LEAVE clans, no matter how good they are.

We have had people leave our clan for just about any reason you can think about. We have had : a member that went to to jail, a member had his Wife yell at him to "Turn off the computer or she would leave him", people in serious auto accidents, people loose their jobs and not able to pay their ISP, people have their phone disconnected for not paying, one guy had his phone disconected for 3 weeks because of a construction backhoe, people bored with games, people doing poorly in school, people going away and starting college, people moving, missunderstandings, and of course FIGHTS.

To avoid this:
You have to CONTINUALLY RECRUIT new QUAILITY members if your clan is to survive. Make sure several people on the clan spend a few hours recruiting in open forums and in games each week. Becareful NOT to spam messages anywhere. Make someone responsible for this section of the clan, make sure that they are 100% loyal to your clan.

VI. UN-loyal "Clan-Hoppers", backstabbers, and "Quit-a-thons":

One out of many ....."E Pluribus Unum".

Making a clan is the EASY part, holding a clan together is the HARD part.

Un-loyal, bottom feeding, blood sucking, leeching "backstabbers", that go on to instagate "mutanies" or "quit-a-thons" can not be allowed around your clan at any time. I have seen backstabbers create fights, simply so that they could recruit members away from the current clan once people started to quit. These "split-off clans" always go on to be "flop-clans". The reason is: people that are un-loyal to your clan will only be un-loyal to the "split-off" clan, mutaneers NEVER stick together very long, NEVER!.

"Clan-hoppers" are guys that join a clan, then quit it, then join another clan, then quit it, then join another clan, then quit it, etc, etc. "Clan-hoppers" never do any work and do not have any loyality. "Clan-hoppers" are self-centered and only think of themselves. Usually they are whinners too. They seldom stay in a clan for more then 3 weeks. Sometimes they join several clans at one time and are not loyal to any of them.

To avoid this:
If someone quits your clan, they can NOT rejoin. It should take 2 Council members to let someone in your clan. It should take 2 Council members to kick someone out of your clan. This will make your clan stable and prevent it from being too easy to get in. Do not make your clan TOO easy to get into, that way members will VALUE your clan's MEMBERSHIP. You should give interviews to new guys, and give TRY OUTS before making someone a member, see, thats why running a "successful" clan takes a lot of work . Make getting into your clan a special time that is valued. Maybe have a "crowbar" initiation ceremony (Half-Life TFC) when a new guys passes their "TRY OUT" or gets "Promoted". Get all the members together and crowbar the new guy as you swear him into your clan. Do not let a "clan-hopper" in your clan, if someone says he has been in 16 clans, you do NOT want him in your clan, he is a fickled "clan-hopper". If someone is in another clan, they have ZERO loyality to your clan, do NOT let them hang around your clan's message board or RW channel. Telling the low-lifes "NO" or "GO AWAY", is the job of the COUNCIL Members. Be a STRONG and FAIR Leader and everyone will respect you.


A "clan' is not a "game". A Clan is made up of REAL people with REAL feelings. You might be looking at your monitor when you type or talk to a player a thousand miles away on the internet, but there actually is a REAL person on the other end of that conversation, typing and talking to you while looking at his monitor, they are both REAL PEOPLE. Just because you can't touch them, does not mean they are not real breathing people that should be treated with diginity and fairness, if possible. A clan is NOT a company, it's NOT a country, and it's NOT the military, it is a global internet clan and should be ran as such. In a company, people show up at a set time (8am) and stay for a set amount of time (8 hours) and get paid. The company charges for it's services. So a company is not much like a "GLOBAL clan", that is ran for free, at times convenient for those that show up. A clan will NEVER have this luxury, and so a clan will never be as efficient as a company. In the military and a Country, you can execute people if they mess up really baddly, need I say more.

On the other hand "Half-life" and "StarCraft" and "EverQuest" ARE "GAMES". They are simply a bunch of computer software code written to form a software program, that follows a set of rules. They are JUST a "game".

To avoid this:
Act civil to people and respect all people, if they will let you. Play games for fun, but dont "play with people" by mistreating them.

IX. "Net-Mosquitos" harrassing and wasting too much time:

"Net-mosquitos" are troublemaking morons that cause trouble simply to cause trouble. They have NO-life and have been known to hound clans that they could not get in or were kicked out of, for months sometimes. We had a net-mosquito that harrassed our clan for 15 months after he left our clan. "Net-Mosquitos" waste their life trying to ruin others' fun. They are a waste of life, a waste of time, a waste of fun, don't let them waste yours.

To handle this:
Report any harrassment to the net-mosquito's ISP in a polite and documented email complaint. If a troublemaker does anything illegal to one of your members, like sending a virus or hacking, report the net-mosquito to his local police. If the net-mosquito just does one thing, simply ignore the baffoon and let him get his "attention" from his momma.


I NEVER saw a clan die because of an ugly clan web page, but I have seen a LOT of clans DIE because their leaders spent WAY TOO much time working on their clan web page, instead of using that time recruiting, or practiceing, or having clan meetings to promoted good commuication in their clan.

A web page is simply a TOOL, a "web page" is NOT the clan. A clan is about the people, a web page doesn't help you capture the flag, but "CLAN MEMBERS" do. A "web page" is simply a "pieces of paper on the internet".

To avoid this:
Make a BASIC web page to hold your club for the first 3 months, then, after 3+ months, if your clan is still alive, worry about "dressing up" the web page. Worry about a later, if your clan survives 4+ months.

[MC] Sgt. D`Organizer
[MC] Gamers Clan Leader

1. One leader
2. Slaves
3. Person who complains all the time
4. A dumbass everyone takes the piss out of because hes crap
5. Someone who is good with computers
6. A hero
7. A princess
8. And a small boy named timmy who doesnt have a turkey for christmas
mad scotsman
is this the real nasty butler , or the retard that paid for his account?

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