Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7034|Sydney, Australia
Nice update.

I also noticed a mods/admins online. That is also a smart update. It's now easier to see is a Mod/admin is online, in the event they need to be PM'ed.

(please tell me if this is not new...)

Good Work all round.

Microsoft Poster Child
+83|7007|Vancouver BC Canada
How about all types of vehicle?
and, Parachute times FTW!!
my mum says i'm cool
how about glabal rankings for your overall score, br on each map, vehicle, weapon as there use to be a while back

i'm still not sure what happened to that feature
Mr. Bondt
The name was Bondt...
+6|6887|The Netherlands
Maybe a ranking for the total number of awards?
Inclusive gold, silver, bronze stars and the purple heart(s)?

chuyskywalker wrote:

What rankings do you want to see?

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

"Karkand Percent". Percentage of how much of your game time has been spent on Karkand.
Percentage time played on Karkand FTW! Or even time played on karkand!

Also, how about LMG accuracy that could be funny

Driver special ability points / death..

Like a chopper pilot KDR-ranking?

Last edited by DonFck (18 years, 8 months ago)

I need around tree fiddy.
+3,135|7051|The Hague, Netherlands

Kit Rankings would be good
yayyy now I don't have to check over to bf2player anymore!
Chuy, love the website and all that you do for us. is the only website that I get my stats from.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage

chuyskywalker wrote:

What rankings do you want to see?

I'm not terribly interested in doing boring things like "most kills with XYZ" since that's covered everywhere. Get creative.
Let's say the top 20 people with the worst SPM ever ??? that would be cool.
bad touch

grappling hook usage
If there is one thing I'd like to see,  that would have to be TEAM KILLS .... Who is the biggest team Killer in BF2

Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
This Guy Is Better Than Nyte.

The ranking definitely needs minimum requirements.  Basic sniper badge or minimum kills with Sniper Rifles or minimum # shots taken with a Sniper Rifles.

I would also like to see a ranking for only people with Sniper Rifles as there favorite weapon accuracy and kill death ratios.  You could do that with kits too, but you would get all the vehicle sluts at the top.
I would just like to know if anyone had all expert badges?!?
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

Hit_Sqd_BaKed wrote:

I would just like to know if anyone had all expert badges?!?
Yes, Sgt_MaxPower was one of the first generals before they changed the requirements and I think there was some one else as well.
+8|7055|New York
I would like to see a stat for Best All-Around Player.  This stat would be ordered first by their Rank and then by their global score.  Using Rank first is important because you have to have been a very well rounded player willing to excel at all facets of BF2 to get medals and ribbons instead of just whoring a specific map and kit(like medics on karkand!).  I believe this is what DICE intended from the beginning, which is why I'm surprised they focus so heavily on Global Score which oviously caters to stat padders and is in no way an indicator of all-around skill.

Although, using Rank first is not entirely accurate in terms of overall skill either.  Totalling up the medals, ribbons, and awards might be, but the problem is that stat padders could have accumulated many, many medals over and over again thousands of times(bronze,silver,gold).  I guess you could just count those as 1 though.

So, in summary I'm saying the Best All-Around Player is the highest ranked + most decorated + highest global score.  In that order.

Last edited by astdanno (18 years, 8 months ago)

+53|7051|Omaha, Nebraska
I never seen Neil Armstrong have a sniper rifle strapped to his bike!
I knife Generals
+278|6849|Search Whore killing fields
Expert gunner? For planes, helos, humvees, ect

Last edited by DirtyMexican (18 years, 8 months ago)

+8|7055|New York
How about a create your own stat rankings feature?  A rankings designer where folks choose some of their own stats criteria and then handle the calculations as much as possible on the client side with Javascript and maybe some AJAX thrown in for good measure?
In other words, let the client side do more of the heavy lifting.
I'm going to go with the 10 day history type thing, telling you your vitals in the last X number of days (7-14)
lol how about ranking by time spent playing karkand    who will be #1?
+38|6930|Houston, TX
How about the "How many kills I missed as I had to piss at least a half gallon 'cause I hadn't moved from the computer for the last five hours while consuming pint after pint" ratio.
+19|6897|European Battlefield Command
accuracy with shotguns

splixx wrote:

I never seen Neil Armstrong have a sniper rifle strapped to his bike!
fyi, Neil is the space guy, lance is the bike guy

Lot of nice things to suggest: amount of kills, maybe best teamwork, best commander and best combat rankings, or absolute or relative teamkills.
chuy..... is it possible to extract "kills by arty", pro & con?
I knife Generals
+278|6849|Search Whore killing fields
Why not "dumbass badge" if you call others names for the kicking your ass, your labled as a dumbass.

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