I would like to see a stat for Best All-Around Player. This stat would be ordered first by their Rank and then by their global score. Using Rank first is important because you have to have been a very well rounded player willing to excel at all facets of BF2 to get medals and ribbons instead of just whoring a specific map and kit(like medics on karkand!). I believe this is what DICE intended from the beginning, which is why I'm surprised they focus so heavily on Global Score which oviously caters to stat padders and is in no way an indicator of all-around skill.
Although, using Rank first is not entirely accurate in terms of overall skill either. Totalling up the medals, ribbons, and awards might be, but the problem is that stat padders could have accumulated many, many medals over and over again thousands of times(bronze,silver,gold). I guess you could just count those as 1 though.
So, in summary I'm saying the Best All-Around Player is the highest ranked + most decorated + highest global score. In that order.
Last edited by astdanno (18 years, 8 months ago)