Hmmm, nice question. I hope I do make the difference on the team I'm playing for.
Anything but what it is now!

g78 wrote:

Also i see too much Hackers on the game now, (counter-strike anyone?) i take 3/4 of my gaming time just to find a proper server to play on. Sometime i get in one.. and ooo look at that my missile curvs away from his vehicule, witought any moves on my part to make it do that. Or 5 C-4 and the vehicule does'nt even blow up. Or jet firing from the reactor when your following it (third person view mode on to make sure am not imagening things). Mounted machine gun with firepower of a A-10 with no limit range. A APC that control any weapons around him to fire at the same target as him with the same firepower. etc etc... No use to complain about it, good chance the Admin is one of them or they simply wont believe you witought any proof. Anyway... That must boost their stats for sure. Punkbuster is simply not doing a good job for that game.
Might want to lay off the LSD/weed/crack cocaine (delete as appropriate) there son...

Let's take a close look at your tale of woe...

"my missile curvs away from his vehicule"
"jet firing from the reactor"
"Mounted machine gun with firepower of a A-10 with no limit range"
"APC that control any weapons around him to fire at the same target as him with the same firepower"

I've been reading this board for a while and this is the first time I've seen complaints which are even remotely like yours!

Most of the shit you describe is server-side, how can that possibly be hacked??

As for the APC, wtf is the T-X playing BF2 now????????
Back from the Dead.
I don't believe that a persons stats relfect how they help their team. My stats on all three of my accounts might not reflect the best stats in the game, but I know that I contribute positivley to the victories I have attained, and I also know that I have helped for the downfall of my team on occasion. So to answer the origional post, I do feel like I affect the win or loss of my team.
Fantasma Parastasie
I'm pretty sure that killing lots of enemies contributes to winning the game

Last edited by SargeV1.4 (2006-06-21 10:39:02)

Terror in the Skies
a good player can definitly win a round - maybe it depends a little on the map - a good j-10 pilot on wake can do the whole job (i do and i do not carrier rape for that)
or take karkand for example - a good (usmc)-player does not fight the entire round at the hotel - he will go behind the frontline and capture some flags - this definitly helps a team to win

imo there are 2 ways to win round as a single player - kill people like there's no tomorrow (for example with jet on wake or with tank on karkand) or capture/defend as many flags as you can without going for a lot of points or kills (so pointfarming won't help your team) - sometimes these 2 ways can be combined for example when you go infantry-rampage on sharqi, ghost town or karkand - this are the best round - murderous frenzy at its best
Mod Incarnate
I think I contribute to my team winning...

*braces for vehicle whore comments*
Phorum Phantom
i think its the other way, where if your team is winning, its easier to do better. like wise if your team is losing, its not hard to do really bad. ive had those days.
If i decide to make a squad, then i always make sure my squad makes a difference to the game, and most the time we do, Infact every squad i make usually finishes with best squad.
When I command on ghost town, regardless for which team (SAS or Spetz) my team wins... thats just how it works.

Another example: I know I've gotten 67 points and we've won by 67 tickets... I know I attributed to that win.

My win to loss ratio sucks but I also don't really care if my team wins or loses, unless I'm commanding or if it's a really close game the whole way.
+262|6569|North Norway

IMO all players affect the outcome of the battle. Most people manage to kill someone in a round, and that someone may be the one that made the difference. But, what if this someone hadn't been killed? he could have captured a flag that allowed his team to win.

Last edited by kmjnhb (2006-06-21 11:04:15)

Bash.org Junkie
You can't only look at k/ds for how good a player is.  Anytime I see anyone over a 2:1 the first thing I check is the percentage of their kills that come from vehicles, which is usually pretty high.  It doesn't take much to have a high k/d in a tank.

But on the topic, I feel like I make a difference on my team if I end up close to the top of my team's score.  If i have a bad round, it doesn't seem to me like I am helping.

Last edited by Mouse315 (2006-06-21 11:50:56)

Sometimes.  I don't know that I've ever single-handedly caused my team to win.  I know I've sometimes increased our odds of winning, though.  Of course, other times, I've increased the other teams odds of winning.  I hope I'm keeping that to a minimum now, though.

Last night was kinda funny.  Jumped into a game where we were losing pretty decently about midway through.  Went on to take 4th and we won 55-0.  Now, it may well not have been me that turned things around but it felt good
Stats can be very deceptive with regard to W/L.  Just last night I spent an entire round on Oman as Engineer keepting USMC arty up.  There were two MEC Special Ops players determined to keep our arty down, but I hung near it, repaired it when down, and killed or slowed the progress of the enemy bent on destroying it, placed AT mines to keep enemy vehicles from approaching so that Spec Ops would have to approach on foot.... etc.  I ended up with something like 5 kills to 3 deaths and 8 repair points.  Not a stellar round, but I kept our arty  up 90% of the round and nobody else on my team was interested in repairing it.  The round was a narrow win for us, and I'm convinced we'd have lost by a mile had the arty been down all round.
I never thought I affected them at all...until a few days back.

I went into Sharqi, and decided to chopperwhore for two rounds, as MEC.  We lost them both.  I decided to groundpound for two rounds, as MEC.  We won both.  Coincidence?

Hmm where to start, either he switches to the winning team all the time or just rapes the hell out of the other team who knows. 79% of his kills are in vehicles. Take that away and you have a CRAPPY player who cant do anything outside of a jet or tank. 1259 kill assists are the most of his few team points he doesnt have many revives, heals, or ressuplys so hes not much of a team player. He only has basic first aid, ressuply, and engineer so he doesnt heal, repair, or ressuply much (though he still needs time for vet ressuply). Team: Kills, Damage, & Vehicle Damage      886 / 341 / 328 I assume he TKs for vehicles ALOT. His win loss stat probably comes from his constant raping with jets and armor that make the tickets go down like lightning. I rest my case.
Yup, completely agree.

For me, it's about gunning for the back flags and capping them.  Almost everytime I've succeeded in capping a back flag, we manage to turn the ticket ratio around and win the game. 

What pisses me off though, is after taking the back flag and getting killed later, autobalance then switches me to the other team!!!...  And I end up getting a loss.

Last edited by Ilocano (2006-06-21 12:31:31)


sgt.sonner wrote:

99% of BF2 players punish for teamkills. If you are one of the 1% who don't punish for teamkills copy and paste this into your signature.
Other factor that push people to punish, the default vote is set on PUNISH on the same key used to say *affirmative, yes, etc.* I dunno for you guys, but i can remember a few time when i pressed the key to accept a squad invitation and it punish the guy instead. Or just when you want to tell your teamate on the affirmative and you noticed you punish a teamate that just killed you instead.

Stats are stats.. In the real world they arent worth much. They deceive voters on a false reality or they bring up fear onto a product to make someone go bankrupt. Basically the only people that they trully serv are those lacking skills. In any circonstances.. ill prefer someone humble(newb or trully skilled) over someone being cocky about his stats to try to make you angry or fear him... Futile.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6799|Toronto, ON
Yes, I usually affect the win/loss of my team.

That is of course if my team aren't braindead.
Alpha as fuck.
Might want to lay off the LSD/weed/crack cocaine (delete as appropriate) there son...

Let's take a close look at your tale of woe...

"my missile curvs away from his vehicule"
"jet firing from the reactor"
"Mounted machine gun with firepower of a A-10 with no limit range"
"APC that control any weapons around him to fire at the same target as him with the same firepower"

I've been reading this board for a while and this is the first time I've seen complaints which are even remotely like yours!

Most of the shit you describe is server-side, how can that possibly be hacked??

As for the APC, wtf is the T-X playing BF2 now????????
Its not really a complaint, more like things i did saw. and some of my teamate saw for themself also. Yes maybe it was a admin, i really did'nt ask them. And personally i dont care how it works. But i did see it, i do have some picture of this but they arent really talking of themself, a movie would have been a hell better. But fraps tends to eat up a bit too much ressources on my old pc.  Am not making excuses, you may not believe me, i really dont care. As for the drugs, probably a overdose of aspirin when i see those things throwed at me.
I have a bad KD ratio, but my WL ratio is higher.  I don't think your stats have anything to do with how often you win.  You can suck balls, but somehow always manage to be on the winning team. Or vice versa.  I have played some rounds where I look at my flag caps and flag cap assists and I think to myself, "If had not been playing this round my team would have lost without all those caps."  On the other hand, I have played rounds where I felt completely useless, sometimes even a hindrance to my team.

It all depends on how you play.  If you have half of your teams falg caps, then of course you have a great affect on how much your team wins.  If you run around and TKing and crashing jets the whole round, you are probably helping your team to lose.  But you could also be a lonewolf sniper sitting around waiting for some action to come your way the entire round (embarrassed to admit I've done it).  If this is the case, then you aren't having much of an affect on anything, besides taking up a spot on the server.

Ilocano wrote:

What pisses me off though, is after taking the back flag and getting killed later, autobalance then switches me to the other team!!!...  And I end up getting a loss.
Grrr... I hate that too when I am kicking ass helping my team to win and then it switches me to the other lameass team that is losing.
Anything but what it is now!

g78 wrote:

Might want to lay off the LSD/weed/crack cocaine (delete as appropriate) there son...

Let's take a close look at your tale of woe...

"my missile curvs away from his vehicule"
"jet firing from the reactor"
"Mounted machine gun with firepower of a A-10 with no limit range"
"APC that control any weapons around him to fire at the same target as him with the same firepower"

I've been reading this board for a while and this is the first time I've seen complaints which are even remotely like yours!

Most of the shit you describe is server-side, how can that possibly be hacked??

As for the APC, wtf is the T-X playing BF2 now????????
Its not really a complaint, more like things i did saw. and some of my teamate saw for themself also. Yes maybe it was a admin, i really did'nt ask them. And personally i dont care how it works. But i did see it, i do have some picture of this but they arent really talking of themself, a movie would have been a hell better. But fraps tends to eat up a bit too much ressources on my old pc.  Am not making excuses, you may not believe me, i really dont care. As for the drugs, probably a overdose of aspirin when i see those things throwed at me.
All i'm saying is do your homework so you know what kind of hacks are actually out there that you might come up against... the things you describe aren't listed anywhere as far as I can tell from a bit of googling.
I'm pretty stoked from today, I managed to go 31-0 sniping on Mashtuur. No medic revives, nothing. Just snipe...  hide, snipe, hide, claymore go boom, run...

So yea, I think I feel like I affect my team's w/l. As a sniper I have a higher than 1 kdr, which means I'm killing more of them than they are me. I usually try to cap flags that are empty, I cover the flags that we have.

Am I a game-breaker on the scale of a Jet Whore who will not go down? Probably not, but do I help? Yea
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
I am bad luck and I suck,soon as I join the team I'm on goes to shit.
almost always.. specially when i have access to an attack chopper the entire game and noone sitting in my gunner seat
I guess if you die less than you kill you are already affecting the win or loss of your team....but if the team consists mostly out of idiots even the leetest jetwhore can't win the round by himself.

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