As everyone can see the Improvements section is filled with new ideas but it makes me wonder, could the BF2 engine accomplish it? I know close to nothing how that type of stuff works but I've heard that its out of date already. So heres my questions:

-would it be able to put in snow maps?
-would waves be created if a RIB drove through the water?
-breathing gauges if a player wanted to go underwater to avoid being shot or detected?
-destructive environments?
-punching and/or kicking?
-blackouts during flying?
-better rendering of geometries?
-being dazed when shot by M95 (i'm sure they can do this, someone already suggested that the whole shell shock thingy should happen when hit by M95)?
-bullet holes in cockpit obscuring view?
-waterfalls that you can ride down!?
-rain? snow? sleet? hail? heat horizons?
-gun jamming?
-jump off ladders?
-destroy tank treads and remove mobility?
-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?
-close and open doors?
IMHO, only source could do this.  EA/Dice dont have a clue.  SOURCE FOR THE WIN!
some of those woud be cool but a few i just dont uncderstand why we would need them. one is punching and kicking. i have a big gun go ahead and try to punch me.
...from the internet
you have raised a good point there.
i dont know if all of these could be accomplished but one thing caught my eye...

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

-being dazed when shot by M95 (i'm sure they can do this, someone already suggested that the whole shell shock thingy should happen when hit by M95)?
if they were real life specs i very much doubt you could survive getting shot with one of these. they would almost certainly kill you no matter where it hit you.

p.s. im not flaming so dont hate me
"-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?"

Where talking about modern combat here, not WWII

SniperF0x wrote:

"-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?"

Where talking about modern combat here, not WWII
haven't you ever wanted to do that though? :p
+99|6789|New York
BF2 cant even stay connected lol
Edit : You do have good ideas it would be great to see them in action, I like the underwater idea.

Last edited by arson (2006-06-20 11:41:36)

Moderator Emeritus
+148|6992|Cheshire, UK
Nice post

-would it be able to put in snow maps? Almost certainly but not really in the feel of the game (though some chinese maps...  maybe
-would waves be created if a RIB drove through the water?big coding problem - little gain
-breathing gauges if a player wanted to go underwater to avoid being shot or detected? again, a big change to the engine I feel
-destructive environments? - It has that. Extanding this shouldn't bee to hard but there should be some that can't be repaired
-punching and/or kicking? - whould be easy, I really wanna wang someone upside theheed with a wrench (in the same way I wanted to clout someone with the shovel in BFV)
-blackouts during flying? tricky to code but would be funny
-better rendering of geometries? - probably but why not just make a new game...   you ccould set it in the future... 
-being dazed when shot by M95 (i'm sure they can do this, someone already suggested that the whole shell shock thingy should happen when hit by M95)? shouldn't be too hard with the SF gas change but maybe only if you own SF 
-bullet holes in cockpit obscuring view? would be nice and can't see that it would be too hard but probably as a standard damage pattern rather than a proper impact result
-waterfalls that you can ride down!? - what's wrong with the ones in the game (fu she)
-rain? snow? sleet? hail? heat horizons? - environment effects would be cool but a huge change me thinks
-gun jamming? - this happens with ioverheating, do you mean random jams? Pain in the ass!
-jump off ladders? - I keep trying to do that, should be possible and not too hard
-destroy tank treads and remove mobility? - that would be a big change but a sweet one
-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'? - as above
-close and open doors? - HUGE change b ut more in keeping with the game you should be able to blow the buggers up with nades etc
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

-would it be able to put in snow maps?
-would waves be created if a RIB drove through the water?
-breathing gauges if a player wanted to go underwater to avoid being shot or detected?
-destructive environments?
-punching and/or kicking?
-blackouts during flying?
-better rendering of geometries?
-being dazed when shot by M95 (i'm sure they can do this, someone already suggested that the whole shell shock thingy should happen when hit by M95)?
-bullet holes in cockpit obscuring view?
-waterfalls that you can ride down!?
-rain? snow? sleet? hail? heat horizons?
-gun jamming?
-jump off ladders?
-destroy tank treads and remove mobility?
-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?
-close and open doors?
-There already are, kind of... not real waves
-Probably not
-It kind of happens. Take an M95 and shoot the INSIDE of the Blackhawk's cockpit glass then get in
-Rain is possible but a realistic look makes it lag, the unrealistic look is retarded
-Probably not
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

The BF2 Engine was designed and made for First Person Shooters, specifically in a Conquest-mode style.

Source and Unreal Engine(s) were made for First Person Shooters, but were designed for all sorts of versatility.

Key difference.
Member since 2005
+44|6929|Kansas, USA
To expand on the original poster I owuld add:

- Variable damage to all vehicles which affects performance (i.e. shooting the front tire on a jeep will make it very difficult to steer and would limit speed)
- Change in player speed/accuracy when wounded
- Being able to "cook" a grenade.
- Being able to change a kit at a supply crate
- Squad Leaders/Commander should be able to request an air strike
- Tow guns on the Hummers like in SF & maybe mounted stingers on the vehicles
- Ability to partially conceal mines/claymores when deployed in certain areas (requires a certain amount of time like repairing) - could not be done on concrete for example.
bad touch

Source > BF2

nuff said, but then

Crysis > Source
You know, the more I look at Crysis the more I think this'll be the game that hurts my machine.

All games i've played on my new machine it has flown through with max anti-aliasing etc.

But crysis...  goddamn.

My machine:

Athlon 64 X2 4800+
512MB Sapphire X1900XTX

I would love to see a Battlefield 2 like mod for Crysis with something like the stats system and weapon unlocks, I would be in heaven then.

EvilMonkeySlayer wrote:

You know, the more I look at Crysis the more I think this'll be the game that hurts my machine.

All games i've played on my new machine it has flown through with max anti-aliasing etc.

But crysis...  goddamn.

My machine:

Athlon 64 X2 4800+
512MB Sapphire X1900XTX

I would love to see a Battlefield 2 like mod for Crysis with something like the stats system and weapon unlocks, I would be in heaven then.
Don't worry, you have the machine that most regular people dream of having and that'll probaly last for a while too.
+69|6861|th3 unkn0wn

SniperF0x wrote:

"-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?"

Where talking about modern combat here, not WWII
Somebody's been playing a bit too much GTA lately. Tank-jacking? Wot's next, eh?
Kick His Ass!
+371|6847|Howell, Mi USA
Snow maps would F*cking rock. i'd love to see that.
bullseye (+)
all that would be sweet even though if you got shot be the m95 you would be missing a body part from where ever it hit you. if they hit your arm it would be torn off. also i think they should have all your badges shown on your guys body when you die or if someone looks at you.

Last edited by travisb05 (2006-06-20 11:57:56)

crysis, i cant wait to see that engine properly

o shit football, ill edit this later with a longer reply

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

SniperF0x wrote:

"-shoot inside the tank and kill the crew like in 'Saving Private Ryan'?"

Where talking about modern combat here, not WWII
Somebody's been playing a bit too much GTA lately. Tank-jacking? Wot's next, eh?
ummmm.....or maybe someone's been watching too many Saving Private Ryan. As for the wot's next, molotovs (also from SPR)

Maybe even gas. I mean, those beasts can only have so much fuel. They have a gas station in karkand and oman.

Here's more and remember, some of these are my ideas, some are ones that I've read but the goal is, is it possible with the engine not if its a good idea or not:

-time bombs?
-self healing process like in MGS3 (no not Call of Duty so don't flame me for that)
-On and off switch for lights
-being able to turn over vehicles that are currently stable or have already been turned over
-dig ditches
-changeable uniforms like in Vietnam (okok so we could only choose what boonies we could wear)
-falling down a steep slope makes you fall down when you stop

-customize weapon stats
------seeing that this one will get some heat let me explain
sniper rifle has a max of 20 weapon points. Following categories are:
Accuracy: 13
Reload Time: 3
Cocking: 4

Now say you want less bullet drop well you just change the numbers:
Accuracy: 16
Reload Time: 2
Cocking: 2

Now alot of people will go, wtf? I could just put accuracy on 20. Well then there are rules:
-you can only do this after promotion or perhaps achieve certain stats say a certain K/D, time or accuracy
-no slot can have 0, minimum is 1

Ok since we got that cleared up and seeing how this post is pretty lengthy. I'll let you guys breathe that in before posting more engine limits.
+304|6749|New York City baby.
all of the things are possible to do with what we have now, that includes doors and such to be opened look at SF you can use elevators and scuh, but they are too fucking lazy to implement it
I Hate Claymores
Most of the stuff you said almost has nothing to do with engine. If you want blackouts during flying that can be coded. It does not have any relation to the engine. So is gun jamming. That is coded and isnt exactly engine. Engine is the physics and graphics engines not little coded events.
Holes in the cockpit do obscure view, if you're on the cockpit view.
AKA <{SoE}>Agamemnar
The BF2 engine is pretty outdated. It was in development for about 4 years.

CrazeD wrote:

Holes in the cockpit do obscure view, if you're on the cockpit view.
Which nobody ever is. Everyone presses C or F9 to get rid of the glass, plane nose, and dashboard (whatever it's called).
Capt. Foley
+155|6740|Allentown, PA, USA
Heres something for you snow map fanatics. Its from a BF2 mod thats coming out:

http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsima … tSnow1.jpg

http://www.pointofexistence.com/newsima … tSnow2.jpg

Snow maps are possible, they just dont fit in with the BF2 theme too well, but mabey you could have one in northern China...

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