I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
Only thing that pisses me off in CS and CSS is the awp whores,luckily you get a smoke grenade,Steam has indeed come a long long ways from its introduction,in the beginning everybody hated it and wanted VALVe to bring back WON but luckily they worked out all the bugs.Im always used to using the gun sights in BF2 so I have a habit of right clicking which gets me killed in CS.CS is nice if you want some infantry battles,so is AMerica's Army which requires a huge learning curve. Anyways,too much of anything isn't good.I used to play BF2 everyday and grew sick of it since I take a few days off every now and then.
[ACB] Member
I own a CSS server come play in it sometime.

+45|6620|Bristol, UK
I'm all over Quake Wars when it comes out. Screw 2142.
Will it actually let you play hl2 without a net connection now?  That totally pissed me off, not a Huge deal, but wanted to play it on my laptop in some god forasken motel without even dialup... but i played cs for 6 years. thats enuff.
+86|6679|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

darkcrystal wrote:

steam has been around for what?  almost 3 years now?  valve and steam have gone thru MANY changes.  steam was horrific when it first came out and it took a while to work all the kinks out...hmmm sound familiar?  stop praising a program that you have little experience with.  give bf2 some time.  i played cs/tfc since the beginning, and i can tell you that i would take WON over steam any day of the week.
uh, how often do you smoke crack?  I am a 1st gen HL, TFC, CS player who had to put up with WON being constantly down, couldn't get to a server and play.  I play CS:S to this day and TFC occasionally, although I admit I'm waiting on Fortress Forever to finish being developed.

STEAM is MUCH better than WON ever was...and WON had several years to fix their shit.
+186|6594|The real world
CoD2 ftw.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6626|Your attic
Used to be a CS:CZ boy (source's hitboxes are screwed no matter what anyone says) and not meaning to brag but I was damm good at it, if anyone plays cz add my xfire and I'll come play.
However as many have said, I left it becuase of all the hackers, too often some random person would come on our server, walk into a whole group of people and headshot everysingle one of them in a matter of seconds.
Admittidly there are alot of good players, but few THAT good.

As for BF2 being a pile of shit at the moment, yea it is, it sucks that we have to put up with CTD's and Server crashes, but thats the nature of the beast, thankfully I'm going on holiday soon, so 1.31 or 1.4 or w/e will be out by the time I get back so won't have to put up with it for long, might sort a few problems out.

Or if your annoyed with both BF2 and CS you could just go outside, ya know, grass, trees, fresh air
+19|6701|The pork thing inna bun stall.
+1 to you. Forgot about HL2. Bought it ages ago and never played cos of crap internet connection. Now on 8 meg so am downloading now. Will also give CSS and HL2 Lost coast a go.


Last edited by cmotdibbler (2006-06-18 06:35:39)

Missing, Presumed Dead

Ive had CSS since it came out the other year. I can tell you, that it is not all you crack it up to be.

They have patched the game so many time, its unbelieveable. BF2 has had what, 4-5 patches in its history (Ive only had it for 3months so correct me if im wrong on that). CSS alone has had over 20. Then add on HL2, DoD, HL2DM and all the other mods - you are looking at a lot of patches. Every single patch has screwed up the favourites list, so that they dont even appear. Even if you add more favourites - they disappear next time you load up the game. Yes, there is a fix, but you have to know of the support forums and know where to look and then fix it manually. This came about something like 5-8 patches ago...and they still havent fixed it. To fix it, you have to actually edit the game yourself and so something specific. They cant do it for you, o no, you have to do it to get their game working.

O yes, another superb part about the patches. On some levels of DirectX, all the props (windows, doors, crates, boxes, etc) disappear at certain ranges so you get a "wallhack" curteousy of valve. Thanks a lot. Goes great for wars, especially when an AWM can shoot through them so you are killing people that you cant even see in the normal view.

The player sorry, but they are of the worst quality for an official release I have ever seen. Only the L337 crew is any good. The other 7 are bland, boring, nothing close to the originals and the SAS is blue....BLUE. It looks more like a street cop with a gas mask than the world reknown special forces group. Its appauling. And how often do you see Arctic Avengers, dressed up in arctic camo and arctic gear running around a desert? Come on.
At least in BF2, you have desert attire for desert battles and jungle camo for jungle encounters.

Dust2....thats the game. Dust2, dust2, dust2 and dust2. O yeah, and some more dust2. All the other maps are barely played. Especially the latest maps, nuke, militia and inferno because they take an extra 2minutes loading time. Boohoo. "z0mg it tak3s l1k3...43va" (to quote someone directly). It is appauling. Its even bigger than Karkand is for BF2. Karkand takes up about 50% of servers on BF2....Dust2 takes up about 80% of servers on CSS. Its repetitive and boring. At least other maps are played, such as wake, sharqi, mashtuur and even the "chinese" maps to a certain extent.

The losing team gets awarded less money. Great, so without "ecoing" (buying nothing for a round), they are totally screwed. Blokes with pistols Vs AK's/AWMs, etc. If you get 3kills on the first round and dont buy a thing on the first, you can have an AWM on the second round. a team of 5 blokes with pistols vs a team with AK's and an AWM. Speaking of which, at least the equilivant of the AWM in BF2 (the L96A1) doesnt 1hit kill when you shoot their chest or arm, or their leg if they have no armour. Its the lamest weapon ever and totally screws up the game. Unless it were to cost an additional 2000 or something, but its still unfair as anything. If you've ever played a game where the entire opposition is using an AWP and refuse to miss a shot - you will know what I mean.

Range of weapons compared to the used weapons. There are 24 weapons in the game, of which 8 are used by most players. The others dont get a look in, and anyone who does use them, is automatically "a noob". BF2 has loads of weapons, and nobody gets called a noob for using a specific weapon (well, maybe except the PKM by some users). Its pathetic. At least people use the unlocks, they use the default weapons. And not just 1 of them...but all of them. I kick major ass with an M3 shotgun in CSS. I took out an entire 5man team with it and defused the bomb in a match. What happened? "O, i forgot hes a shotgun noob. FOAD" (fuck off and die). O, im sorry, did I kill you with a "noob weapon"? Damn, that must be really insulting you twat whos so full of shit that you cant tell whether you are actually a human shit or just a pile of shit.
I wish I had said that, because I got banned at the end of the match for "being an M3 f4ggot".

Hitboxes & rate hacking. Despite valve "fixing" the hitboxes on numerous occasions, they are still not right. You can shoot somebodies head at point blank range and see the bullet hit the wall behind them and no blood fly out of their heads. Although, it is disputed that this may also be down to "rate hacking" - changing your rates and "interp" values so that you send the server fewer packets, which somehow makes bullets and your position actually different to where you are ingame (if you understand that). Why the hell do they even have commands such as that in the game? I tell you, if you check on a lot of players, they will have rates of 10000 10 10....the rates that people are supposed to have are 20000 100 100.
Great, so now we have enemies who we cant even hit because they use stupid commands to give them an advantage.

The Friends system. For those of you who have played C&C Generals, you will know of the communication system. Its like an ingame "IM program". So, when CSS was released, it came with the friends system. Great. But it never worked from the outset. A few months back (after the game had been around for over a year), they decided to start work and try to fix it. O great. Shame that everybody already uses xfire and you are wasting your time. If it had worked from the start, then yes, people may have used it. But now? Nope, not a chance.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. SourceTV. Like Battlerecorder, except that you can watch a live match (and be about 80seconds behind for obvious reasons of ghosting, etc). Brilliant idea...shame that you cannot change your view or position. Thats right, you end up speccing from the origin of the map, which is usually embedded in the ground someplace, with no option of changing player, your view, your position or even to turn the view around to face in the opposite direction.
So, instead, its used to record demos of matches. Yeah, fine. But in first person cannot see any weapon model on the player. So, all you see is a muzzle flash and bullets hitting the wall, but no weapon. WTF? Im sorry, but if you can do it in CS 1.6, you can bloody well do it in Source. And the best part is, is that they have no plans on fixing this. Way to stab the entire clanning community in the backs.

The only thing that I really like about the Steam system, is that all patches are mandatory to download - it automatically does it and so everybody is always up-to-date. That doesnt happen with BF2, which is a shame.

Yes, everyone in BF2 is up in arms about the favourites list, nerfing weapons, and game crashes. Believe me, CSS and the whole Steam system is no better at all. Hell, my game even crashes when I hit Alt+Tab to minimise the game. Do I get that in BF2? No, I do not.
Just because patch 1.3 has changed a few things and added in other exploits and bugs...CSS is in no way, on the same grounds, no better compared to it. In fact, its a whole lot worse.
I knife Generals
+278|6572|Search Whore killing fields
Day of defeat involves capping flags and WW2 guns, pretty fun
The first true Sniper.
+95|6679|Cumberland, MD, USA
I only played CS once and it was 1.6 recently. I hated it; you get shot and then you wait. It's slow paced.

After 2 rounds of getting PWNED³, I used hacks. Fun, fun, fun. It's pretty funny to see people get shot through walls knowing that you're the one doing it. I also ran across another hacker; I looked at him through a wall and he looked at me. I jumped; he jumped. He switched teams and we went ahead and gave the other team a whooping like never before. 'Twas a good hour, but I don't like hacking often.

Swiss wrote:

Play both Bf2 and steam as much as one another, both very different styles of shooting. I don't see any hackers on BF2 but i see very few hackers on cs:s...less than one/100 hours of gameplay. Maybe it's because i play mainly on the surf servers...haha.
HAHA same here hahaa
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6593|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Bear in mind CS:S will probably get boring after months of playing, especially in a clan. All I go on it now for is to surf, which is very fun, and maybe the other fun maps.
Fantasma Parastasie
Both snake and cougar have got some good arguements. In any case, I've played CS since 1.4 to cs:S and I'm royally sick of it.

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