Nade Spammers Must Die
I love karkand and since April it has been the map i play 80% of my time on. As MEC is used to be able to rush forward and expect USMC to do the same. But for the last month at the start of the round it is insane nade spamming. I don't even move forward now because it's not safe. I don't know if Volx inspired people or what but it is starting to ruin it. What do you think?
Boldly going nowhere...
+196|6881|Las Vegas
I think it started when they introduced a longer throw distance in one of the patches (forget which one).
If you can spam nades and get kills you might aswell do it.

If you don't like it: be a sniper and stay out of the action... but thats boring
A 64/64 player map on karkand is INSANE!
Yeh i want a SPM like volx has, nade spamming seems to be the way to go.
The high roof to the side of karkand hotel is awesome to spam grenades from. You can get 3 spawn points at once lol
better nades than claymores......
+519|6783|Gold coast, Aus.
I hate it now. I try to stear away from karkand now.
+51|6887|Twente, The Netherlands
Yep, grenades everywhere. Don't forget the tank whores, gp30 fags, claywhores... it's all in the game.
+183|6775|Newcastle UK
yep karkand has been total spoilt so now if i play that map i normally alt tab or something ans wait around 2 mins.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
It's brilliant now, people are actually getting so annoyed with the nade spamming that ther've started to go into the rest of the level and fight there instead. You know, actually taking the flags etc.
+2|6696|London UK
used to love this map but ive got right off it just because of the hotel bit, grenades everywhere, spawn raping, shooting behind walls, hotel glitch etc. its all about sharqi now
RPK-74 Whore
I love karkand but its the grenades that make it horrible. The first 10 minutes are nade spam and usmc NEVER attemps to cap a FUCKING flag ANYWHERE other than the hotel. Thats why USMC always LOSES on karkand because armorwhoring and nade spamming DONT win a game but they NEVER cap flags.
Choleric groundpounder

uber73 wrote:

better nades than claymores......
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6742|Melbourne, Australia.

LordDragonclaw wrote:

I love karkand but its the grenades that make it horrible. The first 10 minutes are nade spam and usmc NEVER attemps to cap a FUCKING flag ANYWHERE other than the hotel. Thats why USMC always LOSES on karkand because armorwhoring and nade spamming DONT win a game but they NEVER cap flags.
USMC always loses in karkand? What server are you playing on! Karkand is target practise for USMC, mec very rarely wins in the servers i play on.
The Microwave Man
Karkand was my favorite map to play . All the idiots would play at the hotel . Meanwhile I snag a jeep full of troops and drive by everything including the tank whore and head directly for the suburbs . Snag that flag and use the momentum of the downward hill and race to the main base with cappabe flag . I wouldn't snag that flag right away becuase in that time the tank might have be killed so I hang out and wait for it . If I'm lucky and didn't die sometimes I could snag the MEC tank , THEN I would go for the flag . Game over . Cept before it's really over you get spamed with " FUCKING BASE RAPER !!!!!!!!! " . Pwoondeded .
jet burned
+13|6787|Irving, Texas, USA


A 64/64 player map on karkand is INSANE!
hell yeah
Nade Spammers Must Die

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

LordDragonclaw wrote:

I love karkand but its the grenades that make it horrible. The first 10 minutes are nade spam and usmc NEVER attemps to cap a FUCKING flag ANYWHERE other than the hotel. Thats why USMC always LOSES on karkand because armorwhoring and nade spamming DONT win a game but they NEVER cap flags.
USMC always loses in karkand? What server are you playing on! Karkand is target practise for USMC, mec very rarely wins in the servers i play on.
I think you'll find that Australian players are actually of a higher skill. On servers other than GA or Internode i have found that even on servers that do team swap each round, neither side is capable of capping hotel. Very frustrating, never play on Xtra servers.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6742|Melbourne, Australia.

Sgt_Bob05 wrote:

-[Silver.Inc* wrote:

LordDragonclaw wrote:

I love karkand but its the grenades that make it horrible. The first 10 minutes are nade spam and usmc NEVER attemps to cap a FUCKING flag ANYWHERE other than the hotel. Thats why USMC always LOSES on karkand because armorwhoring and nade spamming DONT win a game but they NEVER cap flags.
USMC always loses in karkand? What server are you playing on! Karkand is target practise for USMC, mec very rarely wins in the servers i play on.
I think you'll find that Australian players are actually of a higher skill. On servers other than GA or Internode i have found that even on servers that do team swap each round, neither side is capable of capping hotel. Very frustrating, never play on Xtra servers.
Then again, all GA and node kark servers are is base raping galore for USMC. On all-map-rotating servers, alot more teamwork is involved, which gives mec more of a chance and they usually win :p.

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

It's brilliant now, people are actually getting so annoyed with the nade spamming that they've started to go into the rest of the level and fight there instead. You know, actually taking the flags etc.
Exactly.  I've never understood why everyone insists that Karkand must be fought in the small area between USMC spawn and the hotel.  MEC forces seldom spawn anywhere but Hotel after the initial spawn, and few USMC players head to the west to hit the backyard, or to the east behind the wall to hit the train accident, etc.  You'll see a few USMC snipers in the hills to the west, but that's usually about the extent of it.

Imagine my surprise when, last night, the ECGN map rotation landed on Karkand and there were TWO USMC squads avoiding the Hotel completely and heading for the MEC rear.  Playing as MEC, it actually made the map FUN, especially since the squad headed for the back yard was good at working as a team rather than just spamming for a quick couple of kills.  It took us three MEC defenders a good quarter of the round to exterminate that squad, since they kept spawning off each other. 

If the nade spamming is what compels people to avoid the hotel and use the rest of the map, I say long live the nade spamming.  It makes Karkand fun again if you are willing to forego the easy points at the hotel.
God's Little Squirt
I tried playing on 64 Kark today and fuk that.. nade spamming makes your penis small and your mother wishing she had a girl.  Having 20+ nades thrown in your area from a distance at one time, ALL THE TIME is not a good time.  Played against Mr Volx today and yep, his mom really wanted a girl instead. 

Where's a drunk driver when we need one.
Heia den som vinner!
+115|6719|Oslo, Norway
I love the nade spamming, because it feels so good to kill 2-3 guys with a grenade!
And, if you know the secret tricks, you wont die yourself!
+917|6780|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I really dont like Karkand anymore. Not at all, Warlord doesnt have the "hotel" place, the palace isnt near the intensity, plus people actually have to cap flags there...
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

Why don't people play more Great Wall?  I mean if you like Karkand, the Wall should suit your taste.  That is my fav map, yet I can only find one server that is consistently full with the Wall in its location.
french canadians suck
What is so good about it?

TrashBlinD wrote:

What is so good about it?
You asking me?

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