I was never worried that Iraq would invade the U.S. but that's just me.
For the record I don't like George W. Bush, and never have... even though he shops at my Aunt's gourmet grocery store during the summer when he's in Kennebunkport

Sturmvogel wrote:

Thank you Bush for "saving my butt". I was really worried about the Iraqis invading the United States and all. I also appreciate the fact that Saddam was the one behind 9/11 and now we have him in jail. Its sad to see how the White House has affected many people's views on Iraq.
hi guys,
i am not from america, and not allowed to vote for your elections, you talk about your opinions of george walker bush, but what do you think about the decisions the bush administration made? judges he brought to supreme court? the way he deals with social problems, in relaionship to the clinton administration, i know things were different in the 90's. all the time i hear/read people from america talking about the war on terror, what is about the sell out of  employments to china (i.e. wal-mart). do you think, bush does it the right way, in expanding the econmic market to south america? in my opinion, most bush debates are to much about iraq war.
thats because BUSH makes it about the war in Irtaq...

because honestly, Clinton was 10 times the Prsident when it came to domestic policy. I mean, sure he stained a few dresses, but he also balanced the budget (how long did it take GW to undo that? Like father like son I guess) and grew the economy. Hey Clinton wasn't even that bad on foriegn policy, if I remember Mogadishu was the only real screw up, but I even admire him for being there in the first place. You think Bush or any of his goons give a rats ass about Africa?
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

dshak wrote:

I think Bush is great... his press conference with the President of Argentina the other day was like watching an old episode of hee haw! My only complaint is that I wish the white house public relations office would stop keeping him from carrying his banjo around in public.

I don't get it, eight years of slick willy transitions to eight years of the beverly hillbillies. what is WRONG with the electorate in this country? seriously? I hate to wonder what is next.

Besides, I think that that guy that the DNC had made out of cardboard, errr, Al Gore, probably actually won in the first place.

As for whoever said Cheney is 'worse.' I have to agree and here is my rationale... Bush is liar, but has the intellect of a 3rd grader. Cheney is a liar, but has a brilliant tactical mind. Which do you think is worse? Or should I rephrase that, more dangerous.

pfciling - some good points, but he wasn't using 'made in the USA gas.' as is typically the case with stone throwers from the middle east, just about everything in his arsenal was disco-era Soviet made, though I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA wrote him a few checks. That was a great point, people forget that we MADE Saddam.

I'm just glad everyone still has the right to an M1A4 with an attached M203 and laser scope, its what keeps them from parking tanks on our lawn and making us watch Texas Rangers baseball games. (JUST KIDDING FOXSTER, couldn't resist)
Fuck that shit, we all know the Astros are the Texas team to watch for the time being  
Much <3 fore my uber 1337 friend dshak, lol, I will gamer slang you to death!

Just to throw in my 2 cents about Cheney, I dont think he is a liar, nor do I believe the adminsitration is based on lies.  In my opinion, based on all the data I have read about Bush's foreign policy, I think thye have made the best decision at its respective time so far, maybe not neccessarily the right decision in hind sight, but certainly the best that could have been done.

I think Bush is definetly not the super cultured, great speaker that Kerry or most other politicians are, but I dont vote based on cuteness, I vote based on issues. I want conservative judges on the supreme, I want less taxes, I want fewer social welfare programs, and I want an aggressive energy policy, the sooner we use up all the oil, the sooner we can move on to clean sources of energy and start rebuilding the environment.

"I don't get it, eight years of slick willy transitions to eight years of the beverly hillbillies. what is WRONG with the electorate in this country? seriously? I hate to wonder what is next." - dshak

Do you still disagree with me about my 99% of Americans haveing no clue about politics, or intelligent policy?

Last edited by redfoxster (2005-11-07 10:07:11)

Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

dshak wrote:

thats because BUSH makes it about the war in Irtaq...

because honestly, Clinton was 10 times the Prsident when it came to domestic policy. I mean, sure he stained a few dresses, but he also balanced the budget (how long did it take GW to undo that? Like father like son I guess) and grew the economy. Hey Clinton wasn't even that bad on foriegn policy, if I remember Mogadishu was the only real screw up, but I even admire him for being there in the first place. You think Bush or any of his goons give a rats ass about Africa?
A) It is not possible to have a balanced budget when your country is at war, which we have been since Bush took office.

B) Governemnt Policy has very little influence on any economy, especially in the short run, the arguement could be made that the net effect was felt at the of the Clinton tyranny with the reccesion brought on by the fallout of the dot.com boom

C) It was a UN mission that put our tropps in Somalia, not Clinton policy.  Also, Bush is pushing for 10 Billion? dollars in AIDS relief for Africa, perhaps he does care just a little bit.

I love picking on you dshak, cause you actually respond intelligently, which is more than I can say for most people in general.

please, please no more jargon! May have been U.N. influence that put us in Somalia, but if I remember right those were Rangers who got dragged through the street, and Clinton, not the U.N. pulled us right the heck outta there when it happened (perhaps a few weeks, don't remember the exact timing.) It was his mandate that had them there, and took them away. In honesty this is one of my major clinton gripes, we fubar'd one mission, lost some guys, and he lost he stomach for it. Say what you want about Saddam, but Adied (I know I butchered that spelling) was as bad if not worse.

Clinton did very well domestically. I know he never had a full scale deployment like Iraq but he handled Bosnia very, very well (I know, it helps when Europe other than GB actually gives a shit to). The Dayton Accord was a lasting and sound resolution. He was a democrat, so by definition his approach to domestic policy will be very different, but I find it amazing that a democrat produced a balanced budget, sure he didn't have a war like Iraq, but he also managed to hold off his own party in terms of overkill on social welfare, government spending, etc etc.

My problem with Bush is that he's all about the weapons of mass distraction. Its like he's used Iraq and Afghanistan to completely ignore whats going on here. I think he's done a terrible job with domestic policy, and while I have a hard time being critical of some of his foriegn policy choices, the "war or terrorism" isn't a reason or excuse to let things at home slide.

Bush surrounded himself with brilliliant military minds from what I can tell (NO, this is not a reference to ANYONE in the CIA, ha), maybe he should have done the same thing domestically as well?

I am pretty sure that eventually they will just put a tie on a monkey and sit him in the oval office. I mean common, Clinton or Bush... in a country of something like 6 million people, thats the best we can do? Perhaps I SHOULD rethink your comment about Americans and their politcal savy, or lack thereof.

The problem is all the really qualified individuals are too smart to want the job, (note Colin Powell) or perhaps they inhaled.

Fox I have found the root of our ongoing struggle within your comment about wanting conservative judges, your views on gun control, and your defense of Bush... you seem to possibly be an ultra conservative gun toting red state war hawk, and I am a white collared elitist ultra liberal blue state tree hugging jackass. I dont see a peaceful resoultion to this, perhaps we should just meet in Sharki Penninsula and knife fight? (then maybe I'd get that damn badge)

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-07 10:36:42)

Bush is awesome.  One of the main reasons he is awesome is because he's not a democrat.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
dshak, I edited the 2nd to last post to make that exact same statement, about reconsidering my 99% comment, but I didnt get it up fast enough

I am definetly not an ultra conservative lol, though I am certainly leaning that way.  I support a lot of legislation that makes a legitimate difference to saving the the environment, the Kyoto treaty wouldn't be bad at all imo.  I definetly want a super conservative Supreme Court though, I'd love to see Roe V Wade overturned, along with a slew of other court rulings.  If people in California want to govern themselves a certain way, thats fine with me, but the vast majority here in Texas oppose abortion on a moral basis, want fewer if any gun restrictions, and so on....

We do agree on some things, Ill hug trees with you, but dont think Ill hesitate to knife you.  id love to knife fight sometime. 

also, I take great offense to your referring to white collar workers as evil liberals, I myself am an Engineer.  Of course, you will resent my taking offense to your comment, and Ill have you know that I resent your resentfullness of my taking offense to your off color comment about non-colored collar wokers, say that three times fast.

Seriously, I really do hate Clinton.  He was and is a disgrace to the office he represented, to our great country, and to the institution of marriage.  I can't name anything domestically that he did that i find great fault in, but on the flip side I can't find anything he did that I admire.  I really disagree with how he handled Somalia, he failed to learn the lesson of Vietnam, you dont do anything military half assed, its do or dont, there is no inbetween.  Also, he pulled us out after the "Black Hawk Down" incident, demonstrating his lack of commitment to stop an evil man like Adied (spelling looked close enough for me) from using hunger as a weapon.

I like a lot of what Bush has done domestically, though it seems most of it has been covered up by the massive media coverage of the Iraq War or The War On Terror.  The tax break was a great start, Office of Homeland Security is a great establishment, though obviously it is not fully functional yet.  Drilling for domestic oil in Alaska I think is great, cause that place is not the environment, its a freakin tundra.  Impact on wildlife and habitat would be minimal at absolute worst.
Fox we've been through this! haha!

Don't take offense to something that is completely BATHED in sarcasm! I'm actually a professional soccer coach (at the college level)... so I have NO IDEA what color collar I wear. (most of the time its actually a zipped up track suit, which is why I took the job, so I could wear sweats to work every day)

I know what you're thinking, whats he doing with those degrees he refered to earlier, and coaching a sport for a living? truth is I just collect them. I've kind of had my own van wilder thing going, trying to see if I can spend the rest of my life in college. Besides, being employed by a University means no tuition, so why not?

I'm extremely liberal on most things, which I'm sure comes out in my posting, and I'm sure has something to do with the fact that I've been in a University environment half my life. I'd HATE to see Roe v Wade overturned, but that doesn't mean I'm pro-abortion. all it means is that as a man, I don't think its either my place or my right to have an opinion on what is clearly a women's rights issue. I've tried really hard NOT to have an opinion on abortion because honestly I don't know what to think of it. The only thing I'm certain of is that late term abortion is bad, but don't try to get me into that "when is a life a life" discussion because my head will likely explode.

I agree Slick Willy was a weasel. I can't deny it, but the country didn't do too bad with him driving the boat. Thats all I was saying. I don't like where we are now, or where we're going, and I won't go so far as to say its Bush's fault, but I will say he could spend a little more time trying to stop the slide and less time talking about the war on terror.  I STILL think that by moving terrorists to the front page you are playing right into their hands.

Just keep in mind that I'm really objective when posting, clearly I enjoy the debate (maybe even more than the fricken game now that all the hacking is spreading like wildfire), the only reason my positions may sound like an attack on yours are because I'm coming from the far left, and I acknowledge that. Its never an 'attack' though, I'm just enjoying some point/counter point.

Believe it or not I'm not a democrat, but I'm surely not a Republican either. I'll vote on issues, candidate by candidate if I have to, and more than a few times I've had a split ticket. I didn't vote for either Kerry or Bush though, because I don't buy that whole "lesser of two evils" thing you hear these days. When someone I feel worthy of my endorsement runs, they'll get my vote.... unless I feel one of those two evils is SO bad I just have to vote against him!

Seriously, put a chimp in a nice suit and I'll consider it...

oh, and edit... the impact on the environment of opening up Alaska to drilling would be catastrophic. and all for a TINY amount of oil. I don't have the facts at my finger tips but there are hundreds, hundreds of environmental studies showing that the cost would absolutely decimate any benefit. If forced to I'll find the links, but all you have to do is google search it. That was the only coment you made in your last post that I completely disagree on.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-07 11:48:17)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7085|AUS, Canberra

Bravery wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.
yeh i know

Last edited by the_heart_attack (2005-11-07 12:54:11)

+0|7081|Northern Illinois University

redfoxster wrote:

dshak wrote:

I think Bush is great... his press conference with the President of Argentina the other day was like watching an old episode of hee haw! My only complaint is that I wish the white house public relations office would stop keeping him from carrying his banjo around in public.

I don't get it, eight years of slick willy transitions to eight years of the beverly hillbillies. what is WRONG with the electorate in this country? seriously? I hate to wonder what is next.

Besides, I think that that guy that the DNC had made out of cardboard, errr, Al Gore, probably actually won in the first place.

As for whoever said Cheney is 'worse.' I have to agree and here is my rationale... Bush is liar, but has the intellect of a 3rd grader. Cheney is a liar, but has a brilliant tactical mind. Which do you think is worse? Or should I rephrase that, more dangerous.

pfciling - some good points, but he wasn't using 'made in the USA gas.' as is typically the case with stone throwers from the middle east, just about everything in his arsenal was disco-era Soviet made, though I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA wrote him a few checks. That was a great point, people forget that we MADE Saddam.

I'm just glad everyone still has the right to an M1A4 with an attached M203 and laser scope, its what keeps them from parking tanks on our lawn and making us watch Texas Rangers baseball games. (JUST KIDDING FOXSTER, couldn't resist)
Fuck that shit, we all know the Astros are the Texas team to watch for the time being  
Much <3 fore my uber 1337 friend dshak, lol, I will gamer slang you to death!

Just to throw in my 2 cents about Cheney, I dont think he is a liar, nor do I believe the adminsitration is based on lies.  In my opinion, based on all the data I have read about Bush's foreign policy, I think thye have made the best decision at its respective time so far, maybe not neccessarily the right decision in hind sight, but certainly the best that could have been done.

I think Bush is definetly not the super cultured, great speaker that Kerry or most other politicians are, but I dont vote based on cuteness, I vote based on issues. I want conservative judges on the supreme, I want less taxes, I want fewer social welfare programs, and I want an aggressive energy policy, the sooner we use up all the oil, the sooner we can move on to clean sources of energy and start rebuilding the environment.

"I don't get it, eight years of slick willy transitions to eight years of the beverly hillbillies. what is WRONG with the electorate in this country? seriously? I hate to wonder what is next." - dshak

Do you still disagree with me about my 99% of Americans haveing no clue about politics, or intelligent policy?
Yeah, I was meaning indirectly "Made in the USA" gas.  Since we financed his war with Iran ( and also financed Iran,  our little secret).  Funny how sometimes when we mess with stuff in the middle east, it comes back and haunts us years later.
Hey if anyone pays me enough ill assasinate bush... By enough I mean the air fair, hotel costs, A knife... A packet of sweets

He has no environmental concerns at all. Just oil this, Poor gas milage cars this...

Last edited by -=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon (2005-11-07 15:22:05)

One Shot, One Kill
+4|7108|Canberra, Australia

redfoxster wrote:

Seriously, I really do hate Clinton.  He was and is a disgrace to the office he represented, to our great country, and to the institution of marriage.
Guys, what's getting a Blow job have to do about running a country.  God damn good luck to him, it shows he is getting some

I have certain Morals as well and feel that if you make a commitment to someone you should keep it.  But its not like he is the first man in history (let alone president) to cheat on his wife.

He did a lot of good for your country and was respected as a leader on the world stage.  Many people both inside and outside of the US think George W Bush is a joke.

And has destroyed your countries respect by other nations.  He makes your country look like a bully.
I'd be really careful about saying you would assassinate president bush Hollow Moon, the mere fact those words were posted together probably triggered Carnivore and the secret service is checking you out as we speak. Crap, I posted the words to, now I'm probably under investigation.

In all seriousness, some jokes are probably best kept in the mind.

Look for a movie called the rise of the police state. Martial Law

This Is all I have to say .......

9/11 was a fraud .........

Why did NORAD stand down on 9/11 ?????? NORAD is the protector of the EAST coast, you are telling me that the USA airforce stood down when 4 planes came off course 200+km before entering Washington airspace.

also included are slown down footage of the towers falling, you can see blast points from 4 corners of tower 1, which means there were demolition charges place in the building before the planes hit. Even larry Silversteen said that they had to pull (meaning demolition) building 7 on bbc television.

The movie you can buy from the site and i recomend it to peoples. Please do not hack on me untill you see it, It goes for about 3 +hours and covers NORAD, Skull and Bones and also Bushes ties and dealing with $millions with the Bin Ladan family, it also show that Bush's great grand father headed the AMERICAN NAZI party in WW2.........(dont believe there was such a thing) watch the movie.........

Now americans are been searched by the military at sporting events etc etc. You have a NYPD survalince blip that sees through walls of your home.....

Under bush's administration you are having you liberties of freedom stripped... You are turning into a police state.......

They said that they needed another Pearl Harbour event to back the Americans into a state of political take over, This is the new america.

BUSH KNEW OF 9/11 !!!!!!! and did nothing,  they made money and grew the population into FEAR!!!!!!!


thanks ALEX JONES!!!
+0|7081|Northern Illinois University

YeAz wrote:


Look for a movie called the rise of the police state. Martial Law

This Is all I have to say .......

9/11 was a fraud .........

Why did NORAD stand down on 9/11 ?????? NORAD is the protector of the EAST coast, you are telling me that the USA airforce stood down when 4 planes came off course 200+km before entering Washington airspace.

also included are slown down footage of the towers falling, you can see blast points from 4 corners of tower 1, which means there were demolition charges place in the building before the planes hit. Even larry Silversteen said that they had to pull (meaning demolition) building 7 on bbc television.

The movie you can buy from the site and i recomend it to peoples. Please do not hack on me untill you see it, It goes for about 3 +hours and covers NORAD, Skull and Bones and also Bushes ties and dealing with $millions with the Bin Ladan family, it also show that Bush's great grand father headed the AMERICAN NAZI party in WW2.........(dont believe there was such a thing) watch the movie.........

Now americans are been searched by the military at sporting events etc etc. You have a NYPD survalince blip that sees through walls of your home.....

Under bush's administration you are having you liberties of freedom stripped... You are turning into a police state.......

They said that they needed another Pearl Harbour event to back the Americans into a state of political take over, This is the new america.

BUSH KNEW OF 9/11 !!!!!!! and did nothing,  they made money and grew the population into FEAR!!!!!!!


thanks ALEX JONES!!!
Not having watched the film I am not gonna comment on it.

But there was an American Nazi party in the U.S before word war II.  It was in indirect contact with hitler, it was like a long distance fan club that Hitler did not completly recognize, but used it as a tool to prevent the U.S from entering the War.

On other note

There does seem to be a state of constant fear in the U.S.  I have lived abroad for a few years and did nto experience it there.  A lot of People at times tend to over react to stuff, spreading rumors, hightening fear of somethign that might not happen.
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

YeAz wrote:


Look for a movie called the rise of the police state. Martial Law

This Is all I have to say .......

9/11 was a fraud .........

Why did NORAD stand down on 9/11 ?????? NORAD is the protector of the EAST coast, you are telling me that the USA airforce stood down when 4 planes came off course 200+km before entering Washington airspace.

also included are slown down footage of the towers falling, you can see blast points from 4 corners of tower 1, which means there were demolition charges place in the building before the planes hit. Even larry Silversteen said that they had to pull (meaning demolition) building 7 on bbc television.

The movie you can buy from the site and i recomend it to peoples. Please do not hack on me untill you see it, It goes for about 3 +hours and covers NORAD, Skull and Bones and also Bushes ties and dealing with $millions with the Bin Ladan family, it also show that Bush's great grand father headed the AMERICAN NAZI party in WW2.........(dont believe there was such a thing) watch the movie.........

Now americans are been searched by the military at sporting events etc etc. You have a NYPD survalince blip that sees through walls of your home.....

Under bush's administration you are having you liberties of freedom stripped... You are turning into a police state.......

They said that they needed another Pearl Harbour event to back the Americans into a state of political take over, This is the new america.

BUSH KNEW OF 9/11 !!!!!!! and did nothing,  they made money and grew the population into FEAR!!!!!!!


thanks ALEX JONES!!!
You are clearly an idiot, and Ill explain to you why.  You said, "NORAD is the protector of the EAST coast..."  NORAD's exclusive mission up to 9-11 was to watch for incoming nuclear missles over the unitre North American continent, not just the EAST coast.  Given, they dont look to the south too much, though those Columbians do have a lot of money thanks to idiot crackheads like you.  Norad's mission was NOT to monitor commercial air traffic, it was to watch for ICBMs, those are nuclear missles. 

Ive watched all of those movies, and theres just nothing there to see. You see three extremely blurry frames,  and suddenly you get these idiots that saying, oh clearly theres a missle there, or here are obviously some demolition charges going off in the building, or blah blah blah, the fact is, you cant tell much of anything from them

Every educated person knew there was an American Nazi party during WW2, most people got out of it after we found out about the holocaust, which was at the end of the war in Europe....

People were always searched for weapons at major public events, the technology to see through walls has been around for a few years now, and nobody who isnt bui9lding bombs in their house has it used them, what  a surprise. 

Want to see a police state? France. The government has banned the wearing of any religious symbol in public places, yeah, that's freedom at its peek there.

You are just another idiot who can't look at reality or read anything other than the Guardian apaprently, so please, if you don't like President Bush, fine, but at least make an educated or emotional criticism of him, not some rant that just shows how much of an idiot you are.

seriously, that may have been one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read, and why don't you ask the thousands of people who died in those buildings igf 9/11 was a fraud, wait, you can't, better ask their families.

Man, I'm really not easily offended... but that comment offended the hell out of me.

You know, I think I'll believe my own eyes that saw the airplane fly into the building... or perhaps I'll believe the educated engineers who described in great and precise detail the collapse. its funny I've never seen a single bit of evidence of blast points or demolitions, kinda looks to me like what would happen to a building if the steel infrastructure melted from a superheared fire caused by the explosion of a catacalismic amount of jet fuel.

You gonna tell me the holocaust never happened next? because you sound like one of those guys, seriously. man if anyone ever actually said 9/11 was a fraud in front of me, I might punch them! wow that post got me wound up.

watch yourself dude, if you go posting stuff like that on the internet they'll probably lock you up in the same hangar they keep the alien bodies in!

In a seperate response... Pfc - I really don't think americans walk around in a state of fear at all. As a coach I have to travel a lot for recruiting and whatnot, buteven shortly after 9/11 people were getting on planes, filing stadiums, etc. I'm not sure why you'd think that, unless you lived abroad in  a country where people were comatose. Perhaps its because I'm in the midwest though I haven't noticed it, maybe there's more fear in the larger coastal cities?

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-08 21:10:01)

Seperate post, because the last one was running too many responses together... again to pfc...

I'm pretty intensely educated on this subject, I won't contest the existence of an american nazi party during world war II, but to say it played ANY role in keeping the U.S. out of the war is absurd. I really have to disagree with you on that one. if you want I can list several dozen reasons of why it took us so long to enter the war, and the "influence" of an american nazi party not only doesn't make the list, its not even in the same book. To say it had that much pull is some pretty radical history based on pretty much nothing factual at all.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-08 21:15:03)


the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
it's his second term, so he can't get elected again anyway.

here in new zealand he is widely hated too. i myself think he's a moron.
i realise that if the US didn't stop saddam no-one would have... but the iraq war is a mess. i got friends who fought in afghan, and that was a mess too.
i think that he has trouble making decisions for himself, and when he does, they seem to do more harm than good. i'm looking foward to the new president because any new wars will probably mean my ass getting sent over to fight in them.
i'd give my life for the motherland in a second, provided i knew why, and that what i was doing would benefit my country.... but i dont see many of the things the US has done have been justified at all.

an interesting fact. in the iraq war the american army shot down only one plane. it was british and had 12 people aboard. nice one.
I can't resist....

we didn't shoot any planes down because what few there were were destroyed on the ground before the Iraqies even knew there was a war. If there were planes that survived they never got airborn because most of the Iraqi pilots deserted, guess they didn't want to dogfight against Superhornets in their crop dusters. say what you want about bush, but I wouldn't take any pot shots at the U.S. military, I'm pretty sure the Conneticut national guard could take New Zealand if they had to.

In closing... your ass being sent over to fight them??? You are right, the U.S. definitely relies too much on troops from NEW ZEALAND in its military operations.


Last edited by dshak (2005-11-08 23:09:46)

Aussie Outlaw

redfoxster wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Wasn't happy about his election. Now I'm begging for America to come to its senses and vote Democrat next year. Cheney is worse.
Would you mind elaborating on why you think Cheney is worse? 

I would disagree with the statement almost certainly, every time I have seen him, he strikes me as a very reasonable, mature, and qualified leader, not that the VP is easy to make any statement about.  Mainly I was struck by his and Senator Lieberman's debate during the 2000 elections, both very mature men, with quite a bit of basis for their policies.
Cheney frightens me, because unlike Bush, he is more mature and is more in-touch/intelligent.  When looking at America's domestic policy and their foreign policy, to me it shows that he honestly doesnt give a fuck about anything but his own $$$
+447|7162|Seattle, Washington, USA

I have always disliked Bush. First of all, I completely disagree wth the Iraqi War. No WMD's, and now that we took away all the Iraqi citizen's weapons, they won't have anything to defend themselves with after we leave. Also, Bush has put us into the BIGGEST DEFICIT IN HISTORY. And he got there from one of the largest surplus' in history. And I'm not against tax cuts, but if he doesn't raise taxes he'll never pay it off. So then he'll leave it for the next president to fix, and the next president will be criticized for raising taxes. Not only that, he is a complete idiot. And represents all of America as a complete idiot.
dshack, I think you are the only liberal I've ever even come close to agreeing with.  Many of the liberals I've talked to only spew out the media bias crap and have no facts to back up there statements, you do, and for that I commend you.  I, myself, am mostly conservitive, but definitly not uber-conservitive.  I did think Clinton was an alright Pres.  I wouldn't say he was great, but not that bad.  I also have to agree with foxster that government policy does not affect the economy directly and takes a few years before any effect is seen, that said, Bush's bad economy was quite possibly Clinton's mistake.

I do, however agree with you on the Alaska oil.  It may be a tundra most of the year but there is a lot of wildlife there that could possibly be wiped out if we were not careful.  I am more with Bush on his push for alternitive sources of fuel, such as hydrogen.

I love reading the arguments between dshack and foxster, you are both very intelligent guys.
+0|7081|Northern Illinois University

dshak wrote:


seriously, that may have been one of the most ignorant posts I've ever read, and why don't you ask the thousands of people who died in those buildings igf 9/11 was a fraud, wait, you can't, better ask their families.

Man, I'm really not easily offended... but that comment offended the hell out of me.

You know, I think I'll believe my own eyes that saw the airplane fly into the building... or perhaps I'll believe the educated engineers who described in great and precise detail the collapse. its funny I've never seen a single bit of evidence of blast points or demolitions, kinda looks to me like what would happen to a building if the steel infrastructure melted from a superheared fire caused by the explosion of a catacalismic amount of jet fuel.

You gonna tell me the holocaust never happened next? because you sound like one of those guys, seriously. man if anyone ever actually said 9/11 was a fraud in front of me, I might punch them! wow that post got me wound up.

watch yourself dude, if you go posting stuff like that on the internet they'll probably lock you up in the same hangar they keep the alien bodies in!

In a seperate response... Pfc - I really don't think americans walk around in a state of fear at all. As a coach I have to travel a lot for recruiting and whatnot, buteven shortly after 9/11 people were getting on planes, filing stadiums, etc. I'm not sure why you'd think that, unless you lived abroad in  a country where people were comatose. Perhaps its because I'm in the midwest though I haven't noticed it, maybe there's more fear in the larger coastal cities?
What I mean is there seems to be a higher state of fear.  I should of included media in my original post, that is where I was basing my comment on.  Every night there is some new fear mentioned on the news, and people who give in to it.

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