Fox we've been through this! haha!
Don't take offense to something that is completely BATHED in sarcasm! I'm actually a professional soccer coach (at the college level)... so I have NO IDEA what color collar I wear. (most of the time its actually a zipped up track suit, which is why I took the job, so I could wear sweats to work every day)
I know what you're thinking, whats he doing with those degrees he refered to earlier, and coaching a sport for a living? truth is I just collect them. I've kind of had my own van wilder thing going, trying to see if I can spend the rest of my life in college. Besides, being employed by a University means no tuition, so why not?
I'm extremely liberal on most things, which I'm sure comes out in my posting, and I'm sure has something to do with the fact that I've been in a University environment half my life. I'd HATE to see Roe v Wade overturned, but that doesn't mean I'm pro-abortion. all it means is that as a man, I don't think its either my place or my right to have an opinion on what is clearly a women's rights issue. I've tried really hard NOT to have an opinion on abortion because honestly I don't know what to think of it. The only thing I'm certain of is that late term abortion is bad, but don't try to get me into that "when is a life a life" discussion because my head will likely explode.
I agree Slick Willy was a weasel. I can't deny it, but the country didn't do too bad with him driving the boat. Thats all I was saying. I don't like where we are now, or where we're going, and I won't go so far as to say its Bush's fault, but I will say he could spend a little more time trying to stop the slide and less time talking about the war on terror. I STILL think that by moving terrorists to the front page you are playing right into their hands.
Just keep in mind that I'm really objective when posting, clearly I enjoy the debate (maybe even more than the fricken game now that all the hacking is spreading like wildfire), the only reason my positions may sound like an attack on yours are because I'm coming from the far left, and I acknowledge that. Its never an 'attack' though, I'm just enjoying some point/counter point.
Believe it or not I'm not a democrat, but I'm surely not a Republican either. I'll vote on issues, candidate by candidate if I have to, and more than a few times I've had a split ticket. I didn't vote for either Kerry or Bush though, because I don't buy that whole "lesser of two evils" thing you hear these days. When someone I feel worthy of my endorsement runs, they'll get my vote.... unless I feel one of those two evils is SO bad I just have to vote against him!
Seriously, put a chimp in a nice suit and I'll consider it...
oh, and edit... the impact on the environment of opening up Alaska to drilling would be catastrophic. and all for a TINY amount of oil. I don't have the facts at my finger tips but there are hundreds, hundreds of environmental studies showing that the cost would absolutely decimate any benefit. If forced to I'll find the links, but all you have to do is google search it. That was the only coment you made in your last post that I completely disagree on.
Last edited by dshak (19 years, 2 months ago)