+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Decent man!

now give us a picture!
I love [fiSh]
It depends on the players of the server if i go for the win or just point whore. If you're not able to find some teamplayers on the server, i just pointwhore - if i'm playing with my friends and/or there are good players online i go for the win.

Right now we're thinking to play 4vs4/6vs6/8vs8 Leagues - sorry to say that, but most players on public servers and the lack of teamwork is it just not worth to spend so many time.
theres a fine line in playing to win(by capping flags) and wasting tickets cos u keep dyin trying to cap the flag

i have respect for people who go for the flag,but sometmes you wish they didn't and when people "teamwork" they just revive whore not killing the enemy that just killed you so your team will lose 2 tickets

it doesn't take 32 men to take a flag so you need pll that rape the hell out of the team to suppress them
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6905|Toronto, ON

james@alienware wrote:

Decent man!

now give us a picture!
Uhh, sure.  I'll put one up when I get home (No camera on hand).
Alpha as fuck.
+515|6808|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK

Nyte wrote:

james@alienware wrote:

Decent man!

now give us a picture!
Uhh, sure.  I'll put one up when I get home (No camera on hand).
Hehe a face for the legend!
+183|6766|Newcastle UK
yeah i dont care how good people are its their attitude aas people in our clan offence hopefully are not the best of shooters but if i didnt have them on my team reviving and giving me health would would have probabily lost. I know being a good shooter helps your team but having good stats means fuck all. I mean my w/l is shit as i dont team switch but i help my team out alot in any way i can.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

tahadar wrote:

snipers like myself dont have such abilities, and so we play for stats
I disagree, I always play for the win, and found the Sniper kit to be one of the best. Usually you can cover one or two flags, which on infantry heavy maps, give you a very good chance at stopping the cap as the cappers must be in a defined radius for some time, and therefore very ready to be sniped. Also acting as the early warning spotter for those flags. It works for me because I play on =PBF= IHOP almost all the time which is very team-centric, and should someone call out a critical flag about to be capped, people will respond. Commanders are often very good about listening when you communicate, I am almost always a locked one man chatbox!

Playing to win has aleways been for me about being the guy who covers the critical flags, the gatehouse, the tv station, either in defense or offense, or managing the critical points, the bridges on mashturr for example. Not great for SPM, but it does win games. Unfortunatly you might spend a whole game doing nothing.

Last edited by Doctuh (2006-06-13 11:26:38)

+183|6766|Newcastle UK
Same as a sniper i have once defended our last single handedly with the use of the m95 and claymores.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
i agree, i often find myself as the decoy when taking a flag allowing the enemy to kill me so my team mate can take the flag.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Play to win, forget stats.

Doctuh wrote:

I play on =PBF= IHOP almost all the time which is very team-centric, and should someone call out a critical flag about to be capped, people will respond.
ahh, never in my 600 hours of BF2 has someone responded to my "we need support!" requests
The most rewarding games are always team based. It is only by the end of the game you notice that you have more points than anyone else.
Fantasma Parastasie
My W/L ratio is 1.33 and my K : D is 2.6:1.  You can have both, easily. It's not a matter of one or the other.  Although the fact that I'm pretty good in a jet and bomb the crap out of enemies/bases being capped and keep the skies clear helps a bunch for the overall game.
If I can jump into a good squad that's working together, great!  If not, I'll try to win the game solo pointing stuff out, capping flags and killing whenever possible.

I'm not going to piss on the jet or chopper whore who's racking up kills left and right.  Some tight victories on maps like Sharqi were from our chopper whores keeping their side pinned down and blown up so we could do our jobs.  That's fine with me!

Likewise, a solid tank whore wolf pack on Karkand ripping the enemy to shreds is fine with me.  I've been a part of those packs several times and can tell you that our wiping out of the MEC's flags across the river in the first minutes of the round led to quite an easy victory for us.

So go ahead and whore what you're good at.  If you're doing well, the team is doing that much better.  Often enough, there'll be guys like me that find something else useful to try and do.

I don't care about winning. I don't care about losing. I don't care about my stats (my friends ruin them for me anyways). I just care about killing the bad guy and having fun/helping my squad members. It seems like half the time I get switched to the losing team right before the round ends anyways. I like to try for badges sometimes, but I won't cheat to get them. I love to spawn rape and steal vehicles. It's fun for me. It's my game, I paid for it. I will stop playing to go get another beer or have a smoke right in the middle of a round. I'm usually kicked when I get back for idling. Big deal. I love this game because there are so many different tactics and jackass things you can do in it. It's like the game I always wanted as a kid. I can do whatever I want. It's just a game.

Edit: and I'm sick of server rules. If Dice programmed it into the game, it should fair game. War is hell. Kill or be killed. By all means necessary.

Last edited by King_County_Downy (2006-06-13 12:43:06)

Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

tahadar wrote:

Doctuh wrote:

I play on =PBF= IHOP almost all the time which is very team-centric, and should someone call out a critical flag about to be capped, people will respond.
ahh, never in my 600 hours of BF2 has someone responded to my "we need support!" requests
Well there is the address below, c'mon over. Just make sure even if you are gonna lone sniper it that you do a locked one man squad. Although you will have more fun I think in a full squad, they can be a blast! Currently running all city except for one Whore Map of the Week.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6905|Toronto, ON

james@alienware wrote:

Nyte wrote:

james@alienware wrote:

Decent man!

now give us a picture!
Uhh, sure.  I'll put one up when I get home (No camera on hand).
Hehe a face for the legend!
Me after a hard day's work at ATI:

My sister:

Me and my sister:

Me taking a pic while sitting on the toilet:
Alpha as fuck.
the thing i most enjoy about BF2 is ranking up and medals, same with 90% of the BF2 players, so  people focus on points before winning
+32|6865|Wherever the F**k i feel like
The best way to play is to play for fun!
on 64 full player servers whether ur team wins is kinda out of ur control as there is too many people and ur just one person, however on 16 or even 32 i would say a player can have control over whether the team wins or not

if u play sniper yes u can cover bases but only to a certain extent, on 64 player city servers there are too many people that just rush to the base along with tanks that can raise the flag very quickly
+45|6738|Bristol, UK
I play to get a decent score for myself. Playing to win is bs, as you can't win if you have a crappy team, which happens all too often.
+183|6766|Newcastle UK
I dont get why people say they play for stats and points over winning i see two things wrong:
1. Your win/loss ratio is a stat.
2.You will get more points if you cap flags and defend flags you have just taken.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.

Nyte wrote:

How come so many people are obsessed with playing for their stats VERSUS playing to actually win.

I started a thread about PlaneWhore today and ALMOST EVERYONE in their complains about vehicles/planes/tanks etc.  But isn't the aim of the game to win?

Maybe the rules of leagues and rules of pubbies don't apply too well to each other, but from where my past league experiences, we used the dirtiest tricks necessary to win the match including spawn blocking, armor camping+supply boxes, C4 spawn killing etc etc.

Almost everyone that has complained about the vehicle/tank/plane usage has poor W/L ratios due to this.  Have they actually realized the error of their tactics?

Maybe next time people should concentrate more on winning the round than getting that 3.0 KDR with <insert weapon here>.

play to win imho stats come second

A person with 1.5 W/L and 0.5 KDR wins my respect over a person with 0.5 W/L and 3 KDR ANYDAY.
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6747|Las Vegas, NV USA
Play to have fun!

If your idea of fun is to play for stats, by all means... PLAY FOR STATS!

If your idead of fun is to play for wins, by all means... PLAY TO WIN!

Personally, I like to play for fun, and that includes playing for stats, wins, teamwork, and probably at least a half dozen other reasons!

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