Chopper Whore Extraordinaire
Back in 2000, I really liked him, lots of hopes for locking in good judges on the supreme court.  Now adays, I am kind of neutral, though im not sure why.  I think the Iraq War is a good cause, I think he responded to 9/11 very well, I agree with most domestic policy he has backed, though not certain parts of the Patriot Act.  I love his picks for the supreme court, but he's just not the great end to the Clinton hell that we saw.  What do yall think?
In all honesty, I've never liked him. I never trusted the way he won his postion. I don't trust him. He has displayed levels of ignorance and stupidity that it amazes me Americans haven't stormed the Whitehouse and dragged him out to be burned as an effigy of hate and corruption.

Put Jello Biafra on on the throne, dudes. He'd be great

Last edited by BladeRunner (2005-11-07 03:14:51)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
Here in Aus we dont like him much, but our priminister kisses his arse and cops alot of slack in the media about it.

the_heart_attack wrote:

Here in Aus we dont like him much, but our priminister kisses his arse and cops alot of slack in the media about it.
Dutch Delight
same here, Hary potter our PM is the biggest ass kisser yak....
bush is my main man
Radioactive Glo
+130|7155|A Small Isle in the Tropics

The fact is, 50% of the voting public voted for him. I remember following the US Elections closely, and if BF2 was out  back then, I could have sworn the US was swamped by the red glitch. He rode on 9/11, unfortunately. And I don't think any sitting President ever lost an election during a War (not one where the US had a cause) and in broad terms, the US is at war with terrorists.

I think he knows enough about rallying allies to the American cause, and rewarding allies appropriately with trade agreements. If I was living in a country whose economy is buoyant because of these international diplomacies, I'd say he is a good leader. If I was American? I wouldn't really know. If unemployment rate was coming down, that is a good sign. If cost of living remains stable, that is also a good sign.

Is he going to go into history books as being amongst the greats in American Presidential history? I think not, for some strange reason.
He sertainly does ride on 9/ fact sometimes I find i distasteful how he uses the abhorant death of innocent Americans for his own devious ends. He seems to try to slip it in to every (often irrelivnt) situation
Aussie Outlaw
Wasn't happy about his election. Now I'm begging for America to come to its senses and vote Democrat next year. Cheney is worse.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra
well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
just nothing
Bush doesn't "ride on 9/11". Any president that was in office when 9/11 occured would have done the same thing. They would have had to as to not appear weak. I don't support Bush on all of his policies, but I don't find it necessary to slander him for his actions just becase I can. I believe he truly has the nation's best interests at heart.
Aussie Outlaw
That's scary, if that's true, Trigger.
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University
I was a Gore supporter, and last election I was forced to vote for Kerry.  Had little options seeing what I was given last election.

Mr. Bush "might" meen well, but the people that are around him and helped get him elected DO NOT MEAN WELL.

I was extremely upset when during elections the Bush camp kept insinuating that the War in Iraq was becuae of 9/11.  A large portion of the nation beleived that saddam has somethign to do with 9/11.  Instead of setting the record straight, they rode 9/11 to the fullest extent possible .  Any president who was in office at the time would of had the same response to 9/11.

When it comes to domestic agenda, seems like he eventually developed one.  I was and am strongly opposed to the tax break, and in the removal of the inheritance tax.   Wish he would support Stem Cell research and open up his eyes and not allow the religious right wing destroy science ( evolution).

What really sucks now, is that due to increase in military spending, many domestic programs will have to be cut.  I think at this momement subsidies for student loans are currently on the butcher block.

S0  in summary, being overly general here.  Tax break for rich, not pissing of the fundamentalist christians, screwing the ones at the lower classes of society.
Before you people form opinions why don't you try running a company.  See how hard it is to do such a feat and then you'll have more respect for whoever is running a country.  I started my own company and I will tell you it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.  You have to be aware of little things as well as big things.  Usually it's the little things that will make or break you.  For example, if I run out of parts and my supplier can't ship them to me the same week I will lose customers.  Something as small as inventory can break your entire company.  Now imagine that on a country scale.

For the 'tax break for the rich' crap.  The top 1 percent -- the taxpayers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) over $295,495 -- paid, for 2003, 34.27 percent of federal income tax revenues. The top 10 percent (with an AGI over $94,891) paid 65.84 percent, the top half (AGI over $29,019) paid 96.54 percent. The bottom half? They paid 3.46 percent.  (from online article) If you can't figure out how erroneous you opinion is based on the numbers you need to dig ditches for a living or come box orders for me and continue to pay the 3.46%.

You are where you are in life based off the sum total of all your decisions.  -author unknown.  Don't blame anybody but yourself.

Last edited by wannabe_tank_whore (2005-11-07 05:37:32)

Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7100|The Hague, Holland

delta4bravo*nl* wrote:

same here, Hary potter our PM is the biggest ass kisser yak....
So true..
Chopper Whore Extraordinaire

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Wasn't happy about his election. Now I'm begging for America to come to its senses and vote Democrat next year. Cheney is worse.
Would you mind elaborating on why you think Cheney is worse? 

I would disagree with the statement almost certainly, every time I have seen him, he strikes me as a very reasonable, mature, and qualified leader, not that the VP is easy to make any statement about.  Mainly I was struck by his and Senator Lieberman's debate during the 2000 elections, both very mature men, with quite a bit of basis for their policies.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7155|A Small Isle in the Tropics

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Bush doesn't "ride on 9/11". Any president that was in office when 9/11 occured would have done the same thing. They would have had to as to not appear weak. I don't support Bush on all of his policies, but I don't find it necessary to slander him for his actions just becase I can. I believe he truly has the nation's best interests at heart.
Since I started it, well.. here goes. No slander was intended (and slander typically means a personal attack that is untrue). In this case, I was commenting on the political vehicle with which he got re-elected. I could have also said Clinton "rode" his re-election on a number of things as well. This post is, after all, about opinions.

Yes, any President in office would have done the same thing. Assuming that 9/11 did not happen, what would the Presidency be like? Would it have lasted beyond Term 1? I read that he has undone the budget deficit, and its back to where it was before Clinton (not saying Clinton did a good job either). What is important for a President of the solitary superpower in the world? He has to have the interest of the world at heart too. You cannot imagine how nervous we were in Asia when he started to rattle the North Korean cage, like he would the Iraqis. The North Koreans aren't even like the Iraqis, and they won't wait for the US to strike first. They will take everyone else down with them. They dont give a rat's ass about how the rest of the world feels.

9/11 didnt just affect Americans. It affected the whole world. Going after the Taleban, I believe the US has a right to do that, and any leader of a great country like the US would have done the same thing Bush did. But the highlights of a successful US Presidency (or any political leadership) also includes economic success. A healthy US economy also means a healthy world economy. That is where the focus should be, for any US Presidency.

That's my opinion about President Bush, someone from the outside looking in.

Last edited by mikeshw (2005-11-07 08:20:46)


the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.

Bravery wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.
i don't believe bush is that kind of guy. He is a family man. Why would a family man send thousands of innocent soldiers fighting for they're lifes for oil!! I like bush as a person, but the one who got the idea of attacking Iraq has a serios problem! War is terrible! Even one of the most evil people in our life time (Sadam hussein), would have prevented this by stepping down! After hearing that i was truly shocked! that ment there certainly was NO reason to go in to war other than oil.

It really sickens me! I hope all those world leaders would just play battlefield 2 against each other to settle wars than to play with real people. that is my opinion about this all, i have nothing against bush, but i have something against the person who is pushing him in doing this.

Last edited by ProDicTeD (2005-11-07 08:55:48)


Bravery wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.
It's so sad to see how the media has affected many people views on the war in Iraq.  Currently Bush is working to get Iraq's new democratic government set up that will  have control of the oil (that means no bonus for the US.)  Secondly, Bush has been pushing for new forms of fuel, such as hydrogen,  since before we began the war.

Also, the evidence shown at the time suggested that there were WMDs, the UN politely asked to enter Iraq to check for these weapons and Sadaam denied that request.  Bush did what he had to do to find out.  Besides that, We should have done away with Sadaam in the early 90's during Desert Storm.  The world is a better place now that he is captured and will be an even better place once Al' Queda is taken down and Iraq has its own government.

Bush is saving your butt whether you like it or not!
+9|7066|Philly PA USA
Bush is the biggest joke this country has ever had as a  President..... Yes even more than Carter was
Straddle my Member
+0|7076|The Netherlands
All I have to say about Dubya is that Jim Henson has made his best work yet,
never seen a Muppet like him before.

audioboxer217 wrote:

Bravery wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.
It's so sad to see how the media has affected many people views on the war in Iraq.  Currently Bush is working to get Iraq's new democratic government set up that will  have control of the oil (that means no bonus for the US.)  Secondly, Bush has been pushing for new forms of fuel, such as hydrogen,  since before we began the war.

Also, the evidence shown at the time suggested that there were WMDs, the UN politely asked to enter Iraq to check for these weapons and Sadaam denied that request.  Bush did what he had to do to find out.  Besides that, We should have done away with Sadaam in the early 90's during Desert Storm.  The world is a better place now that he is captured and will be an even better place once Al' Queda is taken down and Iraq has its own government.

Bush is saving your butt whether you like it or not!
Thank you Bush for "saving my butt". I was really worried about the Iraqis invading the United States and all. I also appreciate the fact that Saddam was the one behind 9/11 and now we have him in jail. Its sad to see how the White House has affected many people's views on Iraq.
+0|7084|Northern Illinois University

audioboxer217 wrote:

Bravery wrote:

the_heart_attack wrote:

well im no expert on us politics but i dont reckon he will get elected again........
Only because he can't serve more then two terms. And also, keep politics off the internet. Also, how can you like this idiot? He doesn't even know how to count past 10. There was absolutely no reason to go to war with Iraq other then we "suspected" they had WMD's, which they didn't, and NEVER did have. We're in Iraq because of Oil.
It's so sad to see how the media has affected many people views on the war in Iraq.  Currently Bush is working to get Iraq's new democratic government set up that will  have control of the oil (that means no bonus for the US.)  Secondly, Bush has been pushing for new forms of fuel, such as hydrogen,  since before we began the war.

Also, the evidence shown at the time suggested that there were WMDs, the UN politely asked to enter Iraq to check for these weapons and Sadaam denied that request.  Bush did what he had to do to find out.  Besides that, We should have done away with Sadaam in the early 90's during Desert Storm.  The world is a better place now that he is captured and will be an even better place once Al' Queda is taken down and Iraq has its own government.

Bush is saving your butt whether you like it or not!
We probablly have to wait and see what comes from the pre-war intelligence investigation that is starting.  We got the whole mess with evidnce showing that Saddam did not attempt to purchase uranium from Africa.
Yes saddam was a butcher, but we have to look at things logically.

-Saddam was a butcher - there are other countries that have the same problem, larger body counts
-No Saddam Alqaeda connection.
-No Saddam 9/11 connecion.
-Containment of the problem would of been preferable at the moment, already had and still have Afghanistan     going on. (Opinion)
- Yes he did gas the Kurds, but he was also our best buddy in the middle east for a little while, I wonder if the gas technology used had "Made in the U.S" anywhere on it.
-If we are talking about extremist mulsim (take note, I said extremist) nations who would like to see the fall of the U.S and do have WMD's, what about IRAN?
I think Bush is great... his press conference with the President of Argentina the other day was like watching an old episode of hee haw! My only complaint is that I wish the white house public relations office would stop keeping him from carrying his banjo around in public.

I don't get it, eight years of slick willy transitions to eight years of the beverly hillbillies. what is WRONG with the electorate in this country? seriously? I hate to wonder what is next.

Besides, I think that that guy that the DNC had made out of cardboard, errr, Al Gore, probably actually won in the first place.

As for whoever said Cheney is 'worse.' I have to agree and here is my rationale... Bush is liar, but has the intellect of a 3rd grader. Cheney is a liar, but has a brilliant tactical mind. Which do you think is worse? Or should I rephrase that, more dangerous.

pfciling - some good points, but he wasn't using 'made in the USA gas.' as is typically the case with stone throwers from the middle east, just about everything in his arsenal was disco-era Soviet made, though I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA wrote him a few checks. That was a great point, people forget that we MADE Saddam.

I'm just glad everyone still has the right to an M1A4 with an attached M203 and laser scope, its what keeps them from parking tanks on our lawn and making us watch Texas Rangers baseball games. (JUST KIDDING FOXSTER, couldn't resist)

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-07 09:40:34)

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