is drunk and crazy

If you cant be bothered looking, just look at is PID.

He's had the game a year tomorrow, Just turned major gen. 2424 hours spent playing this game. SPM of 1.3, KD ratio of 1.1 and W/L of 0.93.

Now, if youre one of those people that think you suck when you look at your stats, just fly on over to this guys stats and look at them.

Nearly whole year of owning the game and he's still awful. He must be disabled in some way or something, he must be. No way can you play this game that long and be that bad.

I joined his squad once and he just sat in a tank and every time he got killed he scream some german stuff down the mic, which made me laugh a lot.

Use the great BF2s feature that is compare and compare yourself to him, I garuntee unless you really suck you will have better ratios + accuracy than him, where as the only advantage he will have over you is time spent (not unless youve played the game longer obviously) in vehicles and using kits ect.

I'm not usually one to nit pick at stats, infact I never do. But this guy sucks so much.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6763|Honolulu, HI
Here I am: http://bf2s.com/player/44791027/

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Here I am: http://bf2s.com/player/44791027/

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.
Capt Kefra... your stats are amazing.  I've never seen a player with so many hours but only 1% of kills came from a vehicle of any sort.  You are what I'd call an extreme ground pounder.  Actually, your stats are pretty good with respect to SPM.  And a k/d ratio of yours is excellent since virtually none come from tank or jet whoring.  kudos.
I've had the game 3 weeks.
I know I suck.
I know I'll improve.
Anyone got any skins cos I can't be arsed going to the shops for more?
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6763|Honolulu, HI

MoChief wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Here I am: http://bf2s.com/player/44791027/

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.
Capt Kefra... your stats are amazing.  I've never seen a player with so many hours but only 1% of kills came from a vehicle of any sort.  You are what I'd call an extreme ground pounder.  Actually, your stats are pretty good with respect to SPM.  And a k/d ratio of yours is excellent since virtually none come from tank or jet whoring.  kudos.
*wipes a tear of joy from eye*

But seriously, thanks.  My BF2 philosophy is, if I get in a vehicle it's a lose-lose situation.  Enemies think I'm cheap for whoring, and people on my team don't like it because they want the vehicle for themselves.  So, I let my teammates have whatever vehicles they care to drive and I show the enemy what I can do on foot.  If there's a tank or whatever just sitting there, in danger of getting taken by the enemy, then I'll hop in (and go on a suicide run deep in enemy territory lol).

But if Obelix likes his tanks (and swears a lot in German over the VoIP), I won't hold it against him.  We all have our preferred styles of play, right?  Lone-wolf snipers, C4 specialists, chopper pilots, tank commanders...It doesn't matter if your K/D is 10:1 or 1:10 so long as you're enjoying the game.  I admit, Obelix's stats aren't stellar, but if anything that just goes to show he doesn't particularly care what we think.  He's having fun (even if his infantry K/D is 0.55), enough to play nearly 7 hours a day.  That's all the reason he needs to keep playing--the fun, and if it's good enough for him, then damn it, it should be good enough for the rest of us.

Ok, I'm done for now...back to regularly scheduled flaming.
tHe sw3De
if someones stats sucks it my look at it
I came to this thread half expecting to see my own name

After looking at dude's stats, it looks like me, but with even less of a life.  I will NEVER have that many hours of one year devoted to playing a game.  That's just unhealthy   In about 7 months, I've logged just under 275 hours.  That seems like too much already.  His is just....astounding.  Lemme see...something like 8760 hours in a year, and he spent 2424 of them sitting in front of BF2.  That's (counts on fingers) 27 percent of the past year playing.  Assuming he sleeps 8 hours a day, that's 2/3's of his life spent sleeping or playing BF2.  That's, IMO, pretty sad.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6714|Broadlands, VA
You're kidding, right?

He has a K/D of 1.x.

Look at my stats - K/D of .28 - there's no "1." there bucko!

So, before you go crowing some General as "worst in the whole community" play against me - it's a guaranteed stat pad!
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6800|Toronto Canada
yeah kefra you are good to go man. as long as you have an spm of 2 then u are good. but that obelix guy is pathetic. i think i am gonna add him to my leaderboard and hunt him down and then get him on my fav. victims list.
is drunk and crazy

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

MoChief wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Here I am: http://bf2s.com/player/44791027/

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.
Capt Kefra... your stats are amazing.  I've never seen a player with so many hours but only 1% of kills came from a vehicle of any sort.  You are what I'd call an extreme ground pounder.  Actually, your stats are pretty good with respect to SPM.  And a k/d ratio of yours is excellent since virtually none come from tank or jet whoring.  kudos.
*wipes a tear of joy from eye*

But seriously, thanks.  My BF2 philosophy is, if I get in a vehicle it's a lose-lose situation.  Enemies think I'm cheap for whoring, and people on my team don't like it because they want the vehicle for themselves.  So, I let my teammates have whatever vehicles they care to drive and I show the enemy what I can do on foot.  If there's a tank or whatever just sitting there, in danger of getting taken by the enemy, then I'll hop in (and go on a suicide run deep in enemy territory lol).

But if Obelix likes his tanks (and swears a lot in German over the VoIP), I won't hold it against him.  We all have our preferred styles of play, right?  Lone-wolf snipers, C4 specialists, chopper pilots, tank commanders...It doesn't matter if your K/D is 10:1 or 1:10 so long as you're enjoying the game.  I admit, Obelix's stats aren't stellar, but if anything that just goes to show he doesn't particularly care what we think.  He's having fun (even if his infantry K/D is 0.55), enough to play nearly 7 hours a day.  That's all the reason he needs to keep playing--the fun, and if it's good enough for him, then damn it, it should be good enough for the rest of us.

Ok, I'm done for now...back to regularly scheduled flaming.
I agree with what you're saying about having fun and stuff (but by the sound of it, he wasnt having much fun in the tank - think of that video of that german kid going crazy) true that, You've played less hours than me and are two ranks ahead (but that could due to my asshattery play style where I like to piss about and have a laugh) or you could just be l337.

The thing about the stats system is at one point everyone was a noob (people who made one account and stuck with it) and had a serious disadvantage with the whole first few months of noobness. For example, I started playing American 24/7 Wake servers with massive pings, I kept getting owned and I couldnt understand why, I found my SPM fall to around 0.8 and thought I needed to improve, started playing EA UK servers and ever since Ive not dropped a digit. Same with my sniper rifle KD, It was around 0.81 3 months a go and I've slowly been working it up to above one (but i dont use sniper as much now i have expert).

I admit, I do care about my stats, but for my own personal interests, not to show off my E-penis.
I kill you in future, too
I played yesterday with him and saw when he got Maj. General (-:
But I didn't see him pla )-:
+186|6594|The real world
I bet I own him 1 on 1 chopper
Capt kefra said....
But seriously, thanks.  My BF2 philosophy is, if I get in a vehicle it's a lose-lose situation.  Enemies think I'm cheap for whoring, and people on my team don't like it because they want the vehicle for themselves.  So, I let my teammates have whatever vehicles they care to drive and I show the enemy what I can do on foot.  If there's a tank or whatever just sitting there, in danger of getting taken by the enemy, then I'll hop in (and go on a suicide run deep in enemy territory lol).

Heh... and only 8183 more days until you get your Armor Medal.   

Your projected days until helicopter medal is even better.  But like you said.... if you're having fun, that's what counts.
Jaffa Kree
+55|6793|Campbeltown, Scotland
Capt_Kefra I've played with you a few times and I have to say that you were shit hot!  I like a person who likes infantry.
I used to care about my stats, but after a couple months of point mongering as a medic, I lost interest.  I'll check them from time to time, but don't make any real effort to get awards.  If I did, I'd have that transport badge that's just waiting on 5 roadkills IAR.  These days, I just pick whatever kit seems like more fun, or fits with my friend's picks the best, rarely is it medic.  (I'm liking AT of late).

I also spent the first 4-5 month preferring to cover the less used routes on maps trying to keep the lone wolfs from capping flags, but that got old after a while.  Lately, I just run from cap to cap killing anyone I can along the way.  It's less tactical, but fits more with the play I see from others.  I typically play with 2 friends, so a squad of 3 clearing cap points actually works pretty well.
Level 13 Wrongdoer
+515|6581|Doncaster, UK
Gotta agree with kaosdad here, have a look at my stats. I suck.

Just looking at the guys stats, yes he's been on for many hours (which IMHO is sad in itself) but it does appear he's a player, not a cheating padder.

Kudos to him.

Want to talk about worst players, have a look at germaan.nl on his stats. Take a close look at his medals, and then tell me he isn't padding, which I reckon makes him a shit player. Then audit trail his worst victim (Eagle0505 I think his name is) and lo and behold on BF2player.com his last game was in a knife & pistol server. He registers on June 2nd, and already has his veteran pistol badge by the 3rd.

These kind of people in my opinion are the poor players.

Here's my mate: http://bf2s.com/player/70461012/
He's 34, he's an Aussie (don't let that flag fool you).
He's getting a can of whuppass opened up for him at 2100 hrs tonight.
He's claimed by the Egg!

InnerMonkey wrote:

I used to care about my stats, but after a couple months of point mongering as a medic, I lost interest.  I'll check them from time to time, but don't make any real effort to get awards.  If I did, I'd have that transport badge that's just waiting on 5 roadkills IAR.  These days, I just pick whatever kit seems like more fun, or fits with my friend's picks the best, rarely is it medic.  (I'm liking AT of late).
You want fun AND a badge? 

1.  Go to Oman as USMC
2.  Get in FAV
3.  Drive to MEC airbase.
4.  Run over everyone waiting for planes. 

Fun and badge problems solved.

5.  Run out of people waiting for planes?  Drive to helipad and repeat actions of #4. 

ps- drive fast and swirvey to avoid APC & tank fire.  They'll see you, but can't hit you.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6763|Honolulu, HI

Anubis5289 wrote:

Capt_Kefra I've played with you a few times and I have to say that you were shit hot!  I like a person who likes infantry.
"Shit hot," eh?  I'll take that as a compliment, I think.

edit: Was E7IXER just banned recently?  For this topic?  Geez...lol.

Last edited by [QXJZ]Capt_Kefra (2006-06-11 00:29:22)

+269|6619|Marlton, New Jersey.
arg angry germans are common! was the 2 star general screaming like this!
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … german+kid
Wow capt kefra, yur stats are indeed amazing
1%  vehicle kills is just.... cool.
I personally like infantry too, but i only got about 70% inf kills,
didnt knew there were such hardcore infantry players,
Thumb up!

*edit* it isnt 70%, it is 86 % for me

Last edited by r00ts (2006-06-11 00:39:43)


MoChief wrote:

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

Here I am: http://bf2s.com/player/44791027/

By your standards, I suck too.  I've had the game about 11 1/2 months now, my W/L is just as bad, my K/D only slightly better, and his vehicle ratios are way better than mine.

Then again, my infantry ratios are all higher than his.  It's all a matter of what you value in a player.  To me, his armor K/D is pretty decent, but only because I'm a really inexperienced tank driver.  Likewise, I don't consider my infantry weapon K/Ds to be godlike, but to him, a 1.5 with assault rifles or 1.6 with pistols might be awe-inspiring.

Bottom line: I've seen much better stats than his, but much worse, too.  Not every player with an officer rank has a 3 SPM, 3 K/D and two of every medal, you know.  Just look at my stats and you'll see.
Capt Kefra... your stats are amazing.  I've never seen a player with so many hours but only 1% of kills came from a vehicle of any sort.  You are what I'd call an extreme ground pounder.  Actually, your stats are pretty good with respect to SPM.  And a k/d ratio of yours is excellent since virtually none come from tank or jet whoring.  kudos.
Oh ya take a look at mine.
+269|6619|Marlton, New Jersey.

eagles1106 wrote:

arg angry germans are common! was the 2 star general screaming like this!
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … german+kid
that would be great if a family member set up the camera there or something
Nade Spammers Must Die
Damn that guy sucks

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