Connoisseur of Fine Wine
This is a guide for those of you who like to fly the chopper with your friends (pilot and gunner), but rarely get to do so due to the shenanigans and drunken debauchery that constitutes the chopper spawn. Your main priority is for both you and your friend to both be playing with the absolute minimal graphical settings, while having a top-of-the-line computer. This is what I refer to as a playing in "Legoland". No lighting, no shadows, no problem. This will give you an enormous advantage on load times, and will usually net you the first chopper. You must always chose the sniper kit with the "Chopper Stealer". This is a last resort, but often a necessity when you really need that chopper. Don't abuse it, or you will get banned.

So, you've got the basics down. However, many problems can, and will, arise. These problems include someone out-loading you and beating you to the chopper, your chopper being destroyed, or most commonly, you getting one seat in the chopper, but some random idiot taking the other, leaving your friend on the landing pad who can't use his Chopper Stealer again without being kicked or banned. So we have problems, but we also have the technique which I refer to as "Problem Solving". Problem Solving is used when you or your friend has the pilot seat, but you've got some jackass in the gunner seat who refuses to get out, no matter how long you sit there motionless and tell him to bail out. This delinquent gunner is the problem, and we must solve it. So, you must take off and fly the chopper to the edge of the map where it begins the countdown telling you to get back to the battle or you die. With extreme care and finesse you must hover the chopper in a manner in which you are in bounds, but your gunner in front of you is out of bounds. Hold this position for 10 seconds and the problem will be solved.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-06-07 12:06:11)

ATG's First Disciple
+263|6944|Birmingham, UK
I've heard this before. Have you searched? It's a funny little thing to do, though!
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

TheDarkRaven wrote:

I've heard this before. Have you searched? It's a funny little thing to do, though!
Yes, but those were just playful shenanigans, not problem solving.
um people like you make the game worse than it already is...

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

So, you must take off and fly the chopper to the edge of the map where it begins the countdown telling you to get back to the battle or you die. With extreme care and finesse you must hover the chopper in a manner in which you are in bounds, but your gunner in front of you is out of bounds. Hold this position for 10 seconds and the problem will be solved.
To get rid of stupid gunners this way, is known since the release of BF2.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7051|Peoria, Illinois
So instead of TKing someone for a vehicle, you force him to suicide to get a death plus a negative score. You've gone from smacktard to assring. This game was developed around VOIP and teamwork amongst public players, not clan asshats with Vent or TS who want to hijack a server. Get a life loser.
just dont listen to this guy, hes the guy that came up with the "aquatic adventure" expansion. he revived the thread a little while ago, so check it
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
No no no! You don't understand. When you are presented with a problem, you must solve it. That is what this guide is for...not smacktardism.
+186|6879|The real world
First of all, if u have less then 100 hours in the chopper, you shouldnt even do this, fag.
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Usually when someone takes my gunner seat, I yell to my friend on teamspeak: "Yo, go problem solve this bitch", and everything is taken care of.

Last edited by Fancy_Pollux (2006-06-07 11:03:20)

+186|6879|The real world
Fags like you should be banned, im sacrete so im allowed to do it
+13|6891|Austin , TX
That is a very very mean thing to do. Instead try this! press "k" type something sounding like this "Hey my friend and I are in a squad would you please let us fly together or join our squad" Believe it or not it works very often. Try being less of an asshat and more of a team player. Noobs deserve the right to fly with you too!
Connoisseur of Fine Wine

elmo1337 wrote:

First of all, if u have less then 100 hours in the chopper, you shouldnt even do this, fag.
It doesn't matter how many hours you have in the chopper. As long as you stay true to my guide, you and your friend can get the chopper every time no matter how bad or inexperienced you guys are at flying or gunning.
+186|6879|The real world
I fly alone
is drunk and crazy
Dont you see where he is coming from? If you (being uber l33t in chopper) and your friend (also l33t) know you can pwn and get tonnes of points then what is -4 for tking some private or noob that cant fly properly who will just take off and die 2 minutes later?

sure, everyone should get a chance in the chopper, but whats the point in giving them a chance when everyone knows 2-3 minutes later the chopper will be down, wasting valuable time.

I always get the chopper on Kubra dam, if i need some huge points then ill pack the noob ejector and bust a melon for a seat in the ghetto bird.

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-06-07 11:12:34)

Connoisseur of Fine Wine
Just to clarify things, I am not advocating teamkilling or vehicle whoring. I'm only advocating problem solving.
404 - Not Found
This is what makes me angry and the game worse...

Those fuckers who think helicopter is their own priviledge and no one else should take it!

Edit: Edited the worse part out now when I know that he was joking... Sry I don't speak english.

Last edited by Hacial (2006-06-17 01:44:58)

is drunk and crazy

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Usually when someone takes my gunner seat, I yell to my friend on teamspeak: "Yo, go problem solve this bitch", and everything is taken care of.
Ah the red zone. I love the panic that insues when the gunner is dying and starts frantically shooting and spamming NEGATIVE.
You've just earned -1.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7051|Peoria, Illinois

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Just to clarify things, I am not advocating teamkilling or vehicle whoring. I'm only advocating problem solving.
Banning you and your buddy from the server is the only way to solve that problem.
+13|6891|Austin , TX
Wouldn't it be better to attempt to help the poor noob get better? Thats real problem solving, increasing the skills of your teammates not killing them.... If someone tries that "out of bounds" trick with me i chew em out an usually get them to just drop me off. A lot of guys out there aren't trying to be smacktards by getting in the chopper with you they are just trying to play as well. Try diplomacy guys it really does work quite often. BTW if any of you fools hold me out of bounds expect to lose your chopper more often than getting it, and beware the fact that I will shoot your ass down for being a tard!
+13|6891|Austin , TX
Oh yeah btw anyone wanna fly me around tonight i need my 12 IAR for my veteran heli badge!!!
+7|7077|Boulder, CO
Mac: "Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun."
Thorny: "Yeah, I mean, his shenanigans are cruel and tragic."
Foster: "Which makes them not shenanigans at all, really."
Mac: "Evil shenanigans."
Capt. O'Hagan: "I swear to God I'll pistol-whip the nex guy that says shenanigans."
Mac: "Hey, Farva! What's the name of that restaurant you like, with all the goofy bleep on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?"
Farva: "You mean Shenanigans?"
Mac: "Oh!"
Farva: "You're talking about Shenanigans, right?"
Capt. O'Hagan: "(Mac and Thorny offer their pistols to the Captain) Put those away!"
+186|6879|The real world
I aint got time for that bs sursparxalot, singleplayer should help them

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

You must always chose the sniper kit with the "Chopper Stealer". This is a last resort, but often a necessity when you really need that chopper. Don't abuse it, or you will get banned.
Get a life.
Try that hover out of bounds shit with me and when you come back to pick up you broke back mountain Buddie, ill be their to send a AT missile up your rectum and will continue to do so until is over
b.I'm kicked
c.your kicked break down and cry and run back up the mountain to daddy!!!!

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