we dont have slums in amsterdam...sry.. btw to soften up my tyrade; We all are still increddible happy, ur country helpt us out, in the past 40-45. also a reason why my parents still alive and im proud to be theire son in our wonderfull world..kilroy0097 wrote:
.TheMajorBummer wrote:
Yeah a shithole; THANK U!! ; " u" must be forgetting, most part of ur own country, is not even close, to compare to Amsterdam... with ur country,s, drugs and gunviolation abuse, ur a lil overcookt reacting. btw, we already have medicinal of cannabis use, on dokter receipt. p! And ur not even close, that u can buildt ur words on proof, i think our methode is better! Then letting, halve off ur country suffer for weeks , before and after, havin ; no house; no jobs. and still a racial flaw; seeing all over television, all over the world, > we drugs-bimbo,s watch cnn also when sober, how ur country reacts towards the southern states after the flooding of some hurricanes!.......and the handling of theire own borders in the south of Texas!, and at the border of Mexico!,....leak as a bucket with holes..so; We; " the normal passport visitors".. cant enter without visa, and get molested, just to visit only, while at those borders ,drugs-traffic is florrishing.. and look how many people live on the streets.in the big APPLE. no home; just cardboard, and this in the 20th century.....FOEI!kilroy0097 wrote:
Actually Amsterdam is slowly becoming a shit hole. The local residents complain of how certain parts of the city, namely around certain parks, have become run down economically and physically. Crime is on the rise and the police are reporting many more drug related crimes and deaths. Legalization of drugs as a whole will lead to this. Even if you keep the people in a certain area. Do not believe that Amsterdam is a utopian city for drug users because its starting to become bad for those who do not use.
before u tell ;we are livin in a shithole; check ur own doorstep first. like Florida boat traffic. from south amercuh! TEXAS!; thought only steers and queers...came from there...believe u actually know zilch about my hometown. so behave..be nice...and Have a nice day! BTW ; MOKUM is my hometown = Amsterdam. so that makes me a knowing local resident. btw im married for 32 years and have 2 sons.. my father is 89 and my mother is 90 im happy to say...must be the fresh Dutch country air... http://www.amsterdam.nl/stad_in_beeld/foto's_webcams
Ummm. What the hell was that? Apparently I offended you so I'm sorry about that. So let me clarify. PARTS of Amsterdam are slowly becoming shitholes. You know the SLUMs that exist in many cities. But seriously that was a tirade of something that didn't make sense. Also I never denied that places in the US are shitholes. Lots of places in the US are shitholes. I'm the first to admit that.. so where was the insult in that? You're correct.
Now calmly tell me I'm not.
Last edited by TheMajorBummer (19 years, 3 months ago)