smells like wee wee

What is everyone’s opinion of her?

What a lovely she single?
+255|6783|Westminster, California
Ugly and blowhardish, but often right in a large part IMOA
Yes single, with that mug she has to be a loudmouth.

Last edited by yerded (2006-06-06 17:32:41)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6840|San Francisco
She's a lying liar and does nothing but tell lies.
Just ask Al Franken.  She's basically the Right-wing's version of Michael Moore.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6841|Vancouver BC Canada
What an insensitive BITCH!!!
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
she's a neurotic bitch.  last time i checked she had decent legs and tits but a face like a bear trap dipped in dog shit.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6841|Vancouver BC Canada

Reciprocity wrote:

she's a neurotic bitch.  last time i checked she had decent legs and tits but a face like a bear trap dipped in dog shit.
I dunno'...she's kind of hard to differentiate between an extreme satirist and a overblown "realist". Who knows if its a claim to fame, if not an attempt to expose views that may otherwise go unheard.

Last edited by Xietsu (2006-06-06 17:55:02)

+255|6783|Westminster, California
He's got a point there.

Marconius wrote:

She's a lying liar and does nothing but tell lies.
Just ask Al Franken.  She's basically the Right-wing's version of Michael Moore.
And what "documentaries" has she made??

Ann Coulter.. . attorney who worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, columnist, editor, author.

Al, comedian, entertainer.......(Stuart Smally), author.

Micheal producer, dunken doughnuts poster child.

Hmmmmmm. I guess you can judge resumes on these three as to who may be more educated in the nature of freedom and politics.
He's basically providing a balance to often cited extremism -- quite irrelevant in this context is her filmographic history.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6911|Toronto Canada
she is either VERY unintelligent or she just wants fame through supposed ignorance. I really hope it is the latter. People with views like hers will bring about the apocalypse.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6841|Vancouver BC Canada
She sounds like this kid at my school who wrote a poem saying that a kid who died in a fatal bike crash on prom weekend deserved it. There are just some things you shouldn't touch. FYI, he was escorted from school on monday by the police, and put under house arrest,  for his own safety...
+10|6699|North West, USA

lowing wrote:

Marconius wrote:

She's a lying liar and does nothing but tell lies.
Just ask Al Franken.  She's basically the Right-wing's version of Michael Moore.
And what "documentaries" has she made??

Ann Coulter.. . attorney who worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, columnist, editor, author.

Al, comedian, entertainer.......(Stuart Smally), author.

Micheal producer, dunken doughnuts poster child.

Hmmmmmm. I guess you can judge resumes on these three as to who may be more educated in the nature of freedom and politics.
For some reason, I like the thought put into this post.  LOL.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6840|San Francisco
All forms of political ideology dissent are the same...whether it's Fahrenheit 9/11, "Born in the USA," or Ann's collection of books, such as: "Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism", "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right".

She pretty much hates everyone who doesn't agree with her:
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
So what exactly has the slapper done?

(I guess most brits aint heard of her, cos i aint)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+255|6783|Westminster, California
AC says "       " These self-obsessed women seem genuinely unaware that 9-11 was an attack on our nation and acted like as if the terrorist attack only happened to them. They believe the entire country was required to marinate in their exquisite personal agony. Apparently, denouncing Bush (caps mine) was part of the closure process."

Mean? Yes. True? Perhaps.
Maybe the Right side of the spectrum is sick of brainless Bush bashing.
If you think 9-11 is Bushes fault directly or explosives were planted then I would say that is just as vile as the detritus she spouts.
Political talking heads HAVE to be extreme or it would be Yerded and Marconius instead of Hannity and Colmes. These are professional forum posters.

Last edited by yerded (2006-06-06 18:29:34)

One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6840|San Francisco
Pfft...Colmes is a joke on that show...
+255|6783|Westminster, California
I'll say.
And insect like.

Marconius wrote:

Pfft...Colmes is a joke on that show...
Colmes catches allot of flack for not being more assertive on the show. Honestly though, when you are trying to argue a point in the face of Hannity and his side of whatever issue is being discussed, there isn't much you can say.

Last edited by lowing (2006-06-06 18:54:16)

+255|6783|Westminster, California
I'll say.

yerded wrote:

I'll say.
Ya know, Al Franken and Hannity would be an interesting debate to watch.......My money on Hannity
spastic bullet
would like to know if you are on crack

m3thod wrote:

So what exactly has the slapper done?

(I guess most brits aint heard of her, cos i aint)
She's probably best known for her article in the National Review after 9/11 that actually got her fired for being too wacko.

What was it she said again?  Oh yeah...  "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

Oh, she's a keeper...
+255|6783|Westminster, California

lowing wrote:

yerded wrote:

I'll say.
Ya know, Al Franken and Hannity would be an interesting debate to watch.......My money on Hannity
Its been done on radio
Franken IS funny but Hannity overwhelmed him with honest truths straight from gawd almighty his own bad self.
NO I do not mean chuy skywalker.  Wookie jedi, yes. Demi god, no.

spastic bullet wrote:

m3thod wrote:

So what exactly has the slapper done?

(I guess most brits aint heard of her, cos i aint)
She's probably best known for her article in the National Review after 9/11 that actually got her fired for being too wacko.

What was it she said again?  Oh yeah...  "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

Oh, she's a keeper...
Yeah, they thought Patton was crazy as well over his comments about the Soviets............If only we listened.

yerded wrote:

lowing wrote:

yerded wrote:

I'll say.
Ya know, Al Franken and Hannity would be an interesting debate to watch.......My money on Hannity
Its been done on radio
Franken IS funny but Hannity overwhelmed him with honest truths straight from gawd almighty his own bad self.
NO I do not mean chuy skywalker.  Wookie jedi, yes. Demi god, no.
Oh didn't know that..any videos of it??

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