+31|6909|Vienna, Austria
I just played Wake and first was on USMC, had the F35... everytime I tried to get a J10, it would just fly circles until I couldn't get a lock, and then if it had me, I wouldn't be able to escape and get killed... so this one J10 pilot got me several times... now one could say he was good and I was not... but guess what? Next round, I had the J10, he the F35 and it was the same situation with switched roles... so I figure either the F35 is too lame or the J10 is too agile, but something should be done about that. Maybe back then in 1.01, noone cared cause you had to get him right in front of you anyway, but nowadays the F35 is just totally useless against the J10.
Especially on Wake the USMC is double pwnd: 1)F35 2) Squad Hopping disabled ... a good Chinese team is actually bound to win.
I think they should at least add seomething like a F14 (with the weapons if the BF2 F15) or something to give the US guys a bit of an advantage when attacking a point...
Your thoughts?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6841|Tampa Bay Florida
You've summed it up pretty smoothly.

The only times I manage to shoot down a J-10 from an F-35 are when they're flying practically straight and I just senselessly spam them with missiles.
Tactical Specialist
Welcome to BF2

I find funny that people who whore J-10s post-1.21 are the same ones who, in 1.00, complained about M203s. ^^
Black Vaine
+43|6773|K-Town, Sweden
I hate Wake... It shall only be played on '42 !
Platinum Star whore
+365|6829|Middle of nowhere
well, each army has it's strengths:

US: best tank
PLA: best jet
MEC: best chopper

so i guess you'll just have to deal, yes the J-10 is super maneuverable, but just keep dodging the missles, it shouldn't be too hard

just think, the longer he's focused on you, the more chance your boats have to reach the mainland

genius_man16 wrote:

well, each army has it's strengths:

US: best tank
PLA: best jet
MEC: best chopper

so i guess you'll just have to deal, yes the J-10 is super maneuverable, but just keep dodging the missles, it shouldn't be too hard

just think, the longer he's focused on you, the more chance your boats have to reach the mainland
The Abrams isn't better than the other tanks though.

USMC used to have the best transport helo, but they nerfed that because people complained...

genius_man16 wrote:

well, each army has it's strengths:

US: best tank
PLA: best jet
MEC: best chopper

so i guess you'll just have to deal, yes the J-10 is super maneuverable, but just keep dodging the missles, it shouldn't be too hard

just think, the longer he's focused on you, the more chance your boats have to reach the mainland
Except for the Z-10.

Poor boats.
Use your guns.  Thats how I shoot down J-10's.  I'll get behind them without giving them lock, hit them with the gun and get them smoking and then switch to missles and fire all 6 off before they can get away.  At their current state only one rocket has to find it's mark.

Cougar wrote:

Use your guns.  Thats how I shoot down J-10's.  I'll get behind them without giving them lock, hit them with the gun and get them smoking and then switch to missles and fire all 6 off before they can get away.  At their current state only one rocket has to find it's mark.
thats what i do. but i only fly china right now coz i need the medal. love the j-10. i was flying circles around the 35. i suck at bombing though usually
+31|6909|Vienna, Austria

Cougar wrote:

Use your guns.  Thats how I shoot down J-10's.  I'll get behind them without giving them lock, hit them with the gun and get them smoking and then switch to missles and fire all 6 off before they can get away.  At their current state only one rocket has to find it's mark.
Sorry, but no way ypu can do that to a more or less skilled J10 Pilot.
Ever since patch 1.2 screwing up missiles the J-10 has been unstoppable. Only the Essex can take out the J-10 since those missiles are the only damn things that would hit a J-10. Since missile lock is fucked up.
Example: Im in an F-35 and I get taken out by a damn SU-34! WTF?! When I try to take it down with my missiles the damn things miss completely.
+183|6765|Newcastle UK
i will give u a little tip fly high and when some 1 spots a j-10 come down behind it and switch to aa wait until he releases flares then back to bombs.
Once he has lost the lock get behind him agian and fire all 6 missiles, 2 should hit him and bingo
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+186|6710|The real world
J10 is so leet that it can dodge missiles with afterburner, f15 cant
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6958|Orlando, FL - Age 43

k30dxedle wrote:

I find funny that people who whore J-10s post-1.21 are the same ones who, in 1.00, complained about M203s. ^^
Amen brother
a fly
+105|6795|The netherlands
i can evade with evrything exept the j-10, f35, and mig, i dont know why....

oke, the j-10 i evade most missiles but not cause of my own skill, in the f18 i lose them cause of practise...

(ofcourse i know the how to evade evrything in the j-10, but using that is noobish, i do the same as i do in the f18, it wont work if the enemy is more then 90 meter behind, how is my secret:P)
Its so stupid, people are like "Well if you do super manuever A and they simply fly right you MIGHT hit them..."

And its not like all planes are like that, its only American jets firing on Chinas, not vice versa

Its like saying 3 tanks vs 1 is fair, because if the 1 is really good its a fair fight -_-

Evil-fruits|ST4R wrote:

i will give u a little tip fly high and when some 1 spots a j-10 come down behind it and switch to aa wait until he releases flares then back to bombs.
Once he has lost the lock get behind him agian and fire all 6 missiles, 2 should hit him and bingo
That's one of the tricks I use against the F-35 though (I'm always on China and I always play Wake) and it will take them down every time unless they are good pilots and they know what they are doing. Oh and I let 2 go at a time, not all 6. And yesterday i was playing and there was a F-35 behind me. Well I realized my flares as he started to shoot all 6 missiles. I then maneuvered around him and killed him. Lesson learned: I don't think you should you all 6 missiles at the same time.
+86|6693|Winterpeg, Canada
USE YOUR GUNS!, it scares most pilots of the lower skill level. And try flying low on wake, that's my tactic. atleast 50% of the time the missiles will hit trees, and if that doesn't work, practice more with some buddies.
+164|6916|Normal, IL
one tip i have, and i dont have many hours in the jet, 20 something, but my one tip is work with a buddy in another jet. i was playing on a 24/7 wake server the other day and a guy on my teamspeak and i each took an american jet, and we flew around together the whole time, teaming up on their j-10's..... i know this solution is very inconvenient as you have to be on with somebody..... but it worked for me
+167|6770|Manitowoc, WI
thats not all that needs to be changed about wake.  the fact that the USMC has one f35 while china has 2 j-10 is utter bullshit
They should turn the freaking Carrier and make the setup Gulf of Oman
+129|6733|Eastern USA

Vintageologist wrote:

so I figure either the F35 is too lame or the J10 is too agile
Or both.
Member since 2005
+44|6928|Kansas, USA

BolvisOculus wrote:

thats not all that needs to be changed about wake.  the fact that the USMC has one f35 while china has 2 j-10 is utter bullshit
Both sides get 2 planes. Someone has to take off in the first one for the second one to spawn.
I knife Generals
+278|6688|Search Whore killing fields
I say we go back to

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