'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6870|Cheshire, UK
Can some one please explain if this is possible- This guy has only been playing for 12days and yet if you look at his profile 71407849 he has more silver ware than Chelsea's trophy cabinet. Veteran badges, expert badges and plenty of gold stars. Now don't get me wrong if this guy is really that good then I'll hold my hands up and say fair play.... However when you play against him on Ghost town and empty a full clip at point blank range of the good ol' Jack Hammer and there is no damage at all then get one shot killed, I feel its a little bit suspect.

But then again maybe the clue to the answer is in his name - DaRaxHax???
Usual Suspect
Since the new patch there is no time requirements for some veichle badges (such as aa) and you dont need to knife 24 poeple in one round. It is obviously his second maybe third account so he knows what he is doing. Little bit playing on a knife pistol server makes easy pistol and knife kills and playing on ghost means easy aa kills just camp with a tunguska at the nearst heli spawn point and ta daaaa.


Last edited by PspRpg-7 (2006-06-05 02:14:01)

Just sit on vent and you'll lag yourself up enough to take little damage. Seen it plenty of times.
what are you talking he got basic badges with a few expert who are easy to get( cuz the IAR requirements are gone for expert knife) also the expert air defense is easy just be commander sit in an air defense and throw ur arty. also i bet this is his 2nd account and knows how to play. if i make a new account my stats would also be at least twice as good cuz in the beginning everyone is a n00b.
Correct me if I'm wrong but apparently those Pistol + Knife servers aren't allowed and EA can wipe your stats if they catch you on there. I think it has something to do with the guide lines EA/DICE put out if you host your own ranked server that if you change the rules and say you can't do this but you can do that (ie. in this case only being able to use Pistols and Knives) that it ain't allowed.... Something like that.
I say "no cheat". His KDR with small arms are just above average but it does look like he loves high point servers.
'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6870|Cheshire, UK
check his stats - expert knife done over 30th may - 1st June - 100 knife kills??? and 9,391 in 12 days, sorry 57 hours ... If this is possible I'd like to know how.

As I said though, if he really is that good then fair play I hold my hands up.
Usual Suspect
Knife pistol server ring a bell???? you can make 100 knife kills in one hour if you are good. 2.71 point per minute is not that hard. Just because you cant do it doesnt mean anyone can do hacking or something give it a rest will ya move onnnnn.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6865|Kent, UK
just over a kill a minute, i can manage that easily in a decent server
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7153|United Kingdom
thats me^^, my new account, playing on servers with large maps and 16-32 people

and about people shooting a full clip and not hitting > i have the same problem a lot with some weapons :S. im guessing its a 1.3 bug. Pings etc?

Last edited by Raxor (2006-06-05 09:13:37)

Un Moderador

DaRaxHax owns all, face it and live with it, he DOES NOT hack, and if you think he does then you suck at bf2, and hearing what you said at the top. you DO SUCK. so shut it and live on. Rax0r is in a world of his own, he cannot be beaten, he is amazing.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
The Raxor is back lol
+270|6853|Cedar Rapids, Iowa
he isnt hacking....
It could just be a glitch.
+305|6907|Cheshire. UK

Raxor wrote:

thats me^^, my new account, playing on servers with large maps and 16-32 people

and about people shooting a full clip and not hitting > i have the same problem a lot with some weapons :S. im guessing its a 1.3 bug. Pings etc?
That might explain it.......It was me that asked you if you were hacking on ghost town last night...I emptied a clip from the jackhammer....starting at your knees so the last one should be about head then turned dropped c4 blew up the arty, me but not you and you were stood the same distace I was from the c4..just seemed a bit strange thats all.....oh and this is not an accusation !! for those who flame because they cant read...

Darky wrote:

Just sit on vent and you'll lag yourself up enough to take little damage. Seen it plenty of times.
lol! thats why i always do well when im lagging, lmao. I have gone and brought some new ram, but now im gonna get owned! hehe
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6935|Los Angeles, California, US.
I thought this was a thread about me. .

DaReJa. / DaRaxHax.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7153|United Kingdom
ah, i knew choosing a name like that would get a reaction. ah well. (my bigger gripe is the sa80 gun - i can never hit anyone with it yet i always get one shotted)

Ah i see the nick comparison now dareja.
Finnish commander whore
His stats with expert support weaponry, grapple, zip is suspicious, but as my experience i can say he plays fair.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7153|United Kingdom
for grapple > AT on warlord a lot. zip on ghost town, and i use it for buildings i usually parachute down, pretty common i would say, and for gas play support and just spam the gas at the enemies
I play with him all the time hes good but im alittle better sometimes stop in at Dirty Dozen SF server mostly night maps with warlord ghost town iron gator Mass D and surge good server for points
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
Raxor...Never thought you'd be back

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