+44|6879|West Berlin!

Scorpian65 wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

Try it.
Try what sniping someone from a plane or helo with M95?

No problem I did it last twice lastnight. One was a 400+ chopper pilot on the carrier on Dragon Valley map.
Wake Island - Chinese - J-10

Try to snipe someone outta there...It is IMPOSSIBLE

n00b.Worx wrote:

Scorpian65 wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

Try it.
Try what sniping someone from a plane or helo with M95?

No problem I did it last twice lastnight. One was a 400+ chopper pilot on the carrier on Dragon Valley map.
Wake Island - Chinese - J-10

Try to snipe someone outta there...It is IMPOSSIBLE
Maybe for you but I got two of them lastnight.
+304|6749|New York City baby.
I did same thing once though off blackhawk and funny thing is I managed to get between 6 guys waiting for j-10
waited about 7 seconds they didn't even recognize the red tag, ran em over took the jet for a spin
it's fun, wake island has way too many jet whores
Touches Himself At Night.
Yar, going as a sniper is the best. Ghillie suits confuddle them but you can tell by the contrast cuz US is lightest and MEC and PLA are darker. Yet jet whores still are too busy to notice and thanks to the red bug, w00t!!

I just realised how lucky I was because when I tried it again a tank and a FAV parked on the runway but i just MGed and Missiled the crap outta them......
+186|6712|The real world

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I love bombing people in the lower dam tunnel on Kubra. Especially when choppers/jeeps think they're safe by going in there. Once I snagged a full buggy in there, the reactions were hilarious:

Nice. But when that happens I'll circle back and bomb the fucker who blocked my jet. Usually he's at the end of the runway 20 secs later waiting for the next jet. I'll TK him until I either get booted from the server of he gets the point.
+572|6812|BC, Canada
good one
+86|6797|East Coast via Los Angeles, CA

Yesterday I was playing on Mass Destruction as Rebel SpecOps.  I drove over to the bridges on the right side by the Spetz cp and layed my c4 waiting for the tank.  As their BMP and tank drove up we were in a firefight with them (bunch of anti tanks with us) so their helo flew in low to take us out right as their armor drove over the c4.   BOOM!

I got both the armor plus the helo, it was the funniest shit in the world.  Damn helo pilot couldn't figure out what had killed him.  I laughed so hard I spit on my screen.
a fly
+105|6797|The netherlands

HM1{N} wrote:

I laughed so hard I spit on my screen.
thats the funnyst thing i readed today, olso one of the first but still
+788|6809|Brisbane, Australia

n00b.Worx wrote:

Scorpian65 wrote:

n00b.Worx wrote:

Try it.
Try what sniping someone from a plane or helo with M95?

No problem I did it last twice lastnight. One was a 400+ chopper pilot on the carrier on Dragon Valley map.
Wake Island - Chinese - J-10

Try to snipe someone outta there...It is IMPOSSIBLE
Your saying if you are the enemy right?

Yeah, I would agree, but if you get the right angle, so the noobs cant see you, but you have a shot of the cockpit, and are close, it is possible to snag a jet, just gotta watch out for tanks, AT, sniper bastards ect

I bailed outa my jet once, and saw an empty J-10 on the runway, (I was chinese btw) I was feeling like a smacktard, so I said to myself, If I cant have it, no-one can, at that moment I fired an AT rocket at the jet (It was still) Then I get greeted with "You pwned Grand Theft J-10 Nub" I fell of my seat I was so suprised

Who needs to M-95 for the J-10, follow my sig, and you will do fine!
+27|6884|Gold Coast Aussieland
Classic stories huh?

I got two

The first was a fluke and a half if ever there was one I was on Wake Island as a sniper and I had that sniper rifle the can pierce glass, so anyways I was at the North Base and this J-10 guy kept shooting the AA at the base with the vulcan cannon, so I took the oppertunity to line up a shot seeing as he always approached from the same direction, the first 3 times he got me, but on the forth time I managed to snipe the pilot while he was in the air, but I only got to celebrate for a breif second
Because the Pilotless Jet crashed into me.

Second time I was a little sneaky, again on Wake I was driving in an armoured car with only about half armor left, so anyways seeing as the South Base had been taken by the US and I was on the beach I decided to be a little sneaky, I left the armored car at the beach flag and placed a C4 in the back where it would be difficult to see I then made my way back on foot to the Airfield and continued to the North base keeping an eye on the veichle icon at the beach eventually I noticed that the Icon disappeared so I hit the detonator for the C4 and would you know it 2 kills and a Defended flag award. Nice defensive from long range.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6776|Little Bentcock
I love stories like these! Im too tired to think of any of me at the moment, but I will post some!
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
You can go sniper, and just walk casually into there crowd and stand there waiting for the jet....Because the sniper uniforms look so same-ish they sometimes don't recongnize you...Unless your red tag appears....but still.
Touches Himself At Night.
Thank ea for the red bug
Great success!
+216|6730|Chandler, AZ
I think the best ownage moments I can come up with off the top of my head all involve stealing the USMC attack chopper on Sharqi. It's one of my favorite things to do in BF2 for sure.

My favorite theft ever was about a month ago. Carrying the M95 (AKA "The Anti-Passenger") up to the roof without meeting resistance is hard enough. But this time I pistoled three people on the stairs on my way up. (TV Station was their only flag). At the top I stabbed the two snipers who were looking for targets on the hills and in the construction site and proceeded to throw down my claymores on both sides of the roof to give me some cover, and moved to the far corner and layed prone.

1 respawned, came around the corner. Boom.
Another respawned. Boom.

At this point all I really have is my pistol to defend myself, and the chopper respawns. But it's not over yet, two more respawned and one of them is already in my precious!

The M95 took care of that from point blank range, and I thanked him in my head for warming it up for me.

I managed to hop in, but nearly everyone was respawning on the roof and I figured at least one of them would have the M95 or the AT kit so....I started to spin the chopper. Knocked two of them off the roof and killed two more.

Not more than twenty seconds later I get banned. Reason?


Not wrote:

I think the best ownage moments I can come up with off the top of my head all involve stealing the USMC attack chopper on Sharqi. It's one of my favorite things to do in BF2 for sure.

My favorite theft ever was about a month ago. Carrying the M95 (AKA "The Anti-Passenger") up to the roof without meeting resistance is hard enough. But this time I pistoled three people on the stairs on my way up. (TV Station was their only flag). At the top I stabbed the two snipers who were looking for targets on the hills and in the construction site and proceeded to throw down my claymores on both sides of the roof to give me some cover, and moved to the far corner and layed prone.

1 respawned, came around the corner. Boom.
Another respawned. Boom.

At this point all I really have is my pistol to defend myself, and the chopper respawns. But it's not over yet, two more respawned and one of them is already in my precious!

The M95 took care of that from point blank range, and I thanked him in my head for warming it up for me.

I managed to hop in, but nearly everyone was respawning on the roof and I figured at least one of them would have the M95 or the AT kit so....I started to spin the chopper. Knocked two of them off the roof and killed two more.

Not more than twenty seconds later I get banned. Reason?

hahahaha thats class. +1 for you
Touches Himself At Night.
someone told me to learn how to fly. Well excuse me......
The first true Sniper.
+95|6797|Cumberland, MD, USA
One time on Wake, as I was USMC, I took a RIB and went back behind the PLA-controlled Airfield. Of course there were 6 or 7 noobs waiting for the jets so I waited back at the end of the runway right under the crest of the hill so they wouldn't see me. I waited for a jet to spawn and soon enough it did. As soon as it spawned I ran up and laid 2 Claymores under it. Soon after the J-10 took off I saw...

InviSniper [Claymore] noob1
InviSniper [Claymore] noob2
InviSniper [Claymore] noob3
InviSniper [Claymore] noob4
InviSniper [Claymore] noob5
InviSniper [Claymore] noob6

Happy camper here!
Touches Himself At Night.
that is genius, soem guy says 'Dont spoil the game'

see you on the runway!!
+3|6834|Gold Coast, Australia
ahh i just love carrier raping jet pricks. and my SRAW loves them too.

Raping the carrier in a J10... 100 points
Raping the carrier in a Z-10... 150 points

The incredulous stares and comments of the above whores when they get SRAWd at full speed... priceless.

Theres some things that an AK cant kill, for everything else, theres Anti-Tank


-[M7] Zer0verride

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