Im thinking of getting it as a end of school thing, i want some new maps and weapons but is it worth my money
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yes, people hate it because it takes skill to win
better than bf2
i heard that AF needs SF to play so i think im gonna get it
ROger That!! Night Maps really get your adrenaline going and takes What BF was made for, Teamwork and actually going for flags, takes skill to play; All the SF maps require Teamwork and flag dedication, sure there is a little spawn raping, especially in Ghost town, if the same army gets both choppers--game over..stryyker wrote:
yes, people hate it because it takes skill to win
SF to me is superior its Unlike your run-of-the-mill non skill maps which are the same thing : TK for jet, spawn camp at hotel, not take a flag because the hotel is the only one, tanks absolutely will not fight each other, as neither do aircrap; drop bomb on red dots and reload on ammo. Just my opinion.
I have bought it long time ago for weapons and didnt play it until recently, i must tell you its addictive. Intense close quarter battles (more of a pkm wars lately but still good) and no frickin jet to ruin your gaming pleasure, also no jet = less tking as***** (Dont get me wrong i am a proud planewhore). Its worth it if you ask me.
i like infantry but at the same time i like Air and tank combat and wide spaces, i think ill get it, plus i want new ranks and guns
theres plenty of big areas in sf
Tank Combat?? Never really witnessed such a thing, if you find a Tank vs Tank actually fighting each other , let the community know.Cohammer wrote:
i like infantry but at the same time i like Air and tank combat and wide spaces, i think ill get it, plus i want new ranks and guns
hell yea
Special Forces is worth it, i got it free from my friend, and i never played it, but its really good. Thats what i play mostly now. Funn
i play more sf than regular now - it's a ground pounders game primarily, and most of the maps are great.
problem is tho: there are not enough servers sometimes, and i can't see any extra ones going up in the future
problem is tho: there are not enough servers sometimes, and i can't see any extra ones going up in the future
i got into some intense tank to tank combat, i was comming up on a t-90 shoot one round, pop smoke, back up go around a corner, suprise him fire a 2nd shot into him, then quickly get a 2nd off. it was intense. AF should add alot of tank to tank combatimdead wrote:
Tank Combat?? Never really witnessed such a thing, if you find a Tank vs Tank actually fighting each other , let the community know.Cohammer wrote:
i like infantry but at the same time i like Air and tank combat and wide spaces, i think ill get it, plus i want new ranks and guns
haha, lol, you should come into a server i play on then. When i'm in a tank, Armour is the first thing i go for. IMO, Armour is there to take on other armour, not spawn rape (die you mother fucking bastards!)imdead wrote:
Tank Combat?? Never really witnessed such a thing, if you find a Tank vs Tank actually fighting each other , let the community know.Cohammer wrote:
i like infantry but at the same time i like Air and tank combat and wide spaces, i think ill get it, plus i want new ranks and guns
excatly tanks rape other players its our job to take it out.
Definatly get it, alot more action, and away from most of the armour whores on most maps
Its worth it.Cohammer wrote:
Im thinking of getting it as a end of school thing, i want some new maps and weapons but is it worth my money
SF is worth it. Grappling hook, zip-line FTW! Too bad they don't incorporate these into would spice it up a bit.
I find SF easier than the regular Bf 2 for some reason.
If you do not want jets to keep blowing and spawn killing you get SF LOL
Special Forces concentrates more on teamwork rather then lone wolve armor. It takes skills to play there and I like it Just finally got my SF working again and I like Ghost Town sooo much,, snipin FTW *drool*Cohammer wrote:
Im thinking of getting it as a end of school thing, i want some new maps and weapons but is it worth my money
Yeah, that it soo aaaaawesome! No retard planes. Took a while before I figured out why the SF felt so fun when I started playing it, then it strook me that I haven't been jet-raped for a couple of days. Sooo awesome. There are helis to take out naughty tanks with and a couple of AA to frie the helis with, most maps have a great balance.REDRAGON12345 wrote:
If you do not want jets to keep blowing and spawn killing you get SF LOL
Worth it for sure. I wish that you could load both, its annoying to have to launch SF then relaunch vanilla, would be a much better world if you could just load 1 exe /shrug I dont really play any reg bf anymore at all. There is alot of cool things going on, like teargas, zip lines, new weps, the apache, and the maps are wicked. So yeah, get it!
one thing that should be fixed in BF2, karkand armor whoring they go along spawn and just fire and get tonnes of kills
welcome to BF2 my friend. Hey, it pisses me off too, but unfortunately, 90% of tank drivers do this, so they won't EVER change itCohammer wrote:
one thing that should be fixed in BF2, karkand armor whoring they go along spawn and just fire and get tonnes of kills
anyone who spawn rapes at Karkand, GO IN A FUCKING WHOLE AND DIE!!!
that is all.
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