i apologise in advance for this long winded rant
firstly the only reason i am posting this here is because the person in question mentioned this site in our server last night.
im [uf]xxiv from http://bf2.ultimateforces.co.uk
our server is multiplay playing special forces
the senario last night was we were the mec attacking the ship in iron gator.
we are well practiced on this map and had all but took all the flags, only the viewing deck was left for the usa
having been in this position before i know it is a bitch and your chances of lasting longer than 30 seconds after you spawn are very slim.
but hey its a game and you have to take the good with the bad.
in steps sEaRcH prince-exitus
below is the chat log from our server
you will see he or she accusses us of playing with hacks/ said through the help of this site will get our server closed down and lastly pretends to be a member of the punkbuster team.
i apologise about the choice language in our response but we are passionate about our clan and do not take being accused of cheating lightly.
2 things
1. if sEaRcH prince-exitus is a member here can i ask you to step forward and prove that [uf] cheat. if not a apology would be acceptable.
2. if you know sEaRcH prince-exitus please give them a slap or ask them to stop spitting there dummy out in servers.
i thank you for spending the time to read my rant
firstly the only reason i am posting this here is because the person in question mentioned this site in our server last night.
im [uf]xxiv from http://bf2.ultimateforces.co.uk
our server is multiplay playing special forces
the senario last night was we were the mec attacking the ship in iron gator.
we are well practiced on this map and had all but took all the flags, only the viewing deck was left for the usa
having been in this position before i know it is a bitch and your chances of lasting longer than 30 seconds after you spawn are very slim.
but hey its a game and you have to take the good with the bad.
in steps sEaRcH prince-exitus
below is the chat log from our server
you will see he or she accusses us of playing with hacks/ said through the help of this site will get our server closed down and lastly pretends to be a member of the punkbuster team.
i apologise about the choice language in our response but we are passionate about our clan and do not take being accused of cheating lightly.
so whats the point of this post i hear you ask[22:34:57] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> UF CLAN LEAVE NOmal SERVERS AND PLAY ON UR OWN IDIOT HACK SERVERS ..lol (idiots)
[22:35:12] [UF]Scotts -> THIS IS OUR SERVER YOU PRICK
[22:35:31] [uf]xxiv -> no hackin here if you dont like good play leave
[22:35:44] [UF]Scotts -> and if you wana accuse us of cheating , prove it , then accuse us
[22:36:33] [UF]Scotts -> sorry prince
[22:37:01] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> tHX FOR hcKINg
[22:37:22] [UF]Scotts -> search prince , stop fucking moaning , and stop the accusations
[22:37:43] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> roger UF clan ..
[22:38:12] [UF]Scotts -> Whats wrong ?> someone kill you ? AAAWWWWW you need a new dummy ?
[22:38:14] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> BUTits absolutely LAME how some of ur GUYS play ere..(asolute lame, wihaimbot)
[22:38:26] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> *§1TOT§0*no..watch stats in bf2s if u think iam noob
[22:38:59] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> UF clan stats arent good
[22:39:10] [UF]Scotts -> WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ?
[22:39:17] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> THAT SOME of ur GUYS hack!
[22:39:22] [UF]Scotts -> DONT TALK SHIT
[22:39:23] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> and thats notonly my problem, but urs
[22:39:24] [uf]xxiv -> who cares about stats
[22:39:25] [UF] viper50k -> ur gay
[22:39:33] [UF]Scotts -> no its yours , that you cant shoot for shit
[22:39:36] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> ell roger .. its on forums in a second, with screenshots.
[22:39:41] [uf]xxiv -> if you dont like our server leave
[22:39:48] [UF]Scotts -> go for it , which forums ? ours ?
Welcome to a UltimateForces[UF] server powered by ModManager
Recruiting at www.ultimateforces.co.uk
Server Rules: No team killing, no stats padding, keep the teams balanced
No ARTI on un-cappable bases
[22:39:55] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> well ur server will be closed after the screenshots...
[22:39:58] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> nope BF2s
[22:40:09] [UF]Scotts -> am sure it will , am scared shitless by little noobs like you
[22:40:21] [uf]xxiv -> sorry but i think its time you left
[22:40:26] [UF]Scotts -> why bf2s ? try bf2ranked servers , they are the EA affiliates
[22:40:31] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> cant uspeak english?
[22:40:37] [uf]xxiv -> let someone in who wants to play here
[22:40:43] [UF]Scotts -> yes obviously better than you
[22:40:44] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> BF2s is an official forum for that purpose
[22:41:10] [UF]Scotts -> no it isn't BF2ranked servers is the OFFICIAL server reporting site
[22:41:14] [UF]Scotts -> so go there
[22:41:20] [uf]xxiv -> the only person in this server causing problems is you
[22:41:43] =ST6= Manu-4ever -> uf is a cheater clan
[22:41:43] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> well if u have problems u can mail me officially: [email protected]
[22:41:44] German-General<SoN> -> the new patch sucks
[22:41:49] [UF]Scotts -> www.bf2rankedservers.com
[22:41:53] [UF]Scotts -> ok will so
[22:42:20] [uf]xxiv -> okay we will be reporting you for impersonating
[22:42:20] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> roger.. ur server gets unranked afterwards i just running a videorecord now
[22:42:36] sEaRcH prince-exitus -> u can, iam officiall here
2 things
1. if sEaRcH prince-exitus is a member here can i ask you to step forward and prove that [uf] cheat. if not a apology would be acceptable.
2. if you know sEaRcH prince-exitus please give them a slap or ask them to stop spitting there dummy out in servers.
i thank you for spending the time to read my rant