My friend and I play BF2 often by hosting Local & connecting via the internet.
If your friend is hosting the game you need his EXT IP Address.. that is the IP listed for his Modem that was assigned by his ISP, often times this IP can change(dynamic) so be sure that you have the correct EXT IP for his Modem. You will simply click "Connect to IP" under the internet Menu and type this IP in to Join his game.
On His Computer:
To get th IP address of a windows machine go to : START -> RUN and Type "cmd" & Press Enter.
You should get a black command prompt Window.. after C:\documents...blah blah Type " IPCONFIG"
It will List an IP address for "Local Area Connection #" If this IP is 192.X.X.X or 10.X.X.X then you will need to Follow the next step [ Write This IP Down..With a note that says "FORWARD TO" ] If the IP is something like 65.X.X.X or 208.X.X.X or Any#.X.X.X you can try to Connect to this IP once his server is running.
You friend also must forward this traffic from your BF2 client to his PC where the local server runs.
The easiest way to accomplish this is, If he has a router (Not Hub) than he needs to set rules in his Router/Firewall that will forward Port 16567 for TCP & UDP (I think UDP) to the internal IP address assigned to him by the router.. often times this IP will be 192.168.0.* for most setups.
Contact your Router Manual, or do a quick Google Search with the model number and "forward Port" , to learn how to do this.
This is Kinda unclear if your new to networking
Hope This Helps. If you have any more trouble let me know.. Thanks, DieselBrad
Last edited by Dieselbrad (2006-06-02 08:21:20)